Build Customization in VC++ - visual-studio-2010

I have the following problem with my software in Visual C++.
I've set some Build Customization related to the file in the path: $(VCTargetsPAth)\BuildCustomizations\PROGNAME 4.2.targets
On a different pc I have a different version of the same file (for ex: PROGNAME 5.0.targets); when I open my VC++ project, I have to edit the *.vcxproj file in order to set manually the new version of targets.
Is there a method to avoid this problem and make the project available with different versions of targets file?
Thank you in advance.

You might be able to do it by referencing a short cut instead. Each machine has a short cut in a known location that refers to what ever you need to refer to.


Setup Library Project for Variable definitions

I'm currently trying to make a library with several variable definitions I can use in different Setup Projects but without success.
I have several huge *.wxs files which are build into a library where the File/#Source should depend on project settings. The reason for that is our internal directory structur which looks like any\path\Redistributables\In-Test\X64\productA or any\path\Redistributables\RC\X86\productA so the last 2 parts of my path should change e.g. on x64 and x86 build.
Now I have several Setup Projects too which uses the same path but working in another subdirectory e.g Redistributables\In-Test\X64\AnyOtherProductB.
I dont want to pass preprocessor variables with the same values to each project because the path could change later and I would have to edit too many project settings then.
So my question:
Is it possible to build something like a "Variable/property Container" with public variables/properties so I could just reference that library to use the variables defined in it for my <component><file source...>?
I've tried to achieve that with prepocessor variables before $(var.sourcedir)$(var.compilemode)$(var.platform) with no luck. These 3 are the parts I need to define once to use them in nearly all projects.
Small edit here, I do this a lot where I read the question quickly and make an answer then reread the question and think my answer doesn't quite fit the question but in this case I hope it is still helpful and maybe one of the other resources referenced here will help as well.
Ah I did something like this and banged my head against the wall for a while trying to figure it out.
The problem is you can't use variables like $(var.sourceDir) in the wixlib and then change it later on when you use the lib in a project. What happens is the compiler replaces $(var.sourceDir) in your wixlib with the actual value of this variable when you build it. You can verify this by opening up your obj file and looking for a component or something that uses this directory and see that it has the value of the sourceDir variable not $(var.sourceDir).
To solve the issue we are going to use bind/wix variables (not sure of the terminology) which get evaluated at linking time.
This was the "how to" that I eventually got to which helped me a lot
So, update your variables to something like this !(bindpath.SourceDir)
<util:RegistrySearchRef Id="MSVCPPRedist_x64_12"/>
<PackageGroup Id="MSVCPPRedist_x64_12">
Description="Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable needed for [WixBundleName]"
DetectCondition="MSVCPPRedist_x64_12 OR NOT VersionNT64"
DisplayName="Prerequisite - Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable (x64)"
InstallCommand="/install /quiet /norestart /log vc12log.txt"
And then in some props file or project file on the build machine you can include something like this:
<LinkerAdditionalOptions>-b "PrerequisitesDir=$(PrerequisitesDir)\"</LinkerAdditionalOptions>
Where the $(PrerequisitesDir) property was set based on a relative path in a msbuild file on the build machine like so (or use absolute path is also fine):
<!-- Directories -->
Now when you build the linker phase will use the build time defined bindPath to find the source files.
In regards to the platform and configuration vars, I think you can use WixVariables referenced as !(wix.VariableName) but I'm not sure off the top of my head and without more experimenting myself. You can take a look at this answer here to help get more acquainted with the different types of variables. If WixVariables don't work you can just build several flavours of yoru wixlib and reference the appropriate one in your wixproj themselves by using the MSBuild properties $(configuration), ect.. in the hintpath of the wixlib file.

How can I install GLUT, GLUI, GLEW, and, GLFW so that I don't need to pull hairs every time I create a new project in VS?

I have solved the GL and GLUT part by installing NVidia CG toolkit. But, having continuous trouble with GLEW, GLFW, GL WTF W, etc.....
I want to install .h, .lib,and, .dll files related to GLUT, GLUI, GLEW, and, GLFW in such a location so that I don't need to pull my hairs every time I create a new project in Visual Studio 2003/2005/2008/2010/2012/20....... .
I am using 64 bit Windows-7.
But, others are bothering and confusing me every time I create a new project.
Create an empty project in which you will once setup once all necessary properties in:
C/C++ -> General -> Additional Include Directories
Linker -> General -> Additional Library Directories
Linker -> Input -> Additional Dependencies
All additional properties if any are required ...
Then, use File -> Export Template from the VS menu to export project template, so you can use it every time you are creating a new project. More information about project templates can be found here:
Create an environment variable that will hold the path to your directory which contains the necessary libraries and headers (for example, GL_LIBS). Then, when setting up properties of the project to be exported, use this variable value instead an absolute path (for example: %GL_LIBS%\xyz_headers_dir). This way, if you want to change the location of the libraries, the only thing necessary is to change the environment variable and it will work. This is also helpful in situations when several team members work on the same project and don't want to keep these files in the same location.
One more thing, since "Export template" does not work on VS2010 or older, you will have to do additional steps. In case you are using VS2010, it is only a small issue since there is a VS extension which you can use to export project templates:
If you are using an even older version, then you will have to create a custom wizard which enables you to export a VC++ project template:
I do not advise this at all, since if you want to build a project without these libraries, you'll still have them cluttering up your include paths. This can cause conflicts with other libraries if they happen to use the same include files as one of these. But if you insist...
Visual studio has default paths that every project gets. You can simply add the include and library paths of your choice to these paths. In older versions of Visual Studio, they live in Tools->Options->Projects and Solutions->VC++ Directories or something like that. In newer Visual Studio versions, they live in the VC++ Directories property page of the project/solutions property sheet.

