How can you get the clipboard contents with a Windows command? - windows

For example, I can copy a file to the clipboard like this:
clip < file.txt
(Now the contents of file.txt is in the clipboard.)
How can I do the opposite:
???? > file.txt
So that the contents of the clipboard will be in file.txt?

If it would be acceptable to use PowerShell (and not cmd), then you can use Get-Clipboard exactly as you were looking for.
Get-Clipboard > myfile.txt
The advantage of this method is that you have nothing to install.
Note: In place of clip you can use Set-Clipboard that has more options.
Note 2: If you really want to run it from cmd, you can call powershell as in the following example powershell -command "Get-Clipboard | sort | Set-Clipboard".

You can use the paste.exe software in order to paste text just like you are describing.
With it you can do:
paste | command
to paste the contents of the windows clipboard into the input of the specified command prompt
paste > filename
to paste the clipboard contents to the specified file.

Clarifying an answer from #Kpym:
powershell -command "Get-Clipboard" > file.txt
This directly answers the question without using a 3rd party tool.

To get contents of clipboard
From win cmd:
powershell get-clipboard
or (via a temp file from HTML parser) on cmd:
echo x = CreateObject("htmlfile").ParentWindow.ClipboardData.GetData("text") > temp.vbs
echo WScript.Echo x >> temp.vbs
cscript //nologo temp.vbs
Output may be redirected to file.

Using the doskey macro definition feature, you can do:
doskey unclip=(powershell -command "Get-Clipboard") $*
Then (e.g.)
dir/b | clip
unclip | sort/r

I have a pair of utilities (from before the Clip command was part of windows) available on this page:
There are two utilities in there, Clip2DOS and DOS2Clip. You want Clip2DOS:
Clip2DOS Copyright 2006 Thornsoft Development
Dumps clipboard text (1024 bytes) to stdout.
Usage: Clip2Dos.exe > out.txt
Result: text is in the file.
Limits: 1024 bytes.
License: Free, as in Free Beer!
And hey, here it is (Clip2DOS.dpr) :
{Clip2DOS - copyright 2005 Thornsoft Development, Inc. All rights reserved.}
program Clip2Dos;
p : Array[0..1024] of Char;
WriteLn('Clip2DOS Copyright 2006 Thornsoft Development');
//Handle error condition
on E: Exception do
Writeln(SysUtils.format('Clip2DOS - Error: %s',[E.Message]));
ExitCode := 1; //Set ExitCode <> 0 to flag error condition (by convention)

Pasteboard is another option. It can also work from WSL. First, install via choco:
choco install pasteboard
then the command is simply
pbpaste.exe > file.txt
And that works from cmd and wsl bash.

Well, from a million years ago, we did something like this:
type con > filename.txt
... and then you perform your paste operation (Ctrl-v, middle-click the mouse, or choose Edit->Paste from them menu) into the waiting prompt. This will capture the stdin buffer (the console device, named 'con'), and when an end-of-file is received, it will write the contents to the file. So, after your paste, you type 'Ctrl-z' to generate an EOF, and the type command terminates, and the contents of your paste buffer (the clipboard) are captured in 'filename.txt'.

There are third party clip commands that work bidirectionally.
Here's one:
CLIP - Copy the specified text file to the clip board
Copyright (c) 1998,99 by Dave Navarro, Jr. (

Here is the CLIP program by Dave Navarro, as referred to in the answer by #foxidrive. It is mentioned in an article here: copying-from-clipboard-to-xywrite
A link to the download, along with many other resources is on this page:
Here is a direct link to the download:
"DOWNLOAD Clip.exe Copy from and to the clipboard by Dave Navarro, Jr."

It may be possible with vbs:
Option Explicit
' Gets clipboard's contents as pure text and saves it or open it
Dim filePath : filePath = "clipboard.txt"
' Use the HTML parser to have access to the clipboard and get text content
Dim text : text = CreateObject("htmlfile").ParentWindow.ClipboardData.GetData("text")
' to open
If Not IsNull(text) then
Dim WshShell, somestring, txFldr2Open
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
txFldr2Open = "C:\Users"
txFldr2Open = text
somestring = "EXPLORER.exe /e," & txFldr2Open ', /select somestring
Set WshShell = Nothing
end if
' Create the file and write on it
Dim fileObj : Set fileObj = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").CreateTextFile(filePath)

You can use cbecho, a program I wrote in plain C. It will send any clipboard text to stdout, from where you can pipe it to other programs.

