Spring Security: Why Authentication is extending Principal? - spring

Spring Security has the assumption of Authentication is a Principal.
public interface Authentication extends Principal, Serializable {}
HttpServletRequest has the method of getUserPrincipal which is responsible for accessing principal object.
Let's consider this case:
public interface RealPrincipal extends Principal {
public Integer getId();
Common Module A has Real Principal interface and implementation.
Module A uses Common Module A, Servlet Api and does not depend on Spring Security:
Module B uses Common Module A, Servlet Api and configures Spring Security. This module responsible for security and UserDetails implementation.
Web A uses Module A and Module B.
In order to use request methods, I am ending up with such an implementation:
public ModelAndView someRequestHandler(Principal principal) {
User activeUser = (User) ((Authentication) principal).getPrincipal();
This is forcing me to have dependency of Spring Security for the Module A and other modules. I believe that a proper servlet api abstraction should not depend on spring security. request.getUserPrincipal should return real principal.
Please explain why org.springframework.security.web.servletapi.SecurityContextHolderAwareRequestWrapper returns
Authentication instead of Real Principal.
Edit: I have added Common Module A to my scenario and updated that Module B is responsible for security.

As Luke stated, Spring Security uses the Authentication for the Principal because it implements Principal. It does not use the Authentication#getPrincipal() because it is not guaranteed to be a Principal (it is an Object). In fact, in most situations Spring Security's Authentication#getPrincipal() returns a User (does not implement Principal), a custom UserDetails provided by users of the framework, or a String.
If you want Spring Security to handle this, you will likely need to implement this logic using an HttpServletRequestWrapper as Luke suggested. For example, you could do the following:
public RealPrincipalFilter extends OncePerRequestFilter {
public void doFiter(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, FilterChain) {
chain.doFilter(new RealPrincipalRequestWrapper(request), response);
private static final class RealPrincipalRequestWrapper
extends HttpServletRequestWrapper {
public Principal getUserPrincipal() {
Authentication auth = (Authentication) super.getPrincipal();
return auth == null ? null : (RealPrincipal) auth.getPrincipal()
public WebSecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
public configure(HttpSecurity http) {
// ... other config ...
.addFilterAfter(new RealPrincipalFilter(), SecurityContextHolderAwareRequestFilter.class);
Alternatively, take a look at my answer on your other question for options to integrate with Spring MVC - Injecting Custom Principal to Controllers by Spring Security

The short answer is that Authentication is a Principal so that it can be used in APIs (such as the servlet API method you mention) which require one.
What does this mean in practice? Not a lot. Java's Principal interface has only one method getName, so if you want to do more than render the user's name, you need to know something more about the implementation.
You should probably think about what you mean when you use the phrases "real principal" and "proper servlet api abstraction". How would you expect to implement your someRequestHandler method if the principal was a "real" one, for example?


Spring authorization at package level; AOP?

we have a spring boot app with a java package that has spring controllers with endpoints for admin-like functionality. right now they all start with the same request mapping.
so one way i could do authorization of every endpoint in the package is by WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter implementation...
but i was thinking it would be nice to use AOP somehow to target the package of the admin controllers to PreAuthorize all controller methods in the package. just in case someone on the project creates a new controller in the proejct with a different request mapping it would automatically be projected. also, if we decided to PreAuthorize at the #Service level instead of the controller level then this way could be used as well.
so, is it possible to PreAuthorize at the package level with AOP or some other way?
Spring provides default AOP interceptor for #Secured and #PreAuthorized annotations, but it works only on class or method level, and AFAIK not intended to be expanded to package level.
To put it simply, Spring intercepts calls to certain methods or all class methods with these annotations and check whether SecurityContextHolder holds Authority object and whether its collection of GrantedAuthority matches any of the annotation's value field values. So, you can do the same thing using AOP, for example like this:
public class AdminServiceAOPAuthorization {
private static final List<String> ALLOWED_ROLES = List.of("ADMIN", "SUPER_ADMIN");
#Pointcut("within(com.example.service.admin.*)") // <- any method in any class of the package
public void adminServiceLayer() {}
public void authorize(JoinPoint jp) {
Authentication authentication = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication();
if (authentication == null) {
// throw some exception depending on the logic
boolean authorized = authentication.getAuthorities().stream()
.anyMatch(ga -> ALLOWED_ROLES.contains(ga.getAuthority()));
if (!authorized) {
throw new AccessDeniedException("Access denied");
// log or whatever
For better performance I'd advise to use it at the service layer to let Spring create proxy using implemented interface (if you use them, of course) instead of proxying controller class.

