How do I insert a native Oracle call or cast (to NVARCHAR2) in a criteria api expression? - oracle

I have a complex dynamic query in Eclipselink with a case expression that involves two different columns, one of VARCHAR2 and one of NVARCHAR2.
It needs to be a case expression, because I also want to be able to sort by that result column, so I can't just query both. In Java, both are just mapped as a String, so you don't even see there's a difference.
For my query, Eclipselink creates the following select expression:
The criteria code is:
Expression<String> str = firstRoot.get("stringValue");
Expression<String> strExp = cb.<String> selectCase().when(cb.isNotNull(str), str)
.otherwise(otherRoot.<String> get("otherStringValue"));
q.multiselect(..., strExp, ...);
which causes Oracle to fail with ORA-12704: character set mismatch. I'd like to modify the code to result in
but I cannot find out how.
I tried a converter on the Entity's field, or a .as(String.class) on the .get()-expressions for both fields.
So the question: is there a way to pass an Oracle type like NVARCHAR2 to the .as() expression? Can I otherwise insert a call to CAST(... as NVARCHAR2) with criteria API? Is there any other way to have it generate custom SQL, because I REALLY cannot rewrite the whole query, just because JPA or EL don't provide for the possibility that you might need some custom SQL...

The only way to do it in criteria API is to create a new PathImpl from the otherRoot. get("otherStringValue") path, passing in an EclipseLink native cast expression as the expression node. something like:
PathImpl path = (PathImpl)otherRoot.<String> get("otherStringValue");
Path castPath = new PathImpl(path, em.getMetamodel(), path.getJavaType(), path.getCurrentNode().cast("NVARCHAR2"), path.getModel());
Expression<String> str = firstRoot.get("stringValue");
Expression<String> strExp = cb.<String> selectCase().when(cb.isNotNull(str), str)
.otherwise(castPath );
q.multiselect(..., strExp, ...);


Getting Second Order SQL Injection in Spring Hibernate

I am facing Second Order SQL Injection in the Spring-Hibernate application after scanning through the Checkmarx tool, I have gone through multiple questions in StackOverflow and in other platforms as well but did not get the right finding.
could you please look into the below code snip,
public String getOrderId(order_name){
String returnId= null;
Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery("select order_id from order where order_name=?");
List<String> dataset = query.setParameter(1,order_name).getResultList();
returnId = dataset. Get(0);
return returnId;
In this above method, while calling getResultList(), getting a high vulnerability issue that, this method returns data flows through the code without being properly sanitized or validated, and eventually used in further database query in the method.
Earlier code was like this,
public String getOrderId(order_name){
String returnId= null;
String q = "select order_id from order where order_name="+order_name;
Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(q);
and directly it was used as a string append in query, which I have modified with set parameter,
Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery("select order_id from order where order_name=?");
List<String> dataset = query.setParameter(1,order_name).getResultList();
but still after getting data from query.getResultSet(), it is asking for sanitizing and validating the data before use in further database query method.
and this return data is being used in further query like select * from return_Data where clause. (properly used in where clause to set parameter to avoid SQL injection).
and in the above query is used in another method where we pass return_Data as input to it.
could you please help here to know what checks and validation can be added to overcome this type of issue. Thanks in advance for prompt response.

Supabase `and` in the `or` query

How would I construct this filter in a select statement (I am using dart)
(senttouid = userid or (uid=userid and parent is true))
we have the or({}) construct, which AFAIK will support the senttouid = userid or uid=userid filter, but not if the second part of 'or' has a compound filter
Using a stored procedure seems to be the way to go, but is there a direct way to construct this in the dart query?

