jmeter scripting for application - jmeter

We had scripted an .exe application in load runner and We would like to try it out with JMeter.
The script is very complex and I'm not sure if JMeter could support it, any possibilities available?

I have been a devoted user of Apache JMeter for the past decade and it does offer helpful web load testing functionality for free. Here are some pointers that may help determine if JMeter is right for you:
Apache JMeter is a Java application, so it does have upper limits on resources (memory, sockets, threads). These resources can often be increased or consumption optimized (standard JVM args or file) for better performance under heavy load testing.
When capturing scripts using the "HTTP Proxy Server" node, make sure that you have a "User Defined Variables" node created and populated with your name/value pairs for the test. This will trigger a variable substitution in the proxy server. This is invaluable when you want to parameterize the script.
As with tree based structures, position determines scope. Make sure that you isolate actions under the proper node or else they will execute for everything at the same scope.
For simulated delays, I have had a good run with the "Uniform Random Timer" where you can specify a lower and upper limit.
For validation, the "Response Assertion" is helpful for raw strings and regular expressions.
For variable extraction, the "Regular Expression Extractor" allows you to extract a value from a page and reference it in a variable for the rest of the test. Node scope appears to be treated as global for these extractors.
When watching the test, "Aggregate Graph" is helpful. "View Results Tree" is useful when troubleshooting, but adds extra memory usage to tests and can cause heavy tests to fail. Note that if you save the results on a listener node, you can reload those results in the control at a later time. Also, if you highlight the table in "Aggregate Graph" or "Aggregate Report", you can paste the results into Excel directly. Very helpful for reporting.
Hopefully this gives you an idea of some of the value and gotchas with Apache JMeter.

You have built a test script within Load Runner and you want it to simply run in JMeter — that's not gonna happen. These are two different test tools.
Rebuild the script in JMeter and it will run as smoothly as your script with Load Runner.

Now you can execute JMeter script inside Load Runner, check
How-to run JMeter test in LoadRunner:
Starting with Micro Focus LoadRunner (LR) 12.55 and Performance Center (PC) 12.55, you can execute JMeter tests in addition to other LoadRunner scripts.
Setting for LoadRunner scenario with a JMeter test:
Open LR Controller
Select the JMeter Scripts radio button
Press the Browse… button
Select JMeter Test file (e.g. Test_1.jmx) and click Open
Click OK button on the next window


Jmeter CLI stops tests after sometime. Any ideas?

When I run Jmeter from Windows CLI, after some random time, the tests are being stopped or stuck. I can click on ctrl+C (one time) just to refresh the run but part of the request will be lost during the time it was stuck.
Take a look at jmeter.log file, normally it should be possible to figure out what's wrong by looking at messages there. If you don't see any suspicious entries there - you can increase JMeter's logging verbosity by changing values in logj2.xml file or via -L command-line parameters.
Take a thread dump and see what exactly threads are doing when they're "stuck"
If you're using HTTP Request samplers be aware that JMeter will wait for the result forever and if the application fails to respond at all - your test will never end so you need to set reasonable timeouts.
Make sure to follow JMeter Best Practices
Take a look at resources consumption like CPU, RAM, etc. - if your machine is overloaded and cannot conduct the required load you will need to switch to distributed testing
There are several approaches to debugging a JMeter test which can be combined as a general systematic approach that I capable of diagnosing most problems.
The first thing that I would suggest is running the test within the JMeter GUI to visualize the test execution. For this you may want to add a View Results Tree listener which will provide you with real time results from each request generated:
Another way you can monitor your test execution in real time within the JMeter GUI is with the Log Viewer. If any exceptions are encountered during your test execution you will see detailed output in this window. This can be found under the Options menu:
Beyond this, JMeter records output files which are often very useful in debugging you load tests. Both the .log file and the .jtl file will provide a time stamped history of every action your test performs. From there you can likely track down the offending request or error if your test unexpectedly hangs:
If you do decide to move your test into the cloud using a service that hosts your test, you may be able to ascertain more information through that platform. Here is a comprehensive example on how to debug JMeter load tests that covers the above approaches as well as more advanced concepts. Using a cloud load test provider can provide your test will additional network and machine resources beyond what your local machine can, if the problem is related to a performance bottleneck.