Overriding a class defined in Spring Boot \ Spring Security

We are in the process of migrating a legacy application to Spring Boot. In order to continue with testing until we have assigned roles to users, I would like to override the following:
class: SecurityContextHolderAwareRequestWrapper
method: public boolean isUserInRole(String role)
I have created a new class which extends SecurityContextHolderAwareRequestWrapper and overrides isUserInRole(), as follows:
public class MySecurityContextHolderAwareRequestWrapper extends org.springframework.security.web.servletapi.SecurityContextHolderAwareRequestWrapper {
public MySecurityContextHolderAwareRequestWrapper(HttpServletRequest request,
AuthenticationTrustResolver trustResolver, String rolePrefix) {
super(request, trustResolver, rolePrefix);
public boolean isUserInRole(String role) {
return true;
When the application is run, the new bean does not take the place of the existing SecurityContextHolderAwareRequestWrapper class. This is clear because when the new class is instantiated, the constructor is not injected with the beans being injected into SecurityContextHolderAwareRequestWrapper. The application fails to start because parameters of type AuthenticationTrustResolver and String to the new class MySecurityContextHolderAwareRequestWrappercould could not be found
What is the correct way to override SecurityContextHolderAwareRequestWrapper, or for that matter any class in the Spring Boot framework?
The SecurityContextHolderAwareRequestWrapper class is ultimately used by the SecurityContextHolderAwareRequestFilter configured with http.servletApi(). Some information about this feature is available in the Spring Security reference docs.
This feature shields you from direct dependence on Spring Security and provides very high level integration with Spring Security through the Servlet API. You cannot directly influence the class used to wrap the request.
However, if you wish to temporarily modify the result of role checks, you can influence what roles are available in the Authentication object during authentication itself. See info in the docs on GrantedAuthority, and note that you will want to customize roles during authentication by providing a custom UserDetailsService.

Spring Security using value of variable in class to authenticate

I am using Spring Security in my application. I am authenticating APIs based on the role (ADMIN, USER).
There is one API endpoint which I would like to restrict access using the value of a variable passed as parameter to it.
I have
protected void configure(HttpSecurity httpSecurity) throws Exception {
.antMatchers(HttpMethod.OPTIONS, "/**").permitAll()
httpSecurity.addFilterBefore(authenticationTokenFilterBean(), UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter.class);
I have a call
public ResponseEntity<BotResponse> handleRequest(#Valid #RequestBody SomeClass someClass) {
// if someClass.getSomeValue() is not present in the User permissions, then it should give an unauthorized response.
return value(someClass);
The User in Spring Security is :
public Class User {
String userId;
String userName;
String authorities;
List<String> someList;
//Getters and setters for variables
And the SomeClass used is :
public Class SomeClass {
String someValue;
String userName;
// Getters and Setters
How do I not allow users based on if the value of someClass.getSomeValue is present in User's someList?
As per your question, one approach would be to get the UserDetails stored in your Spring Security Authentication Context and then check the concerned data in this context object against the value passed as the parameter. I'm assuming that you have all the required values stored in the Security Context.
This check can be done in the endpoint code itself(if you have a small number of such APIs). If there are multiple APIs that need the same logic, you will have to implement either a filter that filters only these API(config can be written in web.xml) or a pointcut(through AOP).
Perhaps you could do such kind of authorization with spring's global method security.
To use Method Level Authorization you need to add the following annotation to your Security Configuration class.
#EnableGlobalMethodSecurity(prePostEnabled = true)
Then apply #PreAuthorize using Spring Expression Language, to your end point. Something like..
#PreAuthorize("#someService.checkUserAccess(principal, #someClass)")
public ResponseEntity<BotResponse> handleRequest(#Valid #RequestBody SomeClass someClass) {
// if someClass.getSomeValue() is not present in the User permissions, then it should give an unauthorized response.
return value(someClass);
#someService is a Bean which you would autowired in the Controller and define checkUserAccess() method in this been. Something like ..
public boolean checkUserAccess(Pricipal principal, SomeClass someClass) {
// here you can fetch your full user object from db or session (depending on your application architecture)
// apply what ever logic you want to apply, return true if user has access and false if no.
Note / Suggestion- You may add this checkUserAccess() method to your existing user service if your application design allows it, and autowire user service in the controller.

