escape sequence \K for regular expression in boost library - boost

I need to replace a look-behind expression with \K in boost (version 1.54) because of its limitation but it does not work. How can I do it or what is the problem? Is there any other way to convert this expression with lookahead?
"(?<=foo.*) bar" => "foo.*\K bar" ???

Bit of a late answer here...
According to the Boost.Regex 1.54 Documentation, use of Perl's \K is possible, and I have just confirmed it via testing in Sublime Text 3, which uses Boost.Regex for its regex searching engine. Furthermore, I see no obvious syntactical error with either of the forms you posted. The only thing I can think of is that you're using the regex inside a string literal, and haven't escaped the \. If that's the case, the correct regex for your example would be:
foo.*\\K bar
If that's not the case, one workaround (that obviously has performance implications) is to reverse the string, and then use a variable-width look-ahead.
The modified regex for your example would then be:
rab (?=.*oof)

I believe the problem is that Boost lookbehind pattern must be of fixed length.
Your expression contains a repeat .* which makes it variable length.


Avoid combination of hyphen and space using a regex

I'm currently writing a very specific regex for a firstname field, that has several requirements. One of them is that spaces are not allowed before or after hyphens. For this, I have used a negative lookahead:
as part of the regex:
It does return a mismatch for:
asdf -asdf
but not for:
asdf- asdf
The latter also need to return an error. What am I missing?
You have to assert the other combination of hyphens and whitespaces absent in your string also:
You can rewrite your pattern in a more simple way that avoids many problems and makes your pattern more efficient, example:
Simplest is probably a negative lookahead right after the ^:

Regex - Matching text AFTER certain characters

I want to scrape data from some text and dump it into an array. Consider the following text as example data:
| Example Data
| Title: This is a sample title
| Content: This is sample content
| Date: 12/21/2012
I am currently using the following regex to scrape the data that is specified after the 'colon' character:
Unfortunately this regex also grabs the colon and the space after the colon. How do I only grab the data?
Also, I'm not sure if I'm doing this right.. but it appears as though the outside parens causes a match to return an array. Is this the function of the parens?
EDIT: I'm using Rubular to test out my regex expressions
You could change it to:
/: (.+)/
and grab the contents of group 1. A lookbehind works too, though, and does just what you're asking:
/(?<=: ).+/
In addition to #minitech's answer, you can also make a 3rd variation:
/(?<=: ?)(.+)/
The difference here being, you create/grab the group using a look-behind.
If you still prefer the look-ahead rather than look-behind concept. . .
/(?=: ?(.+))/
This will place a grouping around your existing regex where it will catch it within a group.
And yes, the outside parenthesis in your code will make a match. Compare that to the latter example I gave where the entire look-ahead is 'grouped' rather than needlessly using a /( ... )/ without the /(?= ... )/, since the first result in most regular expression engines return the entire matched string.
I know you are asking for regex but I just saw the regex solution and found that it is rather hard to read for those unfamiliar with regex.
I'm also using Ruby and I decided to do it with:
line_as_string.split(": ")[-1]
This does what you require and IMHO it's far more readable.
For a very long string it might be inefficient. But not for this purpose.
In Ruby, as in PCRE and Boost, you may make use of the \K match reset operator:
\K keeps the text matched so far out of the overall regex match. h\Kd matches only the second d in adhd.
So, you may use
/:[[:blank:]]*\K.+/ # To only match horizontal whitespaces with `[[:blank:]]`
/:\s*\K.+/ # To match any whitespace with `\s`
Seee the Rubular demo #1 and the Rubular demo #2 and
: - a colon
[[:blank:]]* - 0 or more horizontal whitespace chars
\K - match reset operator discarding the text matched so far from the overall match memory buffer
.+ - matches and consumes any 1 or more chars other than line break chars (use /m modifier to match any chars including line break chars).

Regex negative lookbehinds with a wildcard

I'm trying to match some text if it does not have another block of text in its vicinity. For example, I would like to match "bar" if "foo" does not precede it. I can match "bar" if "foo" does not immediately precede it using negative look behind in this regex:
but I also like to not match "foo 12345 bar". I tried:
but using a wildcard + a range appears to be an invalid regex in Ruby. Am I thinking about the problem wrong?
You are thinking about it the right way. But unfortunately lookbehinds usually have be of fixed-length. The only major exception to that is .NET's regex engine, which allows repetition quantifiers inside lookbehinds. But since you only need a negative lookbehind and not a lookahead, too. There is a hack for you. Reverse the string, then try to match:
Then reverse the result of the match or subtract the matching position from the string's length, if that's what you are after.
Now from the regex you have given, I suppose that this was only a simplified version of what you actually need. Of course, if bar is a complex pattern itself, some more thought needs to go into how to reverse it correctly.
Note that if your pattern required both variable-length lookbehinds and lookaheads, you would have a harder time solving this. Also, in your case, it would be possible to deconstruct your lookbehind into multiple variable length ones (because you use neither + nor *):
But that's not all that nice, is it?
As m.buettner already mentions, lookbehind in Ruby regex has to be of fixed length, and is described so in the document. So, you cannot put a quantifier within a lookbehind.
You don't need to check all in one step. Try doing multiple steps of regex matches to get what you want. Assuming that existence of foo in front of a single instance of bar breaks the condition regardless of whether there is another bar, then
string.match(/bar/) and !string.match(/foo.*bar/)
will give you what you want for the example.
If you rather want the match to succeed with bar foo bar, then you can do this
string.scan(/foo|bar/).first == "bar"

How can I simplify this regular expression?

