Xcode not recognizing directory structure - xcode

I've recently downloaded GPUImage which is made up of one large directory containing the framework and various sample projects within it. Usually when I run a project it's simply one folder containing the project and everything works fine. However, when I run one of the sample projects within GPUImage, it's not recognizing the provisioning profile. When I move the sample project out of the GPUImage folder on its own, the provisioning profile error goes away, but then I get a bunch of new errors about it not being able to find the framework and other things (I messed around with moving stuff around but it turned into a disaster).
I'm wondering, is there a path somewhere that I need to change to get Xcode to work like normal when running a sample project from within the GPUImage directory so I don't get the provisioning profile error?

The problem was, somewhere along the line I deleted my team provisioning profile! Didn't realize it, but I was also unable to run any other sample projects that weren't created by me.


Xcode keeps deleting 2 files

I have an Xcode project using Xcode 8. I am using Swift if that helps/matters.
A few days ago after really not changing that much except a few funcs in one VC I tried to rerun my app and it had an error (I can't remember what it said unfortunately...but when I google'd it said basically that there was a file missing)
I located what the files were and just copied all changes into a blank project and deleted the file and pulled from Github a clean version and re adde the few funcs I added.
Everything was great and nice, until yesterday I noticed 2 yellow warnings.
I clicked the "Issue Navigator" and it is saying
TestApp project missing file
TestApp.debug.xcconfig is missing
Pods project missing file
pods - TestAPP.debug.xcconfig is missing
I realize that files just don't randomly disappear, but honestly I did not touch anything other than the Storyboard and the one ViewController File I am working on.
Why does Xcode keep deleting my files?
Is this project savable or do I need to start it over (is it corrupt?)
My project also is using Firebase.
xcconfig files are used to separate out build configuration information. Those errors are showing that you're missing entries corresponding to a debug build.
Nothing should be touching them. Only three possibilities come to mind:
You didn't create debug configs in the first place, but have tried to use them somehow.
Your path configurations are placing these in a directory that's getting wiped out when you clean/rebuild your app.
The project directory is under git control and you're doing something with git that removes the files.
Here's a screenshot showing I have two configs under my Pods project, one for "release" and one for "debug".
You might try setting up your project and making sure you see the debug configs listed. If so, see where they're kept and so on to diagnose what's going on. Otherwise, you just haven't created them.
My guess is that the files are not actually missing in any serious way. It's a bug related to use of git (as you say, the files came thru GitHub, so we know the project is tracked thru a git repository). The files were removed, but this is in fact not a problem. If that's right, then, as I explain at https://stackoverflow.com/a/39715083/341994, you can solve this simply by doing a git add or git commit of these files. That will cause Xcode to become happy and the warnings will go away.

Automated tests in one project run in a different directory

I am running a set of tests for work that I inherited from the prior testing. Most of the tests run fine from the central bin directory. One project, however, always fails because the current binary location (as seen by checking the value at Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location) is showing up in temp directory like "TestResults\username_OPSNASJVJBX06 2016-02-18 11_40_06\Out\" off of the solution directory instead of in bin. I've tried recompiling. I've tried changing the project settings. I've tried modifying TestSettings.testsettings as per a handful of other people who've run into this issue. None of it is solving my problem. The most frustrating part is that this did work about two weeks ago, but I couldn't figure out what I'd done to fix it, and it later seemed to revert back to using this directory.
I have checked the project settings and not only are all of the test projects set to export to the ..\bin folder, but this test project's files show up there correctly.
As it turns out, the project was not set to use the TestSettings.testsettings. The path was absolute, not relative, so when I copied it to the test box, the link broke, quietly turning off use of TestSettings.testsettings.

Corona Enterprise Xcode proj runs in simulator, but fails to archive "app_sign cannot resign <myapp>"

I'm at the point where I'm ready to build, but when I try to archive the project I get the following error in xcode:
app_sign cannot resign
App. Please remove and then build
Does anyone know why this is happening?
In build settings I've tried leaving the code signing identity blank, and tried it with the correct distribution profile.
I've tried with and without the provisioning profile specified.
I've tried deleting the whole file in my DerivedData folder.
It would seem that this is the line in question that causes the problem:
"$TOOL_PATH" app_sign sign "$SHARED_RESOURCE_DIR/developerkey.cert"
But I don't know enough about what it's doing here to think of the solution. If I build the sample app that comes with Corona Enterprise still builds fine, but my own app still fails.
It turned out that the problem was to do with the xcode.proj file itself. Not sure what the cause was, it seemed to be keeping a reference to a file which no longer existed, rather than the new build.
I made a new project, copied all of my own source files across but left the new proj files in, and then it built successfully.

