Web Sphere Server basics - websphere

I am very new to WebSphere Application Server. I need to know the difference between Virtual host and Context root, and the benefits of that context root and virtual host. I have tried to google it also, But I couldn't get the proper information. Hope Stackoverflow will help me to learn.

virtual host - A configuration that enables one host to resemble
multiple logical hosts. Each virtual host has a logical name and a
list of one or more DNS aliases by which it is known.
context root - The web application root, which is the top-level
directory of an application when it is deployed to a web server.
So a virtual host allow you to have different domain names and even certificates configured for the same App server: www.mydomain.com/AppName and www.myNewDomain.com/AppName
Context root is just the top level directory of an application: www.mydomain.com/App1 and www.mydomain.com/App2


Setting up internal custom domain in AWS EC2 instance

Please help on the below use-case.
We have an AWS EC2 instance with public IP or load balancer DNS --> public.ip or application.lb.amazonaws.com (where we have a custom web apps running as target)
We have another VM instance (e.g.: private.ip) within our Data Center (DC) (where the same web apps is running as source).
We need to have a web based communication between these 2 instances but currently its happening through HTTP. We have already handled all connectivity issues and we are able to now communicate between 2 instances.
We're accessing the source & target URL's as http://public.ip:31415 or application.lb.amazonaws.com:31416
Now we need to convert HTTP URL's in (4) to HTTPS along with a custom domain name. This domain name will not be PUBLIC & it will be resolved only within our office network. E.g Domain name: test.source.apps & test.target.apps
We would be making an entry in our local machine /etc/hosts (similar to below) to have this name resolution in (5) works for now in test & for other environments we planned to make an entry in our internal office DNS servers for this name resolution.
Example /etc/hosts:
test.target.app public.ip.ec2.server
(or) test.target.app application.lb.amazonaws.com
test.source.app data.center.ip
We don’t want any paid mode of SSL (like CA or public domain) due to the fact that this URL will be used only by 2 -3 developers and within the office network only. But as part of the security compliance we need to definitely make this a HTTPS URL.
Web apps are running in Jetty web server. We've planned to do it using LetsEncrypt + Custom domain.
Can anyone suggest if this possible in AWS & any steps on how to make this change (i.e. creating subdomain that is internal to our host/network &
using LetsEncrypt SSL)?

addNode of a managed WAS node fails on Deployment Manager

On an Linux machine (Machine_A), we currently have a Deployment Manager (commerce profile, DMGR profile).
On another Machine - Machine_B (commerce profile) we are creating a managed WAS node.
We need to add this node in our Deployment's Manager Cell on Machine_A. I have federated node for commerce profile in machine_A but when I am federating node with commerce profile in Machine_B then error occurred.
ADMU0010E: Error obtaining repository client com.ibm.websphere.management.exception.AdminException: ADMU0038E: The Deployment Manager's IP address resolves as, but the Deployment Manager is not on the local machine. The Deployment Manager's host name configuration or DNS is configured incorrectly.
You have problems in your hostname configurations. Check the /etc/hosts files on both machines and make sure there are hostnames (not localhost) entries in both mapped to the correct IP addresses. If you created DMGR profile using localhost, thats incorrect, and I'd suggest to recreate profiles or you will have to run scripts that changes the host names in profiles.

How to access an Orchard multi-tenant site externally on the same network

I've got multi tenancy set up on my Windows 7 machine using Orchard 7.1 and IIS 6.1 which I can access locally no problem.
They relevant sites are all added within the bindings of the applicationhost.config file, as well as the computers' host file and therefore show up as they should by accessing the url.
I have previously had a single tenant set up on my machine that meant I could access on my network, which was done by adding the site to IIS then binding to localhost/my ip address etc.
However the issue I am having is how to access these sites via a mobile device/another computer (on the same network) now that I have set it up for multiple tenants.
Any help appreciated
You'd need some sort of naming service inside your network, something like Bonjour.
Short of that, I guess you'd have to configure those other machines one by one so their hosts files point to the server.
One final possible possibility may be to simply use DNS. There is no reason why you couldn't use a domain that you control to map several names to local addresses such as that of your server.

Can we bring two ec2 instances under one active directory

I am trying to communicate between two ec2 instances which are having windows server 2008 installed. On one of the server I have installed Active directory and I want to bring another ec2 instance under one active directory.
I'm new to Amazon with active directory.
The problem I am trying to address is Installing dynamics CRM on these two ec2 instances. From my assumption or understanding, CRM requires a CRM web server and SQL server under 1 Active directory.
Any comments with links or suggestions would be very much appreciated.
Active Directory relies on DNS, so it all depends how you setup DNS for your instances.
But in summary if instance A is the domain controller for my.domain.com and instance B wants to join the domain then you have to make sure that instance B can get to instance A by resolving my.domain.com to the right IP address of A.
When you create an Active Directory domain controller, the controller itself automatically becomes a DNS server so the easiest way is just to make the default DNS server for instance B the actual IP address of instance A (you should be able to use the internal Amazon IP address as long as it's pingable)
Hope this helps.

How do I connect up my Amazon EC2 instances without manually modifying config files?

I have a three-tier Windows-based web application bundled into 3 AMIs on Amazon EC2 that I use for load testing.
An ASP.NET web application on IIS
An .NET application server
SQL Server
After I launch them, the config files of each tier needs modifying to update the IP addresses.
At the moment I am doing this manually: I connect to the webserver instance via remote desktop and modify the config file to point to the new IP of the application server instance. Then I do the same with the application server to change the IP in the connection string.
This must be a common requirement and I must be missing something obvious. There must be a better way!
I could use Elastic IP addresses, but these machines are only provisioned for a couple of hours at a time, and I would be charged for the addresses when they were NOT in use (which would be most of the time).
Is there some way of persistently naming the machines? Can I somehow get all the machines on the same network and use machine names instead of IP addresses?
I could write some nifty PowerShell script that would perform the modifications remotely. Is there an example somewhere?
I could use a dynamic IP address service. I'm not sure if this would have any negative effect on performance or availability... Are there any downsides to this approach?
I could install some sort of self-configuring service on each machine (which connects to S3? SNS? SimpleDB?) to publish/retrieve the addresses of the other machines and update the config files automatically. Is there an example somewhere?
What is best practice?
You could use Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC). You have a private subnet where you can assign an IP address to an instance, but it may require launching an instance from command line to assign IP. VPC is charged the same way as EC2.
