Using Variables for Column Names when Querying Database - parse-platform

I have two classes. I retrieve an array of values from Class1. The values are the names of the columns in Class2. After retrieving the desired object from Class2, I want to loop through getting the appropriate columns in Class2 like this:
Parse.initialize("KsUhcunt9PkSkvyRWXAeL", "ykLWdyBk6wAmOPC");
var CheckWait = Parse.Object.extend("CheckWait");
var query = new Parse.Query(CheckWait);
query.equalTo("objectId", "oMP9qf7MAj");
success: function(object) {
var test = object.get("myArray[1]");
OK. So, if I replace myArray[1] with the appropriate column name, it retrieved the desired data. I tested the value contained in myArray[1] and it does contain the correct column name. If i set another variable = myArray[1] still returns "undefined".

If the contents of myArray[1] is a string "nickname", then the following are equivalent:
var nick1 = object.get("nickname");
var nick2 = object.get(myArray[1]);
The issue is that you passed the string "myArray[1]" instead of the expression myArray[1].


Laravel Save Multiple Data to 1 column

So I have 2 variable for storing the selected time of the user ('time_to' and 'time_from) with these sample data('7:30','8:00')
How can I save these two into 1 column('c_time') so it would look like this('7:30-8:00')?
if i understand you correctly, you can create a column of string (varchar) type. and then create the data for your column like this :
$time_to = '7:30';
$time_from= '8:00';
$colValueToBeStored = "(".$time_to."-".$time_from.")";
then just put $colValueToBeStored inside your column.
and to reverse it:
$colValueToBeStored = "(7:30-8:00)";
$res = explode("-",str_replace([")","("],"",$colValueToBeStored));
$time_to = $res[0];
$time_from = $res[1];
define your c_time column type as JSON, that way you can store multiple values, as it will be easier to retrieve as well. Like,
$cTime['time_to'] = "7:30";
$cTime['time_from'] = "8:00";
$cTimeJson = json_encode($cTime);
// save to db

How to remove or hide the data value not required from table in birt tool

How do I remove or hide the data value not required from table in birt tool?
I tried with the values it works in some places but now in groups which has multiple values.
I need to filter some of the values which should not be displayed in the data tab of the table.
I have a column which does not have any value that I need to filter out (But its not an empty value because when I check I got to know that it has some blank spaces). It should display only the columns with non-blank value.
How can I remove those columns from the data set.
You can of course try scripting the data source query but you can also run a script on the table when it is created to hide the empty column.
Try this script in the table's onCreate event:
var mycolumnCount = this.getRowData().getColumnCount();
var DisNull = false;
for(i=1;i<mycolumnCount;i++) {
var temp = this.getRowData().getColumnValue(i)
if(this.getRowData().getColumnValue(i) == "") {
DisNull = true;
DisNull = false;
i = mycolumnCount+1;
if(DisNull == true) {
this.getStyle().display = "none"

Insert formatted values as currency type while using EPPlus

I am using format:
type ="$###,###,##0.00"
for currency and assigning the format type to the worksheet cells
wrkSheet.Cells[0].Style.Numberformat.Format = formatType;
But this is inserted as text type in excel.
I want this to be inserted as Currency or Number in order to continue to do analysis on the values inserted (sort, sum etc).
Currently as it is text type validations do not hold correct.
Is there any way to force the type in which the formatted values can be inserted?
Your formatting is correct. You needs to covert values to its native types
Use this code, it should work:
using (var package = new ExcelPackage())
var worksheet = package.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Sales list - ");
worksheet.Cells[1, 1].Style.Numberformat.Format = "$###,###,##0.00";
worksheet.Cells[1, 1].Value =Convert.ToDecimal(24558.4780);
package.SaveAs(new FileInfo(path));
Indices start from 1 in Excel.
This code
using (var package = new ExcelPackage())
var worksheet = package.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Sales list - ");
worksheet.Cells[1, 1].Style.Numberformat.Format = "$###,###,##0.00";
worksheet.Cells[1, 1].Value = 24558.4780;
package.SaveAs(new FileInfo(path));
produces $24 558,48 for me

How to populate the table dynamically and correctly with Ajax?

I have a form where the user submits a query and then have a Servlet that processes this query and returns the results in XML. With this result trying to populate a table dynamically via Ajax, for such, I use the following code below.
var thead = $("<thead>");
var rowsTHead = $("<tr>");
var tbody = $("<tbody>");
var numberOfColumns;
var variable = $(this).find("variable");
numberOfColumns = variable.length;
for (var i = 0; i < variable.length; i++){
var name = $(variable[i]).attr("name");
var literal = $(this).find("literal");
var rowsTBody = $("<tr class=\"even\">");
literal.length = numberOfColumns;
for (var j = 0; j < literal.length; j++){
var tdBody = $("<td>");
This code works perfectly until it was used in a UNION query. When using a UNION the returned xml comes in the following way
As can be observed, this query has 4 variables that are: gn1, indication1, gn2, indication2.
What is going wrong is that the values of all the variables being written in columns corresponding to gn1 and indication1.
What I wish I was to write the value of each variable in its corresponding column. I wonder what should I change in my code to make this possible.
You need to respect the name values of the binding elements, and relate them back to the columns that you correctly built from parsing the element. When you are doing the find "literal", you are skipping the parsing of the binding elements. You should find "binding", respect the name and look up which column to use based on that, and then for each of those, find the "literal" elements for the actual values.

Update entity columns iterating through col list using LINQ

I can get column list from the table using LINQ like this:
OrderDataContext ctx = new OrderDataContext();
var cols = ctx.Mapping.MappingSource
.GetModel( typeof( OrderDataContext ) )
.GetMetaType( typeof( ProductInformation ) )
This gives me the list of columns, so I can do this:
foreach ( var col in cols )
// Get the value of this column from another table
GetPositionForThisField( col.Name );
So this all works, I can iterate through column list and pull the values for those columns from an another table (since the column names are the keys in that another table), so I don't have to do switch....or lot of if...then...
Now the question:
After I get these values, how do I populate the entity in order to save it back? I would normally go like this:
ProductInformation info = new ProductInformation();
info.SomeField1 = val1;
info.SomeField2 = val2;
ctx.ProductInformation.InsertOnSubmit( info );
But how to use the same column collection from above to populate the columns while iterating over that, when there is no such thing as:
info["field1"].Value = val1;
Just fetch the object that you want to modofy, set the property and call SubmitChanges. There is no need to create a new object and insert it. The Context tracks your changed properties and generates the update statement accordingly. In your case you may want to set the properties via reflection rather than manually since you are reading them from another table.
You'll need to use reflection. Assuming you can get the PropertyInfo from the metadata:
PropertyInfo property = GetPropertyForThisField(col.Name);
property.SetValue(info, val1, null);