I am not sure if this command was not supported at that time or not, but it surely does work
clip > file.txt

This dirty trick worked for my needs, and it comes with Windows!
notepad.exe file.txt
Ctrl + V, Ctrl + S, Alt + F, X


How to store the contents of the clipboard into a variable? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Use clipboard from VBScript
(15 answers)
How to copy/cut a file (not the contents) to the clipboard in Windows on the command line?
(6 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
Editor's note:
While this question is specifically about copying a file reference to the clipboard, its generic title led to answers about how to copy / get text.
As an Emacs user on Windows who often attaches files in mails, I have been looking for a utility to copy a file (not its contents) to the clipboard, just as windows explorer does on righclick/copy).
I just found this right here on SO which uses System.Windows.Forms.Clipboard` in a small program to do exactly that. But it is in C#, for which I don't have immediate access to a compiler. So I am wondering if this can be done and how.
I saw several references such as this that the clipboard is not accessible in VBScripting, but msdn shows documentation for VB so I am risking the question.
I have never written a VBScript before but I did try a few things before asking, starting with running a copy pasted a "Hello world" and then various combinations of CreateObject etc.
Update: I need to call Clipboard.SetFileDropList, so I do not think I can use ClipboardData as suggested by the answers, it does not have this method.
Update for visitors
The solution I ended up using was to compile the C# itself, I did not know I already had a compiler.
Another update for visitors is what I am now using, quite happily.
You can do it with an html object to retrieve the contents of the clipboard:
' Get clipboard text
Set objHTML = CreateObject("htmlfile")
text = objHTML.ParentWindow.ClipboardData.GetData("text")
EDIT: I use this snippet to put text back on the clipboard, but it needs third party software; a standalone executable 'clip.exe' which can be found on Windows 2003 Server or just on the internet:
' Do something with the text
text = replace(text, "you ", "you and your dog ")
' Put it back to the clipboard
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set oExec = WshShell.Exec("clip")
Set oIn = oExec.stdIn
oIn.WriteLine text
(Yes, it is all a little bit hackerdyhack)
VBScript doesn't support the clipboard. Most hosts that host vbscript, such as Internet Explorer give access through the host. Therefore vbscript running in IE or an HTA can use IE's clipboard support. The scripting hosts do not give clipboard support. You can use a vbs file to start IE through COM automation, navigate to a local page (to bypass security warnings), then use IE's clipboard.
Here's a code snippit (Outp. is a text stream)
Set ie = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
ie.Visible = 0
ie.Navigate2 "C:\Users\David Candy\Desktop\Filter.html"
wscript.sleep 100
Loop until ie.document.readystate = "complete"
If IsNull(txt) = true then
outp.writeline "No text on clipboard"
outp.writeline txt
End If
You need this function (is a little modification of this):
ClipBoard("Hello World!")
Result = ClipBoard(Null)
Function ClipBoard(input)
'#description: A quick way to set and get your clipboard.
'#author: Jeremy England (SimplyCoded)
If IsNull(input) Then
ClipBoard = CreateObject("HTMLFile").parentWindow.clipboardData.getData("Text")
If IsNull(ClipBoard) Then ClipBoard = ""
CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Run _
"mshta.exe javascript:eval(""document.parentWindow.clipboardData.setData('text','" _
& Replace(Replace(Replace(input, "'", "\\u0027"), """","\\u0022"),Chr(13),"\\r\\n") & "');window.close()"")", _
End If
End Function
For the equivalent of a "paste" operation I would run a command-line utility like ClipOut or paste, redirect output to a file and read the file contents.
return = WshShell.Run("cmd /c clipout.exe > output.txt", 0, true)
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set file = fso.OpenTextFile("output.txt", 1)
text = file.ReadAll
You can get ClipOut here:
You can get paste here:
For the equivalent of a "copy" operation I would use the clip command line utility that actually comes with Windows and similar code as above.
About the clip utility:

