Fuzzy logic text transformation methodologies? - ruby

I have a large set of data (several hundred thousand records) that are unique entries in a CSV. These entries are essentially products that are being listed in a store from a vendor that offers these products. The problem is that while they offer us rights to copy these verbatim or to change wording, I don't want to list them verbatim obviously since Google will slap the ranking for having "duplicate" content. And then, also obviously, manually editing 500,000 items would take a ridiculous amount of time.
The solution, it would seem, would be to leverage fuzzy logic that would take certain phraseology and transform it to something different that would not then be penalized by Google. I have hitherto been unable to find any real library to address this or a solid solution that addresses such a situation.
I am thinking through my own algorithms to perhaps accomplish this, but I hate to reinvent the wheel or, worse, be beaten down by the big G after a failed attempt.
My idea is to simply search for various phrases and words (sans stop words) and then essentially map those to phrases and words that can be randomly inserted that still have equivalent meaning, but enough substance to hopefully not cause a deranking situation.
A solution for Ruby would be optimal, but absolutely not necessary as any language can be used.
Are there any existing algorithms, theories or implementations of a similar scenario that could be used to model or solve such a scenario?


How are keyword clouds constructed?

How are keyword clouds constructed?
I know there are a lot of nlp methods, but I'm not sure how they solve the following problem:
You can have several items that each have a list of keywords relating to them.
(In my own program, these items are articles where I can use nlp methods to detect proper nouns, people, places, and (?) possibly subjects. This will be a very large list given a sufficiently sized article, but I will assume that I can winnow the list down using some method by comparing articles. How to do this properly is what I am confused about).
Each item can have a list of keywords, but how do they pick keywords such that the keywords aren't overly specific or overly general between each item?
For example, trivially "the" can be a keyword that is a lot of items.
While "supercalifragilistic" could only be in one.
I suppose that I could create a heuristic where if a word exists in n% of the items where n is sufficiently small, but will return a nice sublist (say 5% of 1000 articles is 50, which seems reasonable) then I could just use that. However, the issue that I take with this approach is that given two different sets of entirely different items, there is most likely some difference in interrelatedness between the items, and I'm throwing away that information.
This is very unsatisfying.
I feel that given the popularity of keyword clouds there must have been a solution created already. I don't want to use a library however as I want to understand and manipulate the assumptions in the math.
If anyone has any ideas please let me know.
freenode/programming/guardianx has suggested https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tf%E2%80%93idf
tf-idf is ok btw, but the issue is that the weighting needs to be determined apriori. Given that two distinct collections of documents will have a different inherent similarity between documents, assuming an apriori weighting does not feel correct
freenode/programming/anon suggested https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Word2vec
I'm not sure I want something that uses a neural net (a little complicated for this problem?), but still considering.
Tf-idf is still a pretty standard method for extracting keywords. You can try a demo of a tf-idf-based keyword extractor (which has the idf vector, as you say apriori determined, estimated from Wikipedia). A popular alternative is the TextRank algorithm based on PageRank that has an off-the-shelf implementation in Gensim.
If you decide for your own implementation, note that all algorithms typically need plenty of tuning and text preprocessing to work correctly.
The minimum you need to do is removing stopwords that you know that they never can be a keyword (prepositions, articles, pronouns, etc.). If you want something fancier, you can use for instance Spacy to keep only desired parts of speech (nouns, verbs, adjectives). You can also include frequent multiword expressions (gensim has good function for automatic collocation detection), named entities (spacy can do it). You can get better results if you run coreference resolution and substitute pronouns with what they refer to... There are endless options for improvements.

How do I get a quick and dirty recognition of possible typos in .net?

