Symfony2 : Echo in kernel.response event breaks cookies? - debugging

I had a weird problem with one of my Services, an event listener on kernel.response.
I wanted to set some cookies (I need cookies instead of session for compatibility with Symfony1) in it, and couldn't find how..
Until finally I understood that the code I wrote works except if I debug something in it (like a var_dump of the cookies).
public function onKernelResponse(FilterResponseEvent $event)
if (HttpKernel::MASTER_REQUEST == $event->getRequestType()):
$request = $event->getRequest();
$response = $event->getResponse();
$response->headers->setCookie(new Cookie('foo', 'bar'));
So that wasn't working, my cookie was never in $request->cookies->all().
But if I comment the var_dump line, refresh, and uncomment it, the cookie has been set !
Is it normal ? Why ? Does printing in an event like that break the headers ?!

Inject the logger service and use it
$this->logger->debug(print_r($request->cookies->all(), true));

This is because doing the var_dump(), you "force" php to send the headers and so, when trying to set headers directly in your response, it doesn't work as they already have been populated.
Try doing the var_dump() after setting the cookie in the header.


How can I access Laravel Response Object from within controller?

I have middleware where I am assigning http headers to the request/response.
$response = $next($request)->header('x-robots-tag', 'noindex', false);
In the middleware, I can also apply this line after executing the above, to get the value I had just set...
echo $response->headers->get('x-robots-tag');
But, I want to access this outside of middleware but I'm not sure how to get the Response object back to achieve this.
How can I get the $response object from within my controller?
$response = \WHAT\GOES\HERE?;
echo $response->headers->get('x-robots-tag');
I can't seem to figure out what to put in the \WHAT\GOES\HERE part to access the response object again.
Update #1:
Still unresolved, but part of the problem appears to be that in order to add the header tags to the Response object within middleware requires $next($request) and the $next Closure causes the response processing to be done after the controller code has executed. So even though I'm not sure how to target the Response object from within the controller, it doesn't look like it would have the header tag assigned until afterward anyway.
I could set the headers directly in PHP in the middleware with
public function handle($request, Closure $next /*, $tags */)
$tags = array_except(func_get_args(), [0,1]);
if( count($tags) > 0){
header('x-robots-tag: ' . implode(', ', $tags));
return $next($request);
and then access it in the controller by pulling it out of the headers_list() but that's not ideal and working outside of the laravel ways...
For context, the idea was to assign middleware to routes and with the middleware assign the x-robots-tag response header with the desired attributes. noindex, nofollow, whatever... Then I was hoping to capture this and populate the equivalent meta tags accordingly using the data provided to the x-robots-tag. A two-birds with one stone sort of approach, but it has proven more difficult than I had expected.

My data only shows if I debug it. What's going on?

I'm working with Stripe's API and am trying to retrieve data. I have the code below:
$data = \Stripe_Invoice::all(array(
"customer" => $user->customer_id
If I set the AJAX response equal to $data, the response is shown as empty ( {} ). If I debug it in the backend, I get a huge list of all kinds of awesome properties to use. All I do is this:
debug($data); // returns huge data set
The trouble is that I can't access the variable in the frontend. I want to use:
html += response.url;
And things to that effect, but the data is completely empty when the front end interprets it, for some reason.
In the same effect, I can't set it as a session either (I used to set session logs to debug instead of using the debug feature).
$data // can be accessed on the frontend if we use just php to set a variable
$_SESSION['log'] = $data; // empty
What's going on? I'm using the PHP framework CakePHP 3 (latest version of Beta). I think it has something to do with returning the data as serialized (maybe?) but that wouldn't explain the session logging. This happens right before we send the data back:
$this->set(compact('data', $data));
$this->set('_serialize', 'data');
If $data is not empty than you should just use the set method in the controller
$this->set(compact('data', $data));
Than you should have the corresponding view at /src/Template/ControllerName/json/methodName.ctp (Change ControllerName and methodName to what you have)
This file should be this.
print json_encode($data);
That is all. You should have your data on your client side as a json object.
Turns out the answer was that the values could not be displayed while the array was protected. Calling Stripe's method __toArray() on the Stripe object made the data accessible, and setting worked past this point.
$data = \Stripe_Invoice::all(array(
"customer" => $user->customer_id
$data = $data->__toArray();
$this->set(compact('data', $data));
$this->set('_serialize', 'data');

