How can I use the viewport meta tag to scale fixed width layouts up to fit different screen widths - viewport

I am working on a fixed width legacy site and want to create a more optimal experience for tablet users by implementing a couple adaptive layouts. The first layout will be a 600px wide design and it will be displayed on devices with 600px - 768px screen widths. The second adaptive layout will be a 769px wide design and it will be displayed on devices with 769 - 1023 screen widths.
I want to know how I can use the viewport meta tag to make the designs scale up to fit into mobile browsers with widths larger than the original design.
For example, when the 600px design is viewed on a device with a 768px browser screen width, how can I make the smaller design take up the full width of the screen?
I have found a lot of information about adaptive layouts for websites with fluid grids, but nothing that specifically talks about the relationship between design width and viewport sizes for fixed width sites - at least not one that I can understand.

It is called responsive web development.
First step is to put below tag in your code inside head tag part.
For responsive design use media queries:
Now use the media queries, here is good example of media queries . Also learn how to use it.
Here is small snippet of code which will guide you how to use:-
.clear{ clear:both;}
/*this will work for desktop*/
#media only screen and (min-width: 801px){
#container {
margin: 0 auto;
/*this will work for tablet*/
#media only screen and (max-width: 800px) and (min-width: 521px)
#container {
margin: 0 auto;
/*this will work for mobile*/
#media only screen and (max-width: 520px) and (min-width: 320px)
#container {
margin: 0 auto;


hyperlink with background image: only scale down image if it's too large, otherwise use original

Fixed top navbar with brand logo for each client (logo configurable by client, size varies)
logo is background image for a brand hyperlink
Expected behavior
if logo is smaller than 60px, then show original logo;
if logo is larger than 60px, then scale it down to 60px wide
Have Tried
#logo {
background-position: left center !important;
background-repeat: no-repeat !important;
max-width: 60px;
hyperlink is not scaleable for some reason when apply different logo image backgrounds
if I add a width rule to #logo (width: 60px) to give it a static width, then large image will be cut off at 60px, not scaling down; then if apply small logos, there will be unused space on the right due to 60px static width
Fiddle link
click here to bootply

Logo display issue on safari ONLY

I am creating a website which has the following code in it.
<img class="ie_logo browser_logo" src="images/clientimages/logo/logo.gif">
The image is about 1000px width which is extreme but it needs to be. The problem is that it is only 52px width in Safari. It is correctly displaying in Chrome, Firefox, Opera and even in IE. I have been looking the entire evening for Safari hacks but everything I find also changes the output in the Chrome browser. When I remove the width 100% or basically the style part then it shows the entire image as it should in safari. But then it will no longer be responsive. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I have added the following to the style part above. Which makes it work but it is an ugly hack so I still would like to know how to do it properly.
This is the new code. I have used the screensizes from
#media screen and (min-width:310px) {.browser_logo{min-width:310px;}}
#media screen and (min-width:468px) {.browser_logo{min-width:468px;}}
#media screen and (min-width:750px) {.browser_logo{min-width:750px;}}
#media screen and (min-width:989px) {.browser_logo{min-width:989px;}}
#media screen and (min-width:1010px) {.browser_logo{min-width:1010px;}}
#media screen and (min-width:1117px) {.browser_logo{min-width:1117px;}}
#media screen and (min-width:1245px) {.browser_logo{min-width:1245px;}}
#media screen and (min-width:1405px) {.browser_logo{min-width:1405px;}}
#media screen and (min-width:1645px) {.browser_logo{min-width:1645px;}}
#media screen and (min-width:1885px) {.browser_logo{min-width:1885px;}}
<img class="ie_logo browser_logo" src="images/clientimages/logo/logo.gif">
Why not just set .browser_logo { width:100%; } instead of using all of those media queries?
Perhaps it would be easier to understand what you were trying to do if you put it in a jsfiddle, or showed us the live link?