How can I use Clipboard in vbscript? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Use clipboard from VBScript
(15 answers)
How to copy/cut a file (not the contents) to the clipboard in Windows on the command line?
(6 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
Editor's note:
While this question is specifically about copying a file reference to the clipboard, its generic title led to answers about how to copy / get text.
As an Emacs user on Windows who often attaches files in mails, I have been looking for a utility to copy a file (not its contents) to the clipboard, just as windows explorer does on righclick/copy).
I just found this right here on SO which uses System.Windows.Forms.Clipboard` in a small program to do exactly that. But it is in C#, for which I don't have immediate access to a compiler. So I am wondering if this can be done and how.
I saw several references such as this that the clipboard is not accessible in VBScripting, but msdn shows documentation for VB so I am risking the question.
I have never written a VBScript before but I did try a few things before asking, starting with running a copy pasted a "Hello world" and then various combinations of CreateObject etc.
Update: I need to call Clipboard.SetFileDropList, so I do not think I can use ClipboardData as suggested by the answers, it does not have this method.
Update for visitors
The solution I ended up using was to compile the C# itself, I did not know I already had a compiler.
Another update for visitors is what I am now using, quite happily.
You can do it with an html object to retrieve the contents of the clipboard:
' Get clipboard text
Set objHTML = CreateObject("htmlfile")
text = objHTML.ParentWindow.ClipboardData.GetData("text")
EDIT: I use this snippet to put text back on the clipboard, but it needs third party software; a standalone executable 'clip.exe' which can be found on Windows 2003 Server or just on the internet:
' Do something with the text
text = replace(text, "you ", "you and your dog ")
' Put it back to the clipboard
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set oExec = WshShell.Exec("clip")
Set oIn = oExec.stdIn
oIn.WriteLine text
(Yes, it is all a little bit hackerdyhack)
VBScript doesn't support the clipboard. Most hosts that host vbscript, such as Internet Explorer give access through the host. Therefore vbscript running in IE or an HTA can use IE's clipboard support. The scripting hosts do not give clipboard support. You can use a vbs file to start IE through COM automation, navigate to a local page (to bypass security warnings), then use IE's clipboard.
Here's a code snippit (Outp. is a text stream)
Set ie = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
ie.Visible = 0
ie.Navigate2 "C:\Users\David Candy\Desktop\Filter.html"
wscript.sleep 100
Loop until ie.document.readystate = "complete"
If IsNull(txt) = true then
outp.writeline "No text on clipboard"
outp.writeline txt
End If
You need this function (is a little modification of this):
ClipBoard("Hello World!")
Result = ClipBoard(Null)
Function ClipBoard(input)
'#description: A quick way to set and get your clipboard.
'#author: Jeremy England (SimplyCoded)
If IsNull(input) Then
ClipBoard = CreateObject("HTMLFile").parentWindow.clipboardData.getData("Text")
If IsNull(ClipBoard) Then ClipBoard = ""
CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Run _
"mshta.exe javascript:eval(""document.parentWindow.clipboardData.setData('text','" _
& Replace(Replace(Replace(input, "'", "\\u0027"), """","\\u0022"),Chr(13),"\\r\\n") & "');window.close()"")", _
End If
End Function
For the equivalent of a "paste" operation I would run a command-line utility like ClipOut or paste, redirect output to a file and read the file contents.
return = WshShell.Run("cmd /c clipout.exe > output.txt", 0, true)
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set file = fso.OpenTextFile("output.txt", 1)
text = file.ReadAll
You can get ClipOut here:
You can get paste here:
For the equivalent of a "copy" operation I would use the clip command line utility that actually comes with Windows and similar code as above.
About the clip utility:

How to copy/cut a file (not the contents) to the clipboard in Windows on the command line?

