Cannot be open a Xcode project which is created by CMake - gcc

I have a C++ project which created in Visual Studio 2010 IDE. Now I want to continue my development in Xcode IDE with GCC in Mac Platform. So I created an Xcode project using CMake to continue my development.
But after I created Xcode project, I tried to open my project (by double-clicking .xcodeproj file), then It's saying an error message that is "Project /Users/../Desktop/MyProj/Build/MyProj.xcodeproj cannot be opened because the project file cannot be parsed".
What could I do to solve this problem? If anybody having some idea regarding this, please reply on this thread.
Xcode version: 4.6.3 CMake Version: 2.8-11

Problem could be in your CMakeLists.txt. Once you generated, you can open the .xcodeproj in a text editor and check for the incompatibility.
If you can generate the project files for other IDEs like Visual Studio, it must work.


Unity3d generating an empty .sln file

I'm following the Hololens Developer 100 course from Microsoft. All goes well until I get to building. I follow the instructions exactly here and click build. It asks me to select a folder and I create a folder called "App" (per the instructions) and select that folder. When I finally hit build Unity seems like it's working fine but then two things go wrong:
1) The .sln file that's generated is not in the App folder, but in the parent project folder. The App folder is empty
2) When I open the .sln file, it's empty. The tutorial asks me to edit Package.appxmanifes, but I can't because it doesn't seem to have built.
Is there a configuration somewhere that's not correct? Perhaps Unity and VS aren't talking to eachother correctly? More Importantly, how do I fix it?
I had the same problem, for me it was that I didnt have the Windows 10 SDK installed as part of Visual Studio 2015 with Update 3, in the instructions there is a bit that says:
"If you choose a custom install, ensure that Tools (1.4) and Windows 10 SDK (10.0.10586) is enabled under Universal Windows App Development Tools node. All editions of Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 are supported, including Community."
If your hololens build completes successfully a file explorer window will pop open at the project level. If it fails you should find errors in the console tab of Unity.
The SLN file that is at the project level is a solution file that you can open in visual studio to edit unity code and attach to the unity editor to do real time debugging while running your solution in the editor. In fact if you click on a "CS" file in the project tab of Unity this is the solution that opens in visual studio.
The SLN file you are looking for is in the App folder. Once you open the SLN in visual studio set the configuration to Release and x86, and you should be able to target your build at either a "Remote Device" which is the hololens, or the hololens emulator if you have that installed.

the target "UpdateDesignTimeXaml" does not exit in the project error in Xamarin Studio

I am new to mobile application developing. When I was creating a new .xaml file in new solution in the Xamarin Studio.
It gave the error:
"the target "UpdateDesignTimeXaml" does not exit".
How can I resolve this problem?
Build errors can occur if you have updated the Xamarin.Forms nuget to a newer version that requires UpdateDesignTimeXaml.
Close and reopen Xamarin Studio.
Clean all and ReBuild your project.
A workaround for this is to remove the MSBuild:UpdateDesignTimeXaml from the Custom Tool of the xaml file properties in VS. Save, add MSBuild:UpdateDesignTimeXaml again and save again will force MSBuild to recreate the *g.cs file.
I had this with Visual Studio for Mac.
I fixed it by:
closing VS
manually deleting the packages, bin and obj folders
restart the project in VS
restore NuGet packages, build and run.
Got same issue in Visual Studio for Mac. Worked find with
closing VS
manually deleting the packages, bin and obj folders in both android folder and main folder
restart the project in VS
restore NuGet packages, build and run.

