MPlayer modify Status Line - terminal

I am using MPlayer on ubuntu 13.04 in a Theatre (No Cinema, a Musical Theatre) to Play a Video on a second screen/DLP, while it shows nothing but the video and on the first screen there is a terminal with some Information about the video (eg. the time when I have to start it and to stop)
There is also shown the MPlayer status-line (STATUSLINE: A: 7.9 V: 7.9 A-V: 0.000 ct: 0.040 0/ 0 20% 1% 0.4% 0 0) I know what the Variables are standing for, but I want to have other variables be put out.
The best status-Line would be:
Playing | 1m3s / 6m7s | Remaining 5m4s | CPU:1%
Is there any way to change it? If it is only changeable in the Source it would be cool to know at least the file where I have to search.

I would try to start with something like
mplayer test.mp3 | stdbuf -o0 tr [:cntrl:] '\n' | stdbuf -oL grep A: | stdbuf -oL tr [:] [m] | stdbuf -oL tr -d ['('')'] | awk '{ print "Playing | " $3 "/" $5 " | Remaining tbd " }'
buffering gave me a hard time too when trying automated statusline read, my only way is to make single lines first by removing all :ctrl: stuff , and dont use sed or bbe, is not working unbuffered even when using stdbuf.
good luck


How to sort images by aspect ratio

I want to sort images by aspect ratio, then use MPV to browse them, and I got some codes from Google:
identify * |
gawk '{split($3,sizes,"x"); print $1,sizes[1]/sizes[2]}' |
sed 's/\[.\]//' | sort -gk 2
This is a output:
28.webp 0.698404
1.webp 0.699544
27.webp 0.706956
10.webp 0.707061
25.webp 0.707061
9.webp 0.707061
2.webp 0.707241
22.webp 1.41431
23.webp 1.41431
24.webp 1.41431
Then I made some adaptations to fit my need:
identify * |
gawk '{split($3,sizes,"x"); print $1,sizes[1]/sizes[2]}' |
sed 's/\[.\]//' | sort -gk 2 |
gawk '{print $1}' |
mpv --no-resume-playback --really-quiet --playlist=-
It works, but isn't perfect. It can't deal with filename with space and identify is too slower than exiftool especially when handling WebP format, besides, exiftool has a -r option, so I want to use exiftool to get this output instead, but I don't know how to deal with the output of exiftool -r -s -ImageSize, anyone could help me?
Using exiftool you could use
exiftool -p '$filename ${ImageSize;m/(\d+)x(\d+)/;$_=$1/$2}' /path/to/files | sort -gk 2
This will format the output the same as your example and I assume the same sort command will work with that. If not, then the sort part would need editing.
Display aspect ratio and image filename without additional calculations with identify
identify -format '%f %[fx:w/h]\n' *.jpg | sort -n -k2,2
file1.jpg 1
file2.jpg 1.46789
file6.jpg 1.50282
file5.jpg 1.52
file7.jpg 1.77778
file3.jpg 1.90476
Regarding performance of identify vs exiftool, identify makes less calls but exiftool looks faster
strace -c identify -format '%f %[fx:w/h]\n' *.jpg 2>&1 | grep -E 'syscall|total'
% time seconds usecs/call calls errors syscall
100.00 0.001256 867 43 total
strace -c exiftool -r -s -ImageSize *.jpg 2>&1 | grep -E 'syscall|total'
% time seconds usecs/call calls errors syscall
100.00 0.000582 1138 311 total

I want to retrieve battery related information(Model information,health information,charge information) through terminal in mac os

