Can't get EAR package structure correctly with Maven - maven

I got a simple maven project and yet frustratingly fail for hours to get it right. The project contains 1 parent module, and 2 submodules (one for ear-packaging, the other for an ejb). Building works successfully, but the ear-packing just doesn't work as expected:
Now when I look into the packaged folder I see this structure:
What I expected however was this structure:
So basically I wanted the ejb outside of the other libraries. These other 3 libraries come from the ejb-module which requires the javaee-api dependency for annotations. Unfortunately it also collects transitive the javax.mail.jar, activation.jar.
Now I really don't know why the structure just doesn't work as expected, by all means I tried to follow this guide step by step.

Ok, after I checked out a project from various maven archetypes I found the error... the minimal error... it's always a minimal error costing huge amounts of time...
In the dependencies section of the ear file, where I define my ejb as dependency, just add this:
so it's:
Afterwards it works correctly. Obviously it is wrong on the IBM page and on many other pages. Besides I found out the following section is also outdated, and can be completely removed from the ear-plugin section:


Remove test dependencies from deployed POM

I have a fairly typical pom.xml which builds a jar:
<project xmlns=""
I thought it'd be nice to remove the test dependencies (junit-jupiter and its dependencies) from the copy of the POM which is deployed with the jar, just to avoid imposing them on users of the jar. After all, test code isn't included in the deployed jar, so it shouldn't matter to users of the jar how the tests are written.
I figured this would be a common use case for maven-shade-plugin. But this use case doesn't seem to be mentioned in its documentation. And I wasn't able to make the shade plugin remove the junit-jupiter dependency from the reduced POM.
Is there a straightforward way to remove dependencies from the deployed POM? Am I worrying about nothing?
I saw this question, but it seems to be about removing test dependency contents from the uber jar. In my case, I'm not actually creating an uber jar. I'm just trying to use the shade plugin for its ability to rewrite the POM.
If you want to remove unnecessary parts from the deployed POM, you can use the flatten maven plugin:
One of the features is to remove the test dependencies.

Not include src/lib/*.jar in war file

I want when run
mvn verify
to include all files from /lib/ folder to war archive in folder 'web-inf/lib`
So here my pom.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
in console:
mvn verify
But in war NOT INCLUDE some-lib-0.0.1.jar
in war in \target\myapp-1.0-SNAPSHOT.war\WEB-INF\lib\ -> not exist "some-lib-0.0.1.jar", but all other dependencies included.
Maven war plugin automatically copies all the project dependencies into WEB-INF/lib. So if your war needs a dependency just put the relevant GAV into the dependency section of this module.
In your pom, you have a dependency on:
So it will be automatically included appear in WEB-INF/lib of your WAR.
Now it doesn't work like this with dependencies in scope system and this is a root cause of the issue here.
Long story short, this question has been already asked/answered in SO.
Bottom line, I suggest getting rid of system dependency and placing it at least in the local repo or ideally in some proxy like Nexus or Artifactory. But of course, you're welcome to test other approaches suggested in the provided link.
This fix problem:
Here correct approach:
first install "some-lib-0.0.1.jar" in local maven repo:
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=myproject\lib\some-lib-0.0.1 -DartifactId=some-lib -Dversion=0.0.1 -Dpackaging=jar
and second in pom.xml
Also I found another approach:
Create a “lib” folder under your project like this: “\src\main\webapp\WEB-INF\lib”
Copy needed “jars” etc that you want included inside your WAR bundle folder.
Invoke your maven build as you normally do. I use “mvn install”, which creates builds the war file