Understand JMeter technicalities for comparing distributed vs independent JMeter engines

I'd few ques on technical details of JMeter mostly pertaining to distributed setup vs independent JMeter engines (since JMeter controller can become a bottleneck in case of several JMeter load generators). Would be great if anybody can help with the understanding here -
How is JMeter distributed setup orchestrated by JMeter controller (i.e. called master or client)? Can we use the same logic to synchronize test among independent JMeter engines (independent mode)?
Is there a way to pool connections across vUsers?
Function of ASYNC_QUEUE in backend listener and it's expected side-effects in independent mode (mentioned above), what happens when queue is full?
Does/Is there a way for JMeter to execute javascript/act as headless browser?
How does DNS resolution happen for JMeter? Does it resolve for each vuser?
Your "question" looks like a compilation of interview questions rather than something connected with your single current concern and I don't think it's a proper place/way to ask it, I believe it should be: one post - one question.
How is JMeter distributed setup orchestrated by JMeter controller - JMeter master sends .jmx script to slaves and collects results from them. Theoretically you can implement your own mechanism for delivering the test plan and eventual dependencies to the individual JMeter engines and running the test at the same time. Then you will need to collect the .jtl results files from the engines and combine it into a single one.
Is there a way to pool connections across vUsers? - JMeter does it internally
When the queue is full no more new sample results will be taken for processing by the backend listener so the results won't be "realtime" anymore, you will see the new results as free slots will be appearing in the queue
For JMeter per-se - no, AJAX calls can be simulated using Parallel Controller, for client-side performance testing, JavaScript execution profiling and rendering speed measurement you will need to use a read browser, no matter normal or headless, there is WebDriver Sampler plugin providing JMeter integration with Selenium
DNS resolution is dependent on underlying OS and/or JVM DNS resolution implementation, there is DNS Cache Manager which enables overriding hosts entries and using custom DNS resolver so each thread looks up the IP address on its own

Why it is recommended to run load test in non gui mode in jmeter

I'm monitoring the connect time and latency to connect from jmeter machine while running in GUI mode and that is in within acceptable limit.
Should we strictly follow non GUI mode even though I can able to perform load test with GUI mode?
I'm targeting 250 TPS and able to achieve that ..I have increased my memory and monitoring CPU and memory of load generator is below 60%.
Should I go for non GUI mode ?
The main limitation is that each event in the queue is being handled by a single event dispatch thread which will act as the bottleneck on your JMeter side.
My expectation is that your "250 TPS" look like:
while it should look like:
So check how does your load pattern look like using i.e. Transactions per Second listener (installable via JMeter Plugins Manager)
Also check how does your JVM look like especially when it comes to garbage collection, it can be done via i.e. JVisualVM, most probably you will see the same "chainsaw" pattern
You don't need to follow JMeter best practices, but
you may encounter issues to achieve specifc goals (as TPS)
your machine can't execute GUI or have low resources
you execute JMeter using a script or build tool as Jenkins
Also it's better to be familiar with JMeter CLI (non GUI) and its report capabilities
JMeter supports dashboard report generation to get graphs and statistics from a test plan.
Also it will be needed for using distributed testing
consider running multiple CLI JMeter instances on multiple machines using distributed mode (or not)
CLI also useful for Parameterising tests
The "loops" property can then be defined on the JMeter command-line:
jmeter … -Jloops=12

Listeners in Apache Jmeter

I'm new to Apache Jmeter here.
While reading user manual documents of Jmeter, I see this:
View Results Tree MUST NOT BE USED during load test as it consumes a lot of resources (memory and CPU). Use it only for either functional testing or during Test Plan debugging and Validation.
The above statement is taken from this document, just under the View Results Tree section
I want to ask how I can use Listeners that is "MUST NOT BE USED during load test..."?
in GUI mode, Jmeter Apache.
Any suggest is appreciated.
GUI mode is only for creating & debugging your test. So, You can use any listeners you want which will help you to debug your test. Once your test is created/updated, remove/disable those listeners. When you actually do the loadtest with Jmeter, You need to run your test in Non-GUI mode. This site has really good information on using JMeter.
When you run in non-gui mode, you pass the argument for the location where the result file should be created. Later you can import the result file in JMeter for analysis.

Jmeter - Generating summary report for load testing (multiple users)

I am using jmeter for load and performance testing. I am able to successfully generate summary report by using only one user as load. But, if I want to generate summary report for multiple users (say 100 users), how can I configure jmeter GUI to generate summary report?
Thanks in advance :)
JMeter doesn't care about number of users. The only thing to consider: don't use JMeter GUI to perform load test itself.
The easiest approach to use:
Configure your test as required. JMeter GUI can be used at this stage.
Run your test in non-GUI console mode as follows:
jmeter -n -t /path/to/your/test.jmx -l /path/to/test/results.jtl
After load test open JMeter GUI (even empty test plan)
Add the listener of your choice, i.e. Summary Report
Click "Browse" button and open your /path/to/test/results.jtl
Perform analysis, raise bugs, etc.
Also make sure that you're following other recommendations from JMeter Performance and Tuning Tips guide.
You have to put the Summary Report controller at the top level, just beside (not inside) the Thread Group. Otherways, its scope becomes a single thread, which is not useful.
