matlab divide an image according to the user input - image

I have an Image :
I want to manually divide the image into the parts as show below:
The division of the image should be user controlled. I should be able to take the user input of the rectangular squares in which I am trying to divide the Image.
The output is shown below :
How can I do this in matlab?
After operating on the individual images can I join them back together to make the image as one ?

Use imrect to create an interactive rectangular selection tool on top of the input image. Look closely at the second example.
Once the user has selected a rectangel, you can use imcrop to get the corresponding part.
Saving the relative position of the selected rectangle (i.e., the position vector [x y w h]) you can then "re-embbed" the part into the original image at the same location.

I finally got it . Thanks !
Img = imread('cameraman.tif');
h = imrect();
crop_area = wait(h);
cropped = imcrop(Img, crop_area);
This works well.


How to identify and crop a rectangle inside an image in MATLAB

I have an image which has a rectangle drawn in it. The rectangle can be of any design but the background isn't a single color. It's a photo taken from a phone camera like this one.
I want to crop the to inner picture (scenary) in the image.
How can I do this in MATLAB?
I tried this code
img = im2double(imread(''));
BW = im2bw(img);
dim = size(BW)
col = round(dim(2)/2)-90;
row = min(find(BW(:,col)))
boundary = bwtraceboundary(BW,[row, col],'N');
r = [min(boundary) , max(boundary)];
img_cropped = img(r(1) : r(3) , r(2) : r(4) , :);
but it works only for one image, this one
and not the one above or this one
I need to find a code which works for any image with a specific rectangle design.Any help will be aprreciated.Thank you
The processing below considers the following:
backgroung is monochrome, possible with gradient
a border is monochrome(gradient), is easily distinguishable from background, not barocco/rococco style
a picture is kind of real world picture with lots of details, not Malevich's Black Square
So we first search the picture and flatten background by entropy filtering
%dimensions for neighbourhood are just a guess
cross_nhood = false(11,11); cross_nhood(:,6)=1;cross_nhood(6,:)=1;
img_ent = entropyfilt(img./255,repmat(cross_nhood,[1 1 3]));
img_ent_gray = rgb2gray(img_ent);
Then we find corners using Harris detector and choose 4 point: two leftmost and two rightmost, and crop the image thus removing background (with precision up to inclination). I use r2011a, you may have a bit different functions, refer to MATLAB help
harris_pts = corner(img_ent_gray);
corn_pts = sortrows(harris_pts,1);
corn_pts = [corn_pts(1:2,:);...
corn_pts(:,1)=corn_pts(:,1) - min(corn_pts(:,1));
corn_pts(:,2)=corn_pts(:,2) - min(corn_pts(:,2));
corn_pts = corn_pts + 1;
An here is a problem: the lines between the corner points are inclined at a bit different angle. It can be both problem of corner detection and image capture (objective distortion and/or a bit wrong acquisition angle). There is no straightforward, always right solution. I'd better choose the biggest inclination (it will crop the picture a little) and start processing the image line by line (to split image use Bresenham algorithm) till any or most, you to choose, pixels belongs to the picture, not the inner border. The distinguishable feature can be local entropy, std of colour values, specific colour threshold, different methods of statistics, whatever.
Another approach is to do colour segmentation, I like most Gram-Shmidt orthogonalization or a*-b* color segmentation. However, you'll get all the same problems if image is skewed and part of a picture matches the colour of a border (see last picture, bottom left corner).

