Processing skipping every other - processing

I am trying to group segments of the XBee output into a variable that joins them. I am using Processing to code and compile. The issue I am having is that the output (println) is skipping every other byte (maybe that's the wrong term). So XBee output for i = 4 though 11 should look like this:
0,19,162,0,64,121,230,206 (this is the XBee address converted from hex).
But the println shows this:
19,0,121,206,125,1,0,3 (which starts getting into other segments of the output).
Later, I tried a different route by using an array. It still skips every other entry and I've found that it has to do with my check for i == 126. Is there an alternate way of doing a check like this?
Substitute this draw section for the one below. It's simpler to follow. This was a test with same results...
void draw() {
if (myPort.available() > 21) {
int[] XBeeAddr = new int[22];
for (int i=0; i<22; i++) {
XBeeAddr[i] =;
if ( == 126) {
println(XBeeAddr[0] + "," + XBeeAddr[1] + "," + XBeeAddr[2]);
Original code
import processing.serial.*;
import*; // For SQLite database
SQLite db; // For SQLite database
Serial myPort;
void setup() {
myPort = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[0],9600);
// For SQLite database...
size( 100, 100 );
db = new SQLite( this, "test.db" ); // Open database file
if ( db.connect() ) {
String[] tableNames = db.getTableNames();
db.query( "SELECT * FROM %s", tableNames[0] );
while ( {
TableOne t = new TableOne();
db.setFromRow( t );
println( t );
// For SQLite database
class TableOne {
public String fieldOne;
public int fieldTwo;
public String toString () {
return String.format("fieldOne: %s fieldTwo: %d", fieldOne, fieldTwo);
void draw() {
if (myPort.available() > 21) {
int XBeeAddr1 = 0;
int XBeeAddr2 = 0;
int XBeeAddr3 = 0;
int XBeeAddr4 = 0;
int XBeeAddr5 = 0;
int XBeeAddr6 = 0;
int XBeeAddr7 = 0;
int XBeeAddr8 = 0;
for (int i=0; i<22; i++) {
int inByte =;
if (inByte == 126) {
i=0; // This resets the counter if XBee data was incomplete on the last run.
if (i == 4) {
XBeeAddr1 =;
if (i == 5) {
XBeeAddr2 =;
if (i == 6) {
XBeeAddr3 =;
if (i == 7) {
XBeeAddr4 =;
if (i == 8) {
XBeeAddr5 =;
if (i == 9) {
XBeeAddr6 =;
if (i == 10) {
XBeeAddr7 =;
if (i == 11) {
XBeeAddr8 =;
String XBeeAddrAll = XBeeAddr1 + "," +
XBeeAddr2 + "," +
XBeeAddr3 + "," +
XBeeAddr4 + "," +
XBeeAddr5 + "," +
XBeeAddr6 + "," +
XBeeAddr7 + "," +

It was fixed by changing == 126 to if XBeeAddr[0] != 126, break. Then later I did an if XBeeAddr[0] == 126 println.


How to check and validate Iranian National Code (Melli Code) in Flutter?

How to validate Iranian 10 digits national code in Flutter (Dart)?
It has a specific pattern.
Following method is written in Dart based on this android code and is tested to validate Iranian National Code (Melli-Code) in Flutter:
bool validateNationalCode(String nc) {
if (nc.trim() == '') {
return false;
} else if (nc.length != 10) {
return false;
} else {
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
sum += int.parse(nc[i]) * (10 - i);
int lastDigit;
int divideRemaining = sum % 11;
if (divideRemaining < 2) {
lastDigit = divideRemaining;
} else {
lastDigit = 11 - (divideRemaining);
if (int.parse(nc[9]) == lastDigit) {
return true;
} else {
return false;