I have tried the following command in macOS to get all the battery information:
pmset -g batt
The above command is displaying only one information(i.e 35% discharging).
system_profiler SPPowerDataType | grep "Device Name" | awk '{print $3}'
The above command is displaying device name.
Is there any command by using which together all battery information(Serial Number, Manufacturer, device name, cycle count, charging, etc.),we can fetch. Please help me in finding this. Thanks for your help in advance.
The best command that I could think of is
ioreg -w0 -1 | grep Capacity
For me this returns something like this:
| | "AppleRawCurrentCapacity" = 6417
| | "AppleRawMaxCapacity" = 6834
| | "MaxCapacity" = 6834
| | "CurrentCapacity" = 6417
| | "LegacyBatteryInfo" = {"Amperage"=18446744073709550119,"Flags"=4,"Capacity"=6834,"Current"=6417,"Voltage"=8204,"Cycle Count"=198}
| | "DesignCapacity" = 7150
| | "BatteryData" = {"StateOfCharge"=24064,"Voltage"=8204,"QmaxCell1"=46108,"ResScale"=0,"QmaxCell2"=0,"QmaxCell0"=54044,"CycleCount"=198,"DesignCapacity"=7150}
Don't forget that you can combine multiple commands into one to run after the other has completed with && eg:
system_profiler SPPowerDataType | grep "Device Name" | awk '{print $3}' && ioreg -w0 -1 | grep Capacity
You can also replace the word Capacity with things like board-id
If you want to process all this data I would create a bash script to do it for you,
Because you can cut up the lines to display the info that you want like:
ioreg -l | grep board-id | cut -d \" -f 4
Obviously you can just type this into the terminal but doing this for every command gets a bit tyresome!
Combine many of these commands to make a script (or even in python!) that would process all the data and return it in anyway you would like, if that is possible for what you want to use that data for!
I should think that all the possible accessible battery information is found in system information > power:
Battery Information:
Model Information:
Manufacturer: DP
Device Name: bq20z451
Pack Lot Code: 0
PCB Lot Code: 0
Firmware Version: 511
Hardware Revision: 000a
Cell Revision: 1210
Istats is a free CLI which allows you to view a lot of info but is obviously not native see
To find the battery temp with a single native command! :
bc <<< "scale=3; `ioreg -r -n AppleSmartBattery | grep Temperature | cut -c23-`/100"
Hope this helps

Get total CPU usage from the terminal on a Mac? [duplicate]

Ive seen the same question asked on linux and windows but not mac (terminal). Can anyone tell me how to get the current processor utilization in %, so an example output would be 40%. Thanks
This works on a Mac (includes the %):
ps -A -o %cpu | awk '{s+=$1} END {print s "%"}'
To break this down a bit:
ps is the process status tool. Most *nix like operating systems support it. There are a few flags we want to pass to it:
-A means all processes, not just the ones running as you.
-o lets us specify the output we want. In this case, it all we want to the cpu% column of ps's output.
This will get us a list of all of the processes cpu usage, like
We now need to add up this list to get a final number, so we pipe ps's output to awk. awk is a pretty powerful tool for parsing and operating on text. We just simply add up the numbers, then print out the result, and add a "%" on the end.
Adding up all those CPU % can give a number > 100% (probably multiple cores).
Here's a simpler method, although it comes with some problems:
top -l 2 | grep -E "^CPU"
This gives 2 samples, the first of which is nonsense (because it calculates CPU load between samples).
Also, you need to use RegEx like (\d+\.\d*)% or some string functions to extract values, and add "user" and "sys" values to get the total.
(From How to get CPU utilisation, RAM utilisation in MAC from commandline)
Building on previous answers from #Jon R. and #Rounak D, the following line prints the sum of user and system values, with the added percent. I've have tested this value and I like that it roughly tracks well with the percentages shown in the macOS Activity Monitor.
top -l 2 | grep -E "^CPU" | tail -1 | awk '{ print $3 + $5"%" }'
You can then capture that value in a variable in script like this:
cpu_percent=$(top -l 2 | grep -E "^CPU" | tail -1 | awk '{ print $3 + $5"%" }')
PS: You might also be interested in the output of uptime, which shows system load.
Building upon #Jon R's answer, we can pick up the user CPU utilization through some simple pattern matching
top -l 1 | grep -E "^CPU" | grep -Eo '[^[:space:]]+%' | head -1
And if you want to get rid of the last % symbol as well,
top -l 1 | grep -E "^CPU" | grep -Eo '[^[:space:]]+%' | head -1 | sed s/\%/\/
top -F -R -o cpu
-F Do not calculate statistics on shared libraries, also known as frameworks.
-R Do not traverse and report the memory object map for each process.
-o cpu Order by CPU usage
Answer Source
You can do this.
printf "$(ps axo %cpu | awk '{ sum+=$1 } END { printf "%.1f\n", sum }' | tail -n 1),"

How to get CPU utilization in % in terminal (mac)

