high performance video output with Qt - performance

I'm writing a video player where my code decodes the video to raw YCbCr frames.
What would be the fastest way to output these through the Qt framework? I want to
avoid copying data around too much as the images are in HD format.
I am afraid that software color conversion into a QImage would be slow and that later the QImage will again be copied when drawing into the GUI.
I have had a look at QAbstractVideoSurface and even have running code,
but cannot grasp how this is faster, since like in the VideoWidget example
(http://idlebox.net/2010/apidocs/qt-everywhere-opensource-4.7.0.zip/multimedia-videowidget.html), rendering is still done by calling QPainter::drawImage with
QImage, which has to be in RGB.
The preferred solution seems to me to have access to a hardware surface directly
into which I could decode the YCbCr or at least directly do the RGB conversion (with libswscale) into.
But I cannot see how I could do this (without using OpenGL, which would give me
free scaling too, though).

One common solution is to use QGL Widget with texture mapping. The application allocates a texture buffer on first frame, then call update texture in remaining frames. This is pure GL call, Qt not supporting texture manipulation yet. But QGLwidget can be used as a container.
Decoding was done using SSE2. Hope this helps.


What's the fastest way to access video pixels in as3?

I would like to copy pixels from a 1080p video from one location to another efficiently/with as little CPU impact as possible.
So far my implementation is fairly simple:
using BitmapData's draw() method to grab the pixels from the video
using BitmapData's copyPixels() to shuffle pixels about
Ideally this would have as little CPU impact as possible but I am running out of options and could really use some tips from experienced actionscript 3 developers.
I've profiled my code with Scout and noticed the CPU usage is mostly around 70% but goes above 100% quite a bit. I've looked into StageVideo but one of the main limitations is this:
The video data cannot be copied into a BitmapData object
Is there a more direct way to access video pixels, rather than rasterizing a DisplayObject ?
Can I access each video frame as a ByteArray directly and plug it into a BitmapData object ?
(I found appendBytes but it seems to do the reverse of what I need in my setup).
What is the most CPU friendly way to manipulate pixels from an h264 1080p video in actionscript 3 ?
Also, is there a faster way to moving pixels around other than copyPixels() using Flash Player ?Also, I see Scout points out that video is not hardware accelerated( .rend.video.hwrender: false ). Shouldn't h264 video be hardware accelerated (even without stage video) according to this article (or is this for the fullscreen mode only) ?
Latest AIR beta introduced video as texture support which you could possibly use to manipulate the video on GPU (and do that way faster than with BitmapData). But keep in mind that it is currently available for AIR on Windows only and there are some other limitations.

XNA Texture loading speed (for extra large Texture sizes)

[Skip to the bottom for the question only]
While developing my XNA game I came to another horrible XNA limitation: Texture2D-s (at least on my PC) can't have dimensions higher than 2048*2048. No problem, I quickly wrote my custom texture class, which uses a [System.Drawing.] Bitmap by default and splits the texture into smaller Texture2D-s eventually and displays them as appropriate.
When I made this change I also had to update the method loading the textures. When loading the Texture2D-s in the old version I used Texture2D.FromStream() which worked pretty good but XNA can't even seem to store/load textures higher than the limit so if I tried to load/store a say 4092*2048 png file I ended up having a 2048*2048 Texture2D in my app. Therefore I switched to load the images using [System.Drawing.] Image.FromFile, then cast it to a Bitmap as it doesn't seem to have any limitation. (Later converting this Bitmap to a Texture2D list.)
The problem is that loading the textures this way is noticeably slower because now even those images that are under the 2048*2048 limit will be loaded as a Bitmap then converted to a Texture2D. So I am actually looking for a way to analyze an image file and check its dimensions (width;height) before even loading it into my application. Because if it is under the texture limit I can load it straight into a Texture2D without the need of loading it into a Bitmap then converting it into a single element Texture2D list.
Is there any (clean and possibly very quick) way to get the dimensions of an image file without loading the whole file into the application? And if it is, is it even worth using? As I guess that the slowest instruction is the file opening/seeking here (probably hardware-based, when it comes to hdd-s) and not streaming the contents into the application.
Do you need to support arbitrarily large textures? If not, switching to the HiDef profile will get you support for textures as large as 4096x4096.
If you do need to stick with your current technique, you might want to check out this answer regarding how to read image sizes without loading the entire file.