Main concepts of spring security with JWT tokens (Spring boot with REST controllers)

I have just started using spring boot. For understanding how it works I have tried to convert my existing project (spring MVC, JSP in frontend) to spring boot approach with REST-controller and AngularJS in frontend.
Facing problem:
During migration I have faced to big problem with security. As I understood the best way for having good security layer now is working with JWT tokens and supporting oauth2, on which there are a lot of posts/tutorials which give different information even about basics of the security layer architecture.
So the question is:
Could someone point out full list of security-layer parts/classes which are needed for having basic (but not hello world) security features for spring boot app with REST controllers. Please don't suggest to use stormpath: I want to implement it myself to get better understanding.
Reasoning of asking this big question here:
I have done my own investigation on this topic, but I thought that most of the links which I have checked contain a lot of bad practices, so possible incorrect architecture of security layer. so I really would like to know some kind of good practice of designing architecture of security layer.
Details on needed features:
I have standard list of features which I want to support.
oauth2 support (but also to have possibility to authenticate without it)
register request (creation of jwt token and returning to client)
login request (acquiring jwt token if user was registered)
logout request (releasing jwt token)
token timeout
multiple roles
business rest controllers which checks for authentication and authorization (could you please give an example portion of code)
business rest controllers which doesn't require security
basic filtering http urls (like excluding "statics" from allowed url addresses)
Current layers of the project:
Below are some additional information about my current project structure:
Currently I have implemented the following modules:
controller: Currently MVC controllers, but I am going to convert them to REST
dto: Possibly will be changed a little bit, because of REST approach
model: Will stay unchanged after conversation
exception: For business logic
repository: Will stay unchanged after conversation
service: Possibly will be changed a little bit, because of micro-services
validator: Will stay unchanged after conversation
other business logic modules
If I understood correctly I will need to add two additional layers here:
configuration: I have already converted some xml configurators to java-configs, but haven't touched security configurators
security: I guest here will be placed authentication/authorization managers/tools. One of the goals of this question is to understand what exactly to place here.
app class with main method in the root package (relative root)
You can start by creating 3 projects.
Auth Server: This will take care of authenticating clients and users, issuing token, revoking token etc.
Rest API: All rest controllers, business logic, persistence layer etc.
Front-end: Angular JS, HTML, CSS etc.
Read about OAuth2 grant types.
We use password authorization grant type when authorization server and client is developed by same organization, or when there is a high degree of trust between the resource owner and the client.
Following are the essential classes you'd need for OAuth2 implementation:
A class which extends AuthorizationServerConfigurerAdapter to configure authorization server.
Here you can configure endpoints like userDetailsService (custom class to load user data by username from database), tokenStore (to store tokens in database and perform operations on it), clientDetailsService (load client details from database; your Rest API project could be client).
public void configure(final AuthorizationServerEndpointsConfigurer endpoints) throws Exception {
public void configure(final AuthorizationServerSecurityConfigurer oauthServer) throws Exception {
//The expression below easies access to /oauth/check_token endpoint from the default denyAll to isAuthenticated.
public void configure(final ClientDetailsServiceConfigurer clients) throws Exception {
A class which extends ResourceServerConfigurerAdapter. Here you can configure security configuration for the resource server. Resources would be Rest controllers defined in Auth Servers (like controllers for performing CRUD operation on a user object, endpoint to revoke token; controllers which need to be in Auth Server).
public void configure(final HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
http.authorizeRequests().anyRequest().fullyAuthenticated(); //To restrict all http requests.
/*http.authorizeRequests().antMatchers("/users/**").permitAll(); //Notice ant matcher here, this tells endpoints which do not require authentication. Lots of http configuration options (like applying filters, cors, csrf etc.) are available here. Please explore*/
Check out TokenStore default implementation classes (like JdbcTokenStore, JwtTokenStore). If you'd like to use NoSQL db like Cassandra then provide custom TokenStore implementation.
Following is the sample code snippet for custom Token Store used for Cassandra:
public void storeAccessToken(final OAuth2AccessToken token, final OAuth2Authentication authentication) {