Optimizing apriori algorithm code

I am writing code for apriori algorithm in data mining my code takes as long as 60 seconds for a pretty small dataset which is solved by other code i got from internet in just 2 seconds but i am not getting where am i doing wrong, can someone tell me why the other code is fast over mine.
My code:
import java.util.*;
public class Apriori_p {
double support;
ArrayList<String> trans;
Map<String, Integer> map;
long start;
void print(ArrayList<String> temp) {
for (int i = 0; i < temp.size(); i++) {
System.out.println("Count :" + temp.size());
void run() throws FileNotFoundException {
start = System.currentTimeMillis();
trans = new ArrayList<>();
ArrayList<String> temp = new ArrayList<>();
map = new HashMap<>();
Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("Enter support %");
support = sc.nextDouble();
System.out.println("Enter file name");
String file =;
sc = new Scanner(new File(file));
int lines = 0;
while (sc.hasNextLine()) {
String s = sc.nextLine();
if (s.matches("\\s*")) {
String[] spl = s.split("\\s+");
ArrayList<Integer> elem = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < spl.length; i++) {
String cand;
int n = Integer.parseInt(spl[i]);
cand = spl[i].trim();
if (!elem.contains(n)) {
if (map.containsKey(cand)) {
int count = map.get(cand);
map.put(cand, count + 1);
} else {
map.put(cand, 1);
String con = " ";
for (int i = 0; i < elem.size(); i++) {
con = con + elem.get(i) + " ";
String s1 = String.valueOf(elem.get(i)).trim();
support = (support * lines) / 100;
System.out.println(System.currentTimeMillis() - start);
apriori(temp, 1);
public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException {
new Apriori_p().run();
public void apriori(ArrayList<String> temp, int m) {
Set<String> diff = null;
if (m == 1) {
diff = new HashSet<>();
for (int i = 0; i < temp.size(); i++) {
if (map.get(temp.get(i)) < support) {
if (m == 1) {
for (int i = 0; i < trans.size() && m == 1; i++) {
for (String j : diff) {
String rep = " " + j + " ";
trans.get(i).replace(rep, " ");
if (temp.size() == 0) {
System.out.println("Size " + m + " :");
ArrayList<String> ntemp = new ArrayList<>();
int n = temp.size();
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
for (int j = i + 1; j < n; j++) {
StringTokenizer st1 = new StringTokenizer(temp.get(i), " ");
StringTokenizer st2 = new StringTokenizer(temp.get(j), " ");
String str1 = "", str2 = "";
for (int s = 0; s < m - 2; s++) {
str1 = str1 + " " + st1.nextToken();
str2 = str2 + " " + st2.nextToken();
if (str2.compareToIgnoreCase(str1) == 0) {
int s1 = Integer.parseInt(st1.nextToken()), s2 = Integer.parseInt(st2.nextToken());
String s3;
if (s1 <= s2) {
s3 = (str1 + " " + s1 + " " + s2).trim();
} else {
s3 = (str1 + " " + s2 + " " + s1).trim();
for (int j = 0; j < ntemp.size(); j++) {
int c = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < trans.size(); i++) {
int check = 0;
String tr = trans.get(i);
StringTokenizer st1 = new StringTokenizer(ntemp.get(j)," ");
String str = st1.nextToken();
if(!tr.contains(" " + str + " ")){
check = 1;
if(check == 0){
c= 1;
if (map.containsKey(ntemp.get(j))) {
int count = map.get(ntemp.get(j));
map.put(ntemp.get(j), count + 1);
} else {
map.put(ntemp.get(j), 1);
if (c == 0) {
apriori(ntemp, m + 1);
Fast code:
import java.util.*;
public class Apriori3{
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Apriori3 ap = new Apriori3(args);
private List<int[]> itemsets;
private String transaFile;
private int numItems;
private int numTransactions;
private double minSup;
private boolean usedAsLibrary = false;
public Apriori3(String[] args) throws Exception {
private void go() throws Exception {
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
int itemsetNumber = 1;
int nbFrequentSets = 0;
while (itemsets.size() > 0) {
if (itemsets.size() != 0) {
nbFrequentSets += itemsets.size();