symfony2 crud & http cache

I'm using Symfony2 and I have a ReaderBundle that has an Rss entity.
I'm created CRUD for this entity.
php app/console generate:doctrine:crud --entity=RSSReaderBundle:Rss --format=annotation --with-write
All was well, before I connected Cache.
$loader = require_once __DIR__.'/../app/bootstrap.php.cache';
require_once __DIR__.'/../app/AppCache.php';
require_once __DIR__.'/../app/AppKernel.php';
$kernel = new AppKernel('dev' , true);
$kernel = new AppCache($kernel); // THAT STRING IS MAIN PROBLEM
$request = Request::createFromGlobals();
$response = $kernel->handle($request);
$kernel->terminate($request, $response);
And then when i'm trying to delete some record, i take this error:
No route found for "POST /rss/delete/30": Method Not Allowed (Allow: DELETE)
405 Method Not Allowed
I created a form that clearly indicates the method:
private function createDeleteForm($id)
return $this->createFormBuilder()
->setAction($this->generateUrl('rss_delete', array('id' => $id)))
->add('submit', 'submit', array('label' => 'Delete'))
I have not found the problem. Help please
This problem occurred since symfony2.2, see
You need to modify the Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request::$httpMethodParameterOverride boolean manually in your app.php file:
// When using the HttpCache, you need to call the method in your front controller instead of relying on the configuration parameter
There is no method="DELETE" in html forms ... at least not supported in almost all browsers - only in ajax requests.
Work around this by allowing DELETE and POST requests to the route.
we must remove the string with comment "THAT STRING IS MAIN PROBLEM". Cache is working all the same. And CRUD working right
I have the same problem that you had (with PUT and DELETE HTTP method) but I don't understand your solution.
Did you:
a) just get rid of // THAT STRING IS MAIN PROBLEM
b) get rid of $kernel = new AppCache($kernel); // THAT STRING IS MAIN PROBLEM
The solution b) is the same as not using cache so in my case, it's not helping as the page take a very long time to load.
I thought there were method PUT and DELETE. I use them in my forms following the instructions on this link:
So in fact, Symfony2 is able to tell whether a method is PUT, DELETE, POST or GET. But somehow, the cache can't...
Any help on that?
I found a solution that doesn't involve changing anything in the app.php file.
Basically, the problem comes from the fact that the getMethod method of the request object of symfony2 doesn't know about PUT or DELETE method. The point is to change that in the AppCache.php file.
We just have to override the method invalidate of the AppCache.php file:
protected function invalidate(Request $request, $catch = false)
return parent::invalidate($request, $catch);
Here, I just change the method of the request by the method posted from the form.

session_regenerate_id() - headers already sent in unit testing Yii controller

I'm trying to unit-test my controller (Yii framework).
* #dataProvider provider
public function testActionEdit_view_login($controller){
$user = new CWebUser;
$user->id = 978;
$identity = new UserIdentity('', '123456');
$output = ob_get_contents();
assertContains('Add/Change Profile Picture:', $output);
assertContains('bio', $output);
assertContains('specialties', $output);
assertContains('change login', $output);
assertContains('New Password', $output);
When I do
in order to login, I get the following error:
session_regenerate_id(): Cannot regenerate session id - headers already sent
I've already tried buffering the output by putting this at the beginning of the class:
public static function setUpBeforeClass(){
I also put ob_clean() in setUp() and ob_end_clean() in tearDownAfterClass().
Still I get the message that headers have already been sent. There are no spaces or newlines in the file, when I comment out the specific test method, it works perfectly. The login() seems to cause the problem.
Anyone got ideas how to prevent this / maybe unit-test the controller differently?
Before your call to $user->login, add the following code:
$mockSession = $this->getMock('CHttpSession', array('regenerateID'));
Yii::app()->setComponent('session', $mockSession);
This overwrites the regenerateID method with a method that does nothing.
Adding ob_start() to the bootstrap also works, but there is no output from PHPUnit until everything has completed.
With this method, you can still see the progress as it is happening.
I upgraded from Yii 1.1.7 to 1.1.10 and the regenerateID method was added in 1.1.8 so I got this error today.
Got it. I had included some Yii files before the ob_start(), which seem to have printed the headers. Now I buffer that, too.

PHP / CI: Facebook Connect seems to use my site session instead of Facebook session

I've got a CodeIgniter project using the Facebook Connect "official" PHP implementation. For the most part it works fine, except for when a user first allows permissions. I've traced the problem deep into the provide facebook.php, the getSession() function:
public function getSession() {
if (!$this->sessionLoaded) {
$session = null;
$write_cookie = true;
// try loading session from signed_request in $_REQUEST
$signedRequest = $this->getSignedRequest();
if ($signedRequest) {
// sig is good, use the signedRequest
$session = $this->createSessionFromSignedRequest($signedRequest);
// try loading session from $_REQUEST
if (!$session && isset($_REQUEST['session'])) {
$session = json_decode(
? stripslashes($_REQUEST['session'])
: $_REQUEST['session'],
$session = $this->validateSessionObject($session);
My comment in the code is where things go wrong. The if block above gets evaluated successfully, but the code inside the json_decode() function parameter returns the string:
a:4:{s:10:"session_id";s:32:"********";s:10:"ip_address";s:13:"********";s:10:"user_agent";s:50:"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv:1.9.2";s:13:"last_activity";i:1304286136;}edc0c222265e0a16c0f3fe8a96decf77
This looks like my site session, rather than the facebook session that it's trying to access (which I can see in the URL). Why is this happening? What can I do about it?
In case anyone else hits this particular snag, I'll post how I solved it:
Just change $_REQUEST to $_GET
My guess is that CodeIgniter somehow puts your session information into the $_REQUEST array... why this happens is beyond me, but it solved the problem for me. Hope it helps!