Different viewport in IE10 for desktops versus tablets

My site has a fluid design between 800px and 1280px. (I appreciate many display resolutions exceed this now).
In 10 inch tablets the site displays best with a viewport width set at 800px allowing the tablet to scale this to its window size. This way fonts are a decent size and images are not much affected by blurring given the small display.
Desktop browsers ignore the viewport meta tag and display between 800px and 1280px, and a background beyond this.
IE10 on Windows 8 however implements the viewport tag on both desktops and tablets and therefore implements the 800px layout on desktops. This results in unacceptably blurred images and giant text on larger displays.
Using CSS the best I approach I have been able to find is something like this (assuming the Windows Surface has a width of 1366px):
#media screen and (max-width: 1023px) {
#-ms-viewport { width: 800px; }
#media screen and (min-width: 1024px) and (max-width: 1366px) {
#-ms-viewport { width: 1024px; }
#media screen and (min-width: 1367px) {
#-ms-viewport { width: device-width; }
This still means desktops will have zoomed images and text unless the display exceeds 1366px resolution. Using max-device-width in the media query does not seem to offer much given that the Surface has a similar native resolution to many desktops.
Alternatively, I could detect the tablet and set the viewport width with Javascript or detect it with PHP and deliver a different stylesheet.
No doubt there is a better way to do this, preferably with CSS?
Thanks, appreciate any suggestions.

Background images and gradient for IE10

I have multiple backgrounds with a gradient, and its working for Firefox, Chrome and Safari, with certain media querys for mobile devices.
As usual the problem is Internet Explorer. I used to have a conditional stylesheet for IE where I just loaded a single background image, but as far as I know, IE10 wont support < !--If IE--> in my CSS.
Ideally I would like to get the css3 gradient and separate background images working on all browsers, I'v been happy to use a single background image for all IE browsers, but so far the single background image wont work for IE.
CSS in main style.css
font:14px 'questrialregular', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
url(../img/bknd_img5), -webkit-gradient(radial, 50% 20%, 0, center center, 500, from(#c0deff), to(#509deb));
url(../img/bknd_img5.png), -moz-radial-gradient(center center, circle contain, #c0deff, #509deb);
background-position:top right, top left, center bottom, bottom right, left bottom;
background-repeat: no-repeat, no-repeat, no-repeat, no-repeat, no-repeat;
CSS for Internet Explorer: style-ie.css
font:14px 'questrialregular', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
background-image: url('img/bknd_full_img.jpg');
background-position:center top;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
The problem is that you only give the gradient and multiple background to WebKit (using the old syntax) and Firefox (using the slightly newer syntax). There is no way that either IE or Opera can display the gradients or multiple backgrounds as you don't supply their prefixes or the none prefixed version.
IE10 implements gradients using the latest and final syntax, without prefixes. The latest Opera does too, and so does recent Firefox. IE10 doesn't need your conditional comment code, as it will work the same way as the other browsers.
The radial gradient should become something like:
radial-gradient(circle closest-side at center, #c0deff, #509deb);
More details on the syntax changes can be found on the IE blog [0] and the spec [1]
[0] ,

How to display an image as your whole webpage?

I did give a search before I started to ask this question as it is a very simple question. I have an image and I would like to have it as the only element on our webpage. There is no other content as this image conveys what we want to convey. Now we would also like to resize itself depending upon the device it is being displayed. I hope this is achievable through HTML though I would like to know if there is any other options.
Thank you,
What you're looking for is the background-size property. By applying background-size:cover to your <body>, the image will resize itself accordingly regardless of viewport dimensions.
Note: Your image may clip with the use of cover.
An alternative value for background-size can also be contain. If you apply background-size:contain instead, it'll still resize the image accordingly just as the former would.
Note: While this approach promises to never clip the image, it'll also show negative/dead space as well (which sometimes isn't ideal).
Your CSS should reflect the following:
body {
background-image: url('bg.jpg');
background-position: center center;
background-size: cover; /* or background-size: contain */
You can use an image as a web resource (“page”). You could simply link to it using something like href="test.jpg", or you could announce its URL directly. Browsers will display it somehow, possibly scaling it to fit browser window width.
The next simpler, and better, approach is to use a page with just an img element as its content. It can be made to scale to browser window width by setting its width to 100% (in HTML or in CSS). This way, it will keep its width:height proportion when scaled. The quality of scaling in browsers varies but is generally good, unless you scale upwards a lot. In this approach, the inherent width of the image should be sufficiently large (say 2,000 pixels) to avoid considerable upwards scaling.
To remove default spacing around the image (default page margins), it’s simplest to use CSS.
Example (with “...” to be replaced by useful information):
<!doctype html>
<meta charset=utf-8>
html, body { margin: 0; padding: 0; }
<img src="demo.jpg" alt="..." width="100%">
Set it as a background-image and use the appropriate background-size (e.g. contain):
html {
height: 100%;
body {
background: url('to/your/image.png') no-repeat;
background-size: contain;
Here's a demo.
I use this:
margin: 0;