I have to manually go through a long list of terms (~3500) which have been entered by users through the years. Beside other things, I want to reduce the list by looking for synonyms, typos and alternate spellings.
My work will be much easier if I can group the list into clusters of possible typos before starting. I was imagining to use some metric which can calculate the similarity to a term, e.g. in percent, and then cluster everything which has a similarity higher than some threshold. As I am going through it manually anyway, I don't mind a high failure rate, if it can keep the whole thing simple.
Ideally, there exists some easily available library to do this for me, implemented by people who know what they are doing. If there is no such, then at least one calculating a similarity metric for a pair of strings would be great, I can manage the clustering myself.
If this is not available either, do you know of a good algorithm which is simple to implement? I was first thinking a Hamming distance divided by word length will be a good metric, but noticed that while it will catch swapped letters, it won't handle deletions and insertions well (ptgs-1 will be caught as very similar to ptgs/1, but hematopoiesis won't be caught as very similar to haematopoiesis).
As for the requirements on the library/algorithm: it has to rely completely on spelling. I know that the usual NLP libraries don't work this way, but
there is no full text available for it to consider context.
it can't use a dictionary corpus of words, because the terms are far outside of any everyday language, frequently abbreviations of highly specialized terms.
Finally, I am most familiar with C# as a programming language, and I already have a C# pseudoscript which does some preliminary cleanup. If there is no one-step solution (feed list in, get grouped list out), I will prefer a library I can call from within a .NET program.
The whole thing should be relatively quick to learn for somebody with almost no previous knowledge in information retrieval. This will save me maybe 5-6 hours of manual work, and I don't want to spend more time than that in setting up an automated solution. OK, maybe up to 50% longer if I get the chance to learn something awesome :)
The question: What should I use, a library, or an algorithm? Which ones should I consider? If what I need is a library, how do I recognize one which is capable of delivering results based on spelling alone, as opposed to relying on context or dictionary use?
edit To clarify, I am not looking for actual semantic relatedness the way search or recommendation engines need it. I need to catch typos. So, I am looking for a metric by which mouse and rodent have zero similarity, but mouse and house have a very high similarity. And I am afraid that tools like Lucene use a metric which gets these two examples wrong (for my purposes).
Basically you are looking to cluster terms according to Semantic Relatedness.
One (hard) way to do it is following Markovitch and Gabrilovitch approach.
A quicker way will be consisting of the following steps:
download wikipedia dump and an open source Information Retrieval library such as Lucene (or Lucene.NET).
Index the files.
Search each term in the index - and get a vector - denoting how relevant the term (the query) is for each document. Note that this will be a vector of size |D|, where |D| is the total number of documents in the collection.
Cluster your vectors in any clustering algorithm. Each vector represents one term from your initial list.
If you are interested only in "visual" similarity (words are written similar to each other) then you can settle for levenshtein distance, but it won't be able to give you semantic relatedness of terms.For example, you won't be able to relate between "fall" and "autumn".

Finding personal information in documents (hard problem)

I am tasked with trying to create an automated system that removes personal information from text documents.
Emails, phone numbers are relatively easy to remove. Names are not. The problem is hard because there are names in the documents that need to be kept (eg, references, celebrities, characters etc). The author name needs to be removed from the content (there may also be more than one author).
I have currently thought of the following:
Quite often personal names are located at the beginning of a document
Look at how frequently the name is used in the document (personal names tend to be written just once)
Search for words around the name to find patterns (mentions of university and so on...)
Any ideas? Anyone solved this problem already??
With current technology, doing what what you are describing in a fully automated way with a low error rate is impossible.
It might be possible to come up with an approximate solution, but it would still make a lot of errors...... either false positives or false negatives or some combination of the two.
If you are still really determined to try, I think your best approach would be Bayseian filtering (as used in spam filtering). The reason for this is that it is quite good at assigning probabilities based on relative positions and frequencies of words, and could also learn which names are more likely / less likely to be celebrities etc.
The area of machine learning that you would need to learn about to make an attempt at this would be natural language processing. There are a few different approaches that could be used, bayesian networks (something better then a naive bayes classifier), support vector machines, or neural nets would be areas to research. Whatever system you end up building would probably need to use an annotated corpus (labeled set of data) to learn where names should be. Even with a large corpus, whatever you build will not be 100% accurate, so you would probably be better off setting flags at the names for deletion instead of just deleting all of the words that might be names.
This is a common problem in basic cryptography courses (my first programming job).
If you generated a word histogram of your entire document corpus (each bin is a word on the x-axis whose height is frequency represented by height on the y-axis), words like "this", "the", "and" and so forth would be easy to identify because of their large y-values (frequency). Surnames should at the far right of your histogram--very infrequent; given names towards the left, but not by much.
Does this technique definitively identify the names in each document? No, but it could be used to substantially constrain your search, by eliminating all words whose frequency is larger than X. Likewise, there should be other attributes that constrain your search, such as author names only appear once on the documents they authored and not on any other documents.

