How to disable hyperlinks in jQGrid row - jqgrid

I am using a custom formatter to create hyperlinks in one of the columns of my grid.
In my code, there are cases when I need to disable the selected row. The row disabling works as I want it to, but the hyperlink for that row is not disabled. I can not select the row and all the other column values are displayed as grey colored to indicate that the row is disabled. The only column whose content does not change color is the one having links.
Any ideas on how to disable links?
This is my loadComplete function:
loadComplete: function (data) {
var ids =jQuery("#list").jqGrid('getDataIDs');
for(var i=0;i < ids.length;i++){
var rowId = ids[i];
var mod = jQuery("#list").jqGrid('getCell',ids[i],'mod');
jQuery("#jqg_list_"+rowId).attr("disabled", true);
$("#list").jqGrid('setRowData',ids[i],false, {weightfont:'bold',color:'silver'});
var iCol =, 'adate');
$(this).jqGrid('doInEachRow', function (row, rowId, localRowData) {
$(row.cells[iCol]).children("a").click(function (e) {
// any your code here
alert("No Good");
return false;
I want the links disabled in all the rows where the value of the column mod=y

You can try to use onClick callback of dynamicLink formatter described here, here and here. It gives you maximum flexibility. Inside of onClick callback you can test something like $("tr.jqgrow").hasClass("not-editable-row") and just do nothing in the case.


jqGrid row selected but not highlighted

I want to select and unselect a row multiple times by clicking.
My code is so far: (lastSelected is a global var):
beforeSelectRow: function (id)
if (lastSelected !== id)
lastSelected = id;
lastSelected = null;
The code works fine, but row is highlighted only after first click. The Second click unhighlight it and it keep being unhighlighted when I click it next times, but after 3rd, 5th... clicks it behave like selected (I have modal which pops up when row is selected), but is not highlighted.
Without grid.getSelection(id) it won't highlight at all, but still working like it was selecting and deselecting.
It seems to me that the main error in your code is the returned value of beforeSelectRow. If the returned value in not false then the standard processing will be continued and the row which you previously selected explicitly by usage setSelection can be unselected.
To fix the problem you should return false from beforeSelectRow. Additionally I would suggest to use $(this) instead of grid variable and to use standard selrow parameter of jqGrid instead of usage lastSelected variable. The resulting code could be the following
beforeSelectRow: function (rowid, e) {
var $self = $(this), selectedRowid = $self.jqGrid("getGridParam", "selrow");
if (selectedRowid === rowid) {
} else {
$self.jqGrid("setSelection", rowid, true, e);
return false; // don't process the standard selection
The corresponding demo is here.

SlickGrid CSS styles wrong on filtered view

I have a SlickGrid with dataview working pretty good, grid and dataview are synced up for modify and delete selections using syncGridSelection, however an interesting problem occurs on the changed CSS styles. The changed rows CSS stlye are being applied to the same "visible" row number in the grid when I choose a filter set that does not include the actual changed rows. The sort works fine, but I noticed that the filter is not working. Does anyone have a fix for this? Can you paste as much info and code for me as possible because I'm new to SlickGrid. I pasted code that loads up the grid.
function LoadGridData() {
$.getJSON('#Url.Action("GetConfigurations")', function (rows) {
if (rows.length > 0) {
if (rows[0].id = 'undefined') {
$(rows).each(function (index) {
rows[index].newAttribute = "id"
rows[index]["id"] = index;
data = rows;
// Refresh the data render
dataView.syncGridSelection(grid, true);
After debugging I found that I had used an older example of marking css changed in function getItemMetadata. The correct code is below. Previously I was referencing data[row]. When Syncing DataView to Grid, the getItem() method returns the correct row. In this case my DataState is my own changed indicator on the view model.
dataView.getItemMetadata = function (row) {
var item = this.getItem(row);
if (item && item.DataState == 2) {
return {

Retaining Grid Row selection in kendo ui

I am using Kendo UI grid without pagination. I have set the below code to load the data in the grid view while scrolling
scrollable: { virtual: true },
My problem is, I have selected 100th row in the grid by scrolling . I am refreshing the grid. After refresh, I need to select the 100th row again. Is it possible ?
After refresh select the row you need as shown below
var grid = $("#grid").data("kendoGrid");"tr:eq(100)");
For more info check out kendo DOC
Basically the question is annotate the row that you have selected when it changes to do so and then in dataBound event select that same row.
In order to save the selected row you can do:
change: function (e) {
// Save some information from the selected row
var item = this.dataItem(;
// Here we save uid
var uid = item.uid;
this.selectedRow = uid;
dataBound: function (e) {
// If we have any row selected
if (this.selectedRow) {
// Use for selecting it"tr[data-uid='" + this.selectedRow + "']");
You can see this here:

Three level jQGrid only for some rows

I have a two level jqGrid (grid/subgrid) implementation that works very fine.
Now I have a requirement that push me to implement a third level subgrid in only some of the second level rows.
Is there any way to exclude the opening of the third level if any condition on the row does not permit it?
Thanks very much
EDIT as per #Oleg answer
I have implemented the more complex logic example as in the referenced answer, that is
loadComplete: function() {
var grid = $("#list");
var subGridCells = $("td.sgcollapsed",grid[0]);
var rowData = grid.getRowData( ??? );
Can I use any field to retrieve the rowData in the each loop?
If I understand your question correctly you can do the same like I described in the answer, but do this on the second level of subgrids. To hide "+" icon in some rows you need just execute .unbind("click").html(""); on "td.sgcollapsed" elements of the second level subgrids.
UPDATED: The demo demonstrate how you can get rowid and use getLocalRow (alternatively getRowData) to hide selective subgrid icons ("+" icons). I used the following loadComplete code in the demo:
loadComplete: function () {
var $grid = $(this);
$.each($grid.find(">tbody>tr.jqgrow>td.sgcollapsed"), function () {
var $tdSubgridButton = $(this),
rowid = $tdSubgridButton.closest("tr.jqgrow").attr("id"),
rowData = $grid.jqGrid("getLocalRow", rowid);
if (rowData.amount > 250 ) {

JQGrid setCell customFormatter

I'm using setCell to set the value of a cell. The problem is it is still calling the customFormatter specified for the column. Is there anyway I can set the value of this cell without it having to go through the customFormatter?
First of all the custom formatter will be used on every grid refresh, so to set the cell value you have to do this after the custom formatter. The best place to do this is inside of loadComplete or gridComplete event handler.
To set the cell value you can use jQuery.text for example. So you should get jQuery object which represent the cell (<td> element) and then use jQuery.text or jQuery.html to change the cell contain. How I understand you, you knows the rowid of the cell and the column name which you want to change. The following code could be:
loadComplete: function() {
var rowid = '2', colName = 'ship_via', tr,
cm = this.p.colModel, iCol = 0, cCol = cm.length;
for (; iCol<cCol; iCol++) {
if (cm[iCol].name === colName) {
// the column found
tr = this.rows.namedItem(rowid);
if (tr) {
// if the row with the rowid there are on the page
$(tr.cells[iCol]).text('Bla Bla');
See the corresponding demo here.
