How to prevent stopping IIS in VS 2013? - visual-studio

I'm using VS 2013 preview for web development.
When I click F5, the website is running. But when I press stop button in VS, it shuts down IIS server (in VS 2012 everything's fine). It's a huge inconvenience, cos every time you place minor changes to markup or whatever you have to press F5 instead of just click "Ctrl+S" and refresh the browser.

This seems to be due to the Enable edit and continue option being checked by default in the Project Properties > Web > Debuggers section. Disabling it has solved the problem for me.

I have exactly the setup you are talking about. In order to do this, you can set up your project as follows:
In your Project Properties, Select the Web tab
Change the Start Action to "Don't open a page"
Now you can start your application using CTRL + F5 (start without debugging) to launch your application and use it without the debugger running. If you want the debugger, you can still hit F5 to start it up, but stopping debugging doesn't shut down the instance. It's great for making HTML changes in particular.
That said, I don't have "Enable Edit and Continue" checked either, as per Xaviers answer.


Visual Studio 2019: Start Page instead of Start Window

Visual Studio introduced a blocking Start Window instead of a non-blocking Start Page.
Considering how extensible Visual Studio is, is there a way to have VS2019 display a non-blocking Start Page.
The new Start Window is quite annoying, less informative, displays all projects, not just solutions, pinning is not up to previous standards, and no additional information. Most annoying is the blocking aspect.
I am thinking that there is some sort of extension or setting that Microsoft has somewhere, which can re-enable the Start Page and disable the Start Window.
Alternatively if it is not possible, is it possible to just disable the start window and have the main application appear, when the app starts or when a user closes a solution/project?
Another hope with this post is that Microsoft sees this request and maybe modifies their code and offers users an option at the start, much like color theme and default code set, as to whether they want app blocking or app non-blocking for the start area.
In Tools > Options > Environment > Startup > On startup, open: select "Empty environment".
Visual Studio will start without showing the modal Start Window.
Start Page on startup extension restores the traditional Start Page in VS 2019.
Start Page: Please give it back! and Make the Visual Studio 2019 start window non-modal are open issues concerning your other points.

Skip debug points - visual studio

I have a application. Some times I need to put many breakpoints. I know usage of F5, F10, F11 to navigate between line of code. If I want to bypass all the breakpoints for time being but want to keep all breakpoints alive for future, how can I do this?
Use Debug->Windows->Breakpoints window, you may disable (by using checkbox) or delete any/all breakpoints from there. You may also configure custom VS shortcut for this VS 2012 Add Shortcuts for "Disable all breakpoints" and "Enable all breakpoints"?.
Alternatively if you use local IIS you may run application without debugger attached, then if you want to start debugging use Debug->Attach to, select w3p.exe and start debugging (I use this setup often).

Attach debugger not working for Azure Websites in visual studio 2015

Attach debugger not working for Azure Websites in visual studio 2015
I am getting Below error
Please help
Microsoft Visual Studio
Unable to configure remote debugger.
Could not load properties
Could not load app settings
Could not load connection strings
I cringed for this problem for about 3 hours. The solution was to manually attach the debugger through Visual Studio's "Attach to Process".
Here are the steps.
1) Let's enter to Azure's portal #, and head to your App Services directory (as shown in the image).
2) Click on the App you would like to debug.
3) Click Settings or All Settings (both will launch the "All Settings" blade)
4) Go to Application Settings and scroll down. In there you will see "Remote Debugging". It is very important to check that this is turned on, as the image show. Select your appropriate Visual Studio version. Note, that if you're visiting from the classic portal you will not be able to select Visual Studio 2015.
5) Press Save.
If you have never set up an FTP account for your App Service, continue reading, otherwise jump to step 8.
6) In the already opened "All Settings" blade, scroll down and look for "Deployment credentials". In here you will create an FTP username and password. Put whatever you want. Of course, I recommend you to use a different username than your account and a strong password for it.
7) Click Save.
8) In case you've forgotten about your FTP username, in the main page of your web app (where you clicked "All Settings"), you will have your deployment username. In this example, you will use the one that goes after the slash. If it is mywebsite\userftp you will use userftp.
9) Let's head to Visual Studio. Open the project you want to debug, and select the "DEBUG" tab.
10) Click on "Attach Process". Of course, you can just hit Alt + P and that will also open the window for you!
11) Now you will focus in the Qualifier. Put in there your domain. You could try with your .com domain, but in my case it didn't work. I am using Cloudflare to enable https on my shared Azure website and it seems that it is filtering the connection with the debugger.
12) Press Enter on your Keyboard or hit "Refresh" button.
13) The following prompt will appear:
14) As the picture says: The username will be:**.**exampleftp
Please note the following:
a) You must put the same website URL you put in the qualifier.
b) You must put the dot and the backward slash after the .net or .com
c) You must put your FTP username. Remember after reading point 8, that if you lose this one, you must check on Azure website and use the name after the backward slash.
Press OK. If you receive some errors, check that Remote Debugging is turned on. It has happened to me that it has turned off without noticing.
15) Select w3wp.exe and press "Attach"
16) This shall put you with the goody orange "Ready" bar :D
Assuming your project settings are correct, this will often resolve the issue:
Go to the Azure portal and Stop / Restart your web app
If that doesn't work:
Close Visual Studio.
Go to the Azure portal and Stop / Restart your web app
Restart visual studio
Much more surefire route at .
Open up server explorer.
Navigate in through the azure node to your web app.
right-mouse and attach debugger.
Configures all the goodies
Seems to be a false positive error dialog. If you just press Ok, the debugger attaches to the Azure web app despite showing this dialog.

Visual Studio 2005 context menu launches server explorer: why?

For some reason, a variety of actions in Visual Studio 2005, actions that have nothing to do with SQL Server, are opening the "Connect to SQL Server" dialog. And it takes four (4) clicks on the CANCEL button to kill the dialog.
For example, if I right click on a class method in the Editor, hoping to find the Go To Definition option, the dialog opens.
Or if I run a project in Debug mode, and then close the app, the dialog opens.
I have to close VS and re-open it to get this to stop. But after a while, this behavior returns. What is causing it has eluded me.
Is this Microsoft's way to get me to upgrade to VS2008? OK, he's had VS2005 for too long. Time for him to upgrade. Invoke DriveCustomerMad.
Next time you see the dialog box, open a second copy of VS2005, attach its debugger to the first one, pause the process, and look at the call stack.
Do you have any addons installed?

How To Prevent Tab Hell With Visual Studio And FireFox Debugging?

How do I keep VS from opening a new tab in Firefox every time I hit F5 to debug a web application? I would really like it to re-use the same tab.
This may not work for you but, in a project's properties on the Web tab there is a setting described as "Don't open a page. Wait for a request from an external application." All the developers at my company have this set and then just use bookmarks to load our pages.
