grep -v multiple strings from file - bash

I have 2 files:
string list:
few rows:
ben when to school
my mother went out
the dog is big
john has FB
eric is nice guy
expoted file :
my mother went out
the dog is big
I would like to use grep -v and remove the rows that contains the strings from list.
this is the idea but the wrong command :
grep -v `cat file2` file1 > out

Using a file for patterns:
grep -v -f "file2" file1 > out
or else you can do:
grep -v -e "string1" -e "string2" file1

If I understand the question correctly, 4 matched lines should be removed one by one, and a single grep can't do it unless you define a REGEXP containing those 4 lines, which is tricky
But this script should do it
cp file2 out
cat file1 | while read STR ; do
LINE="`grep \"$STR\" file2`"
sed -i "/^$LINE\$/d" out
cat out


Unix/bash :Print filename as first string before each line in a log file

Looking for help on how to get append the name of the file as 1st string in each row of the file.
A file which has only content. I am trying to merge 2 files but with the content should have first string as the name of the file then row 1. etc. Lets consider 2 files with name FileA and FileB. FileA has 2 lines, FileB has 2 lines.
Tom is Cat
Jerry is Mouse
Cat is Tom
Mouse is Jerry
Expected Output of merged file
FileA Tom is Cat
FileA Jerry is Mouse
FileB Cat is Tom
FileB Mouse is Jerry.
I am struggling to find a solution to this. Please help
Use sed to substitute the filename at the beginning of each line of the file:
sed 's/^/FileA /' fileA >> mergedFile
sed 's/^/FileB /' fileB >> mergedFile
For an arbitrary number of files you can loop over all the filenames, and construct the sed substitution command dynamically using the variable with the filenames.
while read -r f
sed "s|^|$f |" "$f"
done < file.txt > merge.txt
Using awk and brace expansion.
awk '{print FILENAME, $0}' file{A,B} | tee mergefile
file names can be anything if that is not what you have, just put them as argument with awk
awk '{print FILENAME, $0}' filefoo filebar filemore ...
Can be done with grep also if your grep has the -H option/flag
grep -H . fileA fileB
Again filenames can be anything.
Using tee to send the output to stdout and mergefile.
If you prefer ripgrep over grep these two commands produce the same output:
$ grep --with-filename '' File*
$ rg --with-filename --no-heading --no-line-number '' File*
FileA:Tom is Cat
FileA:Jerry is Mouse
FileB:Cat is Tom
FileB:Mouse is Jerry

Compare 2 csv files and delete rows - Shell

I have a 2 csv files. One has several columns, the other is just one column with domains. Simplified data of these files would be
The output should be
I have tried this solution
grep -v -f file2.csv file1.csv >output-file
Found here
But since there is no explanation whatsoever about how the script works, and I suck at shell, I cannot tweak it to make it work for me
A solution for this would be highly appreciated, a solution with some explanation would be awesome! :)
I have tried the line that was suppose to work, but for some reason it does not. Here the output from my terminal. What's wrong with this?
Desktop $ cat file1.csv ; echo
Lenny ,,OtherCompany,US
Desktop $ cat file2.csv ; echo
Desktop $ grep -v -f file2.csv file1.csv
Lenny ,,OtherCompany,US
Why grep doesn't remove the line
The line you posted, works just fine.
$ grep -v -f file2.csv file1.csv
And here's an explanation. grep will search for a given pattern in a given file and print all lines that match. The simplest example of usage is:
$ grep John file1.csv
Here we used a simple pattern that matches each character, but you can also use regular expressions (basic, extended, and even perl-compatible ones).
To invert the logic, and print only the lines that do not match, we use the -v switch, like this:
$ grep -v John file1.csv
To specify more than one pattern, you can use the option -e pattern multiple times, like this:
$ grep -v -e John -e Lenny file1.csv
However, if there is a larger number of patterns to check for, we might use the -f file option that will read all patterns from a file specified.
So, when we combine all of those; reading patterns from a file with -f and inverting the matching logic with -v, we get the line you need.
One in awk:
$ awk -F, 'NR==FNR{a[$1];next}($2 in a==0)' file2 file1
$ awk -F, ' # using awk, comma-separated records
NR==FNR { # process the first file, file2
a[$1] # hash the domain to a
next # proceed to next record
($2 in a==0) # process file1, if domain in $2 not in a, print the record
' file2 file1 # file order is important