Pixel level manipulation windows

I've been using SDL to render graphics in C. I know there are several options to create graphics at the pixel level on Windows, including SDL and OpenGL. But how do these programs do it? Fine, I can use SDL. But I'd like to know what SDL is doing so I don't feel like an ignorant fool. Am I the only one slightly frustrated by the opaque layer of frosting on modern computers?
A short explanation as to how this is done on other operating systems would also be interesting, but I am most concerned with Windows.
Edit: Since this question seems to be somehow unclear, this is precisely what I want:
I would like to know how pixel level graphics manipulations (drawing on the screen pixel by pixel) works on Windows. What do libraries like SDL do with the operating system to allow this to happen. I can manipulate the screen pixel by pixel using SDL, so what magic happens in SDL to let me do this?
Windows has many graphics APIs. Some are layers built on top of others (e.g., GDI+ on top of GDI), and others are completely independent stacks (like the Direct3D family).
In an API like GDI, there are functions like SetPixel which let you change the value of a single pixel on the screen (or within a region of the screen that you have access to). But using SetPixel to setting lots of pixels is generally slow.
If you were to build a photorealistic renderer, like a ray tracer, then you'd probably build up a bitmap in memory (pixel by pixel), and use an API like BitBlt that sends the entire bitmap to the screen at once. This is much faster.
But it still may not be fast enough for rendering something like video. Moving all that data from system memory to the video card memory takes time. For video, it's common to use a graphics stack that's closer to the low-level graphics drivers and hardware. If the graphics card can do the video decompression directly, then sending the compressed video stream to the card will be much more efficient than sending the decompressed data from system memory to the video card--and that's often the limiting factor.
But conceptually, it's the same thing: you're manipulating a bitmap (or texture or surface or raster or ...), but that bitmap lives in graphics memory, and you're issuing commands to the GPU to set the pixels the way you want, and then to display that bitmap at some portion of the screen (often with some sort of transformation).
Modern graphics processors actually run little programs--called shaders--that can (among other things) do calculations to determine the pixel values. The GPUs are optimized to do these types of calculations and can do many of them in parallel. But ultimately, it boils down to getting the pixel values into some sort of bitmap in video memory.

Are there any benefits to using bitmaps?

I'm porting some CF 2.0 VB.Net apps to a newer version of a handset that has twice the screen resolution. So I have to double the dimensions of everything otherwise it all gets squished up into the top LH corner of the screen.
One screen had a bitmap which was 250K in size, and after I doubled the dimensions naturally it blew out to one MB. This isn't real good on a handheld, so I fired up irfanview and converted it to a .GIF. The .GIF was only 60KB in size, with no discernible change in the quality of the image.
To me, it seems a no-brainer : Convert all Bitmaps to Gif (or JPG) and get the same results for a fraction of the disk space (and probably quicker form loading times).
But does anyone know of a situation where you would use a bitmap in preference to a GIF/JPEG? I cannot find any.
I really can't think of any realistic example where you would prefer an bitmap to a GIF. Since GIF is a lossless format you loose no information when storing images. So after reading the file in your app you will have the same image data as if you have read a bitmap. And like you said: The file will be smaller and thus will probably will be read faster from disk.
JPEG is different because it's a lossy format, meaning you will lose information when storing images in it. You will need to decide if the loss of information is meaningful in your app.
Bitmaps would be preferable if and only if reading files from disk where faster than decompressing the file in memory.
And to be precise you would prefer bitmaps when storing images in main memory, so you can work easily on the data in your code. Which is actually what you most likely already have when you have loaded a file using an image library.
To cut a long story shorts, a BMP is stored as a series of pixels along with their colour. This is useful if you want to do such things as pattern recognition, movement detection and such like.
Bitmaps are typically used for their convenience - you can knock one up in paint without having specialist graphics software.

Is it possible to use pointers to write directly (low level) onto a window without using Bitblt?

I have written an anaglyph filter that mixes two images into one stereographic image. It is a fast routine that works with one pixel at a time.
Right now I'm using pointers to output each calculated pixel to a memory bitmap, then Bitblt that whole image onto the window.
This seems redundant to me. I'd rather copy each pixel directly to the screen, since my anaglyph routine is quite fast. Is it possible to bypass Bitblt and simply have the pointer point directly to wherever Bitblt would copy it to?
I'm sure it's possible, but you really really really don't want to do this. It's much more efficient to draw the entire pattern at once.
You can't draw directly to the screen from windows because the graphics card memory isn't necessarily mapped in any sane order.
Bltting to the screen is amazingly fast.
Remember you don't blt after each pixel - only when you want a new result to be shown, even then there's no point doing this faster than the refresh on your screen - probably 60hz
You are looking for something like glMapBuffer in OpenGL, but acessing directly to the screen.
But writing to the GPU memory pixel per pixel is the slower operation you can do. PCI works faster if you send big streams of data. Also, there are many issues if you write and read data. And the pixel layout is also important (see nvidia docs about fast texture transfers). Bitblt will do it for you in a driver optimised way.