How to display a Gray scale image using boundary defined in another binary image

I have a original gray scale image(I m using mammogram image with labels outside image).
I need to remove some objects(Labels) in that image, So i converted that grayscale image to a binary image. Then i followed the answer method provided in
How to Select Object with Largest area
Finally i extracted an Object with largest area as binary image. I want that region in gray scale for accessing and segmenting small objects within that. For example. Minor tissues in region and also should detect its edge.
How can i get that separated object region as grayscale image or
anyway to get the largest object region from gray scale directly
without converting to binary or any other way.?
(I am new to matlab. I dono whether i explained it correctly or not. If u cant get, I ll provide more detail)
If I understood you correctly, you are looking to have a gray image with only the biggest blob being highlighted.
img = imread(IMAGE_FILEPATH);
BW = im2bw(img,0.2); %%// 0.2 worked to get a good area for the biggest blob
%%// Biggest blob
[L, num] = bwlabel(BW);
counts = sum(bsxfun(#eq,L(:),1:num));
[~,ind] = max(counts);
BW = (L==ind);
%%// Close the biggest blob
[L,num] = bwlabel( ~BW );
counts = sum(bsxfun(#eq,L(:),1:num));
[~,ind] = max(counts);
BW = ~(L==ind);
%%// Original image with only the biggest blob highlighted
img1 = uint8(255.*bsxfun(#times,im2double(img),BW));
%%// Display input and output images
If I understand your question correctly, you want to use the binary map and access the corresponding pixel intensities in those regions.
If that's the case, then it's very simple. You can use the binary map to identify the spatial co-ordinates of where you want to access the intensities in the original image. Create a blank image, then copy over these intensities over to the blank image using those spatial co-ordinates.
Here's some sample code that you can play around with.
% Assumptions:
% im - Original image
% bmap - Binary image
% Where the output image will be stored
outImg = uint8(zeros(size(im)));
% Find locations in the binary image that are white
locWhite = find(bmap == 1);
% Copy over the intensity values from these locations from
% the original image to the output image.
% The output image will only contain those pixels that were white
% in the binary image
outImg(locWhite) = im(locWhite);
% Show the original and the result side by side
imshow(im); title('Original Image');
imshow(outImg); title('Extracted Result');
Let me know if this is what you're looking for.
Method #2
As suggested by Rafael in his comments, you can skip using find all together and use logical statements:
outImg = img;
outImg(~bmap) = 0;
I decided to use find as it less obfuscated for a beginner, even though it is less efficient to do so. Either method will give you the correct result.
Some food for thought
The extracted region that you have in your binary image has several holes. I suspect you would want to grab the entire region without any holes. As such, I would recommend that you fill in these holes before you use the above code. The imfill function from MATLAB works nicely and it accepts binary images as input.
Check out the documentation here:
As such, apply imfill on your binary image first, then go ahead and use the above code to do your extraction.

Autocorrection between the position of two images

I have two images and have to divide that image. Due to manual error the area in the image is not as same. How can i correct it automatically using matlab so as to perform divison pixel by pixel accurately?
Once you've read both image files into the variables, say A and B, assuming A contains the image of the size you actually want and B contains the image of the size you want to change, you could use:
[numrows numcols] = size(A);
A = imresize(A, [numrows numcols]);