Is there a way to copy (or cut) a file to the Windows clipboard from the command line?
In particular with a batch script. I know how to copy the contents to the clipboard (type file | clip), but this is not the case. I want to have the whole file as I would press Ctrl + C in Windows Explorer.
OK, it seems the easiest way was to create a small C# tool that takes arguments and stores them in the clipboard:
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
namespace File2Clip
public class App
static void Main(string[] args)
List<string> list = new List<string>();
string line;
while(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(line = Console.ReadLine())) list.Add(line);
foreach (string s in args) list.Add(s);
StringCollection paths = new StringCollection();
foreach (string s in list) {
System.IO.Path.IsPathRooted(s) ?
s :
System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() +
#"\" + s);
2017 edit: Here's a github repo with both source and binary.
This would place the contents of the file into the clipboard (accomplished by clip.exe).
type \path\to\file|clip
To get the actual file, you'll probably have to resort to some other programming language, like VBScript or PowerShell to access Windows API's. I'm not entirely certain what Explorer puts into the clipboard when you CTRL+C a file. I suspect it uses the notification system to do something more intelligent than put the path to the file there. Depending on the context of the CTRL+V, you'll get something (Explorer, Word) or nothing (Notepad).
I've forever wanted this to use in Emacs, so, inspired by this question, an answer here, and a goodly amount of NIH syndrome, I've written a C version available at
picellif also handles wildcards (it's not clear to me if rostok's C# version does or not).
copy and move are (some of) the batch commands that copy/paste and cut/paste files, respectively. We don't use the terms paste or cut when dealing with files but if I understand you there is a need to copy a file to another location and to move files to another location.
You can try Swiss File Knife (SFK):
sfk toclip
Copy stdin to clipboard as plain text.
type test.txt | sfk toclip
Copies the content of ASCII file test.txt into the clipboard.
sfk list | sfk toclip
Copies a file listing of the current dir into the clipboard.
sfk fromclip [-wait] [-clear]
Dump plain text content from the clipboard to the terminal.
-wait : block until plain text is available.
-clear: empty the clipboard after reading it.
Example: turn backslashes into forward slashes. Imagine you have the following text open within Notepad:
And for some reason you need the first line in a format like this:
Then you may do it this way:
Mark the first line using SHIFT + CURSOR keys.
Press Ctrl + C or Ctrl + Insert to copy it into clipboard
On the Windows command line, run this command (for example, from a batch file):
sfk fromclip +filter -rep x/x\x +toclip
Back in the editor, press Ctrl + V or Shift + Insert, pasting the result from the clipboard.
As you see, the line changed into "foo\bar\systems\alpha1.cpp".
You can use Command Line Copy and Paste Files utilities on Sid's Bytestream.

