Glympse API - ticket sender's nickname? - glympse

Is there any way to determine a ticket sender's nickname (or to add metadata to a ticket)? I have user accounts in my app & I don't want another user's ticket to be viewable by another user after logging out & this seems like it would be the best way to accomplish it (unless there's someone way to "clear" ticket cache)

Glympse API Lite provides you with a way to set sender's nickname/avatar programmatically through IGlympse::setNickname() and IGlympse::setAvatar() methods. There are corresponding getters for both properties.
The ability to wipe user's account is not currently exposed in Glympse API Lite. We will consider adding it in the next build.


Google API Authentication for App That Only Accesses One Account

Should I use a Service Account or an OAuth 2.0 Client ID?
I'm struggling to understand Google's documentation on authenticating for their APIs. I'm creating a basic application that will help users add and modify Google Calendar events for a single Google account (the account is shared between all users). I only need the application to access that one account, it'll never need to access any others.
It seems to me that Service Account would be best for this, but Google's documentation suggests Service Accounts should only be used for automated processes (unless I'm misunderstanding). For instance this page contains the following, describing when to use Service Accounts.
Would my application qualify as acting on the users behalf?
If so, I would want to use OAuth Client ID credentials, which will ask the user to sign in to a google account. In this case, is there a way I can guarantee they only sign in to the one account I want modified?
I can't find any decent documentation on the OAuth authentication requests to figure this out myself. If there is any could you point me there?
I'm sure I'm misunderstanding something basic here, but thank you for any help!
First off you should know that you can only use service accounts with Google aclendar api if you have a google workspace domain account.
You can then set up a calendar and a domain user that the service account can act on behalf of to control the access of that calendar.
Assuming that your application is going to preform all actions on this calendar then yes i would say that you could use a service account for this. If your app bacly has a ui with a calendar on it your just using google calendar to store the data.
However if you intend to share this calendar with the users themselves, this way they could see it within their own google Calendar account. Im not sure a service account would be the way to go.
If you want the users to be able to see it and make changes then you may want to just use Oauth2. Grant them access to the calendar and then request access to their calendar account.
Drawback to that option is going to be the verification process. You will get access to all the users calendars and your going to need write access.
If you can go with a service account you really should consider it it will save you a lot of hassle with verification.

Using streaming notifications with delegate access

So far all information that I read about streaming notifications says that you are expected to use impersonation with streaming subscriptions when you want to subscribe to not your mailboxes. This sounds reasonable when you have service application that accesses user mailboxes. In my case I need to subscribe to calendars of room mailboxes.
Based on this answer: Getting notification from Resource calendar in EWS room mailboxes usually have their account disabled and I need to use delegation.
So what is proper way to subscribe and maintain affinity when using delegation? Should I just ignore setting the impersonation header and do everything else as described in How to: Maintain affinity between a group of subscriptions and the Mailbox server in Exchange?
When you creating folder object, pass the other user email address which shared his calendar with you. AS below
folders[0] = new FolderId(WellKnownFolderName.Calendar, new Mailbox("OtherUserEmail"));
And then subscribe.
For resource rooms I use impersonation as the preferred access. I know that in general the AD userids for room resources are disabled for login in AD, but my guess is that affects only Windows login. Technically when you impersonate, you don't really login as the room user. You log in as the service account with those credentials, and then indicate with the impersonation id that you want Exchange to pretend it's actually the room making all the requests you are about to make.

Is there a way to change a Google Account name/email?

I have ran into a problematic situation, which I really hope I can get help with.
I'm working on Jive Software solutions and we have a product that integrates Google Drive and Gmail.
This integration product was once part of a startup that was acquired by Jive and as such, the Google api project we are using for the integration belongs to a Google Account of a specific person which no longer works in Jive (we do have the credentials for the account though).
The problem is, that we want this account to be ours, i.e, a Jive software one.
So, one option I have, is to create a new account and replace the api account I'm using in the code to use the new one. This is bad, as it will break all the current authenticated clients, and will force them to take the oauth process all over again.
The other option I see, is to convert the existing Google account we are using to a jivesoftware one, so it will not be associated to any specific person but it will still be the same account.
Specifically I'm interesting in changing the Name and Email of this account.
Any suggestions of how we can achieve that?
A third option could be moving the api project to owned by another google account, but I couldn't find such an option in the UI, any clue?
There is no way to change a gmail address. You can forward all email to a new address with the name and email address you would like though.
This way you access all the email from an account that is a Jive software one but it is being forwarded from the old one still. However no one directly accesses the old one.
Check out for more info.
According to the documentation, if you use Gmail with your Google Account, it's not currently possible to change your Gmail username after you've registered. with your username being the full email address you used to create your account. You can, however, change your nick name by going to and clicking Personal Info.

How do you get Yammer to treat registered app as a user

In messaging platforms like Slack and HipChat you can integrate apps that can post messages to groups without them being sent from a user e.g.
Defect Management System: A new defect was logged at 12pm
Instead of:
John Smith: A new defect was logged at 12pm
Is it possible to do the same thing in Yammer?
There are two options available for you:
1 - You can create a new user on Yammer, name it however you want (e.g., "Defect Management System" with a snazzy avatar), then take the user's OAUTH token and use it to impersonate that user programmatically. This is fine for quick development.
2 - You can create a new user on Yammer, name it however you want, then register a new app on Yammer to get a permanent token and client ID, then use those to impersonate that user programmatically. This is the right way to do it. You can read more about how to do this on
This is an example of a user that we impersonate. It is a bot on our network. It is a separate account in AD and is registered as an app in Yammer and interacts with Yammer automatically.
You are always impersonating a user in Yammer via the API, there isn't a way to impersonate a group, in the way that Slack does (i.e. being able to override the username displayed and replace it with a bot for example in your payload)
If this app is for internal use, you could consider creating a dummy user as a bot to post defects, and then using Custom Object Types & Actions in Open Graph to further customize the messages. Obviously there are some business & administration considerations in doing that, not just development ones.

Manager multiple user calendar from a single program

Is it possible to manage multiple calendars from a single program? The task is to add events for different users in a domain, but do it from single program without knowing all users domain passwords. What type of authentication should be used to connect EWS? Is there any admin account exists? How to specify which calendar to update on each operation?
sure is this possible. You will have to create an ExchangeService-instance for each user and set the ImpersonatedUserId property to the mailbox of the user you want to the appointment or whatever you want to add.
have a look at there you can find how to work with impersonation and also have a look at where you can see how to set the rights your user needs to impersonate.
hope that answers your questions...
