Magento dynamic product attribute - magento

I'd like to have a set of products that are available within a certain zip code range. All the products are supposed to be "grouped" underneath a single product. When you want to add a product to the cart, you type in your zip code, and get a list of products you can select which match the zip code entered.
How would one achieve something like this? I've looked into configurable products, but I don't believe that will give me the needed functionality out of the box.


Magmi configurable and simple products CSV confusion - Magento import

I am trying to import a list of products which contain both simple and configurable products.
Having read the manual and other resources, I am still very confused on a few aspects on the CSV file.
What I have is various attributes such as colour, size, style, search colour, scent, pack qty and wesco type.
I have a few questions to clarify the model of the CSV I am to generate:
1) I read that you need to setup the attributes beforehand in Magento - for this I need to set up a attribute value as I have set the attribute to 'values required - yes'.
So for example 'Colour - values required yes' now when I try and save this it wants me to set up an actual colour. Can I just use the value 'none' and let Magmi handle the actual attributes (the real colour values)? Or do I need to go through all the possible options and input them into Magento manually (blue, yellow, green ...)?
2) Having looked at examples on the internet, do I set my CSV like this:
sku, type, colour, size, style, search, colour, scent, pack qty, wesco type, configurable_attributes
slave, simple, blue, , , , , , , , blue
master, configurable, , , , , , , , , colour
sku, type, configurable_attributes
slave, simple, blue
master, configurable, colour
3) Is it possible for me to do all the configurable products first like in question 2. Then after do another import for just the standalone simple products. As you can see I am trying to automatically link the products.
If you require any clarification, please feel free to ask me to be more precise with any of the questions.
4) Regarding prices for simple and configurable products, can I use the price field and set £0.00 for a configurable product and the actual price on each simple product?
1) Can I just use the value 'none' and let Magmi handle the actual attributes (the real colour values)? Or do I need to go through all the possible options and input them into Magento manually (blue, yellow, green ...)?
Magmi will create the attribute options for you, just not the attributes themselves. So you will need to create the Colour attribute, but you do not have to input each option such as black, red, green etc.
2) Having looked at examples on the internet, do I set my CSV like this:
If you read the CSV Datasource documentation, it will tell you that the correct format for the attribute columns is the actual attribute code. You can find the Attribute Code for an attribute under Catalog > Attributes > Manage Attributes in the Magento admin.
Also, make sure you are including the required columns for Magmi. These required columns can again be found on the Import new products documentation page.
The required columns for Magmi 0.7.17+ are:
So to properly import configurable Colour products, your CSV should also follow the documentation for the Configurable Item Processor.
Then be sure to enable the Configurable Item processor plugin in Magmi and set the Perform simples/configurable link option for the plugin to Yes.
3) Is it possible for me to do all the configurable products first like in question 2. Then after do another import for just the standalone simple products. As you can see I am trying to automatically link the products.
Yes, you can associate simple products to an already created configurable product at a later time, however you MUST include the configurable product in your import CSV to associate skus to it. The simple_skus column should contain a comma separated list of simple product skus that you want assigned to a configurable product. Any skus not listed in the simple_skus column upon import will be disassociated with the configurable product.
4) Regarding prices for simple and configurable products, can I use the price field and set £0.00 for a configurable product and the actual price on each simple product?
No. Magento by default uses the Base Price for the configurable product as the pricing for all associated simple products. Simple product prices are not actually used when adding to the cart, it's the configurable parent product and based on the super attribute pricing, the price changes.
To have Magento use the simple product prices based on the attribute combination selected, you will need to install a 3rd party extension. I personally use and recommend the Simple Configurable Products extension that will do just that.

Preselect configurable product options based on simple product

This is a very similar question to this:
Preselect configurable product options by simple product URL
But the important part of the answer just points to a dead link.
There are a million pages that explain how to get the configurable product from the simple product, but not the configurable product with the options set to what would produce the simple product.
I need this for a couple areas. First, there's a section of the site that will programatically add the product to the cart based on SKU. It finds the simple product via SKU, and I can get its parent product, but I can't add that to the cart with the options that will point it to the simple product.
Secondly, I need the link that's generated for the simple product to show the page for it's configurable product, with the appropriate options selected since we're generating links for an external service that gets the links to all the simple product pages which are currently disabled.
I've looked everywhere but can't find how to get the configurable product options selected.

How to remove information in Magento catalog, but only for specific product type

I am wondering how can I delete this two divs -
in Magento catalog, but only for specific product type. In short, I would like to have product type which would appear in catalog only with product-image and product-name, without - price, Out of stock, Add to Wishlist, Add to Compare.
It's possible to load different layout updates depending on loaded product type. You can see an example of how it's done in Magento for configurable products here:
It's possible because view action of product controller makes this to be executed:
You can change the design for any product from the admin.
You need to create a separate theme with a different product page which will have only the attributes you would like.
Then you can select the design for that specific product. Please see the screenshot, how you can change design for any product

Magmi Import Simple Products Listing

I sell Pet Supplies. My distributor provides me with a CVS file with all the nessacrty information for me to upload it to my website. I currently upload it as a simple product. But I would like it to be more user friendly. I am using Magento Community 1.7. I have tried messing with the configurable products but this is not possible for the upload I use.
Example: A Dog Cage comes in different sizes. Currently it shows as simple products and shows 5 different sizes. I would like it to show like all the bigger named stores. Basically show a dropdown with the different options. I tried creating a configurable product and associate the products I uploaded as a simple product but this method will not work. Any other ideas of what I can do? I want my customers to be able to click:
iCrate Double Door and have the options 18x24....24x30 etc. How do the other companies get them listed like this?
You are doing the right thing - configurable products will give you what you want to achieve.
You need to install the Magmi configurable product plugin. You also need to set your csv up so the simple products come first, then the configurable. To automatically associate the simple product with the parent configurable on import you need an extra column specifying the configurable attribute (see the Magmi docs) and the skus need set up so the simple skus are extended versions of the configurable's sku. Again, the Magmi wiki on configurables will explain more.
You could also amend your grouped products to do similar and provide the list as a dropdown
check out this thread

Copy configurable data to children products

Is there an easy way to set up a system which will copy data from my parent configurable product and apply to it’s simple children products? I would like to copy things like description, product attributes, etc.
Wondering if there is anything built in, or I would have to write a custom script.
Louis, as you don't want to use 'Quick simple product creation', why don't you try to import children products from csv file once you have created parents?
That is built in. Create the configurable product first, save it at least once, then on it's Associated Products tab use the "Quick simple product creation" form.