Visual Studio: different ocx file version number for new OS?

I'm looking for general advice. I created a Visual Studio 2010 project that outputs an ocx file that is used on XP and Vista machines. The DLL on which it depends has been updated on our Win7 machines. I simply needed to rebuild for Win7 using the exact same code with an updated .lib file. I created a second project configuration (ReleaseW7) and it only differs from the original project config (Release) in that it points to the new .lib.
So now I have 2 files both named xx.ocx. Besides looking at the name of the folder each file resides in (or looking at the creation time of each) there is no way to determine which is which. I thought of using different file version numbers but as far as I can tell (and I'm relatively new to this so I could certainly be wrong) that would require two separate projects each with a slightly modified resource (.rc) file, instead of simply having two configurations within the same project. If nothing more, that seems like a waste of hard drive space. It also feels like the "wrong" way of using file version numbers
Is there a cleaner or more "standard" way of handling this? All I really want is a way for the folks who install the ocx and support the end user to know for certain that they are working with the correct file.
Long story short, I decided to use different version numbers. I was able to setup a preprocessor definition for the resource compiler and use that to handle different versions of VS_VERSION_INFO in my .rc file.
In case anyone is interested, this is the resource I found:

Visual Studio msbuild

I have a question regarding the commandline options of msbuild. I am
currently using msbuild to build projects using the existing solution
files. These solution files have references to external dll which have
different paths on each machine. I am currently writing a build script
and passing the specific path to the project file via the /p: switch of
My current build line is:
msbuild test.sln /p:ReferencePath="c:\abc" /p:ReferencePath="c:\rca"
What i have noticed that Reference Path now contains only c:\rca and
not c:\abc. this is causing problems for me since, the external dlls
lie in two different directorys. I am allowed to keep multiple
reference paths via visual studio, but not via the commandline.
Is there any known way by which i can do this
I believe you can use this /p:ReferencePath="c:\abc;c:\rca"
At least that is what that link is hinting at, they are using %3B to encode the ";" within the build file.
Although the correct syntax for providing more the one reference path is listed above, I would suggest solving the root cause which in my opinion is the different locations of your referenced assembly. I would suggest you put all thirdparty dependencies, apart from the framework assemblies in your source code repository for the following reasons:
Relatitve paths are consistent across computers
The source code is always in sink with the correct version of your thirdparty assembly (if you for instance need to build an old version of your software 2 years from now).
Upgrading your thirdparty assembly is as easy as upgrading on one machine and then committing your changes to the repository. (In a previous project we even went as far as checking in the entire java runtime environment and were quite happy with the given setup.)
Try seperating your pathes with a semi-colon (;)
Like this:
You may be better off by synchronizing your libraries across machines. I have found that Visual Studio makes this easy. Simply add a solution folder, and add your libraries there. Then, in each project, reference the libraries from this common place. This way, each developer has them in the same place.
This will remove one of variables you have when trying to script out builds.
The command line options for setting the reference path will work just fine (assuming you escape the semi colon, it seems both %3B and ; will work). However, when the argument was passed in from nant (and I needed multiple paths), creating a 'Visual Studio Project User Options file' seemed to work better.
I just emit (echo) a file to the file system with the following format:
<Project xmlns="">
I give the *.user file an appropriate name (given a project file MyProject.csproj, my user file would be MyProject.csproj.user)

Add reference DLL issue in Visual Studio

I am using VSTS 2008. I have two projects (both are written in C#) in one solution file. Project 1 depends on the output (DLL2) of project 2. So, in project 1, I am using "References --> Add Reference --> Browse", then find and select the DLL2 generated by project 2.
My question is, I am not sure whether using such method to add reference will result in some my local computer specific file path dependencies? In more details, suppose both of projects are located in folder d:\testprojectsolution (d:\testprojectsolution\project1 and d:\testprojectsolution\project2), I want to make sure that if I copy the whole solution folder d:\testprojectsolution (with the same structures of project1/project2) to other people under different location (e.g. c:\my documents\sampleprpjects\projects), they could build successfully (not dependent on any specific file path on my local machine, for example, no need to find files under d:\testprojectsolution\project2 or something).
If my approach to add reference dependencies could result in some specific file path dependencies, please let me know how to solve this issue. :-)
thanks in advance,
Instead of adding the reference using Browse, add it using Projects tab. It'll automatically consider the project dependency (and thus build order) and other stuff.