Creating a script that checks to see if each word in a file

I am pretty new to Bash and scripting in general and could use some help. Each word in the first file is separated by \n while the second file could contain anything. If the string in the first file is not found in the second file, I want to output it. Pretty much "check if these words are in these words and tell me the ones that are not"
File1.txt contains something like:
file2.txt contains something like:
magic ->rat
I know I want to use grep (or do I?) and the command would be (to my best understanding):
$ file1.txt file2.txt
Now for the script...
I have no idea...
grep -iv $1 $2
Give this a try. This is straight forward and not optimized but it does the trick (I think)
while read line ; do
fgrep -q "$line" file2.txt || echo "$line"
done < file1.txt
There is a funny version below, with 4 parrallel fgrep and the use of an additional result.txt file.
> result.txt
while read line ; do
while [ $(jobs | wc -l) -gt "$nb_parralel" ]; do sleep 1; done
fgrep -q "$line" file2.txt || echo "$line" >> result.txt &
done < file1.txt
cat result.txt
You can increase the value 4, in order to use more parrallel fgrep, depending on the number of cpus and cores and the IOPS available.
With the -f flag you can tell grep to use a file.
grep -vf file2.txt file1.txt
To get a good match on complete lines, use
grep -vFxf file2.txt file1.txt
As #anubhava commented, this will not match substrings. To fix that, we will use the result of grep -Fof file1.txt file2.txt (all the relevant keywords).
Combining these will give
grep -vFxf <(grep -Fof file1.txt file2.txt) file1.txt
Using awk you can do:
awk 'FNR==NR{a[$0]; next} {for (i in a) if (index(i, $0)) next} 1' file2 file1
You can simply do the following:
comm -2 -3 file1.txt file2.txt
and also:
diff -u file1.txt file2.txt
I know you were looking for a script but I don't think there is any reason to do so and if you still want to have a script you can jsut run the commands from a script.
similar awk
$ awk 'NR==FNR{a[$0];next} {for(k in a) if(k~$0) next}1' file2 file1

How to select (grep) many different patterns by bash via a pipe?

My task
I have a file A.txt with the following content.
aijdish uhuih
buh iiu hhuih
zhuh hiu
d uhiuhg ui
I want to select lines with these words aijdish, d, buh ...
I only know that I can:
cat A.txt | grep "aijdish" > temp.txt
cat A.txt | grep "d" >> temp.txt
cat A.txt | grep "buh" >> temp.txt
But I have several thousands of words need to select this time, how can I do this under bash?
Since you have many words you want to look for I suggest putting the pattern into a file and use greps -f option:
$ cat grep-pattern.txt
$ grep -f grep-pattern.txt inputfile
aijdish uhuih
buh iiu hhuih
d uhiuhg ui
But if you have words like d you might want to add the -w option to match only whole words and not parts of words.
grep -wf grep-pattern.txt inputfile
$ grep -E "aijdish|d|buh" inputfile
aijdish uhuih
buh iiu hhuih
d uhiuhg ui
Store the words to be searched in a file (say a.txt) and then write a script for searching every line in a.txt and matching it in the required file

Searching for Strings

I would like to have a shell script that searches two files and returns a list of strings:
File A contains just a list of unique alphanumeric strings, one per line, like this:
File B contains a list of SOME of those strings (some times more than once), and a second column of infomation, like this:
accc_34343 dog
accc_34343 cat
jej_222 cat
jej_222 horse
I would like to create a third file that contains a list of the strings from File A that are NOT in File B.
I've tried using some loops with grep -v, but that doesn't work. So, in the above example, the new file would have this as it's contents:
Any help is greatly appreciated!
Here's what you can do:
grep -v -f <(awk '{print $1}' file_b) file_a > file_c
grep -v : Use -v option to grep to invert the matching
-f : Use -f option to grep to specify that the patterns are from file
<(awk '{print $1}' file_b): The <(awk '{print $1}' file_b) is to simply extract the first column values from file_b without using a temp file; the <( ... ) syntax is process substitution.
file_a : Tell grep that the file to be searched is file_a
> file_c : Output to be written to file_c
comm is used to find intersections and differences between files:
comm -23 <(sort fileA) <(cut -d' ' -f1 fileB | sort -u)
I assume your shell is bash/zsh/ksh
awk 'FNR==NR{a[$0];next}!($1 in a)' fileA fileB
check here