Attempting to prevent SQL injection when referencing an Oracle Package dynamically with JPA

I've gone down a bit of a path and hit a wall with how this could be possibly achieved.
Basically, a query is constructed using JPA and passed to an Oracle DB. On the DB there is a Package, used to generate a reference, and this is dynamically named, based on the environment. This value is user-editable, and stored as a DB property within the application. I don't have any control over the architecture of this.
At a pre-JPA stage, a Query String is generated using the reference value for the Package, which is set as a property (again, I can't change the way this has been designed). I set this up using the Query method setParameter(), like so:
(pseudocode replacing the irrelevant parts for focused context)
String referenceRef = [ reference is fetched from DB properties ];
String queryString = "SELECT ?1 FROM sys.dual";
final Query myQuery = getEntityManager().createNativeQuery( queryString );
myQuery.setParameter( 1, referenceRef );
return myQuery.getSingleResult();
I pretty much did this as a reflex, only to realise (in retrospec, quite obviously) that this won't actually work, as it is escaping the element that should not be escaped...
So, where the referenceRef = "DynamicallyNamedPackage.DoThisDynamicallyNamedThing", the above code will just return "DynamicallyNamedPackage.DoThisDynamicallyNamedThing", as it is obviously making it safe, and the point of doing so is, to a certain extent, the antethesis of what I'm trying to do.
Is it possible to achieve this without creating a whole chunk of additional code? All I can currently think of, as an alternative, is to query dba_procedures for all package objects that match, and using the result of that query to construct the queryString (hence circumnavigating using any user-editable values), but it feels like it's going to be convoluted. This is the alternative, which I am using in lieu of an improvement:
final String verifyReference = "SELECT object_name FROM "
+ "dba_procedures WHERE object_type = 'PACKAGE' AND object_name =?1";
final Query refQuery = getEntityManager().createNativeQuery( verifyReference );
refQuery.setParameter( 1, referenceRef );
final String result = refQuery.getSingleResult();
final String queryString = "SELECT " + result + " FROM sys.dual";
final Query myQuery = getEntityManager().createNativeQuery( queryString );
return myQuery.getSingleResult();
It will essentially look up the user-editable property reference against a list of existing packages, then use the result of that query for building the original reference. It has more null checking and so on involved, and does remove the vulnerability, but feels a bit 'unpolished'.
(As has already been mentioned in the comments, this sort of is designed to need a SQL injection, but needs to prevent "SQL Injection" as a definition of not allowing the DB to be manipulated outside of the design by using an unintended value.)
The Oracle dictionary view all_procedures contains a list of all procedures accessible to the current user.
Specifically in the view there are columns OWNER, OBJECT_NAME (=package name), PROCEDURE_NAME.
You may use this view to sanitize the configured input by simple adding an EXISTS subquery such as:
from dual where exists (
select null from all_procedures
OWNER||'.'||OBJECT_NAME||'.'||PROCEDURE_NAME = upper(?) and
object_type = 'PACKAGE');
You will have to bind twice the same input parameter.
The query returns no data if there is not procedure with the given name, so you may raise an exception.
The query above expects a full qualified stored procedure name, i.e. owner.package.procedure, you'll have to adapt it slightly if you allow unqualified names (without the owner).

"SELECT VALUE" - value keyword in LINQ/Entity Framework query

What does the keyword "value" mean in this statement, and where would I go to learn more?
What happens if I leave out the keyword "value"? In the code below, z is an entity framework class.
string queryString = "SELECT VALUE q from x.zs as q where q.a = #parm;"
ObjectQuery<z> query = context.CreateQuery<z>
(queryString, new ObjectParameter("parmname",parmvalue));
return query.First();
(This is a part of a practice question for an exam).
The above code is in a function that returns a variable of type z.
That is Entity SQL syntax. Value keyword allows only one value to be specified, and does not add a row wrapper.
Read article about SELECT statement in ESQL
Entity SQL supports two variants of the SELECT clause. The first
variant, row select, is identified by the SELECT keyword, and can be
used to specify one or more values that should be projected out.
Because a row wrapper is implicitly added around the values returned,
the result of the query expression is always a multiset of rows.
Each query expression in a row select must specify an alias. If no
alias is specified,Entity SQL attempts to generate an alias by using
the alias generation rules.
The other variant of the SELECT clause, value select, is identified by
the SELECT VALUE keyword. It allows only one value to be specified,
and does not add a row wrapper.
So, if you want to materialize z object from your query, you should use SELECT VALUE syntax (otherwise you will get exception: cast from MaterializedDataRecord to z type is not valid).
Without VALUE keyword you will get set of rows:
string esql = "SELECT q from x.zs as q where q.a = #parm;";
ObjectQuery<DbDataRecord> query = context
.CreateQuery<DbDataRecord>(esql, new ObjectParameter("parm",parmvalue));
var result = query.First();