String refreshToken = null;
if (token.getRefreshToken() != null) {
refreshToken = token.getRefreshToken().getValue();
if (readAccessToken(token.getValue()) != null) {
final AccessTokenBuilder accessTokenBuilder = new AccessTokenBuilder();
public void storeRefreshToken(final OAuth2RefreshToken refreshToken, final OAuth2Authentication authentication) {
final RefreshTokenBuilder refreshTokenBuilder = new RefreshTokenBuilder();
public OAuth2Authentication readAuthentication(final OAuth2AccessToken token) {
return readAuthentication(token.getValue());
public OAuth2Authentication readAuthentication(final String token) {
OAuth2Authentication authentication = null;
try {
final AccessToken authAccessToken = accessTokenRepository.findByTokenId(extractTokenKey(token));
authentication = deserializeAuthentication(authAccessToken.getAuthentication().array());
} catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) {
return authentication;
public OAuth2AccessToken readAccessToken(final String tokenValue) {
final AccessToken accessToken = accessTokenRepository.findByTokenId(extractTokenKey(tokenValue));
return accessToken != null ? deserializeAccessToken(accessToken.getTokenBody().array()) : null;
public OAuth2RefreshToken readRefreshToken(final String tokenValue) {
final RefreshToken refreshToken = refreshTokenRepository.findOne(extractTokenKey(tokenValue));
return refreshToken != null ? deserializeRefreshToken(refreshToken.getTokenBody().array()) : null;
public OAuth2Authentication readAuthenticationForRefreshToken(final OAuth2RefreshToken token) {
return readAuthenticationForRefreshToken(token.getValue());
OAuth2Authentication readAuthenticationForRefreshToken(final String tokenValue) {
final RefreshToken refreshToken = refreshTokenRepository.findOne(extractTokenKey(tokenValue));
return refreshToken != null ? deserializeAuthentication(refreshToken.getAuthentication().array()) : null;
public OAuth2AccessToken getAccessToken(final OAuth2Authentication authentication) {
OAuth2AccessToken oAuth2AccessToken = null;
final String key = authenticationKeyGenerator.extractKey(authentication);
final AccessToken accessToken = accessTokenRepository.findOne(key);
if (accessToken != null) {
oAuth2AccessToken = deserializeAccessToken(accessToken.getTokenBody().array());
if (oAuth2AccessToken != null && !key.equals(authenticationKeyGenerator.extractKey(readAuthentication(oAuth2AccessToken.getValue())))) {
storeAccessToken(oAuth2AccessToken, authentication);
return oAuth2AccessToken;
You'd need to declare repository interfaces for db operations. Interfaces which extends CrudRepository. For most of the DB operations we don't need to provide implementation, it is handled by Spring. For Cassandra implementation is in SimpleCassandraRepository class. Sample code for Access Token:
public interface AccessTokenRepository extends CrudRepository<AccessToken, String> {
#Query("SELECT * FROM auth_service.oauth_access_token WHERE token_id = :tokenId ALLOW FILTERING")
AccessToken findByTokenId(#Param("tokenId") String tokenId);
Sample code for ClientDetails
public interface ClientDetailsRepository extends CrudRepository<ClientDetails, String> {
Please note, we don't need to provide implementation for these interfaces. Regular CRUD queries are already implemented and taken care by Spring.
public interface RefreshTokenRepository extends CrudRepository<RefreshToken, String> {
Rest API project
Controllers declared here would get called when request received from frontend (AJAX request from javascript). All business logic and persistence layer would go here.
Here you can think about creating a module, a gateway, which talks to Auth Server. This gateway would be between your Rest API and Auth Server.
You can use RestTemplate to call remote Rest service.
If you need that not any Rest API project can make remote calls to Auth Server, then user client_credentials as well along with password grant type. And, use OAuth2RestTemplate instead of RestTemplate. Sample code:
<bean id="oAuth2RestTemplate" class="org.springframework.security.oauth2.client.OAuth2RestTemplate">
<constructor-arg ref="clientCredentialsResourceDetails"/>
<constructor-arg ref="defaultOAuth2ClientContext"/>
<property name="requestFactory" ref="httpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory"/>
<bean id="httpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory" class="org.springframework.http.client.HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory">
<constructor-arg ref="selfSignedHttpsClientFactory"/>
<bean id="clientCredentialsResourceDetails" class="org.springframework.security.oauth2.client.token.grant.client.ClientCredentialsResourceDetails">
<property name="accessTokenUri" value="${authentication.service.client.token.url:https://localhost:8443/oauth/token}"/>
<property name="clientId" value="${authentication.service.client.id:testClient}"/>
<property name="clientSecret" value="${authentication.service.client.secret:password}"/>
<bean id="defaultOAuth2ClientContext" class="org.springframework.security.oauth2.client.DefaultOAuth2ClientContext"/>
I hope this was helpful.
Not sure if you have seen this, but here is a nice article:
. And a project on github, more or less based on that article:

How to perform RunAs using method security with Spring MVC 3.2 and Spring Security 3.1

I have a web application with Spring MVC 3.2 and Spring Security 3.1
I'm using roles base security and have implemented UserDetailsService and UserDetails to provide GrantedAuthority.
I've enabled global method security with jsr250-annotations
Everything upto here is working as expected with signed in user method access restricted to the declared roles.
I have a further requirement to run certain methods called during application initialisation as a special user with a 'system role' ideally along the lines of JavaEE RunAs.
I'm not sure how to do this in Spring Security.
Should I be trying to create a PreAuthenticatedAuthenticationToken with some made up values and a 'system role' authority.
I could then do something likeSecurityContextHolder.getContext().setAuthentication(token);
when initialising the application.
Alternatively should I be trying to use the RunAsManager. It sounds like what I need but I have not found any simple examples of how I actually could use it.
I'm fairly new to Spring Security and I'm unsure of the best way to proceed.
When my application starts
I run a post construct method in my spring bean to create a special user in memory with a system role.
This user object implements the org.springframework.security.core.userdetails.UserDetails interface.
I then use the user to create a security token org.springframework.security.web.authentication.preauth.PreAuthenticatedAuthenticationToken
The token is then set in the Security Context.
#Transactional(readOnly = true)
public class ApplicationConfiguration{
MyService myService;
#Transactional(readOnly = false)
public void init(){
// ######## Application Starting #######"
// Create a user that meets the contract of the Spring UserDetails interface
UserAccountImpl sysAcc = new UserAccountImpl("system", "system", "system");
UserRole role = new UserRole(Role.SYSTEM_ROLE);
UserDetailsAdapter userDetails = new UserDetailsAdapter(sysAcc);
// Create a token and set the security context
PreAuthenticatedAuthenticationToken token = new PreAuthenticatedAuthenticationToken( userDetails, userDetails.getPassword(), userDetails.getAuthorities());
// Now call service method with roles allowed
public interface MyService {
public void initialiseSystem();
Do you really need to attach a role to the said app initialization? Why not just extract the code that needs to be run during initialization like so:
public interface Service {
void service();
public class DefaultService implements Service {
public void service() {
public void doService() {
// Implementation here
public class AppInitializer {
private DefaultService service;
public void init() {
I believe that in this case a good solution for you would be to use the Spring Security OAuth because allow you have a greater integration to custom rules for access via tokens.