Ive seen the same question asked on linux and windows but not mac (terminal). Can anyone tell me how to get the current processor utilization in %, so an example output would be 40%. Thanks
This works on a Mac (includes the %):
ps -A -o %cpu | awk '{s+=$1} END {print s "%"}'
To break this down a bit:
ps is the process status tool. Most *nix like operating systems support it. There are a few flags we want to pass to it:
-A means all processes, not just the ones running as you.
-o lets us specify the output we want. In this case, it all we want to the cpu% column of ps's output.
This will get us a list of all of the processes cpu usage, like
We now need to add up this list to get a final number, so we pipe ps's output to awk. awk is a pretty powerful tool for parsing and operating on text. We just simply add up the numbers, then print out the result, and add a "%" on the end.
Adding up all those CPU % can give a number > 100% (probably multiple cores).
Here's a simpler method, although it comes with some problems:
top -l 2 | grep -E "^CPU"
This gives 2 samples, the first of which is nonsense (because it calculates CPU load between samples).
Also, you need to use RegEx like (\d+\.\d*)% or some string functions to extract values, and add "user" and "sys" values to get the total.
(From How to get CPU utilisation, RAM utilisation in MAC from commandline)
Building on previous answers from #Jon R. and #Rounak D, the following line prints the sum of user and system values, with the added percent. I've have tested this value and I like that it roughly tracks well with the percentages shown in the macOS Activity Monitor.
top -l 2 | grep -E "^CPU" | tail -1 | awk '{ print $3 + $5"%" }'
You can then capture that value in a variable in script like this:
cpu_percent=$(top -l 2 | grep -E "^CPU" | tail -1 | awk '{ print $3 + $5"%" }')
PS: You might also be interested in the output of uptime, which shows system load.
Building upon #Jon R's answer, we can pick up the user CPU utilization through some simple pattern matching
top -l 1 | grep -E "^CPU" | grep -Eo '[^[:space:]]+%' | head -1
And if you want to get rid of the last % symbol as well,
top -l 1 | grep -E "^CPU" | grep -Eo '[^[:space:]]+%' | head -1 | sed s/\%/\/
top -F -R -o cpu
-F Do not calculate statistics on shared libraries, also known as frameworks.
-R Do not traverse and report the memory object map for each process.
-o cpu Order by CPU usage
Answer Source
You can do this.
printf "$(ps axo %cpu | awk '{ sum+=$1 } END { printf "%.1f\n", sum }' | tail -n 1),"

Can't capture the ouput of the paste bash command

( ping -n | ack -o --flush '((?<=icmp_seq=)[0-9]+|(?<=time=)[0-9]+[.][0-9]+)' | paste - - ) > ~/Desktop/ping_ouput.txt
Doesn't seem to be working for some reason, whereas if I take away the
| paste - -
section, it works just fine. I need to join every other line together with a tab instead of newline. Any ideas are appreciated.
By default, ping produces output indefinitely, until terminated, so your pipe will keep producing output and growing the output file indefinitely, and your command will never finish by itself.
Thus, you need to limit the number of pings performed; e.g.:
using the -c count option to stop after the specified number of pings.
alternatively, on BSD-like systems, you can use -o to stop after the first successful ping.
alternatively, you can stop after a specified timeout in seconds, regardless of how many packets were received:
Linux: -w timeout
BSD-like systems: -t timeout
Incidentally, in order to redirect a pipeline to a file, there's no need to enclose it in (...) as a whole, which needlessly creates a(nother) subshell.
The following was written before (a) the specific symptom was known and (b) before the OP revealed in a comment that their platform is OSX. The commands below show alternatives to the OP's extraction command; -c 2 has been added to limit ping to 2 attempts.
tivn's answer has found at least potential problem in your command: the assumption that time values always have a decimal point, which does not hold on Linux platforms; on BSD/OSX platforms, however, there are always 3 decimal places.
You can bypass this issue as well as the need to merge consecutive lines as follows (I'm using instead of for easier testing):
Using either GNU sed (Linux) or BSD sed (BSD-like systems, including OSX):
ping -c 2 -n |
sed -E '1d; s/^.* icmp_seq=([^ ]+).* time=([^ ]+).*$/\1'$'\t''\2/'
Alternative solutions, using awk:
ping -c 2 -n | awk -F'[ =]' -v OFS='\t' 'NR>1 { print $6, $10 }'
If you'd rather not rely on field indices, here's an alternative (still relies on field icmp_seq to come before time, and for both to be preceded by a space):
ping -c 2 -n | awk -F' (icmp_seq|time)=' -v OFS='\t' '
NR>1 { sub(" .+$", "", $2); sub(" .+$", "", $3)
print $2, $3 }'
You don't provide sample input you got from the ping, so it is not clear what your problem is. But I guess your issue is because the time part from ping result may not always contains dot ., for example: 64 bytes from x.x.x.x: icmp_seq=1 ttl=63 time=137 ms . You may want to try with the following command :
( ping -n \
| ack -o --flush '((?<=icmp_seq=)\d+|(?<=time=)[\d.]+)' \
| stdbuf -o0 paste - - \
) > ~/Desktop/ping_ouput.txt
Edit: after comment from OP, the issue may actually come from buffered paste command. Please try with adding stdbuf -o0 to the paste command.