Maven + OSGi bundle build complication

I'm currently developing an OSGi based application (using Felix). In this project, there are bundles depending on other bundles. In the past we were using Ant script to compile and build everything, and now we want to mavenize this, however the task is not trivial at all.
Here is the folder structure I have:
-- pom.xml
-- someProject
--- pom.xml
-- org.apache.felix
--- pom.xml
-- org.apache.activemq
--- pom.xml
-- org.apache.log4j
--- pom.xml
-- org.snake.yaml
--- pom.xml
-- ...
Obviously, the root POM is supposed to build everything here, and the individual POMs simply describe the bundles. I also have MANIFEST.MF files in each bundle (not auto-generated). I must say that we don't want to get the stuff from the common repository, but rather to have our own local one.
Right now, I am not using any plugin like maven-bundle-plugin and I am trying to do this myself. However I get a lot of errors, which are mostly package does not exist errors. Therefore I suspect I am doing something wrong. After looking around in the forum, I noticed that a lot of people have been using the maven-bundle-plugin, so I also started to consider to do so. However, the official website could help me only until a certain point, then I got stuck.
So long story short, I'd like to have a functional pom.xml which can at least compile. It may also generate the MANIFEST.MF automatically, would be nice, however, I am not sure how should I proceed.
So far I came up with this pom.xml (of someProject1):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
and pom.xml of org.apache.felix:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
and the MANIFEST.MF I have is:
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2
Bundle-Name: Shared Felix Console Extension
Bundle-SymbolicName: shared.cmd.felix
Bundle-Version: 1.0.0
Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment: JavaSE-1.7
Bundle-ClassPath: .,
Export-Package: shared.cmd.ext
Import-Package: shared,
Require-Bundle: org.apache.felix;bundle-version="1.0.0",
however, I get errors like:
[ERROR] /shared/shared.cmd.felix/src/shared/cmd/ext/[11,40] package org.apache.felix.service.command does not exist
[ERROR] /shared/shared.cmd.felix/src/shared/cmd/ext/[15,19] cannot find symbol
Now, if I want to change this to a state which can utilize maven-bundle-plugin, how could it be? I came up with this, but don't know if this corresponds to the one I have above:
<Export-Package>--WHAT TO PUT HERE?--</Export-Package>
<Private-Package>--WHAT TO PUT HERE?-</Private-Package>
<Bundle-Activator>--WHAT TO PUT HERE?-</Bundle-Activator>
<Export-Service>--WHAT TO PUT HERE?-</Export-Service>
and more importantly, do I need to insert everything there? Can't I skip some of those, such as Export-Service? And what happened to the local paths that I was entering above, why doesn't the plugin have these? Does it automatically find them or?
Could someone help me out with this? I would appreciate any contribution.
Thanks in advance.
Assuming you are using bnd-maven-plugin, you don't add dependencies at all in your bnd.bnd file. You only add them in pom.xml in the standard Maven way. Follow any standard Maven tutorial for this.
If you are getting errors from the Java compiler about unknown packages, then it just means you have missed a build dependency in pom.xml.
Given your starting point I think it would be easiest to begin building your project as a plain Java project... don't worry about OSGi at all yet! This will make sure that you have all the compile-time dependencies you need, and again you can use any standard Maven tutorial if you get stuck.
Once you have a plain Java project that actually builds, then you can add in the bnd-maven-plugin in order to turn your JARs into bundles.
Full disclosure: I am the original author of the bnd-maven-plugin.
It is very difficult to do all the package imports and exports by hand. Even if you achieve it the code will be very brittle as you would have to adapt to all refactorings. If you then also want to do the package uses clauses by hand you are totally screwed.
I have used the maven-bundle-plugin as well as the bnd-maven-plugin. Both work great. If you project is designed well then you will not need much config at all.
The tasklist-ds example shows how to apply this to a complete tree of bundles.
I configure the maven-bundle-plugin only in the parent pom. The actual config is done in bnd.bnd files that are imported.
You can start by keeping them empty. Then look at the bundles that are generated. You can then tune the imports and export but try to keep those special configs to a minimum.