Eclipse - bin Folder keeps creating itself

This is a long one, but please, bear with me. I really need help here.
I use Eclipse (latest version) to play with some programs of my own. During installation (?), it asked me where I'd like to put in my Workspace folder. I set it to default, but, not wanting to dig through Documents and such (I have my own Documents folder on another drive), I made sure that every project I have is condensed into one "Projects" folder, not in the Workspace. My "Projects" folder contains every program I've coded so far, from C# to Java, as well as the necessary tools, like the Eclipse folder.
It worked fine for me, until I decided I want to do another project. So, I navigated to my "Projects" folder, and then created it there.
Now for some reason, Eclipse treated the directory I navigated to as my project folder. As in, new folders like bin, src, etc. started popping up in my otherwise organized folder. Visual Studio does not have this problem, and actually creates a new folder for your project under whatever directory you set it to.
So I, in a 'Monday blues' move, went into Eclipse and deleted my project. Eclipse wasted no time in deleting my entire "Projects" folder and everything in it - including itself, apparently. Gah.
I quickly closed Eclipse, but it kept saying something about 'Saving Workspace' which I assumed meant "Don't close me yet, I'm still deleting your files."
I thought I was being sensible when I terminated it via the Task Manager. It stopped deleting my stuff, but out of the dozen or so programs, I only managed to save three.
Wanting to start over again, I deleted (what's left of) my Eclipse, so I can 'install' it again, and let it have its way of where to create projects and save my files, so that this doesn't happen again. Unfortunately, one folder keeps returning no matter how many times I delete it. The aforementioned bin folder, a name that needs at least two adjectives and the suffix "Of the Damned."
So, to summarize:
I lost majority of my programs.
I lost my Eclipse.
And folder 'Bin' keeps popping up.
And so I'd like to ask:
Can I recover my files?
How can I setup Eclipse so that it creates a new project folder when I create a new project instead of treating the directory as the project folder?
How can I permanently get rid of that haunted Bin folder?
If anyone an help out here, thank you so much. This has easily been one of my worst Mondays.
As of now, I have tried:
Restarting my PC (didn't work, Bin Folder is still there)
Downloading and running a new copy of Eclipse (didn't work either)
I have struggles also on my Eclipse for the past few weeks. I answer each of your question below, hope that helps.
Can I recover my files? - If your programs are not physically removed from disk, you can add it back when you have your Eclipse running
How can I setup Eclipse so that it creates a new project folder when I create a new project instead of treating the directory as the project folder? - Create your project by clicking File->New->Android Application Project (if android). Then input the application name,etc. Click Next and uncheck create project in workspace, from there you can have your own location or directory of your project.
How can I permanently get rid of that haunted Bin folder? - In may case, I downloaded a fresh copy of Eclipse. I used the adt bundle which can be downloaded here: http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html
the sad news is, that Eclipse does not just delete the projects into the bin, like it would happen with the "delete" by clicking on the folder and manually deleting it. You could try with recovery software, but it is not an assurance it will work, or recover all your lost data.
For the more of it, in the Bin folder that is made automatically in any Java project, you get compiled classes which are what gets packaged/archived into any jars that are created.(I hope this makes sense, I couldn't find a better way to explain myself.)
For the set-up of Eclipse I would have a look at the page of Eclipse, maybe a forum, or a FAQ is there.
I for instance use Netbeans, which does from the start always create a new folder for the new projects.
I hope I could somehow help!Here a little link to a recovery software that has a good reputation: http://www.piriform.com/recuva
Kind regards,
DomExtra edit: Version Control is an awesome tool to save your buttex from trouble like this ;)

Renaming a Project Causing Provisioning Erros

I did a major restructuring of my app, and decided the easiest way to do this, was to create a new project with a new name. After everything was working, I went in and renamed the project but now I get "A valid provisioning profile for this executable was not found."
I went into my app-info.plist and ensured that my CFBundleIdentifier is the same. I confirmed that the Project Name is the same, and that the built app is the same. I confirmed in my Build Settings that it shows my Distribution Profile.
This is the first time I've completely rewritten the app this way, is there something I've missed?
Have you tried cleaning both projects? (cmd+shift+k)
