Falling Objects Corona - algorithm

I am trying to create a falling objects game. However, I am having hard time to create level for this game. It does not change scene or anything but I want it to be harder along the way. There are bad and good items falling and the character should eat good items and avoid from bad items.
I am creating those bad and good items with a createItem function and calling this function with two timer.performWithDelay. The items are falling randomly. One for the good items and one for the bad items. However, sometimes bad item comes under the good item and it is impossible to catch the good item. How can I stop that? I added a collision filter to let those items pass through each other so that's why they come as one under the another.
Here is how I call createItem with two timers:
goodTimer = timer.performWithDelay(1000, function() createItem(goodItem[math.random(1,#goodItem)],1) end, 0 )
badTimer = timer.performWithDelay(5000, function() createItem(badItem[math.random(1,#badItem)],0) end, 0 )

If you want a deterministic behaviour (e.g., always having the option to get a good item), you would have to re-define the random layout such that it cannot affect this behaviour in any case. From your description, you are just taking collisions into account, what does not represent an accurate correction for pure randomness.
In this situation, I would:
set up a "security area" surrounding each item. For example: 2
times height/width of the given item.
make the generation of each item depend on other (existing) items. For example: before creating a good item, your algorithm should check if there is already an existing bad one which might interfere with it. That is, if, by bringing the aforementioned security area into account, there is any chance that both items would be in a situation you don't want. This analysis should be easily performed by calculating the expected collision point of the corresponding security areas under the current velocities. In case of finding out that a collision might occur, the generation of the item would be delayed, completely ignored or its type might be changed (from bad to good or vice versa).
set the collision rules but just as an in-the-safest-side post-correction, as far as most of the situations should be accounted for by the aforementioned points.


How to create a logical paper and pencil game like Sudoku?

This question is not limited to Sudoku, but may include Kakuro, Hitori, Nurikabe, etc.
I understand the algorithm to solve Sudoku and other similar puzzles, but I'm having a hard time figuring out how to create them.
Say I want a Sudoku generator (to take the most popular). I guess it needs to work in two steps:
Create a valid solution
Remove parts of the solution until the desired amount of clues are left.
Creating a solution isn't trivial, it usually works well if you go randomly until you reach the last steps and end up in a deadlock.
Removing some parts of the solution required to be sure to remove only redundant ones, which isn't trivial either.
Is there a generic algorithm to work it out? How can I implement such a thing?
I understand my question is "broad" and that I don't show a lot of what I've got so far (splitting the problem in two), but I don't have any lead to start thinking about the algorithm. I'm not asking for a solution, but rather for hints on how to begin.
You could in general approach this as follows:
Define a set of rules which can assist a human in progressing in a game. For instance, in Sudoku, one of those rules could be:
Call the "field of influence" of a given cell, the cells that are either in the same row, the same column or in the same 3x3 block as that given cell. The rule is that this cell cannot have any of the values that are already used in its field of influence. If that means there is only one valid value left, then place that value in this cell.
Another rule could be:
If there is a value that cannot be used anywhere else in the same 3x3 block, then place that value in this cell. Similarly if a value cannot be used anywhere else in the cell's row; or cannot be used anywhere else in the cell's column.
There are obviously other rules. These rules can be more complicated. Rank the rules by how difficult it is for a human to verify and apply them. Try to be as complete as you can, by looking how you, as a human, reason when solving the game. Implement these rules as functions in the program. In the Sudoku example, such a rule function can be applied to a given cell, and return success (i.e. the cell gets a value) or failure (the rule cannot be used to deduct its value).
Let's say the program should generate a Sudoku of a given difficulty. We will interpret that to mean that solving the Sudoku will require the player to use at least once a rule that has at least that difficulty, or an exotic rule that was never foreseen.
Now start from a solved Sudoku. Remove randomly 50% of the values. Check if the Sudoku can be solved by only using known rules that are within the difficulty range. If not, restore 25% of the removed cells, and repeat. If it could be solved, remove 25% more cells randomly. Continue halving the number of involved cells (either restoring them or removing them), much like a binary search algorithm, until you arrive at the end of this search. For a Sudoku game, this process would take about 7 iterations. Then you will have a kind of "local minimum", where the rules can be applied to get to a solution.
This is far from perfect, as it could well be there is some other cell that could be cleared, while still allowing the rules to work towards a solution. So, if you want to refine this search, you could add some additional iterations to remove random cells as long as the resulting board can still be solved by applying the rules.
You could create a Sudoku puzzle by solving one that starts with nothing assigned to start with. If your solver progresses by filling in squares, you could "remove" them by stopping (or rolling back) that process at the appropriate point.