log("Found " + itemsets.size() + " frequent itemsets of size " + itemsetNumber + " (with support " + (minSup * 100) + "%)");;
long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
log("Execution time is: " + ((double) (end - start) / 1000) + " seconds.");
log("Found " + nbFrequentSets + " frequents sets for support " + (minSup * 100) + "% (absolute " + Math.round(numTransactions * minSup) + ")");
private void foundFrequentItemSet(int[] itemset, int support) {
if (usedAsLibrary) {
} else {
System.out.println(Arrays.toString(itemset) + " (" + ((support / (double) numTransactions)) + " " + support + ")");
private void log(String message) {
if (!usedAsLibrary) {
private void configure(String[] args) throws Exception {
if (args.length != 0) {
transaFile = args[0];
} else {
transaFile = "chess.dat"; // default
if (args.length >= 2) {
minSup = (Double.valueOf(args[1]).doubleValue());
} else {
minSup = .8;
if (minSup > 1 || minSup < 0) {
throw new Exception("minSup: bad value");
numItems = 0;
numTransactions = 0;
BufferedReader data_in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(transaFile));
while (data_in.ready()) {
String line = data_in.readLine();
if (line.matches("\\s*")) {
StringTokenizer t = new StringTokenizer(line, " ");
while (t.hasMoreTokens()) {
int x = Integer.parseInt(t.nextToken());
if (x + 1 > numItems) {
numItems = x + 1;
private void outputConfig() {
log("Input configuration: " + numItems + " items, " + numTransactions + " transactions, ");
log("minsup = " + minSup + "%");
private void createItemsetsOfSize1() {
itemsets = new ArrayList<int[]>();
for (int i = 0; i < numItems; i++) {
int[] cand = {i};
private void createNewItemsetsFromPreviousOnes() {
int currentSizeOfItemsets = itemsets.get(0).length;
log("Creating itemsets of size " + (currentSizeOfItemsets + 1) + " based on " + itemsets.size() + " itemsets of size " + currentSizeOfItemsets);
HashMap<String, int[]> tempCandidates = new HashMap<String, int[]>(); //temporary candidates
for (int i = 0; i < itemsets.size(); i++) {
for (int j = i + 1; j < itemsets.size(); j++) {
int[] X = itemsets.get(i);
int[] Y = itemsets.get(j);
assert (X.length == Y.length);
int[] newCand = new int[currentSizeOfItemsets + 1];
for (int s = 0; s < newCand.length - 1; s++) {
newCand[s] = X[s];
int ndifferent = 0;
for (int s1 = 0; s1 < Y.length; s1++) {
boolean found = false;
for (int s2 = 0; s2 < X.length; s2++) {
if (X[s2] == Y[s1]) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
newCand[newCand.length - 1] = Y[s1];
assert (ndifferent > 0);
if (ndifferent == 1) {
tempCandidates.put(Arrays.toString(newCand), newCand);
itemsets = new ArrayList<int[]>(tempCandidates.values());
log("Created " + itemsets.size() + " unique itemsets of size " + (currentSizeOfItemsets + 1));
private void line2booleanArray(String line, boolean[] trans) {
Arrays.fill(trans, false);
StringTokenizer stFile = new StringTokenizer(line, " ");
while (stFile.hasMoreTokens()) {
int parsedVal = Integer.parseInt(stFile.nextToken());
trans[parsedVal] = true;
private void calculateFrequentItemsets() throws Exception {
log("Passing through the data to compute the frequency of " + itemsets.size() + " itemsets of size " + itemsets.get(0).length);
List<int[]> frequentCandidates = new ArrayList<int[]>();
boolean match;
int count[] = new int[itemsets.size()];
BufferedReader data_in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(transaFile)));
boolean[] trans = new boolean[numItems];
for (int i = 0; i < numTransactions; i++) {
String line = data_in.readLine();
line2booleanArray(line, trans);
for (int c = 0; c < itemsets.size(); c++) {
match = true;
int[] cand = itemsets.get(c);
for (int xx : cand) {
if (trans[xx] == false) {
match = false;
if (match) {
for (int i = 0; i < itemsets.size(); i++) {
if ((count[i] / (double) (numTransactions)) >= minSup) {
foundFrequentItemSet(itemsets.get(i), count[i]);
itemsets = frequentCandidates;