Data structure/Algorithm for Streaming Data and identifying topics

I want to know the effective algorithms/data structures to identify the below information in streaming data.
Consider a real-time streaming data like twitter. I am mainly interested in the below queries rather than storing the actual data.
I need my queries to run on actual data but not any of the duplicates.
As I am not interested in storing the complete data, it will be difficult for me to identify the duplicate posts. However, I can hash all the posts and check against them. But I would like to identify near duplicate posts also. How can I achieve this.
Identify the top k topics being discussed by the users.
I want to identify the top topics being discussed by users. I don't want the top frequency words as shown by twitter. Instead I want to give some high level topic name of the most frequent words.
I would like my system to be real-time. I mean, my system should be able to handle any amount of traffic.
I can think of map reduce approach but I am not sure how to handle synchronization issues. For example, duplicate posts can reach different nodes and both of them could store them in the index.
In a typical news source, one will be removing any stop words in the data. In my system I would like to update my stop words list by identifying top frequent words across a wide range of topics.
What will be effective algorithm/data structure to achieve this.
I would like to store the topics over a period of time to retrieve interesting patterns in the data. Say, friday evening everyone wants to go to a movie. what will be the efficient way to store this data.
I am thinking of storing it in hadoop distributed file system, but over a period of time, these indexes become so large that I/O will be my major bottleneck.
Consider multi-lingual data from tweets around the world. How can I identify similar topics being discussed across a geographical area?
There are 2 problems here. One is identifying the language being used. It can be identified based on the person tweeting. But this information might affect the privacy of the users. Other idea, could be running it through a training algorithm. What is the best method currently followed for this. Other problem is actually looking up the word in a dictionary and associating it to common intermediate language like say english. How to take care of word sense disambiguation like a same word being used in different contests.
Identify the word boundaries
One possibility is to use some kind of training algorithm. But what is the best approach followed. This is some way similar to word sense disambiguation, because you will be able to identify word boundaries based on the actual sentence.
I am thinking of developing a prototype and evaluating the system rather than the concrete implementation. I think its not possible to scrap the real-time twitter data. I am thinking this approach can be tested on some data freely available online. Any ideas, where I can get this data.
Your feedback is appreciated.
Thanks for your time.
-- Bala
There are a couple different questions buried in here. I can't understand all that you're asking, but here's a the big one as I understand it: You want to categorize messages by topic. You also want to remove duplicates.
Removing duplicates is (relatively) easy. To remove "near" duplicates, you could first remove uninteresting parts from your data. You could start by removing capitalization and punctuation. You could also remove the most common words. Then you could add the resulting message to a Bloom filter. Hashing isn't good enough for Twitter, as the hashed messages wouldn't be much smaller than the full messages. You'd end up with a hash that doesn't fit in memory. That's why you'd use a Bloom filter instead. It might have to be a very large Bloom filter, but it will still be smaller than the hash table.
The other part is a difficult categorization problem. You probably do not want to write this part yourself. There are a number of libraries and programs available for categorization, but it might be hard to find one that fits your needs. An example is the Vowpal Wabbit project, which is a fast online algorithm for categorization. However, it only works on one category at a time. For multiple categories, you would have to run multiple copies and train them separately.
Identifying the language sounds less difficult. Don't try to do something smart like "training", instead put the most common words from each language in a dictionary. For each message, use the language whose words appeared most frequently.
If you want the algorithm to come up with categories on its own, good luck.
I'm not really sure if I'm answering your main question, but you could determine the similarity of two messages by calculating the Levenshtein distance between them. You can think of this as the "edit difference" between two strings (I.E., how many edits would need to be made to one, to convert it to the other).
Hello we have created a very similar demo using api.cortical.io functionality.
There you can create semantic fingerprints of each tweet. (you could also extract the top most keywords or some similar terms, that don't need to actually be part of the tweet).
We have used the fingerprints to filter the twitter stream based on content.
On twistiller.com you can see the result. The public 1% twitter stream is monitored for four different topic areas.

