Read the n-th line of multiple files into a single output - bash

I have some dump files called dump_mydump_0.cfg, dump_mydump_250.cfg, ..., all the way up to dump_mydump_40000.cfg. For each dump file, I'd like to take the 16th line out, read them, and put them into one single file.
I'm using sed, but I came across some syntax errors. Here's what I have so far:
for lineNo in 16 ;
for fileNo in 0,40000 ; do
sed -n "${lineNo}{p;q;}" dump_mydump_file${lineNo}.cfg >> data.txt

Considering your files are named with intervals of 250, you should get it working using:
for lineNo in 16; do
for fileNo in {0..40000..250}; do
sed -n "${lineNo}{p;q;}" dump_mydump_file${fileNo}.cfg >> data.txt
Note both the bash syntax corrections -- do, done, and {0..40000..250} --, and the input file name, that should depend on ${fileNo} instead of ${lineNo}.

Alternatively, with (GNU) awk:
awk "FNR==16{print;nextfile}" dump_mydump_{0..40000..250}.cfg > data.txt
(I used the filenames as shown in the OP as opposed to the ones which would have been generated by the bash for loop, if corrected to work. But you can edit as needed.)
The advantage is that you don't need the for loop, and you don't need to spawn 160 processes. But it's not a huge advantage.

This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed -ns '16wdata.txt' dump_mydump_{0..40000..250}.cfg


Sed through files without using for loop?

I have a small script which basically generates a menu of all the scripts in my ~/scripts folder and next to each of them displays a sentence describing it, that sentence being the third line within the script commented out. I then plan to pipe this into fzf or dmenu to select it and start editing it or whatever.
1 #!/bin/bash
3 # a script to do
So it would look something like this a script to do X a script to do Y
Currently I have it run a for loop over all the files in the scripts folder and then run sed -n 3p on all of them.
for i in $(ls -1 ~/scripts); do
echo -n "$i"
sed -n 3p "~/scripts/$i"
done | column -t -s '#' | ...
I was wondering if there is a more efficient way of doing this that did not involve a for loop and only used sed. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks!
Instead of a loop that is parsing ls output + sed, you may try this awk command:
awk 'FNR == 3 {
f = FILENAME; sub(/^.*\//, "", f); print f, $0; nextfile
}' ~/scripts/* | column -t -s '#' | ...
Yes there is a more efficient way, but no, it doesn't only use sed. This is probably a silly optimization for your use case though, but it may be worthwhile nonetheless.
The inefficiency is that you're using ls to read the directory and then parse its output. For large directories, that causes lots of overhead for keeping that list in memory even though you only traverse it once. Also, it's not done correctly, consider filenames with special characters that the shell interprets.
The more efficient way is to use find in combination with its -exec option, which starts a second program with each found file in turn.
BTW: If you didn't rely on line numbers but maybe a tag to mark the description, you could also use grep -r, which avoids an additional process per file altogether.
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed -sn '1h;3{H;g;s/\n/ /p}' ~/scripts/*
Use the -s option to reset the line number addresses for each file.
Copy line 1 to the hold space.
Append line 3 to the hold space.
Swap the hold space for the pattern space.
Replace the newline with a space and print the result.
All files in the directory ~/scripts will be processed.
N.B. You may wish to replace the space delimiter by a tab or pipe the results to the column command.

