Managing no-client area - windows

I've been searching a long time ago for a manner to enhance and skin the no-client area in windows, and many people say that there are only two ways, either you make a frame-less window and draw my own buttons or by hooking windows message like WM_PAINT, and I'm interested in the second approach, so is there anyway to achieve that because the big problem is that I'm using Qt, and maybe this photo will help emphasizing the problem.

What you're looking for is Non-client painting. Windows has a number of messages for handling the non-client area. Doing some web searches for 'QT Non-client paint' results in this thread, which gives a brief example of how to do non-client painting in QT.

Adobe Brackets (specifically the CEF wrapper source code, found here: provides source code for non-client painting; Spotify shares this code (see credits). I do not have experience with doing this in Qt; I tinkered with a 64-bit port of brackets-shell but didn't finish as I started playing with Electron. It's Windows specific, so maybe you could use Win32 API directly to wrap the Qt window's WndProc and implement that way?


How do I duplicate iTunes-style windows on Windows?

Can anyone provide some insight on how to "duplicate" an iTunes style window in Windows? Specifically I am looking for the following features:
1) rounded window
2) top and bottom toolbars
3) rounded text fields
I'm currently attempting a bit of cross-platform development with Real Studio and while I've discovered the mechanism by which to perform the rounded windows in OS X (declare method call to HIWindowSetContentBorderThickness or SetContentBorderThickness), I cannot find in the MSDN how to do similar things in Windows. Obviously Apple accomplished it in actually writing iTunes for Windows. Perhaps they wrote custom controls from the ground up.
SIDENOTE: I found this article from a few years back that briefly discusses it (, but this is pretty much all I could find.
Even if I can't duplicate it exactly, some direction on which Windows libraries might contain the functionality I need to do it "manually" would be nice. Any further assistance would be greatly appreciated.
There's no API for doing Apple-style rounded corners, but there are lower-level APIs for creating windows (both frame windows and controls) of any shape you want.
I don't use RealStudio, but I believe it allows you to access both .NET and native Win32 APIs, so:
If you're using .NET Windows.Forms, read Shaped Windows Forms and Controls in Visual Studio .NET. It's written for VB7, but should be easy to translate to your favorite language.
If you're using the raw Win32 API, there are at least two ways to do this. The simplest, but most limited, is to call the SetWindowRgn API, which sets the shape of your window to anything you can create as an HRGN. But that probably won't cut it for you. You don't want jagged edges; you want smooth curves, with alpha-blended borders, and maybe shadows. (At least that's what Apple does.) The Layered Windows API is the way to do this. It allows arbitrary shapes (even changing on the fly, if you use UpdateLayeredWindow—although you don't need that feature to emulate iTunes), alpha transparency, and complicated hit testing. Since the original article is very out of date, and doesn't cover all of the functionality, also see Layered Windows for the current documentation, which has links to the references.
there is a third party controls that do what you want. It works on Mac & Windows.
works well.

What sort of GUI controls are used in Windows Resource Monitor?

I am new to GUI programming in Windows.
The Windows Resource Monitor (perfmon.exe /res) has four bars (CPU/Disk/Network/Memory) that have gradient backgrounds, as well as charts on the right for displaying recent CPU/Disk/Network/Memory usage.
I am wondering what kind of controls were used in this application. Are they readily available in C++ or in C#?
They are custom controls that are not available for external use, sorry.
You can use the Spy++ window finder tool (Spy++ is included with DevStudio) to find the window class names (and window boundaries).
It shows that the overall window is a DirectUIHWND, the graphs are windows but the bars labelled CPU/Disk/Network, etc are not windows at all, the appear to be drawn directly in the resource monitors client area.
The implementation is not public for these controls, but I'm pretty sure they are incorporated using Windowless Controls.
Those bars remind me of Outlook bars. One old implementation is described in Code Project, and that one also has no windows on its own. Everything is painted inside.
Edit: That Code Project article was C# port. For C++ original go to Code Guru.

Documentation and API Samples for drawing on Windows Aero Glass (DWM, GDI, GDI+) for all Win32 programmers