Compiling iOS projects for Windows Phone with Visual Studio 2015

I attended a Microsoft presentation recently where the speaker said that it would be possible to compile an iOS project for Windows Phone with the upcoming Visual Studio 2015. Great!
So I got the new Visual Studio 2015 RC and installed everything - not to miss anything.
On a Mac an XCode project is a .xcodeproj file but it is actually a folder structure - and that's how Windows sees it. Inside this folder structure there's a file called project.pbxproj but it is not recognized by Visual Studio when I try to open an existing project.
So the question is, how do I open an XCode project in Visual Studio 2015?
It is not included by default as it is not yet finished,
To open an Xcode project in Visual Studio is required to use the tool vsimporter.
This tool is present in open source bridge Project from Microsoft GitHub (
***Check the Readme file before to start
Using vsimporter
The vsimporter tool enables you to import your Xcode project into a new Visual Studio Universal Windows Platform (UWP) app project with Objective-C support.
To use the tool:
Download the prebuilt SDK from here and extract the files to a directory (for example c:\winobjc)
From a command prompt, navigate to the directory containing your Xcode project, for example c:\winobjc\samples\WOCCatalog
At the command prompt, run vsimporter.exe
c:\winobjc\samples\WOCCatalog> ..\..\bin\vsimporter.exe
A Visual Studio solution file is created in your current directory, double click this file to open your project in Visual Studio
Press Ctrl-F5 to build your app and run it on your PC.
You can also pass the -i option at the command line to run the vsimporter tool in interactive mode. Interactive mode lets you see and select the specific configurations of the Xcode project that you wish to import. By default vsimporter creates a Visual Studio solution that targets Windows 10. If you'd like to target Windows 8.1 (Phone or Store), use the -format option and specify one of winstore8.1, winphone8.1, or winstore10 (winstore10 is the default).
For help running vsimporter, use the -help option at the command line to see the full set of supported options.
To see the complete tutorial, please visit this link

Unity Project doesn't have solution file

I just started learning unity and I created a project. But my project doesn't have a sln file included in. Every time I create a C# script and open it in Xamarin Studio I can't have any intellisense.
Is it normal not to have sln file in unity project?
If not, how can I add solution file to project?
Why that happened?
If "Open C# Project" doesnt create the .sln file, try updating your external tools first.
In Unity, go to Edit > Preferences, and make sure that Visual Studio is selected as your preferred external editor.
This created the sln file for me.
I finally found the answer.
I closed Xamarin and inside Unity went Assets > Sync MonoDevelop Project Doing this created the two .sln projects: -csharp.sln and .sln
For people looking for answers on newer versions of Unity you may have to build your C# project.
To do this go into File > Build Settings then select the option Create Visual Studio Solution. Then build that and your file explorer will ask you for which folder you want your visual studio solution to be placed into. Then Visual Studio should behave correctly.
For people looking for answers on newer versions of Unity you may have to build your C# project.
First install windows build also in unity hub then select target platform to windows. and now you can see visual studio solution checkbox.
To do this go into File > Build Settings then select the option Create Visual Studio Solution. Then build that and your file explorer will ask you for which folder you want your visual studio solution to be placed into. Then Visual Studio should behave correctly.
Like the post by SSchmid suggests, go into preferences and have Visual Studio as your preferred editor.
I was having a sync issue and the Solution wasn't showing the name of the unity project, ultimately interrupting intellisence.
Found in my settings that the code editor was set to General and not Visual Studio specifically.
Setting it to VS solved it for me.
A screenshot to help those who are too lazy to read.

Issue with building the OpenCV sln file

I'm currently having trouble with building the OpenCV.sln file after generating them in Cmake. I am currently using windows 7 64 bit OS and VS 2010 Express. Also the OpenCV version I am using is 2.4.2 Once I open the OpenCV.sln file it would inform me that "solution folders are not supported in this version of the application".
Hitting the F5 button to build the .sln file would only yield in 8 successful build with the others tagged as failures. Is there anyway to fix this problem? thanks!
In the newest CMake there is a 'use solution folders' option. So before you generate, go to enable->solution folders and uncheck it.
Solution folders are only supported in the non-express versions of Visual Studio. I had the same problem when I first tried to install mine.
I used this tutorial to get OpenCV to work.
It's not the latest version, but it worked marvelously well.