Delete everything after a certain line in bash

I was wondering if there was a way to delete everything after a certain line of a text file in bash. So say there's a text file with 10 lines, and I want to delete every line after line number 4, so only the first 4 lines remained, how would I go about doing that?
You can use GNU sed:
sed -i '5,$d' file.txt
That is, 5,$ means the range line 5 until the end, and d means to delete.
Only the first 4 lines will remain.
The -i flag tells sed to edit the file in-place.
If you have only BSD sed, then the -i flag requires a backup file suffix:
sed -i.bak '5,$d' file.txt
As #ephemient pointed out, while this solution is simple,
it's inefficient because sed will still read the input until the end of the file, which is unnecessary.
As #agc pointed out, the inverse logic of my first proposal might be actually more intuitive. That is, do not print by default (-n flag),
and explicitly print range 1,4:
sed -ni.bak 1,4p file.txt
Another simple alternative, assuming that the first 4 lines are not excessively long and so they easily fit in memory, and also assuming that the 4th line ends with a newline character,
you can read the first 4 lines into memory and then overwrite the file:
lines=$(head -n 4 file.txt)
echo "$lines" > file.txt
Minor refinements on Janos' answer, ephemient's answer, and cdark's comment:
Simpler (and faster) sed code:
sed -i 4q file
When a filter util can't directly edit a file, there's
head -4 file | sponge file
Most efficient for Linux might be truncate -- coreutils sibling util to fallocate, which offers the same minimal I/O of ephemient's more portable, (but more complex), dd-based answer:
truncate -s `head -4 file | wc -c` file
The sed method that #janos is simple but inefficient. It will read every line from the original file, even ones it could ignore (although that can be fixed using 4q), and -i actually creates a new file (which it renames to replace the original file). And there's the annoying bit where you need to use sed -i '5,$d' file.txt with GNU sed but sed -i '' '5,$d' file.txt with BSD sed in order to remove the existing file instead of leaving a backup.
Another method that performs less I/O:
dd bs=1 count=0 if=/dev/null of=file.txt \
seek=$(grep -b ^ file.txt | tail -n+5 | head -n1 | cut -d: -f1)
grep -b ^ file.txt prints out byte offsets on each line, e.g.
$ yes | grep -b ^
tail -n+5 skips the first 4 lines, outputting the 5th and subsequent lines
head -n1 takes only the next line (e.g. only the 5th line)
After head reads the one line, it will exit. This causes tail to exit because it has nowhere to output to anymore. This causes grep to exit for the same reason. Thus, the rest of file.txt does not need to be examined.
cut -d: -f1 takes only the first part before the : (the byte offset)
dd bs=1 count=0 if=/dev/null of=file.txt seek=N
using a block size of 1 byte, seek to block N of file.txt
copy 0 blocks of size 1 byte from /dev/null to file.txt
truncate file.txt here (because conv=notrunc was not given)
In short, this removes all data on the 5th and subsequent lines from file.txt.
On Linux there is a command named fallocate which can similarly extend or truncate a file, but that's not portable.
UNIX filesystems support efficiently truncating files in-place, and these commands are portable. The downside is that it's more work to write out.
(Also, dd will print some unnecessary stats to stderr, and will exit with an error if the file has fewer than 5 lines, although in that case it will leave the existing file contents in place, so the behavior is still correct. Those can be addressed also, if needed.)
If I don't know the line number, merely the line content (I need to know that there is nothing below the line containing 'knowntext' that I want to preserve.), then I use.
sed -i '/knowntext/,$d' inputfilename
to directly alter the file, or to be cautious
sed '/knowntext/,$d' inputfilename > outputfilename
where inputfilename is unaltered, and outputfilename contains the truncated version of the input.
I am not competent to comment on the efficiency of this, but I know that files of 20kB or so are dealt with faster than I can blink.
Using GNU awk (v. 4.1.0+, see here). First we create a test file (NOTICE THE DISCLAIMER):
Then the code and validation (WILL MODIFY THE ORIGINAL FILE NAMED file):
$ awk -i inplace 'NR<=4' file
$ cat file
$ awk -i inplace ' # edit is targetted to the original file (try without -i ...)
NR<=4 # output first 4 records
' file # file
You could also exit on line NR==5 which would be quicker if you redirected the output of the program to a new file (remove # for action) which would be the same as head -4 file > new_file:
$ awk 'NR==5{exit}1' file # > new_file
When testing, don't forget the seq part first.

Using both GNU Utils with Mac Utils in bash

I am working with plotting extremely large files with N number of relevant data entries. (N varies between files).
In each of these files, comments are automatically generated at the start and end of the file and would like to filter these out before recombining them into one grand data set.
Unfortunately, I am using MacOSx, where I encounter some issues when trying to remove the last line of the file. I have read that the most efficient way was to use head/tail bash commands to cut off sections of data. Since head -n -1 does not work for MacOSx I had to install coreutils through homebrew where the ghead command works wonderfully. However the command,
tail -n+9 $COUNTER/test.csv | ghead -n -1 $COUNTER/test.csv >> gfinal.csv
does not work. A less than pleasing workaround was I had to separate the commands, use ghead > newfile, then use tail on newfile > gfinal. Unfortunately, this will take while as I have to write a new file with the first ghead.
Is there a workaround to incorporating both GNU Utils with the standard Mac Utils?
The problem with your command is that you specify the file operand again for the ghead command, instead of letting it take its input from stdin, via the pipe; this causes ghead to ignore stdin input, so the first pipe segment is effectively ignored; simply omit the file operand for the ghead command:
tail -n+9 "$COUNTER/test.csv" | ghead -n -1 >> gfinal.csv
That said, if you only want to drop the last line, there's no need for GNU head - OS X's own BSD sed will do:
tail -n +9 "$COUNTER/test.csv" | sed '$d' >> gfinal.csv
$ matches the last line, and d deletes it (meaning it won't be output).
Finally, as #ghoti points out in a comment, you could do it all using sed:
sed -n '9,$ {$!p;}' file
Option -n tells sed to only produce output when explicitly requested; 9,$ matches everything from line 9 through (,) the end of the file (the last line, $), and {$!p;} prints (p) every line in that range, except (!) the last ($).
I realize that your question is about using head and tail, but I'll answer as if you're interested in solving the original problem rather than figuring out how to use those particular tools to solve the problem. :)
One method using sed:
sed -e '1,8d;$d' inputfile
At this level of simplicity, GNU sed and BSD sed both work the same way. Our sed script says:
1,8d - delete lines 1 through 8,
$d - delete the last line.
If you decide to generate a sed script like this on-the-fly, beware of your quoting; you will have to escape the dollar sign if you put it in double quotes.
Another method using awk:
awk 'NR>9{print last} NR>1{last=$0}' inputfile
This works a bit differently in order to "recognize" the last line, capturing the previous line and printing after line 8, and then NOT printing the final line.
This awk solution is a bit of a hack, and like the sed solution, relies on the fact that you only want to strip ONE final line of the file.
If you want to strip more lines than one off the bottom of the file, you'd probably want to maintain an array that would function sort of as a buffered FIFO or sliding window.
awk -v striptop=8 -v stripbottom=3 '
{ last[NR]=$0; }
NR > striptop*2 { print last[NR-striptop]; }
{ delete last[NR-striptop]; }
END { for(r in last){if(r<NR-stripbottom+1) print last[r];} }
' inputfile
You specify how much to strip in variables. The last array keeps a number of lines in memory, prints from the far end of the stack, and deletes them as they are printed. The END section steps through whatever remains in the array, and prints everything not prohibited by stripbottom.