Capture CMD output with AutoHotkey

I'm trying to read Windows CMD's stdout with AutoHotkey. For example, I'd like to have the output of the setconsole command inside AHK stored in a variable. I already achieved it a while ago, which makes me all the more perplex why it's not working now.
In the AHK forums, there's a rather old thread about CMDret, a DLL based functionality to do exactly what I want. The first problem was to find a working download for it, since all the links in the post were dead. Google gave me another site, hosting v3.1.2. Altough there seems to be a newer one (v3.2.1 respectively 4d Beta), I checked it out and tested a simple example:
msgbox % CMDret(COMSPEC " /C set")
VarSetCapacity(StrOut, 10000)
RetVal := DllCall("cmdret.dll\RunReturn", "str", CMD, "str", StrOut)
Return, %StrOut%
Unfortunately, the MsgBox contained nothing. I then checked out RetVal which had a value of 0; and the attached readme says:
If the function fails, the return value is zero.
Further down, it says:
Note: only 32 bit console applications will currently work with the
this dll version of CMDret (v3.1.2 or lower). Calls that require will likely not produce any output and may crash. To avoid
this I have included a file named "cmdstub.exe" with the download (in
the Win9x folder). This file should be used when calling 16 bit
console applications to enable returning output.
In conclusion, I am not sure what the problem is. My machine is running on 64 bit. But is the corresponding clause in the readme supposed to solely exclude 16 bit systems or does it rather only include 32 bit?
If the computing architecture is probably not the problem, then what could be?
What I am looking for is either one of the following:
Can I fix the problem and keep using v3.1.2?
Has anyone a working source (or even a local copy) of a newer version I could check out?
Is there another approach [library, .ahk code, etc.] I could use for my purpose? (preferably similar, because CMDret seems very straightforward)
If you don't need a live output, you could use the cmd box itself to save a text file of itself and then you could have autohotkey detect when the console's PID finished (using the returned result of runwait and read the outputted file into memory.
So you could do this in your run command (just a regular cmd parameter):
ipconfig > myoutput.txt
Now you have a text file with the ipconfig output in it.
you could do the same thing, but instead of outputting to a text file, you could output to the clipboard, like this:
ipconfig | clip
Then, since the output is on the clipboard, you can easily grab it into autohotkey.
New recommended 2 ways of doing as of Nov 2019 -
How can the output of a command line operation be retrieved?
Testing shows that due to file caching, a temporary file can be very fast for relatively small outputs. In fact, if the file is deleted immediately after use, it often does not actually get written to disk. For example:
RunWait %ComSpec% /c dir > C:\My Temp File.txt
FileRead, VarToContainContents, C:\My Temp File.txt
FileDelete, C:\My Temp File.txt
To avoid using a temporary file (especially if the output is large), consider using the
Shell.Exec() method as shown in the examples for the Run command.
Example for the Run command -
MsgBox % RunWaitOne("dir " A_ScriptDir)
RunWaitOne(command) {
shell := ComObjCreate("WScript.Shell")
exec := shell.Exec(ComSpec " /C " command)
return exec.StdOut.ReadAll()
Note: the latter method (shell.Exec) will cause quick display of a cmd window.
You can reduce the duration of its appearance by putting these lines at the top of your script, which will also cause the flickering to happen only once the first time you call the cmd command. From
;Following 2 lines : the cmd window will flash only once and quickly
WinHide % "ahk_id " DllCall("GetConsoleWindow", "ptr")
How about this script, StdoutToVar ?
It has support for 64bit consoles.
This has been bugging me for some time now - and finally this works !
The only prerequisite for this is MS sqlcmd.exe, a database called AHK_Dev
and of course AHK_DBA to read the value when you wish to make use of it.
PS. make sure you replace {yourDir} and {yourServer} with you own values!
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[AHK_DOS]([dos_out] [varchar](max) NULL) ON [PRIMARY];
insert into ahk_dos select 'empty'
Create the follow script ... call it dos_out.bat
#echo off
if "%1" == "" (
set v_cmd=""
) else (
set v_cmd=%1
set v_cmd=%v_cmd:~1,-1%
if "!v_cmd!" == "" (
set v_cmd="echo ... %COMPUTERNAME% %USERNAME% %DATE% %TIME%"
set v_cmd=!v_cmd:~1,-1!
set v_data=""
FOR /F "usebackq delims=¬" %%i in (`!v_cmd!`) do (
set v_data="!v_data:~1,-1!%%i~"
set q_cmd="set nocount on;update ahk_dos set dos_out=N'!v_data:~1,-1!'"
"{yourDir}\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\Binn\sqlcmd.exe" -S {yourServer} -E -d ahk_dev -Q !q_cmd! -W
set q_cmd="set nocount on;select len(dos_out) as out_len, dos_out from ahk_dos"
"{yourDir}\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\Binn\sqlcmd.exe" -S {yourServer} -E -d ahk_dev -Q !q_cmd! -W -w 8000
you can run it from AHK using...
dosCmd2db(c) {
runwait, {yourDir\}dos_out.bat "%c%", , , dospid
msgbox %dospid% closed
dosCmd2db("echo This is a test")
As the same field is being updated each time, you would clearly need to do something between each one to make this example useful!
Try it, and let me know how you get on
Regards, Geoff
Just an update to #amynbe answer.
MsgBox % RunWaitOne("dir " A_ScriptDir)
RunWaitOne(command) {
shell := ComObjCreate("WScript.Shell")
exec := shell.Exec(ComSpec " /C " command)
return exec.StdOut.ReadAll() }
Note: the latter method (shell.Exec)
will cause quick display of a cmd window. You can reduce
> the duration of its appearance by putting these lines at the top of
> your script, which will also cause the flickering to happen only once
> the first time you call the cmd command.
You can just do this below to hide cmd and avoid flashing.
MsgBox % RunWaitOne("dir " A_ScriptDir)
RunWaitOne(command) {
DetectHiddenWindows On
Run %ComSpec%,, Hide, pid
WinWait ahk_pid %pid%
DllCall("AttachConsole", "UInt", pid)
shell := ComObjCreate("WScript.Shell")
exec := shell.Exec(ComSpec " /C " command)
DllCall( "FreeConsole" )
return exec.StdOut.ReadAll()
I found a script only solution that works for AutoHotKey L 64bit at:
After playing with it a bit I was able to capthre the entire output of a 40k text file that I listed using the DOS Type command. There is a demo that shows how you can interact with time command, which is nice if you need limited two way interaction with a dos command or batch script.

How to play audio file on windows from command line?

