Apache Solr requires regular restart - performance

I have Solr installed and set up on my Drupal 7 site. Most of the time it works as expected. However, every so often, maybe every other day at least, the search will suddenly stop working and according to the Drupal error log I get:
"0" Status: Request failed: Connection refused.
The Type column says Apache Solr. To fix this, I just restart the Solr service, is there something I can do to prevent this issue from occurring again? I suspect it's some sort of configuration with the Solr that needs adjusting.
I'm kind of new to Solr, so any tips would be appreciated.

How busy is Solr server? If not very busy, check if you have a firewall between your Drupal and Solr servers. Some firewalls kill the connections if there is no traffic going through.
One way to test would be to access Solr admin interface. If you can, the server itself is fine, only Drupal's connection died.
I am assuming that Solr client library in Drupal tries to maintain a persistent connection. If that's not the case, the above does not apply.

I ended up reducing the number of documents to be indexed during cron from 200 to 50. That seemed to resolve the issue, as I have not had any Solr outages over the last couple of weeks.


Cannot find datadog agent connected to elasticserch

I have an issue where i have multiple host dashboards for the same elasticsearch server. Both dashboards has its own name and way of collecting data. One is connected to the installed datadog-agent and the other is somehow connected to the elasticsearch service directly.
The weird thing is that i cannot seem to find a way to turn off the agent connected directly to the ES service, other than turning off the elasticsearch service completly.
I have tried to delete the datadog-agent completely. This stops the dashboard connected to it, to stop receiving data (of course) but the other dashboard keeps receiving data somehow. I cannot find what is sending this data and therefor is not able to stop it. We have multiple master and data node and this is an issue for all of them. ES version is 7.17
another of our clusters is running ES 6.8, and we have not made the final configuration of the monitoring of this cluster but for now it does not have this issue.
just as extra information:
The dashboard connected to the agent is called the same as the host server name, while the other only has the internal ip as it's host name.
Does anyone have any idea what it is that is running and how to stop it? I have tried almost everything i could think of.
i finally found the reason. as all datadog-agents on all master and data nodes was configured to not use the node name as the name and cluster stats was turned on for the elastic plugin for datadog. This resulted in the behavior that when even one of the datadog-agents in the cluster was running, data was coming in to the dashboard which was not named correclty. Leaving the answer here if anyone hits the same situation in the future.

Solr 8 Performance issue on restart

I am trying to figure out why the solr core, doesn't respond upon a restart of solr daemon . I have multiple cores , and the configuration is a leader / follower approach, each core serving certain business needs.
When I restart solr on the server, the cores that have <100K documents, show up immediately when they are queried.
But there are 2 specific cores, where we have around 2 to 3M documents, that takes around 2 minutes to be available for querying.
I know about the warmup / first searcher..etc. But those queries are commented out, so it should not be running the first searcher queries.
I noticed that when I turn this to "true" ( the default value is false)
The core that has 2M plus documents show up immediately on a restart of solr.
This never happened in solr 6.6 world, Is this something new in solr 8.x ?
Can someone who experienced this throw some light on this.
In solr 6.x we had the defaults and the cores were available right away. But the same settings in solr 8.11 , doesn't make the core available after a restart.
thanks in advance
Since I did not get an answer ,I tried the following experiments.
Made a change to the useColdSearcher to true and restarted the core, then the core started right away and started serving the request.
I also ran a load test with the configuration "useColdSearcher=true", and I did not see that much of a difference. I tried this load test with both true and false.
The default option in the solrconfig is useColdSearcher is false , so the same index, similar configuration in solr 6 started the searcher quick, but not in solr 8, until I made the above change.
I experimented with questions on chatGPT as well. The response in bold.
The "useColdSearcher" setting in Solr can potentially slow down the process of registering a new searcher in Solr 8.x, but it shouldn't have any effect on Solr 6.x.
It's important to note that useColdSearcher is only available for SolrCloud mode and not for standalone mode.
This setting is not available in Solr 6.x, so it wouldn't have any impact on the registration of new searchers in that version.
Since my setup is a leader ->follower , I guess I should be good to set the useColdSearcher to true.
One should try the above tests before taking their course of action. But it worked for me. So wanted to post the answer.

elasticsearch temporary crash when heavily adding/updating

I am running elasticsearch on a dedicated server on a Saas platform. The problem is that when cron jobs execute, and massively update/insert new values in elastic search, the front-office(the site) when it tries to connect to elasticsearch it returns false (the connection fails).
Anyone knows what can be the problem and how it can be fixed? We are running elasticsearch latest stable elastic search version.
This happens on and off, meaning when i refresh the page in the front office sometimes it cannot connect to elastic search, after another refresh it works again and so on, until the heavy load passes.
We have nvme hdds and elastic search is only running on that server not multi-nodes.
When i say heavily, I mean 1000-2000 updates per second.

Novell eDirectory: Error while adding replica on new server

I want to add a replica of our whole eDirectory tree to a new server (OES11.2 SLES11.3).
So I wanted to do so via iManager. (Partitions and Replicas / Replica View / Add Replica)
Everthing looks normal. I see our other servers with added replicas and of course the server with the master image.
For addition information: I did that a lot of times without problems until now.
When I want to add a replica to the new server, i get the following error: (Error -636) The server is unreachable.
I checked the /etc/hosts file and the network settings on both servers.
Ndsrepair looks normal too. All servers are in sync and there are no connection errors. The replica depth of the new server is -1. I get that, because there is no replica on it yet.
But if i can connect from one server to another and there are no error messages, why does adding a replica not work?
I also tried to make a LAN trace, but didn't get any information that would help me out here. In the trace the communication seems normal!
Am I forgetting something here?
Every server in our environment runs OES11.2 except the master server which runs OES11.1
Thanks for your help!
Nothing wrong.
Error -636 means that the replica is not yet available at the new server. When will the synchronization, the replica will be ready and available. Depending on the size of the Tree and the communication channel we can wait for up to some hours.

Rails - searching and configuration of Solr

I use for searching a content in my app Solr. What I don't like is, that everytime, when I restart computer, I have to manually start Solr and then, when is in the app a new content, I have to reindex that, because in other hand Solr wouldn't find the new data.
This is not very comfortable, how looks the work with Solr on the server, eg. on Heroku? Do I have there starting Solr all the time or do I have there reindex data over and over again, as on my localhost I do?
Eventually, exist better solution for searching except Solr?
You are using the included server, right?
You can choose to deploy it in Tomcat. You just have to copy your files to Tomcat and register your Solr application in Tomcat configuration. Tomcat is run as a service. Or, you can use a script to start Jetty on startup.
And a professional Solr service tries to keep your Solr application alive and your data safe against any cause such as a crashed software, failed server or even a datacenter that went down.
Check what Heroku (or other hosted Solr solutions) promises you in their terms. They would do a much better job than an individual (no restarting Solr instances frequently!).
When you add something to Solr, it is persisted to disk. When commited, it is available to search. If a document changes, you reindex it to reflect the new changes.
When you restart Solr, the same persisted data is available. What is your exact trouble?
There is the DIH (Direct Import Handler) if you want to automatically index from a DB.
I'm happy with Solr so far.
As far as starting Solr instance after restarting your computer, you can write a bash script that would do it for you, or declare an alias that would start your Solr and your app server.
As far as re-indexing. New and updated records should be re-indexed automatically, unless manipulate your data from the console.
For the alternate solutions check out Thinking Sphinx
