JUnit Scripts Does not run with JMeter - jmeter

I have the JUNIT code in my eclipse
My workflow is as follows:
Login to an Web Application
Enter the userID and password.
Create some User
Log out
when i try to execute this script using the JMeter it could not succeeded.
MY JMeter does only launch the browser and get into my web application, after that it gets failed.
But my JUnit code works fine when execute using eclipse
Can some one help me in this?

Make sure that the correct Classname/Test Method is selected in the JUnit Request Sampler. Make sure errors are appended by checking the boxes as in the image below.
Use the fail() method to debug. Put it in your catch blocks or wherever needed.
If that seems too tedious to you then write your own mini logger (or use an existing one) and append all errors to a file. (Probably the best option).
Just throwing it out there: it is possible to use JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, e.toString()); to debug by adding the rt.jar from your jdk folder. This can get annoying though...
For setup or tutorial please see Jmeter Junit Issue


JMeter embedded resources being downloaded when disabled

I have recorded a simple get/post test using the Blazemeter chrome plugin and am tweaking it in JMeter to be ready to use. However, the test fails because one of the embedded resources fails to load, which if it was correct, would be understandable.
I don't know if I am not understanding what I am seeing in the View Results Tree listener but I have some questions:
I don't need to download embedded resources but even though the box is NOT ticked on the http requests, they are still shown as downloaded. However, for the GET, these are dowloaded successfully.
I think that the post is failing and the same page is being returned by the server but when it comes to reloading the embedded resources, they all succeed except for one to fonts.googleapis.com, even though the same request always works for the get request
The failure is always the same each time I run it. Always, the embedded resources download correctly with GET and always that single 12th request to google fails with a 400.
Please can someone advise how to 1) Actually stop embedded resources from being downloaded and 2) work out how to debug why a second request to the same resource always fails even though it is simply an embedded font?
JMeter Chrome Extension adds HTTP Request Defaults configuration element which populates the values for all the HTTP Request samplers in its scope. So if you don't want to download embedded resources (although it's not recommended) you need to open "Advanced" tab of the Defaults configuration element and untick the box there
There is a special property which controls whether a problem with fetching an embedded resource is treated as failure or not, if you would like to download embedded resources but at the same time to ignore failures you can add the next line to user.properties file:
upon JMeter restart problems with embedded resources won't fail the parent HTTP Request sampler. See Configuring JMeter user manual chapter for more details if needed.

Jmeter not navigating to next controller

I am doing a performance testing in Jmeter I have added the controller and request, but my problem is when I run the script the requests are not automatically/manually navigating to the next controller
Scripts here
Script results here
I my case the scripts jmeter_login_and_view_dashboard running without any issues but is not navigation to next controller login checker or actions per login
I don't know what I am missing
Thanks in advance
We don't know as well because your screenshots don't tell the full story.
I can think of the following reasons:
You have Flow Control Action sampler somewhere which stops the test
An error occurs you have Thread Group configured to stop the test in case of error
There is an If Controller and the condition is not met
The controller is using a CSV Data Set Config and the CSV file is not present
So take a look at jmeter.log file, normally it should provide at least a clue regarding what went wrong.

Is there a way to hide all the HTTP request logs from the node terminal output?

When I run a suite of tests using Cypress, I get a TON of HTTP request logs to the terminal output. I think this image best shows the issue. In it, you can see the command I run to start cypress, and that following it comes a long list of every HTTP request made during the tests.
Is there a way to hide them all?
You can add the following to cypress.json:
"morgan": false,
The logs you see are from express (a built-in server within cypress).

Data entry through Jmeter not reflected in UI of application

I'm using Jmeter to perform load test on Moodle application
I followed the below steps to replicate a simple "add company " test scenario
1: Recorded the browser actions through HTTP Test script recorder and created a test plan with thread user of 1
2: Added HTTP Cache Manager,Added regular expression extractor for retrieving dynamically generated session for login HTTP request.
For Http request of adding new company, addded user parameters containing new company name
I run the test, everything seems ok in the view results tree- response section (response code: 200,response message:OK), all the required variables are passed in the HTTP POST
PROBLEM: New company added through Jmeter test is not reflected in UI of the moodle action
Can any of you please let me know
Is there something I could be missing or anyway I can debug the problem?
P.S: I'm new to Jmeter and looked around a lot for data inputted through Jmeter not being displayed in the UI of the web application,dint find useful results.
The answer to questions of this sort is almost always that you missed some necessary dynamic value besides session ID which you did catch.
An HTTP200 response just means the server returned a "good" response. Which could also happily contain an error message.
I would check the actual html body of the returned response for any errors. Checking the log on the server side can give you clues to what went wrong sometimes. You should also try adding a cookie manager.
Run your test with 1 virtual user in GUI mode with View Results Tree listener enabled and inspect responses to see where your scripts fails. My expectation is that you simply cannot log in.
See Moodle-JMeter-LoadTest.jmx file for reference, it uses XPath Extractor to get session key and course id.
I don't think you can test using JMeter. Try JUnit Test cases instead http://jakarta.apache.org/jmeter/usermanual/junitsampler_tutorial.pdf

Selenium RC test passes when it should fail on verifyTrue(selenium.isTextPresent("string"))

I have a suite of Selenium tests that I created in the Selenium IDE and ported over to Java. In several tests I use the Java equivalent of the verifyTextPresent command to confirm some text on the page (verifyTrue(selenium.isTextPresent())).
I found an spelling error in the text on the page when running the test from the IDE, but the error was not caught when running the test via Selenium RC/TestNG. Here's an example of the code that I have and the text that is causing the problem (spelling error in bold):
Please correct the errors indicated below.
You need to add a least one restriction.
verifyTextPresent | Please correct the errors indicated below.
verifyTextPresent | You need to add at least one restriction.
verifyTrue(selenium.isTextPresent("Please correct the errors indicated below."));
verifyTrue(selenium.isTextPresent("You need to add at least one restriction."));
Since both versions of the test have the correct text, why is the Selenium RC version not catching the error? Has anyone else had this problem?
The reason why this happens is that the test continues to run after the call to verifyTrue(). Verifications in Selenium catch the exceptions that would be thrown by a failed verification, as opposed to an assertion which throws an exception and causes the test to fail. Because verifications catch exceptions instead of throwing them, the test passes.
At the end of the test, the method checkForVerificationErrors() needs to be called to see if any of the verifications failed. If the method is not called, any verification errors will be ignored and the test will still pass (absent any other problems).
A discussion on the Selenium Google Group about the error itself is here. A discussion about the various verifications vs. assertions is here.
I had a similar problem... My workaround is to use assertTrue() instead of verifyTrue(). I hope it works for you to.