The format I'm trying to match is:
# (Apple push notification codes)
"11a735e9 9f696c2f 700b2700 728042c6 137eeb7a 8442c27d 40e59d9e 3c7e0de7"
The simplest expression I can think of is: /((\w{8}\s){7}\w{8})/i
Can anyone think of a simpler one?
(I'm using Ruby regular expressions)
UPDATE - thanks to user1096188, I've removed \d - this is included in \w
You can detect a word boundary using \b, and use (?: to prevent capturing groups
You could do this if the end of the match is the end of the whole string.
Taking #zapthedingbat's solution one stage further, it looks like the code only contains hexadecimal characters (0-9 and a-f) and spaces. So you could possibly sacrifice a little simplicity for accuracy.
I'm making an assumption, but I suspect letters g to z are invalid.
If the format is hexadecimal only (you should check Apple's documentation to be sure), a tighter match would be:
In fact, in Ruby, it looks like you should be able to do:
> "11a735e9 9f696c2f 700b2700 728042c6 137eeb7a 8442c27d 40e59d9e 3c7e0de7".match(/((\w{8}\s)+)/)
> $&
=> "11a735e9 9f696c2f 700b2700 728042c6 137eeb7a 8442c27d 40e59d9e 3c7e0de7"

gsub partial replace

I would like to replace only the group in parenthesis in this expression :
my_string.gsub(/<--MARKER_START-->(.)*<--MARKER_END-->/, 'replace_text')
so that I get : <--MARKER_START-->replace_text<--MARKER_END-->
I know I could repeat the whole MARKER_START and MARKER_END blocks in the substitution expression but I thought there should be a more simple way to do this.
You can do it with zero width look-ahead and look-behind assertions.
This regex should work in ruby 1.9 and in perl and many other places:
Note: ruby 1.8 only supports look-ahead assertions. You need both look-ahead and look-behind to do this properly.
s.gsub( /(?<=<--MARKER START-->).*?(?=<--MARKER END-->)/, 'replacement text' )
What happens in ruby 1.8 is the ?<= causes it to crash because it doesn't understand the look-behind assertion. For that part, you then have to fall back to using a backreference - like Greig Hewgill mentions
so what you get is
s.gsub( /(<--MARKER START-->).*?(?=<--MARKER END-->)/, '\1replacement text' )
I've replaced the (.)* in the middle of your regex with .*? - this is non-greedy.
If you don't have non-greedy, then your regex will try and match as much as it can - if you have 2 markers on one line, it goes wrong. This is best illustrated by example:
"<b>One</b> Two <b>Three</b>".gsub( /<b>.*<\/b>/, 'BOLD' )
=> "BOLD"
What we actually want:
"<b>One</b> Two <b>Three</b>".gsub( /<b>.*?<\/b>/, 'BOLD' )
=> "BOLD Two BOLD"
zero-width-look-ahead-assertion sounds like a giant pile of nerdly confusion.
What "look-ahead-assertion" actually means is "Only match, if the thing we are looking for, is followed by this other stuff.
For example, only match a digit, if it is followed by an F.
"123F" =~ /\d(?=F)/ # will match the 3, but not the 1 or the 2
What "zero width" actually means is "consider the 'followed by' in our search, but don't count it as part of the match when doing replacement or grouping or things like that.
Using the same example of 123F, If we didn't use the lookahead assertion, and instead just do this:
"123F" =~ /\dF/ # will match 3F, because F is considered part of the match
As you can see, this is ideal for checking for our <--MARKER END-->, but what we need for the <--MARKER START--> is the ability to say "Only match, if the thing we are looking for FOLLOWS this other stuff". That's called a look-behind assertion, which ruby 1.8 doesn't have for some strange reason..
Hope that makes sense :-)
PS: Why use lookahead assertions instead of just backreferences? If you use lookahead, you're not actually replacing the <--MARKER--> bits, only the contents. If you use backreferences, you are replacing the whole lot. I don't know if this incurs much of a performance hit, but from a programming point of view it seems like the right thing to do, as we don't actually want to be replacing the markers at all.
You could do something like this:
my_string.gsub(/(<--MARKER_START-->)(.*)(<--MARKER_END-->)/, '\1replace_text\3')