Processing - deprecated OpenKinect library

I am trying to replicate a project for Kinect for this music video, but the code is seriously outdated.
After weeks searching, I have not found anything about this.
I would be greatly thankful to anyone who points out to me what is deprecated in the following code:
(I'm using Processing 3)
import org.openkinect.*;
import org.openkinect.processing.*;
// Kinect Library object
Kinect kinect;
float a = 0;
// Size of kinect image
int w = 640;
int h = 480;
// writing state indicator
boolean write = false;
// treshold filter initial value
int fltValue = 950;
// "recording" object. each vector element holds a coordinate map vector
Vector <Object> recording = new Vector<Object>();
// We'll use a lookup table so that we don't have to repeat the math over and over
float[] depthLookUp = new float[2048];
void setup() {
kinect = new Kinect(this);
// We don't need the grayscale image in this example
// so this makes it more efficient
// Lookup table for all possible depth values (0 - 2047)
for (int i = 0; i < depthLookUp.length; i++) {
depthLookUp[i] = rawDepthToMeters(i);
void draw() {
text("Kinect FR: " + (int)kinect.getDepthFPS() + "\nProcessing FR: " + (int)frameRate,10,16);
// Get the raw depth as array of integers
int[] depth = kinect.getRawDepth();
// We're just going to calculate and draw every 4th pixel (equivalent of 160x120)
int skip = 4;
// Translate and rotate
int index = 0;
PVector[] frame = new PVector[19200];
for(int x=0; x<w; x+=skip) {
for(int y=0; y<h; y+=skip) {
int offset = x+y*w;
// Convert kinect data to world xyz coordinate
int rawDepth = depth[offset];
boolean flt = true;
PVector v = depthToWorld(x,y,rawDepth);
if (flt && rawDepth > fltValue)
v = depthToWorld(x,y,2047);
frame[index] = v;
// Scale up by 200
float factor = 400;
//line (0,0,1,1);
if (write == true) {
// Rotate
//a += 0.015f;
// These functions come from:
float rawDepthToMeters(int depthValue) {
if (depthValue < 2047) {
return (float)(1.0 / ((double)(depthValue) * -0.0030711016 + 3.3309495161));
return 0.0f;
PVector depthToWorld(int x, int y, int depthValue) {
final double fx_d = 1.0 / 5.9421434211923247e+02;
final double fy_d = 1.0 / 5.9104053696870778e+02;
final double cx_d = 3.3930780975300314e+02;
final double cy_d = 2.4273913761751615e+02;
PVector result = new PVector();
double depth = depthLookUp[depthValue];//rawDepthToMeters(depthValue);
result.x = (float)((x - cx_d) * depth * fx_d);
result.y = (float)((y - cy_d) * depth * fy_d);
result.z = (float)(depth);
return result;
void stop() {
int currentFile = 0;
void saveFile() {
void keyPressed() { // Press a key to save the data
if (key == '1')
fltValue += 50;
println("fltValue: " + fltValue);
else if (key == '2')
fltValue -= 50;
println("fltValue: " + fltValue);
else if (key=='4'){
if (write == true) {
write = false;
println( "recorded " + recording.size() + " frames.");
// saveFile();
// save
Enumeration e = recording.elements();
println("Stopped Recording " + currentFile);
int i = 0;
while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
// Create one directory
boolean success = (new File("out"+currentFile)).mkdir();
PrintWriter output = createWriter("out"+currentFile+"/frame" + i++ +".txt");
PVector [] frame = (PVector []) e.nextElement();
for (int j = 0; j < frame.length; j++) {
output.println(j + ", " + frame[j].x + ", " + frame[j].y + ", " + frame[j].z );
output.flush(); // Write the remaining data
else if (key == '3') {
println("Started Recording "+currentFile);
write = true;
If the code works, then I wouldn't worry too much about it. Deprecated can just mean that a newer version is available, not that the older version stopped working.
However, if the code does not work, then updating to a newer library is probably a good idea anyway. Check out the library section of the Processing homepage, which lists several Kinect libraries.
In fact, one of those libraries is the updated version of the old library you're using: Open Kinect for Processing.
Edit: It looks like both of the errors you mentioned are due to missing import statements. You need to import both Vector and Enumeration to use them:
import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.Enumeration;

illegal start of expression error, working with methods

So I keep getting illegal start of expression errors around line 30 when trying to run my DiceGame program which is practice with methods. Here's my code:
import java.util.Scanner;
public class DiceGame
public static void main(String[] args)
final int RANGE = 6;
Scanner input = new Scanner(;
int userGuess =;
int throwResult = throw2Dice(RANGE);
int programGuess = throw2Dice(RANGE);
int userError = Math.abs(throwResult - userGuess);
int programError = Math.abs(throwResult - programGuess);
boolean userWins = false;
if(userError < programError)
userWins = true;
System.out.println("Your guess was: " + userGuess + " the program's guess was: " + programGuess + " and the result was: " + throwResult);
if(userWins == false)
System.out.println("Program Wins!!!");
System.out.println("User Wins!!!");
public static int throw2Dice(int r)
int number1 = (Math.random() * r + 1);
int number2 = (Math.random() * r + 1);
int sum = number1 + number2;
return sum;
if(userError < programError)
userWins = true;
You have two open braces instead of an open brace and a close brace.

