Injecting property using #Value to abstract class - spring

I have an abstract class in which I am trying to use the #Value annotation to inject value from a property file
public abstract class Parent {
#Value ("${shared.val}")
private String sharedVal;
public Parent() {
//perform common action using sharedVal
public class ChildA extends Parent {
Param a1;
public ChildA (Param a1) {
this.a1 = a1;
I am getting NullPointerException since sharedVal is not set. I tried adding #Component stereotype on the abstract class and still the same thing.
Can I inject value into abstract class this way? If not how can accomplish this?

I think you'll find the sharedVal is being set, but you're trying to use it too soon in the constructor. The constructor is being called (must be called) before Spring injects the value using the #Value annotation.
Instead of processing the value in the constructor, try a #PostContruct method instead, eg:
void init() {
//perform common action using sharedVal
(or alternatively, implement Spring's InitializingBean interface).

Can I inject value into abstract class this way?
Abstract classes cannot be instantiated, so nothing can be injected into the abstract class. Instead , you should inject the value to its concrete subclass.
Make sure your concrete subclass is marked as #Component stereotype and being "component scanning" by Spring . #Component on the abstract class is not needed as it cannot be instantiated.
Update : I finally figure out that you are trying to access the injected value inside the constructor but found that the value is not set. It is because Spring will inject the value after the bean is instantiated . So if constructor injection is not used , the injected value cannot be accessed inside the constructor . You can use #PostContruct or implementing InitializingBean as suggested by Matt.
Following shows if XML configuration is used :
<context:property-placeholder location="" ignore-unresolvable="true" />
<bean id="parent" class="pkg.Parent" abstract="true" init-method="postConstruct">
<property name="sharedVal" value="${shared.val}" />
<bean id="child" class="pkg.ChildA" parent="parent">
Perform your common action using sharedVal inside Parent#postConstruct()


Not able to inject values in a field

#PropertySources({ #PropertySource("") })
public class A implements B {
private String teamAddress;
// has getter and setters .not shown for brevity.
Now when i call the class i get the value of teamAddress as NULL .But in the property file has some value.
My property file is present under src/main/resource folder
Making a call
A a = new A ();
You can not create instance of class by yourself when you want Spring to resolve #Value annotation.
See documentation:
Note that actual processing of the #Value annotation is performed by a BeanPostProcessor which in turn means that you cannot use #Value within BeanPostProcessor or BeanFactoryPostProcessor types. Please consult the javadoc for the AutowiredAnnotationBeanPostProcessor class (which, by default, checks for the presence of this annotation).
Simple solution for you: just annotate class with any #Component annotation and let Spring to create an instance of your class.
You can't create (with a "new" keywoard) for spring bean. If you do it like this, spring doesn't participate in the object creation and configuration, which means that there is no autowiring, the bean is not in Application Context, etc. And of course, #Value annotation won't be processed among other things
The better way is to inject the class A to the code that you used in your example:
A a = new A ();
Show become:
public class SomeClass {
private final A a;
public SomeClass(A a) {
this.a = a;
public void foo() {
You should read some basics around spring dependency injection. The class that you have autowired with #Component is scanned via component scanning and its object is created by spring container for you.
that is the reason you should not create the object yourself using new keyword.
wherever in your new class you want to use your class A object you can autowire it as below:
public class TestC{
private A a; // this object will be injected by spring for you

Spring Autowired annotation with service implementation

I have few doubts in the scenario below.
Having one interface and two implementation classes:
interface ServiceInt
public void save();
First implementation class:
Public class ServiceIntImpOne implements ServiceInt
public void save()
// I am first service implementation
Second implementation class:
Public class ServiceIntImpTwo implements ServiceInt
public void save()
// I am Second service implementation
Main class calling the save method of an implementation class:
Public class controller
#Autowired ServiceInt;
public void save()
My Questions: – which save method of service class implementation will it invoke?
How we can use the save method implementation of the ServiceIntImpTwo class?
How does autowired work? – which save method of service class implementation
will it invoke?
If you have two beans of the same type (beans defined via annotations or via xml) when you autowire that beans it will fail (throw exception), because Spring don't know what bean to inject.
caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException:
No unique bean of type [ServiceInt] is defined:
How we can use the save method implementation of the ServiceIntImpTwo
If you defined your bean in a xml file, then you can use the id property
<bean id="beanTwo" class="ServiceIntImpTwo" />
then you can autowire using Qualifier annotation
ServiceInt myServiceTwo;
if you are using annotations instead.
Class ServiceIntImpTwo impl...{}
Then you can autowire
#Qualifier("serviceIntImpTwo ")
ServiceInt myServiceTwo;
How does autowired work?
This you can read it on Internet.
If you have two implementation to one interface you will need to provide spring hint which one to use:
you can use #Qaulifier annotation
you can use #Profile and choose the active profile.

