oauth/initiate says page not found - magento

I am not able to get a request token from the oauth/initiate page because it says page not found. What could be the problem?
I have created an oAuth customer, given the appropriate REST roles and attributes. Also, appended the consumer key, secret, nonce etc. in the authorization for the oAuth request.
What am I missing?

Oauth will give you page not found if the request params are incorrect. It's likely your client isn't sending the parameters correctly, or your signature doesn't match the one Magento is calculating.
I added some temporary logging to the OAuth server to try and track down the issue.
Add this to file app/code/core/Mage/Oauth/Model/Server.php after line 594, it will help you see what specific oauth error is being raised
Mage::log($response, Zend_Log::DEBUG, 'oauth.log');
Try your initiate request again, and then check var/log/oauth.log to see what the error is.
Don't even think about doing this on a production system, and ensure you roll back your changes afterwards. You should never modify core files other than for temporary debugging.


The Admin Directory users.list request returns 400 Bad request

This happens in the API Explorer and using the .NET client API. In the API Explorer, I was trying to use the query param, but eventually I just removed it and now send the request with no params, and it still turns around 400 even though I am authenticating successfully with OAuth2 in browser.
Why is this endpoint broken?
The problem was the customer field was not filled in. It must contain a valid customer id. Once I populated that, it worked.
Really wish Google would work on providing better error feedback and improve their docs. This field (as of today) is still listed as optional.
As the documentation says:
either the customer or the domain parameter must be provided
I tried to specify domain name and it worked.

Validate whether Google API Client's OAuth2 access token is still valid before using it

Starting from the point where an user has given permissions to the app, and the access token is stored in session. Following Google's web server app example, I'm just checking whether an access token exist.
However, the token might expire, or the user might remove it manually on his account page. How do I check that the token is still valid, before executing a request?
Or maybe that approach is wrong, and the correct design includes that I should handle the error after executing the action, and if it's an authorization error then show the user a way to authorize it once again?
The latter is the recommended approach. By assuming failure and dealing with it routinely, your app is much more robust. The only downside is that an access attempt takes a bit longer because of the need to fetch a new Access Token and retry. If that's a problem (it shouldn't be normally), then you can always note the expiration time of the new Access Token and set up a background process to renew it with say 5 minutes to spare.

CSRF Token mismatch error on clicking links from email

App was developed in Web API. We are using AntiForgery Token validation for all the POST calls in xyz.com. Registered xyz.com users get email alerts for the contents they are signed up for. Users click item from email to view the content details. On click of item first click event is being saved in SilverPop and silverpop redirects to actual content in xyz.com. Details page is being loaded with out any issues after authenticating the user based on few query string parameters. Issue is when user make a post call(to saving for later, book mark etc) App is throwing Antiforgery token mismatch error. Sorry for bad English and long question. Strange part of this issue is We are unable to replicate this error and its not occurring consistently. We have two server and 1 load balance hosted in AWS not using sticky session enabled. Using Forms cookie authentication. finally, this issue kept occurring though we run with 1 server. Thanks for reading and appreciate if any one could help.
*User must be Authenticated to validate CSRF token ? This xyz.com makes few api get and post calls.

How to use POSTMAN rest client with magento REST api with Oauth. How to get Token and Token Secret?

I am a beginner to magento REST API, how i will get token and token secret to be fill in Postman REST resquest. I have only consumer key and consumer secret.
Please provide me the steps to follow.
First, you want to request a valid OAuth token and secret. Do this by hitting the /oauth/initiate URL of your Magento store with a GET parameter for oauth_callback. We're going to use httpbin so that we can echo anything that is passed to our callback. Make sure you have "Auto add parameters" checked on the OAuth 1.0 settings for Postman.
That will give you an oauth_token and oauth_token_secret, which are only temporary. These are referred to as a "request token" and secret. Save these values somewhere because you will need them later.
Now, assemble a new regular HTTP request to the /admin/oauth_authorize URL of your Magento store. This will return a login form where you can accept the oauth token and authorize your app, however since we're using Postman we aren't able to interact with the form.
Instead, view the source and pull out the form_key hidden input value. Then assemble a new HTTP request to fake the submission of the authorization form. Make sure it is a POST request. Your new HTTP request should look like this.
Now, you need to actually confirm the authorization. Simply issue a GET to the /admin/oauth_authorize/confirm URL of your Magento store with the oauth_token as your parameter. When you send this request it will redirect to your oauth_callback from the first step. Now, you can see why we used httpbin as our callback in the first step.
OK. So, we're almost home. The last piece of the puzzle is to use the oauth_token, oauth_secret, and oauth_verifier all together to get a valid and persistent "access token". So, take the oauth_token_secret from the first step, and combine and assemble a new OAuth request like so.
You should get a returned token and secret. These will never expire! You can use them to query products and stuff.
Now, you can assemble your OAuth requests like this. Edit: Note, you must check the "Add params to header" checkbox in order for Magento REST calls to work properly.
Example request in Postman version 6.x.x
And response of this request is
You can get this credentials from Magento Admin. Click on edit icon in Integrations page.
#Franklin P Strube Unfortunately, I don't have enough reputations to add a comment.
I would like to add the following. The Magento REST API does not require both outh params on the URL AND Oauth headers. This is not actually stated above. See the last note where it says you need to "add params to header". You do need to do this, but when you do you will find it sends both url params and oauth headers. You don't need the url parms, it will work fine without them.
btw: the franklin response worked great!

Spring template connect to OpenSSO/JAAS secure endpoint

I'm trying to access a REST service via a server-to-server GET request that is secured by OpenSSO/Spring Security and am unable to. It's like my Spring Rest Template client is not stateful to hold the cookies it should as I get redirected through the authentication workflow.
When doing this with a browser, the initial request is redirected to OpenSSO, I'm challenged for my cert (PKI), I present it, get a response with my authentication cookie header. Then I am redirected back to my original destination, I present my auth cookie in the request header and I'm on my way.
This isn't happening in my server-to-server invocations.
I've searched for quite a while now and can't seem to find any solutions that hold onto this state across redirects!
Following the link in zagyi's comment may have worked, but I spent some more time and found the following solution, which does not involve overriding anything:
To handle the authentication cookie in the REST controller, you have to explicitly tell it to accept cookies. Before handling the call, add the following line of code:
CookieHandler.setDefault(new cookieManager(null, CookiePolicy.ACCEPT_ALL));