LINQ syntax where string value is not null or empty

I'm trying to do a query like so...
query.Where(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.PropertyName));
but it fails...
so for now I have implemented the following, which works...
query.Where(x => (x.PropertyName ?? string.Empty) != string.Empty);
is there a better (more native?) way that LINQ handles this?
apologize! didn't include the provider... This is using LINQ to SQL
Problem Statement
It's possible to write LINQ to SQL that gets all rows that have either null or an empty string in a given field, but it's not possible to use string.IsNullOrEmpty to do it, even though many other string methods map to LINQ to SQL.
Proposed Solution
Allow string.IsNullOrEmpty in a LINQ to SQL where clause so that these two queries have the same result:
var fieldNullOrEmpty =
from item in db.SomeTable
where item.SomeField == null || item.SomeField.Equals(string.Empty)
select item;
var fieldNullOrEmpty2 =
from item in db.SomeTable
where string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.SomeField)
select item;
Other Reading:
1. DevArt
3. StackOverflow Post
This won't fail on Linq2Objects, but it will fail for Linq2SQL, so I am assuming that you are talking about the SQL provider or something similar.
The reason has to do with the way that the SQL provider handles your lambda expression. It doesn't take it as a function Func<P,T>, but an expression Expression<Func<P,T>>. It takes that expression tree and translates it so an actual SQL statement, which it sends off to the server.
The translator knows how to handle basic operators, but it doesn't know how to handle methods on objects. It doesn't know that IsNullOrEmpty(x) translates to return x == null || x == string.empty. That has to be done explicitly for the translation to SQL to take place.
This will work fine with Linq to Objects. However, some LINQ providers have difficulty running CLR methods as part of the query. This is expecially true of some database providers.
The problem is that the DB providers try to move and compile the LINQ query as a database query, to prevent pulling all of the objects across the wire. This is a good thing, but does occasionally restrict the flexibility in your predicates.
Unfortunately, without checking the provider documentation, it's difficult to always know exactly what will or will not be supported directly in the provider. It looks like your provider allows comparisons, but not the string check. I'd guess that, in your case, this is probably about as good of an approach as you can get. (It's really not that different from the IsNullOrEmpty check, other than creating the "string.Empty" instance for comparison, but that's minor.)
... 12 years ago :) But still, some one may found it helpful:
Often it is good to check white spaces too
query.Where(x => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x.PropertyName));
it will converted to sql as:
WHERE [x].[PropertyName] IS NOT NULL AND ((LTRIM(RTRIM([x].[PropertyName])) <> N'') OR [x].[PropertyName] IS NULL)
or other way:
query.Where(x => string.Compare(x.PropertyName," ") > 0);
will be converted to sql as:
WHERE [x].[PropertyName] > N' '
If you want to go change the type of the collection from nullable type IEnumerable<T?> to non-null type IEnumerable<T> you can use .OfType<T>().
.OfType<T>() will remove null values and return a list of the type T.
Example: If you have a list of nullable strings: List<string?> you can change the type of the list to string by using OfType<string() as in the below example:
List<string?> nullableStrings = new List<string?> { "test1", null, "test2" };
List<string> strings = nullableStrings.OfType<string>().ToList();
// strings now only contains { "test1", "test2" }
This will result in a list of strings only containing test1 and test2.