Method to find optimal-ish result for numerous combinations

I have a pool of n objects, and each object has a known degree of "compatibility" with each other object. Recognizing that "best" is a relative term, how can I best group these objects into n/2 pairs where the overall result is "good"?
To further clarify, it'd be fairly simple to just iterate over the entire batch and say, "What's the best match for this one?", put them together, and move on, but that may lead to some items at the end of the process that have very low compatibility being paired, and a small change earlier on (perhaps making a second-best match) might have increased the overall quality of matches across the entire pool.

Fill all connected grid squares of the same type

Foreword: I am aware there is another question like this, however mine has very specific restrictions. I have done my best to make this question applicable to many, as it is a generic grid issue, but if it still does not belong here, then I am sorry, and please be nice about it. I have found in the past stackoverflow to be a very picky and hostile environment to question askers, but I'm hoping that was just a bad couple people.
Goal(abstract): Check all connected grid squares in a 3D grid that are of the same type and touching on one face.
Goal(specific/implementation): Create a "fill bucket" tool in Minecraft with command blocks.
Knowledge of Minecraft not really necessary to answer, this is more of an algorithm question, and I will be staying away from Minecraft specifics.
Restrictions: I can do this in code with recursive functions, but in Minecraft there are some limitations I am wondering if are possible to get around. 1: no arrays(data structure) permitted. In Minecraft I can store an integer variable and do basic calculations with it (+,-,*,/,%(mod),=,==), but that's it. I cannot dynamically create variables or have the program create anything with a name that I did not set out ahead of time. I can do "IF" and "OR" statements, and everything that derives from them. I CANNOT have multiple program pointers - that is, I can't have things like recursive functions, which require a program to stop executing, execute itself from beginning to end, and then resume executing where it was - I have minimal control over the program flow. I can use loops and conditional exits (so FOR loops). I can have a marker on the grid in 3D space that can move regardless of the presence of blocks (I'm using an armour stand, for those who know), and I can test grid squares relative to that marker.
So say my grid is full of empty spaces only. There are separate clusters of filled squares in opposite corners, not touching each other. If I "use" my fillbucket tool on one block / filled grid square, I want it to use a single marker to check and identify all the connected grid squares - basically, I need to be sure that it traverses the entire shape, all the nooks and crannies, but not the squares that are not connected to that shape. So in the end, one of the two clusters, from me only selecting a single square of it, will be erased/replaced by another kind of block, without affecting the other blocks around it.
Again, apologies if this doesn't belong here. And only answer this if you WANT to tackle the challenge - it's not important or anything, I just want to do this. You don't have to answer it if you don't want to. Or if you can solve this problem for a 2D grid, that would be helpful as well, as I could possibly extend that to work for 3D.
Thank you, and if I get nobody degrading me for how I wrote this post or the fact that I did, then I will consider this a success :)
With help from this and other sources, I figured it out! It turns out that, since all recursive functions (or at least most of them) can be written as FOR loops, that I can make a recursive function in Minecraft. So I did, and the general idea of it is as follows:
For explaining the program, you may assuming the situation is a largely empty grid with a grouping of filled squares in one part of it, and the goal is to replace the kind of block that that grouping is made of with a different block. We'll say the grouping currently consists of red blocks, and we want to change them to blue blocks.
IDs - A objective (data structure) for holding each marker's ID (score)
numIDs - An integer variable for holding number of IDs/markers active
Create one marker at selected grid position with ID [1] (aka give it a score of 1 in the "IDs" objective). This grid position will be a filled square from which to start replacing blocks.
Increment numIDs
Main program:
FOR loop that goes from 1 to numIDs
at marker with ID [1], fill grid square with blue block
step 1. test block one to the +x for a red block
step 2. if found, create marker there with ID [numIDs]
step 3. increment numIDs
[//repeat steps 1 2 and 3 for the other five adjacent grid squares: +z, -x, -z, +y, and -y]
delete stand[1]
numIDs -= 1
subtract 1 from every marker's ID's, so that the next marker to evaluate, which was [2], now has ID [1].
} (end loop)
So that's what I came up with, and it works like a charm. Sorry if my explanation is hard to understand, I'm trying to explain in a way that might make sense to both coders and Minecraft players, and maybe achieving neither :P