I am looking for good resources for learning to use the Win32/GDI APIs or whatever supercedes it to draw and paint directly using the Win32 API to a glass form.
While I am using Delphi, I tagged this as Delphi or Visual C++. Any code samples and articles that you can find would be appreciated. MSDN articles do not seem to be written about this.
As a goal, let's imagine you want to either:
(a) Reproduce what Google Chrome does (tabs as part of the glass frame)
(b) Reproduce what MS Office 2010 does (save button on the glass frame, referred to in MFC for VS 2010, as "Quick Access Toolbar" (see picture below).
I am not using MFC, but if examining the MFC sources would be a good source of information, I am curious to know where in the MFC sources or BCG original sources (I have both) are implemented the Quick Access Toolbar rendering/painting code.
Update: A related neato link from one of the answers below shows the NC (nonclient) Paint message, and how to handle it when painting on a glass frame, and an MSDN article about it here.
This is a subset of my "Glass" bookmarks folder, the result of a lot of research / searching on this topic. I've found all of these useful for learning about glass and solving various problems drawing on it. Most of these include Delphi code, but I've noted where it's for another language.
Plain Glass links
Using translucent windows with Delphi: good introduction (from the very basics) for using Glass in Delphi forms
Custom drawing on glass: covers how to draw a bitmap or other image on a glass area of the window. Covers alpha channels etc too, good overview
Using glass in a VC++ project: covers turning glass on, drawing text, handling notifications etc - a good general introduction to how it works. A lot of the underlying details are handled by the VCL (eg the GlassFrame property and TForm internals look after a lot of this) but it's very useful to understand the basics of how it's implemented at an API level anyway
How to draw on the non-client area: this shows how to draw something like Office's toolbar in the title bar. .Net code, but translatable
Setting up a custom title bar: very detailed article about non-client-area drawing (in Delphi, so Delphi code). Followed up by part 2, which demonstrates completely taking over the entire window and mimicking the standard title bar yourself. These two articles will let you mimic Office and Chrome as you requested in the question
How to set up various VCL controls to work best on a glass area: the VCL does not support glass very well. You'll often get artifacts, or controls simply not drawing properly at all, no matter what you do to try and solve it. This article lists the basic VCL visual components (labels, buttons, progress bars, etc) and what to set up for each so they draw perfectly, or at least 'as well as possible' when they're placed on a glass area
Advanced, or tangentially related:
How desktop composition works, with GDI and DirectX surfaces
List of desktop manager APIs (only some of which are Aero-related)
These posts on drawing a custom title bar under Vista/Windows 7 might interest you.
Sample image:
I'm sure you've found the MSDN page about the DWM. It has jumps many topics and a few examples. Some of the "overview" articles there have examples (like the DWM Blur Behind Overview).
Unfortunately, other than the documentation, there are precious few good articles. You can start with Using glass on codeproject, and take a look at a detecting glass in delphi - after that using the functions straight from the docs is not too bad. Luckily they are all pretty straight-forward in practice.
Good web site for glass components, including a Glass button:
In addition, these old articles may help you:
Creating Windows Vista Ready Applications with Delphi
Creating Windows Vista Ready Applications with Delphi Update - January 2007

Screenshot of window

I'm trying to take screenshots of all open windows, also the minimized ones. Currently I'm using this code:
But it doesn't work for minimized windows and the areas where there is a Glass effect since Vista like the explorer title bar are black. Can anyone help me out?
My objective is to create something similar to Flip 3D; it would be great if someone also knew something about how to create a live preview.
For the glass effect areas: I think it doesn't work because those areas may be drawn with some strange DirectX method instead of normal GDI.
For the minimized windows problem: if a window is minimized, its DC isn't painted (conceptually, it doesn't even have a reason to exist); you should try to send to such windows a WM_PRINT message, asking them to paint themselves on the DC you'll provide them. The problem with this approach is that not all the windows handle correctly WM_PRINT.
I've found the API that is used for the taskbar previews a.s.o.:
DWM Thumbnail Overview
Pretty awesome, it even allows you to do live previews!

How easy is it in DWM to make an 'always on top' thumbnail for an existing window

I really like when you hover over a window in Vista on the taskbar and it gives you a little preview. if it is video it even plays in the thumbnail.
Often I really wish I could 'tear off' this little window and keep it as an 'always on top' thumbnail on my screen. Maybe its a progress bar I'm watching, maybe its a video i want a little tiny preview of.
Isn't this the kind of thing that DWM makes it easy to program. Would this be a simple endeavor to program in nice managed C# - or would i end up getting all bogged down in tricky API stuff?
I am interested in both existing solutions and pointers on how to code something like this.
Sorry for the self-promotion here. :)
Just mentioning there's already an app that allows you to clone every top-level window and keep their preview "always on top": OnTopReplica.
The program is based on the Windows Forms Aero library, a .NET (c#) library that includes some DWM wrappers. No tricky API stuff needed (besides, the API is pretty simple anyway).
A very good preview of how to use this in C#:
Yes, you can create your own taskbar-like thumbnails. You're going to have to do quite a bit of window handle manipulation though. How it works is basically that you create a child-window in your form that will be the thumbnail. You obtian the window handle of the top-level window you want a thumbnail of using the usual tricks. Then you call a DWM function DWMRegisterThumbnail to associate the two. You don't actually get involved in painting the thumbnail at all - once the windows are associated, the DWM compositing process takes care of painting a thumbnail of the top-level window in your form.
MSDN Documentation