Find and crop defined image areas automatically

I want to process an image in matlab
The image consists out of a solid back ground and two specimens (top and bottom side). I already have a code that separate the top and bottom and make it two images. But the part what I don't get working is to crop the image to the glued area only (red box in the image, I've only marked the top one). However, the cropped image should be a rectangle just like the red box (the yellow background, can be discarded afterwards).
I know this can be done with imcrop, but this requires manual input from the user. The code needs to be automated such that it is possible to process more images without user input. All image will have the same colors (red for glue, black for material).
Can someone help me with this?
edit: Thanks for the help. I used the following code to solve the problem. However, I couldn't get rid of the black part right of the red box. This can be fix by taping that part off before making pictures. The code which I used looks a bit weird, but it succeeds in counting the black region in the picture and getting a percentage.
level = graythresh(a);
bw2=im2bw(a, level);
IM2 = imclearborder(rgb2,4);
pic_negative = ait_imgneg(IM2);
%% figures
% figure()
% image(rgb2)
% figure()
% imshow(pic_negative)
%% Counting percentage
for j=1:size(rgb2,2)
for i=1:size(rgb2,1)
if rgb2(i,j,1) <= 0 ...
& rgb2(i,j,2) <= 0 ...
& rgb2(i,j,3) <= 0
for j=1:size(pic_negative,2)
for i=1:size(pic_negative,1)
if pic_negative(i,j)== 0
If anyone has some suggestions to improve the code, I'm happy to hear it.
For a straight-forward image segmentation into 2 regions (background, foreground) based on color (yellow, black are prominent in your case), an option can be clustering image color values using kmeans algorithm. For additional robustness you can transform the image from RGB to Lab* colorspace.
The example for your case follows the MATLAB Imape Processing example here.
% read and transform to L*a*b space
im_rgb = double(imread('testim0.png'))./256;
im_lab = applycform(im_rgb, makecform('srgb2lab'));
% keep only a,b-channels and form feature vector
ab = double(lab_I(:,:,2:3));
[nRows, nCols, ~] = size(ab);
ab = reshape(ab,nRows * nCols,2);
% apply k-means for 2 regions, repeat c times, e.g. c = 5
nRegions = 2;
[cluster_idx cluster_center] = kmeans(ab,nRegions, 'Replicates', 5);
% get foreground-background mask
im_regions = reshape(cluster_idx, nRows, nCols);
You can use the resulting binary image to index the regions of interest (or find the boundary) in the original reference image.
Images are saved as matrices. If you know the bounds in pixels of the crop box want to crop you can execute the crop using indexing.
M = rand(100); % create a 100x100 matrix or load it from an image
left = 50;
right = 75;
top = 80;
bottom = 10;
croppedM = M(bottom:top, left:right);
%save croppedm
You can easily get the unknown bounded crop by
1) Contour plotting the image,
2) find() on the result for the max/min X/ys,
3) use #slayton's method to perform the actual crop.
EDIT: Just looked at your actual image - it won't be so easy. But color enhance/threshold your image first, and the contours should work with reasonable accuracy. Needless to say, this requires tweaking to your specific situation.
since you've already been able to seperate the top and bottom, and also able to segment the region you want (including the small part of the right side that you don't want), I propose you just add a fix at the end of the code via the following.
after segmentation, sum each column Blue intensity value, so that you are compressing the image from 2d to 1d. so if original region is width=683 height=59, the new matrix/image will be simply width=683 height=1.
now, you can apply a small threshold to determine where the edge should lie, and apply a crop to the image at that location. Now you get your stats.

How do I save a plotted image and maintain the original image size in MATLAB?

I'd like to show an image and plot something on it and then save it as an image with the same size as the original one. My MATLAB code is:
figH = figure('visible','off');
hold on;
% plot something
But the resulting image "1.jpg" has saved non-image areas in the plot as well as the image. How can I solve this problem?
The reason your new image is bigger than your original is because the SAVEAS function saves the entire figure window, not just the contents of the axes (which is where your image is displayed).
Your question is very similar to another SO question, so I'll first point out the two primary options encompassed by those answers:
Modify the raw image data: Your image data is stored in variable I, so you can directly modify the image pixel values in I then save the modified image data using IMWRITE. The ways you can do this are described in my answer and LiorH's answer. This option will work best for simple modifications of the image (like adding a rectangle, as that question was concerned with).
Modify how the figure is saved: You can also modify how you save the figure so that it better matches the dimensions of your original image. The ways you can do this (using the PRINT and GETFRAME functions instead of SAVEAS) are described in the answers from Azim, jacobko, and SCFrench. This option is what you would want to do if you were overlaying the image with text labels, arrows, or other more involved plot objects.
Using the second option by saving the entire figure can be tricky. Specifically, you can lose image resolution if you were plotting a big image (say 1024-by-1024 pixels) in a small window (say 700-by-700 pixels). You would have to set the figure and axes properties to accommodate. Here's an example solution:
I = imread('peppers.png'); %# Load a sample image
imshow(I); %# Display it
[r,c,d] = size(I); %# Get the image size
set(gca,'Units','normalized','Position',[0 0 1 1]); %# Modify axes size
set(gcf,'Units','pixels','Position',[200 200 c r]); %# Modify figure size
hold on;
plot(100,100,'r*'); %# Plot something over the image
f = getframe(gcf); %# Capture the current window
imwrite(f.cdata,'image2.jpg'); %# Save the frame data
The output image image2.jpg should have a red asterisk on it and should have the same dimensions as the input image.
