Paginate in query - ruby

I have inserted a join query in Orders controller like this:
def index
#orders = Order.joins(:user)
.select(" AS user_id,users.first_name,users.last_name,,orders.amount,orders.description,orders.created_at")
#count = 0
render :layout => 'orders_layout'
How do I paginate the above query?

will_paginate and kaminari are good options. Kaminari also supports mongoid.
Will paginate railscasts and Kaminari railscasts is a good starting point.


How to display results from database in Sinatra using Sequel?

I have an SQLite3 database called sk.db with a table called Sked that displays a schedule of sports matches with a column date. I am simply trying to display today's matches. It appears as though the connection to the database is not working, though I do not get any errors.
I have tried looking through the Sequel documentation to no avail. How can I display results from an existing database in Sinatra?
require 'date'
require 'sequel'
require 'sinatra'
DB = Sequel.connect("sqlite://sk.db")
class Sked < Sequel::Model
schedule = DB.from(:sked)
get '/' do
todaymatches = schedule.where(:date =>
erb :games
<p><%= #todaymatches %></p>
.where doesn't actually retrieve data, but instead returns a dataset. Add an .all to actually retrieve the data
todaymatches = schedule.where(:date =>

pagination and search in the same ruby method

I have the following method in my products controller... the search and paginate seem to be working, but not playing along together. Search is still returning all results, and paginate shows the navigation bar, but that's about it.
def index
#search =[:q])
#products = #search.result
#product = Product.paginate(:page => params[:page], per_page: 10)
ok, I solved my own problem.
#products = #search.result.paginate(page: params[:page] , per_page: 10)

How to use will_paginate gem with Sinatra and Sequel

I am trying to use the will_paginate gem to paginate my blog posts, i am also using Sinatra and Sequel for the blog. I receive an error stating
"undefined method `paginate'"
And I have tried everything to make it work, but it's always the same error.
page = params.fetch "page", 1
per_page = params.fetch "per_page", 3
#posts = Post.order(:id).paginate(page.to_i,per_page.to_i)
#posts = Post.paginate(:page => params[:page])
Both produce the same error no matter which query I provide.
Is there any way to make this work, or is there any other way so I could paginate my posts using Sequel and Sinatra?
Not specifically Sequel-related, but you can paginate any collection (even those will_paginate doesn't integrate with by default) using this:
require 'will_paginate/collection'
paged_collection =
WillPaginate::Collection.create(page, per_page, total_count) do |pager|
Try this:
require 'will_paginate'
require 'will_paginate/sequel'
require 'sequel/extensions/pagination'
page = params.fetch "page", 1
per_page = params.fetch "per_page", 3
#posts = Post.order(:id).extension(:pagination).paginate(page.to_i,per_page.to_i)

How to see paging results with Sequel and Sinatra

I am using will_paginate and attempting to page a dataset from Sequel. The requires are:
require 'will_paginate'
require 'will_paginate/sequel'
require 'will_paginate/collection'
require 'will_paginate/version'
require 'sequel/extensions/pagination'
The Ruby code is:
get '/candidate' do
#items = DB[:candidates].order(:id).extension(:pagination).paginate(1, 10)
erb :candidate
In the view: <%= will_paginate #items %>
The dataset renders correctly with 10 records and when I click "2" or "Next" the address in the browser changes to http://localhost:4567/candidate?page=2 but the records remain the same. Effectively, the results are not paged and I cannot get past page 1.
The numbers for the page and the number of records are hardcoded in your example using paginate(1, 10), so it will always bring back page 1 with 10 records. You need to pass on the page=2 parameter from the query-string. This is done via the params helper:
get '/candidate' do
#items = DB[:candidates].order(:id).paginate(:page => params["page"].to_i, :per_page => 10)
erb :candidate
If you wanted, you could also pass on the per_page in the query-string by adding this code:
get '/candidate' do
#items = DB[:candidates].order(:id).paginate(:page => params["page"].to_i, :per_page => params["per_page"].to_i)
erb :candidate
I'd add a default for both in case they're not given. I understand you can do this via the library, e.g. WillPaginate.per_page = 10, but you could also do this in the route, via:
get '/candidate' do
page = params.fetch "page", 1
per_page = params.fetch "per_page", 10
#items = DB[:candidates].order(:id).paginate(:page => page.to_i, :per_page => per_page.to_i)
erb :candidate
I didn't notice before you were also using the Sinatra helper provided by will_paginate.
I'd either call paginate on the dataset or get a dataset, unpaginated, and pass it to the helper. So either this:
get '/candidate' do
page = params.fetch "page", 1
per_page = params.fetch "per_page", 10
#items = DB[:candidates].order(:id).paginate(:page => page.to_i, :per_page => per_page.to_i)
erb :candidate
# in the view
<%= #items %>
or this:
get '/candidate' do
#items = DB[:candidates].order(:id)
erb :candidate
# in the view
<%= will_paginate #items, params %>
So, from what I can see, the Sequel paginate method is not overwritten or wrapped/overloaded, so its method signature is the same as it would be if you were just using Sequel and not will_paginate as well. Which means that this code worked for me:
require 'will_paginate'
require 'will_paginate/sequel'
get '/candidate' do
page = params.fetch "page", 1
per_page = params.fetch "per_page", 10
#items = Repo.db[:candidates].order(:id).paginate(page.to_i, per_page.to_i)
haml :candidate
In the Haml view:
- #items.each do |i|
= i[:title]
Since the method signature is the same I'm not sure what advantage you gain from using will_paginate over Sequel's paginate at all. I couldn't find a way to get the Sinatra helper to work.

undefined method `current_page' for #<Array:0x007fd5ef6dd158> kaminari

Rails 3.2.8 im using kaminari to do pagination, but i keep getting error:
undefined method `current_page' for #
in posts_controller.rb
def index
#posts = Post.order(:created_at).page(params[:page])
in views/posts/index.html.erb
<%= paginate #posts %>
what could be the problem?
try to change the code to
#posts = Post.order(:created_at)
#posts = Post.order(:created_at).page(params[:page]).per(10)
And you can write any number in place of 10 => .per(10)
Let the view code remain same.
will_paginate default comes with pagination for ActiveRecord::Relation but for an Array we need to use this particular method.
