Magento onepage link adds hash(#) to current url when clicked on any edit link? - magento

Well, I am integrating pay-pal express checkout to magento for the first time.
Here is the URL of my store
When I click any of the edit link, it add hash(#) at the end of url, how could it work as it works in default theme?

If you've copied the href from the base default theme - and have confirmed it's also a # on base default, you've probably missed some Javascript that is bound to the link. I would have another thorough look through the base default theme to figure out the exact actions triggered by the link.


How to edit the Amasty Magento One Page Checkout page in front end to add a label in payment method section?

I am trying to add a label in my Magento One Page Checkout. I am using Amasty One Page Checkout extension. I want to add a text under Payment Method Credit Card Number. Not able to find the file. Any help would be appreciated.
I tried find the files, but not able to find the right file and path.
You can use template hints in "System-->Configuration-->Developer". You first need to change scope to storeview. And you can better use allowed IP's.

Url Rewrite of a CMS page in Magento

As a new magento developer I'm using a theme to develop my store. I want to change the URL key of CMS page about. I followed the steps written here but I can't find my layout file for about page on the theme directory or base directory for change XML URL tag.
How can I edit the layout file? Can anyone help me?
Actually that tutorial is a little confusing because there, they are showing an example of changing a URL for two different type of pages (CMS and system).
For changing the URL of a CMS page, like about in your case, it's enough that you proceed until point 12. In short:
First. you change the URL from: (main menu) CMS/Pages/Your_Page -> Url Key: newURL
Then, find the blocks that it is used (e.g footer) and change the URL accordingly.
Plus, in general working in Magento after changing things like page URLs you need to do a reindex and in case of using cache you have to refresh/remove your cached data. Both could be found under System tab (Cache Management & Index Management).

Joomla: homepage url

Joomla requires that home page was linked with some component.
So, if i link menu item of homepage to some article, i get a url like:
"index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=68&Itemid=464" on frontend.
How to link homepage to "/" ?
Joomla verion 1.7
Maybe, i not accurately explained.
I link home menu item with some article.
When i go to - all fine, choosen article is shown on homepage.
But then the home menu item on frontend became "index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=68&Itemid=464", not just '/'
You must use the default Joomla format for setting something as the "home" page. in 2.5 (since you failed to tell us which version you're running) you do this by using 'featured articles'. By default, any featured article is displayed on the homepage.
In older versions (1.5) you must mark it to display on the 'front page'
In doing that when you go to - you will see the articles listed as 'featured' or 'front page' articles. You can adjust how they display by using the front page or featured article manager.
I apologize if I've misunderstood your question - but hope this helps. It also looks like you don't have SEF URL's turned on - you may want to look into that. Regardless your front page will display without any additional URL stuff if you use the methods outlined above.
In your menu manager (backend), create a new entry for 1 article and select it in the list. After that, just define this new menu entry as default (or homepage).
This article will be the default homepage of your website and will be accessible via

Magento Multi Store themes calling same login.phtml file

I'm new to magento. Currently i'm developing two ecommerce sites using multi-store option in magento. Both the sites are 90% over, last night when i planned to customize the login page i was shocked. The reason is the changes made in first store login page also reflecting in second store also. The login page is curently calling from
Is it possible to give any custom login page? PLz guide me magento experts......
Please update your post with your frontend/ folder structure down to each theme template folder. It might be that you don't have a copy of login.phtml in the second theme. Moreover you should follow templates best practices as:
Always create for a new shop different packaga. So not
Always have default theme left as much untouched, as possible. So in the
Should be some basic changes and rules of your package. It means for example in the putting reset.css for all of your themes. Or something like this.
As for me, each store view should have own theme. So, for example, storeview1
There you copy and change files specific for this theme. So, for example, in default you might have login.phtml. But you want storeview1 to have another login.phtml and in storeview2 it should be the same as in default. Therefore you copy the login.phtml from default to storeview1 and change it there. Don't forget to change package and theme in System->Configuration->Design. Package should be change for whole shop and theme should be specified for every store view or left untouched for default.
P.S. Magento theme fallbacks
P.P.S. Try this tutorial or google another one
P.P.P.S. I hope, you got the answer for your question.

virtuemart checkout page link

i have used virtuemart latest product module for displaying a product on my home page but now when i click on add to cart it doesn't redirect me to another page. Instead of redirecting to another page it shows the checkout form in content part of my index page....
Are you using sh404sef then please try to use the current latest version of both VM & sh404sef otherwise these compatibility issues frequently comes
Also if the above said not a good solutions then please check whether the URL shown in the address bar of the checkout page shows a get value say: &ssl_redirect=1 part. if so, then try to please disable the SSL, it may be not useful in the context as your may use the virtue-mart payment gateway to do all the stuff