Building or Finding a "relevant terms" suggestion feature

Given a few words of input, I want to have a utility that will return a diverse set of relevant terms, phrases, or concepts. A caveat is that it would need to have a large graph of terms to begin with, or else the feature would not be very useful.
For example, submitting "baseball" would return
["shortstop", "Babe Ruth", "foul ball", "steroids", ... ]
Google Sets is the best example I can find of this kind of feature, but I can't use it since they have no public API (and I wont go against their TOS). Also, single-word input doesn't garner a very diverse set of results. I'm looking for a solution that goes off on tangents.
The closest I've experimented with is using WikiPedia's API to search Categories and Backlinks, but there's no way to directly sort those results by "relevance" or "popularity". Without that, the suggestion list is massive and all over the place, which is not immediately useful and very hard to whittle down.
Using A Thesaurus could also work minimally, but that would leave out any proper nouns or tangentially relevant terms (like any of the results listed above).
I would happily reuse an open service, if one exists, but I haven't found anything sufficient.
I'm looking for either a way to implement this either in-house with a decently-populated starting set, or reuse a free service that offers this.
Have a solution? Thanks ahead of time!
UPDATE: Thank you for the incredibly dense & informative answers. I'll choose a winning answer in 6 to 12 months, when I'll hopefully understand what you've all suggested =)
You might be interested in WordNet. It takes a bit of linguistic knowledge to understand the API, but basically the system is a database of meaning-based links between English words, which is more or less what you're searching for. I'm sure I can dig up more information if you want it.
Peter Norvig (director of research at Google) spoke about how they do this at Google (specifically mentioning Google Sets) in a Facebook Tech Talk. The idea is that a relatively simple algorithm on a huge dataset (e.g. the entire web) is much better than a complicated algorithm on a small data set.
You could look at Google's n-gram collection as a starting point. You'd start to see what concepts are grouped together. Norvig hinted that internally Google has up to 7-grams for use in things like Google Translate.
If you're more ambitious, you could download all of Wikipedia's articles in the language you desire and create your own n-gram database.
The problem is even more complicated if you just have a single word; check out this recent thesis for more details on word sense disambiguation.
It's not an easy problem, but it is useful as you mentioned. In the end, I think you'll find that a really successful implementation will have a relatively simple algorithm and a whole lot of data.
Take a look at the following two papers:
Clustering User Queries of a Search Engine [pdf]
Topic Detection by Clustering Keywords [pdf]
Here is my attempt at a very simplified explanation:
If we have a database of past user queries, we can define a similarity function between two queries. For example: number of words in common. Now for each query in our database, we compute its similarity with each other query, and remember the k most similar queries. The non-overlapping words from these can be returned as "related terms".
We can also take this approach with a database of documents containing information users might be searching for. We can define the similarity between two search terms as the number of documents containing both divided by the number of documents containing either. To decide which terms to test, we can scan the documents and throw out words that are either too common ('and', 'the', etc.) or that are too obscure.
If our data permits, then we could see which queries led users to choosing which results, instead of comparing documents by content. For example if we had data that showed us that users searching for "Celtics" and "Lakers" both ended up clicking on espn.com, then we could call these related terms.
If you're starting from scratch with no data about past user queries, then you can try Wikipedia, or the Bag of Words dataset as a database of documents. If you are looking for a database of user search terms and results, and if you are feeling adventurous, then you can take a look at the AOL Search Data.