In Windows, is there a simple way (i.e. something you could type on a single command line) to just play a couple of .mp3 files and then exit on its own?
wmplayer, for example, does not seem to exit when finished, forcing the harried user to hunt it down and click it closed every time. (wmplayer 11 also seems to strangely repeat some files if you pass it a list.)
(The older (1990's) versions of 'mplayer' used to support a '/close' command line option, but it doesn't seem to work in wmplayer 11.)
I'd prefer to use something that everyone will have on their machine (like wmplayer, quicktime...)
Old question, new answer - you could use PowerShell:
powershell -c (New-Object Media.SoundPlayer 'c:\PathTo\YourSound.wav').PlaySync();
I have used cmdmp3. Very lightweight at 28Kb.
Use VBScript:
Set objArgs = Wscript.Arguments
if (objArgs.Count = 0) then
Wscript.echo "I need a sound file as argument!"
WScript.Quit 123
end if
Wscript.echo "Playing: " & objArgs(0) & "..."
Set objPlayer = createobject("Wmplayer.OCX.7")
With objPlayer ' saves typing
.settings.autoStart = True
.settings.volume = 50 ' 0 - 100
.settings.balance = 0 ' -100 to 100
.settings.enableErrorDialogs = False
.enableContextMenu = False
.URL = objArgs(0)
WScript.Sleep(10000) ' time to load and start playing
'.Controls.Pause() ' stop
End With
MsgBox "if WMP is still playing, clicking OK will end it", _
vbInformation, "WMP Demo finished"
If the VBScript process ends, the Media Player ends too, you have to wait for it (I don't need it, my sounds are only some seconds long).
I used this for my special case today:!topic/microsoft.public.scripting.vbscript/gfOOvnN8t-U
There are pure command line players. Some are listed here.
Also, WinAmp used to have command line controller called CLAMP. I am not sure if it's still alive or available but Google for it - it was pretty good.
Also, VLC has some command line capabilities though I never checked them out.
This is what I did to do it:
rem Replace the following path with your music file
start C:\Users\Username\Desktop\your-music.mp3
rem Replace 10 with how many seconds you want the player to run
ping localhost -n 10 >nul
taskkill /im wmplayer.exe
Note this requires .mp3 to be associated with wmplayer.exe (Windows Media Player).
You can use fmedia to play audio files from Windows terminal:
fmedia file1.mp3 file2.mp3
This command will start the playback of file.mp3, then file2.mp3, and then quit after the files have finished playing.
If you wish to do it in background, add --background switch to your command:
fmedia file.ogg --background
This command will start a new process in background and detach from your console immediately.
fmedia is a portable application (works without installation) and consumes very small amount of system resources. Also, its startup time is instantaneous.
P.S. Use command fmedia.exe --install to add it to your %PATH% environment variable, otherwise you need to execute it with full path, e.g. D:\fmedia\fmedia.exe
You can probably write a small VBScript which will use the Windows Media Player ActiveX control to play an audio file. You should be able to terminate the process from that too, once playing finished.
I'm looking around a bit and maybe can come up with a working solution. Might take a while, though.
I am using this improve version of Mayra Delgado's answer:
Set objArgs = Wscript.Arguments
if (objArgs.Count = 0) then
Wscript.echo "I need a sound file as argument!"
WScript.Quit 123
end if
Wscript.echo "Playing: " & objArgs(0) & "..."
Set objPlayer = createobject("Wmplayer.OCX.7")
With objPlayer ' saves typing
.settings.autoStart = True
.settings.volume = 50 ' 0 - 100
.settings.balance = 0 ' -100 to 100
.settings.enableErrorDialogs = False
.enableContextMenu = False
.URL = objArgs(0)
' Wait until play finish
While .Playstate <> 1
Wscript.Sleep 100
End With
MsgBox "if WMP is still playing, clicking OK will end it", _
vbInformation, "WMP Demo finished"
I've found that the fastest way to play .mp3 files in Windows commandline is mpeg123
I know it's not available on people's machine per default, but from my point of view, Microsoft's own players are not consistently available over different versions either.
I'm using it on a project where the execution time is essential, and features like only playing certain frames makes is very useful. I find this (in my configuration) faster than the cmdmp3 and vbscript examples mentioned in this thread.
My syntax to only play certain frames of an .mp3 file :
mpg123.exe -k 2 -n 3 -q -1 -4 beep.mp3
Here are few scripts.
mediarunner.bat - it uses windows media player active x objects so you cannot used if there's no installed Windows Media Player (though it usually comes packed with the Windows).Accepts only one argument - the path to the file you want to play.
spplayer.bat - uses SP Voice objects but can play only .wav files.Again it accepts as only argument the path to the file you want to play.
soundplayer.bat - uses Internet Explorer objects and specific bgsound tag that can be used only in internet explorer.Can play .mp3,wav,.. files. It can accepts two arguments. The file you want to play and the sound volume (a number between -10000 to 0) :
call soundplayer.bat "C:\Windows\Media\Windows Navigation Start.wav" 0
If you need something cross-platform, mplayer works well on linux and windows and is compatible with npm's play-sound.