Maven ear problem

I'm finishing my project build (with maven), and it's working great. Now I just have to "pack it", as an ear.
All I need to do is pack 3 dependencies, one .jar and 2 .war. Don't ask me how, that was the way it was done before (with ant), and I'm translating it to maven - next I'll organize the packages, so we can be more productive.
However, I'm having a few problems. First, the package is named null-${version}.ear. It copies itself right to the repository, but in the target folder is wrongly named. And second, it's copying all the other packages dependencies. I want to know what can I do about the null name, and the copying of the packages.
Here is my pom:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<name>Projeto CoreISP</name>
First of all remove the element from your POM, the property is what gives you the "null" name.
As to ensure that transitive dependencies do not end up in your EAR I suggest you specify explicitly in your POM what you do want and what you do not want. In order to keep a dependency out all you need to do is define it in your POM with a scope of provided. I know it's a painful job, but in my opinion it's worth it, to ensure that you get exactly what you want.

Why does maven not copy the properties files during the build process?

Nothing I've found has been able to help me solve this one specific case. I recently switched from a plain old java web app project (which was working) to a maven web project. I get the following runtime exception:
java.util.MissingResourceException: Can't find bundle for base name com.myapp.config, locale en
I am using Netbeans to create a JSF 2.0, Spring, and Hibernate web app. I have the following directory structure:
src\main\java\com\myapp Contains
src\main\resources Empty
target\myapp\WEB-INF\classes\com\myapp Contains compiled class files without
src\main\java\com\myapp Contains
Inspection of the WAR file in the target folder does not show any sign of the properties file so it's as if the Maven build plug-in is not copying over properties files. I know there is a tag you can place inside the pom but it didn't work for me. The link below mentions that the resources folder (empty for me) has its contents included during the build but if that is the case, how do you do it from Netbeans? I just want the properties file to be packaged with my war so it is accessible when it is deployed to the server.
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<name>Repository hosting the Java EE 6 artifacts</name>
<!-- javaee6 contains upgrades of APIs contained within the JDK itself.
As such these need to be placed on the bootclasspath, rather than classpath of the
If you don't make use of these new updated API, you can delete the profile.
On non-SUN jdk, you will need to create a similar profile for your jdk, with the similar property as sun.boot.class.path in Sun's JDK.-->
Maven doesn't copy resources from the java source tree by default, but you can get it do that by adding this to your pom.xml:
Make sure you exclude the java source files.
What is your project's build path configured to be in Netbeans? You might try changing it to src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/classes. This way class files compiled from your src/main/java folder and any resources you have under src/main/resources should get included in the generated WAR. You would then be able to access your file if you place it under the src/main/resources folder.
You might also review any includes sections in your pom.xml and ensure you're not accidentally excluding something (if you explicitly include some things, you're likely implicitly excluding everything else).
By default maven will include all files under resources folder. If your properties files are not in the resource folder, then you need to include the following in the pom.xml file under the build section.
/* other tags like <plugins> goes here */
/* other tags like <plugins> goes here */
Try putting your under src\main\resources\com\myapp. I was able to test this on a local project. I'm running Maven 3.0.2.
Created a mvn sample project with the webapp archetype:
mvn archetype:generate -DartifactId=my-webapp -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-webapp
Created a directory at src/main/resources/com/foo and put a file under it.
Ran a build:
mvn clean install
Then, when looking in the resulting target directory, the file appears:
ls -al target/my-webapp/WEB-INF/classes/com/foo/
-rw-r--r-- 1 sblaes staff 4 Apr 2 22:09
You might try those steps on your machine. If that works, then start trying to simplify your POM above by removing things from it to see if it starts working. Trial and error is no fun, but I just don't see anything above that should be breaking it.
Huge gotcha for this:
when your resources are in "test/resources" (e.g. .properties files for tests)
maven doesn't copy them to target, so they're not in the classpath
Check whether your "packaging" is set to "pom" in the pom.xml:
Fix is:
change your packaging to "jar" or "war" instead