sed delete lines from a logfile that respect numbers in another file

I have a logfile that is starting to grow in size, and I need to remove certain lines that match a given pattern from it. I used grep -nr for extracting the target lines and copied them in a temp file, but I can't figure how can I tell sed to delete those lines from the log file.
I have found something similar here: Delete line from text file with line numbers from another file but this doesn't actually delete the lines, it only prints the wanted output.
Can anyone give me a hint?
Thank you!
I think, what you really need is sed -i '/pattern/d' filename.
But to answer your question:
How to delete lines matching the line numbers from another file:
(Assuming that there are no special characters in the line_numbers file, just numbers one per line...)
awk 'NR==FNR{a[$0]=1; next}; !(FNR in a)' line_numbers input.log
If you already have a way of printing what you want to standard output, there's no reason why you can't just overwrite the original file. For example, to only print lines that don't match a pattern, you could use:
grep -v 'pattern' original > tmp && mv tmp original
This redirects the output of the grep command to a temporary file, then overwrites the original file. Any other solution that does this "in-place" is only pretending to do so, after all.
There are numerous other ways to do this, using sed as suggested in the comments, or awk:
awk '!/pattern/' original > tmp && mv tmp original
If you want to use sed and your file is growing continuously, then you will have to execute sed -i '/REGEX/d' FILENAME more frequently.
Instead, you can make use of syslog-ng. You just have to edit the /etc/syslog-ng/syslog-ng.conf, wherein you need to create/edit an appropriate filter (somewhat like: f_example { not match(REGEX); }; ), save file, restart the service and you're done.
The messages containing that particular pattern will not be dumped in the log file. In this way, your file would not only stop growing, but also you need not process it periodically using sed or grep.
To remove a line with sed, you can do:
sed "${line}d" <originalLogF >tmpF
If you want remove several lines, you can pass a sed script. Here I delete the first and the second lines:
sed '1d;2d' <originalLogF >tmpF
If your log file is big, you probably have two pass. The first one to generate the sed script in a file, and a second one to apply the sed script. But it will be more efficient to have only one pass if you be able to recognize the pattern directly (and do not use "${line}d" at all). See Tom Fenech or anishsane answers, I think it is what you really need.
By the way you have to preserve the inode (not only the file name) because most of logger keep the file opened. So the final command (if you don't use sed -i) should be:
cat tmpF >originalLogF
By the way, the "-i" option (sed) is NOT magic, sed will create a temporary buffer, so if we have concurrent append to the log file, you can loose some lines.

Trying to delete lines from file with sed -- what am I doing wrong?

I have a .csv file where I'd like to delete the lines between line 355686 and line 1048576.
I used the following command in Terminal (on MacOSx):
sed -i.bak -e '355686,1048576d' trips3.csv
This produces a file called trips3.csv.bak -- but it still has a total of 1,048,576 lines when I reopen it in Excel.
Any thoughts or suggestions you have are welcome and appreciated!
I suspect the problem is that excel is using carriage return (\r, octal 015) to separate records, while sed assumes lines are separated by linefeed (\n, octal 012); this means that sed will treat the entire file as one really long line. I don't think there's an easy way to get sed to get sed to recognize CR as a line delimiter, but it's easy with perl:
perl -n -015 -i.bak -e 'print if $. < 355686 || $. > 1048576' trips3.csv
(Note: if 1048576 is the number of "lines" in the file, you can leave off the || $. > 1048576 part.)
Not sure about the osx sed implementation, however the gnu sed implementation when passed the -i flag with a backup extension first copies the original file to the specified backup and modifies the original file in-place. You should expect to see a reduced number of lines in the original file trip3.csv
Some incantation that should do the job (if you have Ruby installed, obviously)
ruby -pe 'exit if $. > 355686' < trips3.csv > output.csv
If you prefer Perl/Python, just follow the documentation to do something similar and you should be fine. :)
Also, I'm using one of the Ruby one-liners, by Dave.
EDIT: Sorry, forgot to say that you need '> output.csv' to redirect stdout to a file.
awk '!(NR>355686 && NR <1048576)' your_file
