Remove last two digits of number in Ruby [closed] - ruby

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have a number that comes from an external API but it has two extra zeros at the end. What would be a solution to remove the two zeros. I have tried the chomp method and that doesn't work. The number I receive from the API is a Bignum. I am using Ruby 2.
This is a sample input from the API is 1374577200000
This is a sample output I want is 13745772000

If the number is an integer, you can use integer division:
> 123456 / 100
=> 1234

You can't chomp a Fixnum or Bignum, so you'd have to convert it back and forth:
number = 123400


What is meant by the numbers before the "Z" in "2019-10-24T00:00:00.181Z" [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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What is meant by the 181Z here? I have seen Z stands for Zulu time. But what is with the other three digits "181" here?
So is this an ISO8601 formatted time?
The 181 are the milliseconds. For example, JavaScript's Date.prototype.toISOString() method returns an ISO date string in this format.

How to find the minimal number of bits to encode a set of known strings? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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How to find the minimal number of bits to encode a set of known strings?
If the set of strings is known to both sender and receiver, then you need zero bits to transmit it. (In effect, the message is "Use the known set." I know that sounds silly, but it is often part of a comms protocol.)
If you need to send a single string from the set, you can send its ordinal index, using log2 N bits, where N is the size of the set.
if you are repeatedly sending messages containing a single string from the set but the frequency distribution of the messages is non-uniform, you can Hoffman-code the ordinal. That will optimize the total size of all messages over time.
I don't know exactly if you require this one but still have a look at it , it might help you . Let me know if it does:
Compression algorithm

How do I get a random sample from an array? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Is there a way to pull a random element from a list? Like say, picking a random name from a list of 10 names.
You can use Array#sample if the list is an array:
Otherwise, if it's a string, you can convert it into an array first:

Linear Probing in Hashing [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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A hash table with 10 buckets with one slot per bucket is depicted .The Symbol S1 to S7 are initially entered using a hashing function with linear probing . The maximum no. of comparisons needed in searching an item that is not present??
I am unable to solve this question. Please explain me how it can be computed in simple language for a learner
Consider what happens when all symbols hash to the same number (say zero for simplicity). How many comparisons are required to insert S1, then S2, etc?

Number of times a code is executed [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have a piece of code that says:
for i = 4,16, . . . , n
I am trying to find an upper bound in terms of big oh notation for the number of times the statement gets executed. I believe here it goes like 4,42,43 ... and so on. Since it grows exponentially, it looks like to me that that code is executed about O(logn) times. Am i right? Thanks in advance.
You can confirm your result by thinking in terms of a loop whose index variable is used as the exponent, taking the values 1, 2, 3, ... , floor(log_4(n))