What are advantages of spring DAOSupport

I read about Spring framework's DAOSupport classes. But I could not understand the advantages of these DAOSuport classes. In DAOSupport classes we call getXXXTemplate() method to get the specific template object and then use it further for DB access.
Even without extending DAOSupport we can inject XXXTemplate in our class.
Rest of this things will remain same.
Then what is advantage of extending DAOSupport class?
EDIT:- Adding example
Class extends spring's SimpleJdbcDaoSupport
public class JdbcDao extends SimpleJdbcDaoSupport {
public int create(Bb obj) {
getSimpleJdbcTemplate().update("insert into ..... ") //insert query
Bean of this class can be defined as :-
<bean id="jdbcDao" class="">
<property name="dataSource"><ref local="dataSource"/></property>
We can create a custom class without extending SimpleJdbcDaoSupport which will have property of type JdbcTemplate
public class MyDAO {
public myJdbcTemplate; // ant its getter and setter
public int create(Bb obj) {
getMyJdbcTemplate().update("insert into ..... ") //insert query
It's bean wil be defined as :-
<bean id="jdbcDao" class="MyDAO">
<property name="myJdbcTemplate"><ref local="jdbcTemplateBean"/></property>
As you can see both classes do same thing. While extending SimpleJdbcDaoSupport we are injecting DataSource and without it we are injecting directly jdbcTemplate bean. That's it. No more difference.
So I do not see any much advantage with this much use of DAOSupport classes. Any additional functionality given by DAOSupport classes ?
When you use HibernateDAOSupport you can see the difference.
1. Config the transaction to optimize the performance of the application on the applicationContext :
select : read only
create/update : read and write.
You use one session only(with getHibernateTemplate() and the sessionFactory)
When we update some data on the database we do only merge the modifications whith the method impleted on HibernateDAOSupport.
There are many method already implemented on the DAOSupport and we can use this to our need.

Autowired not working as expected

I'm using Spring Roo and want to access a bean within of Controller class which has following configuration in applicationContext.xml:
<bean class="" id="jobsConfiguration" autowire="byType">
<property name="skipWeeks" value="4" />
The configuration class itself is:
public class Configuration {
private int skipWeeks;
public void setSkipWeeks(int value) {
System.out.println("SkipWeeks set auf: " + value);
this.skipWeeks = value;
public int getSkipWeeks() {
return this.skipWeeks;
In my Controller I thought that a simple Autowired annotation should do the job
public class SomeController extends Controller {
private config;
During startup Spring prints the message within the setSkipWeeks method. Unfortunately whenever I call config.getSkipWeeks() within the controller it returns 0.
Have I to use the getBean method of the ApplicationContext instance or is there some better way?
autowire="byType" is redundant. It indicates that fields of the Configuration class should be autowired, and you have just one primitive. So remove that attribute.
Apart from that, config.getSkipWeeks() must return 4 unless:
you are using a different instance (made by you with new)
you have called the setter somewhere with a value of 0

struts 2 action class instance variable initialization

I am currently working a existing project.It's using Struts 2 + Spring 2.5.
There is one action class, let's call it, inside which, there is a instance variable which is a service interface, like,
class ActionA{
protected ServiceAInterface serviceA;
//action methods, utilizing serviceA methods
in spring bean definitions, there is a definition, as <bean id="serviceA" class=""/>
I didn't find anywhere else related to initialization of the serviceA variable, and really wondering, which part finds out the correct implementation class for this variable, and initialize it?
It really puzzle me. Thanks for any enlightenment.
One way is to define service bean as
<bean id="serviceA" class=""/>
<bean id="actionClassA" class="">
<property name="serviceA" ref="serviceA"/>
and then in your class, write setter and getter for your service class.
class ActionA{
protected ServiceAInterface serviceA;
//action methods, utilizing serviceA methods
public ServiceAInterface getServiceA() {
return this.serviceA;
public void setServiceA(ServiceAInterface serviceA)
this.serviceA = serviceA;
Thats it. Service class bean will be initilized by spring during application start up and its reference will be assigned to your action class.