Algorithm for animating elements running across a scene

I'm not sure if the title is right but...
I want to animate (with html + canvas + javascript) a section of a road with a given density/flow/speed configuration. For that, I need to have a "source" of vehicles in one end, and a "sink" in the other end. Then, a certain parameter would determine how many vehicles per time unit are created, and their (constant) speed. Then, I guess I should have a "clock" loop, to increment the position of the vehicles at a given frame-rate. Preferrably, a user could change some values in a form, and the running animation would update accordingly.
The end result should be a (much more sophisticated, hopefully) variation of this (sorry for the blinking):
Actually this is a very common problem, there are thousands of screen-savers that use this effect, most notably the "star field", which has parameters for star generation and star movement. So, I believe there must be some "design pattern", or more widespread form (maybe even a name) for this algoritm. What would solve my problem would be some example or tutorial on how to achieve this with common control flows (loops, counters, ifs).
Any idea is much appreciated!
I'm not sure of your question, this doesn't seem an algorithm question, more like programming advice. I have a game which needs exactly this (for monsters not cars), this is what I did. It is in a sort of .Net psuedocode but similar stuff exists in other environments.
If you are running an animation by hand, you essentially need a "game-loop".
while (noinput):
timenow = getsystemtime();
timedelta = timenow - timeprevious;
timeprevious = timenow;
noinput = check_for_input()
The update_object_positions(timedelta) moves everything along timedelta, which is how long since this loop last executed. It will run flat-out redrawing every timedelta. If you want it to run at a constant speed, say once every 20 mS, you can stick in a thread.sleep(20-timedelta) to pad out the time to 20mS.
Returning to your question. I had a car class that included its speed, lane, type etc as well as the time it appears. I had a finite number of "cars" so these were pre-generated. I held these in a list which I sorted by the time they appeared. Then in the update_object_position(time) routine, I saw if the next car had a start time before the current time, and if so I popped cars off the list until the first (next) car had a start time in the future.
You want (I guess) an infinite number of cars. This requires only a slight variation. Generate the first car for each lane, record its start time. When you call update_object_position(), if you start a car, find the next car for that lane and its time and make that the next car. If you have patterns that you want to repeat, generate the whole pattern in one go into a list, and then generate a new pattern when that list is emptied. This would also work well in terms of letting users specify variable pattern flows.
Finally, have you looked at what happens in real traffic flows as the volume mounts? Random small braking activities cause cars behind to slightly over-react, and as the slight over-reactions accumulate it turns into cars completely stopping a kilometre back up the road. Its quite strange, and so might be a great effect in your wallpaper/screensaver whatever as well as being a proper simulation.

optimal algorithm for adding chosen table rows to the database

I am trying to apply a save method in a backing Java bean which will take the table rows that are selected and save them in the database. However, let's say the user changes his choices a little (changes 1 out of his 5 choices). I am wondering about the algorithm I am going to apply if it matters in efficiency in the long term or not....
here it goes :
every time the user clicks the button (save) I will delete all his previous choices and insert all the current choices to the database
once the button is clicked --- see which rows the user de-selected and delete their rows from the database and add the new ones???
is choice number 2 better or not than choice 1 .......or it doesn't really matter for number of choices that will not exceed 15 ??
I would definitely go for option 2, try to figure out the minimum number of operations you need to perform.
It is, however, fairly normal to fall back to option 1 in times of deadlines etc. since it is a bit easier to implement.
There shouldn't, however, be that much harder to figure out what the changes are, since it doesn't seem to me that you're changing the rows themselves. Either you're deleting ones that had their checkmark cleared, or you insert ones that had their checkmark set.
Simply store a list of primary key values of whatever is in the database, then compare to that list when you iterate through the new list when the user wants to persist the changes.
A minimal work solution here would also mean you would be a bit more future-proof in terms of refactoring, changes, or additions. For instance, what if there in the future is data attached to any of those rows. You would need to keep that as well. Generally I'm a bit opposed to writing code just for the sake of "what if", but here I feel it's more like "why wouldn't you ..." than that.
So my advice is go for option 2. Not much more work.