Finding the index of the first word starting with a given alphabet form a alphabetically sorted list

Based on the current implementation, I will get an arraylist which contains some 1000 unique names in the alphabetically sorted order(A-Z or Z-A) from some source.
I need to find the index of the first word starting with a given alphabet.
So to be more precise, when I select an alphabet, for eg. "M", it should give me the index of the first occurrence of the word starting in "M" form the sorted list.
And that way I should be able to find the index of all the first words starting in each of the 26 alphabets.
Please help me find a solution which doesn't compromise on the speed.
Actually after getting the 1000 unique names, the sorting is also done by one of my logics.
If this can be done while doing the sorting itself, I can avoid the reiteration on the list after sorting to find the indices for the alphabets.
Is that possible?
I hope this little piece of code will help you. I guessed the question is related to Java, because you mentioned ArrayList.
String[] unsorted = {"eve", "bob", "adam", "mike", "monica", "Mia", "marta", "pete", "Sandra"};
ArrayList<String> names = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(unsorted));
String letter = "M"; // find index of this
class MyComp implements Comparator<String>{
String first = "";
String letter;
MyComp(String letter){
this.letter = letter.toUpperCase();
public String getFirst(){
return first;
public int compare(String s0, String s1) {
if(s0.compareTo(first) == -1 || first.equals("")){
first = s0;
return s0.toUpperCase().compareTo(s1.toUpperCase());
MyComp mc = new MyComp(letter);
Collections.sort(names, mc);
int index = names.indexOf(mc.getFirst()); // the index of first name starting with letter
I'm not sure if it's possible to also store the index of the first name in the comparator without much overhead. Anyway, if you implement your own version of sorting algorithm e.g. quicksort, you should know about the index of the elements and could calculate the index while sorting. This depends on your chosen sorting algorithm and implementation. In fact if I know how your sorting is implemented, we could insert the index calculation.
So I came up with my own solution for this.
package test.binarySearch;
import java.util.Random;
* Binary search to find the index of the first starting in an alphabet
* #author Navaneeth Sen <>
class SortedWordArray
private final String[] a; // ref to array a
private int nElems; // number of data items
public SortedWordArray(int max) // constructor
a = new String[max]; // create array
nElems = 0;
public int size()
return nElems;
public int find(String searchKey)
return recFind(searchKey, 0, nElems - 1);
String array = null;
int arrayIndex = 0;
private int recFind(String searchKey, int lowerBound,
int upperBound)
int curIn;
curIn = (lowerBound + upperBound) / 2;
if (a[curIn].startsWith(searchKey))
array = a[curIn];
if ((curIn == 0) || !a[curIn - 1].startsWith(searchKey))
return curIn; // found it
return recFind(searchKey, lowerBound, curIn - 1);
else if (lowerBound > upperBound)
return -1; // can't find it
else // divide range
if (a[curIn].compareTo(searchKey) < 0)
return recFind(searchKey, curIn + 1, upperBound);
else // it's in lower half
return recFind(searchKey, lowerBound, curIn - 1);
} // end else divide range
} // end recFind()
public void insert(String value) // put element into array
int j;
for (j = 0; j < nElems; j++) // find where it goes
if (a[j].compareTo(value) > 0) // (linear search)
for (int k = nElems; k > j; k--) // move bigger ones up
a[k] = a[k - 1];
a[j] = value; // insert it
nElems++; // increment size
} // end insert()
public void display() // displays array contents
for (int j = 0; j < nElems; j++) // for each element,
System.out.print(a[j] + " "); // display it
} // end class OrdArray
class BinarySearchWordApp
static final String AB = "12345aqwertyjklzxcvbnm";
static Random rnd = new Random();
public static String randomString(int len)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(len);
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
return sb.toString();
public static void main(String[] args)
int maxSize = 100000; // array size
SortedWordArray arr; // reference to array
int[] indices = new int[27];
arr = new SortedWordArray(maxSize); // create the array
for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
arr.insert(randomString(10)); //insert it into the array
arr.display(); // display array
String searchKey;
for (int i = 97; i < 124; i++)
searchKey = (i == 123)?"1":Character.toString((char) i);
long time_1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
int result = arr.find(searchKey);
long time_2 = System.currentTimeMillis() - time_1;
if (result != -1)
indices[i - 97] = result;
System.out.println("Found " + result + "in "+ time_2 +" ms");
if (!(i == 97))
indices[i - 97] = indices[i - 97 - 1];
System.out.println("Can't find " + searchKey);
for (int i = 0; i < indices.length; i++)
System.out.println("Index [" + i + "][" + (char)(i+97)+"] = " + indices[i]);
} // end main()
All comments welcome.
