how to write linq to sql with lambda for this sql query - linq

hi friends please help me out to get out of this um new to linq with lambda
select cn from color,related
where cid in (select ciid from related where iid=2)

Without knowing how the relations are set up, the best I can do is free hand, something like;
(from c in db.color
from r in db.related
where c.cid == r.ciid && r.iid == 2
select c).Distinct();
from c in db.color
where (from r in db.related where r.iid==2 select r.ciid).Contains(c.cid)
select c;

Try Below expression
(from i in dbcontext.color
where (from j in dbcontext.color where j.iid==2 select j.ciid).contains(i.cid)
select i)


SQL to LINQ with JOIN and SubQuery

I have a query that I' struggling to convert to LINQ. I just can't get my head around the required nesting. Here's the query in SQL (just freehand typed):
The Closest I've come to is this:
var query = from vac in _database.Vacancies
join e in _database.VacancyEngagements
on vac.Id equals e.VacancyId into va
from v in va.DefaultIfEmpty()
where vac.MaxRecruiters > (from ve in _database.VacancyEngagements
where ve.VacancyId == v.Id && ve.Status == Enums.VacanyEngagementStatus.ENGAGED
select ve).Count()
...which correctly resolves the subquery from my SQL statement. But I want to further restrict the returned V rows to only those where the current user does not have a related VE row.
I've realised that the SQL in the question was misleading and whilst it led to technically correct answers, they weren't what I was after. That's my fault for not reviewing the SQL properly so I apologise to #Andy B and #Ivan Stoev for the misleading post. Here's the LINQ that solved the problem for me. As stated in the post I needed to show vacancy rows where no linked vacancyEngagement rows existed. The ! operator provides ability to specify this with a subquery.
var query = from vac in _database.Vacancies
where !_database.VacancyEngagements.Any(ve => (ve.VacancyId == vac.Id && ve.UserId == user.Id))
&& vac.MaxRecruiters > (from ve in _database.VacancyEngagements
where ve.VacancyId == vac.Id && ve.Status == Enums.VacanyEngagementStatus.ENGAGED
select ve).Count()
This should work:
var filterOutUser = <userId you want to filter out>;
var query = from vac in _database.Vacancies
join e in _database.VacancyEngagements
on vac.Id equals e.VacancyId
where (e.UserId != filterOutUser) && vac.MaxRecruiters > (from ve in _database.VacancyEngagements
where ve.VacancyId == vac.Id && ve.Status == Enums.VacanyEngagementStatus.ENGAGED
select ve).Count()
select vac;
I removed the join to VacancyEngagements but if you need columns from that table you can add it back in.

Linq outer joins

I need help to convert the following query to Linq
SELECT c.Code, c.Name
from tblCodes as c
where c.code not in
(select Code from npConsultant where ConsultantName = 'X')
and c.Code < 'AA.0000'
When I try in Linqpad it doesn't seem to understand the into or defaultifempty. Maybe these are inproper methods for what I need to do
Simple answer is use the "let" keyword and generate a sub-query that supports your conditional set for the main entity.
var Objlist= from u in tblCodes
let ces = from ce in npConsultant
select ce.code
where !ces.Contains(u.code)
select u;
try something like that:
var query =
from c in Customers
where !(from n in npConsultant
where n.ConsultantName='X'
select n.Code)
&& c.Code < 'AA.0000'
select c.Code, c.Name;
I just do not get how Code can be less than 'AA.0000' ....

Entity Framework Query select hard-coded user created column

I'm creating a select from multiple tables using a union as I need to return a list of activities that has occurred for a particular client on the database. I need to return each union with an added column so I can tell the difference between the results. If I was to do the query in SQL it would look something like this:
SELECT cn.NoteID, cn.Note, cn.InsertedDate, 'Note Added' Notes
FROM Client c
INNER JOIN ClientNotes cn ON cn.ClientID = c.ID
WHERE c.ClientID = #ClientID
SELECT rc.ID, rc.CommNote, rc.InsertedDate, 'Communication Added' Notes
FROM ReceivedCommunication rc
LEFT JOIN Job j ON j.ID = rc.JobID
WHERE j.ClientID = #ClientID or rc.ClientID = #ClientID
My Question is how in Entity Framework using IQuerable do I return the hard-coded Notes column?
I have something like this so far:
Dim client as IQueryable(Of myresultclass) =
(From c As Client
Join cn As ClientNotes In ClientCompanyNotes On c.ID Equals cn.ClientID
Where c.ClientID = ClientID
Select cn.NoteID, cn.Note, cn.InsertedDate).Union(
From rc As ReceivedCommunication In ReceivedCommunications
Join j As Job In Jobs On j.ID Equals rc.JobID
Where j.ClientID = ClientID or rc.ClientID = ClientID
Select rc.ID, rc.CommNote, rc.InsertedDate)
Thanks for your help
Ok worked it out, should have been obvious. For anyone with the same issue, I had to update my Select from Select cn.NoteID, cn.Note, cn.InsertedDate to:
Select New myresultclass With {
.ActivityID = cn.NoteID,
.ActivityType = "Note Added"
.InsertedDate = cn.InsertedDate
for each one of the unions that I had

How to convert following SQL query to Lambda expression?

I have a following SQL query how can I convert to lambda expression
select * from ContractItems
where ID in (SELECT distinct contractItemId from ContractPackageItems
where contractPackageId in (SELECT ID from ContractPackage
where ContractID = 680))
from the above query I need to know if row exist or not. If row exist then return true.
Here is what I got but it is not working
(from contractItem in _entities.ContractItems
where contractItem.ID == (from contractPackageItems in _entities.ContractPackageItems
where contractPackageItems.ContractPackageID == (from contractPackage in _entities.ContractPackages where contractPackage.ContractID == contractId select contractPackage.ID) select contractPackageItems.ContractItemId).Distinct()).Any();
Will this not do what you want?
var results = (from ci in _entities.contractItems
join cpi in _entities.contractPackageItems on ci.ID equals cpi.contractItemId
join cp in _entities.contractPackage on cpi.contractPackageId equals cp.ID
where cp.ContractID = 680
select ci).Any();

How to select a table from highest table use LinQ query

I have a sequence relationship:
A has many Bs.
B has many Cs.
C has many Ds.
They also make me so confused if there are more than 3 or 4,..tables.
So, how can i select all Cs that satify A.Id="1".
(something likes finding all grandsons of a grandfather)
Thanks in advance.
var x = from a in aArray
from b in a.bArray
from c in b.cArray
where == "1"
select c;
I assume that you are using Linq-to-sql since you mention "table" in the topic.
var query = from c in context.C
where == "1"
select c;
