Adding a Reference to a Project in Visual Studio which includes Resources - visual-studio-2005

I have a C# Application with a number of classes that I have written nUnit [TestFixture] classes. This application also includes a \Resources*.bmp directory in the project.
I have included these [TestFixture] classes in a separate "Class Library" project.
I added a reference in my "Class Library" project that points to my C# application project so I can write test code that includes classes I have defined in my application.
When I build my "Class Library" project I get the following error:
"C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\Microsoft.Common.targets(1211,9): error MSB3114: Could not find file 'Resources\loschart.bmp reference by assembly C:\\.exe.manifext"
How do I tell my "Class Library" project about these Resources in my Application Project?


Unity : I can't reference my managed plugin into my test project

Beginning at Unity.
I have made my unity project.
I have added a C# SimAnt.dll project of mine as a managed project into the unity project.
I have created an EditMode test Asset into the unity project.
At this stage, if I can make a test and run it OK.
I can instantiate classes from SimAnt project into the unity project scripts.
But I do not manage to reference SimAnt project into the test project.
I understand where I should do it into the UI:
But the SimAnt project is not available into the list of projects that I can reference :(
I have also tried to add the reference directly into the test project via VS.
If I do so, the test project correctly sees the Simant Dll classes as I would expect into VS UI, but the Unity interface still complains about the reference:
error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'SimAnt' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
I tried including my SimAnt dll into the .asmdef file of the test project via VS. I am not sure about the syntax though:
My Assets directory is like this:
I closed / reopened Unity after adding the reference from VS, no luck.
Any idea?
EDIT: requested screenshots of the editor:
I Got it!!!!
I was trying to add the plugin into the wrong box.
The plugins (copy pasted DLL) need to be added into the "Assembly references" tab. (2 in screenshot below).
The other projects assemblies need to be added into the "Assembly Definitions References" tab (1 in screenshot below).
PS : You can add as a plugin the dll file compiled in Debug. It does not have to be the Release compiled file. I had a doubt about this part.

Xamarin Java Library Binding issues

I want to use agency tango materialintroscreen library in my Xamarin.Android project.
I have created a Xamarin Android Binding Project, copy the ARR file in the Jars Folder and set Build Action to LibraryProjectZip.
Then I reference the project in my main Xamarin.Android project.
Normally I can access to agency.tango.materialintroscreen but have the error the namespace doesn't exist.
I try to use jetBrains dotpeek I saw dll was create well with all class.
I have the same error with 3 library
Visual Studio Error list
Object Browser

Missing namespace of existing library, Xamarin Android

I have an auxiliar project that contains Java libraries used in the project. That project contains a folder with a mbwaysdk.jar and a WheelPicker-1.1.1.aar in it.
After building that project, it generates the .NET classes for the mbwaysdk.jar without any problem, but the classes of WheelPicker-1.1.1.aar don't show up. I've checked and the obj/Debug/generated/src folder contains the file classes for the mbwaysdk.jar and WheelPicker-1.1.1.aar libraries.
Within Visual Studio, the namespace Com.Aigestudio.Wheelpicker isn't recognized, although the project succesfully builds and deploys to devices, and any usage of the Com.Aigestudio.Wheelpicker views and methods works. While in debug I'm able to inspect the object, but unable to navigate to the class.
What can be causing this issue?

Binding Eclipse Library Project with Xamarin: At least one Java library is required for binding, this must be either 'EmbeddedJar'...for build action

We need to bind the Pulltoloadmoreandrefresh Eclipse Library Project in our Xamarin Android project as mentioned in Binding an Eclipse Library Project.
We created the Eclipse library project, added the respective files (screenshot for reference), and created the zip files with res and bin folders as mentioned in the above link.
Created the Android Library Project in Visual Studio and added the the zip file. But it shows error "At least one Java library is required for binding, this must be either 'EmbeddedJar', 'InputJar' (for jar), 'LibraryProjectZip' (for aar or zip) or 'LibraryProjectProperties' ( build action" for build action "LibraryProjectZip"
Kindly suggest on how to resolve this.
I solved this problem by swapping in Build Action.
For me the solution came with the type InputJar in the project that generates the library for Xamarin.

VSIX Package doesn't include referenced project's dependencies

We have a visual studio package (VS Package) that references a class library project (Project A). Project A in turn references another class library project (Project B).
So the dependency structure looks like this: VS Package > Project A > Project B
All projects exist inside the same solution and the dependencies have been set up as proper project references.
If I build the package in visual studio and look in the bin/Debug folder all necessary assemblies are there including Project B's. However when the package is deployed, only Project A's assemblies are present and Project B's are missing. How do I tell visual studio to include the indirect dependency of Project B in the package?
This MSDN document suggests that "By default in a multi-project solution, if a project that outputs to a VSIX package includes a reference to another project in the same solution, it includes the dependencies of that project."
However I am finding that this is simply not the case.
My question is very similar to this one except that I am having trouble with the main project assembly and not the localization satellite assemblies. The answer in this other post does not work for me because it seems to only work for satellite assemblies.
Is there some other Output Group that I can specify to direct the package to include indirect dependencies as well?
Thanks for looking.
The simplest thing to do in this particular case is reference Project B from the VSPackage project and set the "Reference Output Assembly" property to False to avoid introducing a compile-time dependency.
I had a similar problem: My VS Package project referenced another VS package project (~Project A) which in turn referenced a bunch of other projects (~Project B) containing the meat of our extension.
Inspired by this answer: VSIX package doesn't include localized resources of referenced assembly, I added 'BuiltProjectOutputGroup;BuiltProjectOutputGroupDependencies;GetCopyToOutputDirectoryItems;SatelliteDllsProjectOutputGroup' to the Output Groups Included in VSIX property of the reference from VS Package to Project A.
This had the effect of dropping all the dependency DLLs in the ...\Debug\ folder for my VS Project, but they still didn't get included in the VSIX.
Finally I went and added the BuiltProjectOutputGroup;BuiltProjectOutputGroupDependencies;GetCopyToOutputDirectoryItems;SatelliteDllsProjectOutputGroup flags to all the references from my Project A to each of my Project Bs - then they all got included in the VSIX.
(BTW this is with with Visual Studio 2013, but it doesn't seem to have change much since 2010)
