Can Magento handle large numbers of product prices - magento

I am using Magento, with approximately 4,000 product items and 3000 customer accounts, recently I have been tasks with uploading a large amount of customer prices. The prices will be held against the product as group prices, and the customers price will be determined by the group they belong to - all standard magento and all working fine.
However the requirement will mean i will be required to upload 650 customer groups, and then associate a product price with each group
This yeilds 650 * 4000 = 2,600,000 - A lot of prices!
I'm aware that this will take some time to complete as a process the question is can Magento handle this number of prices?

Magento is able to handle this. Of course it depends on the hardware also :).
There might be some problems in the add-to-cart and checkout process. by problems I mean it might slow down the process a little.
For product listing Magento uses the index tables for prices (and others) so this shouldn't be an issue.
By the way...your indexing process will take longer. You might not be able to run it from the backend (but that is not recommended anyway).


How to handle price dynamic

We have requirement to handle price dynamic (referring external system).
We would like to know, what is the best way to handle dynamic pricing among below :
Approach 1 :
Creating Price factory extension and overriding getBasePrice() method of customPricefactoryManager. Please confirm if it uses jalo layer.
Approach 2 :
In DefaultSLFindPriceStrategy we can customize getBasePrice() method.
If any other way too, please lets know.
We would like to know which approach can help to handle prices in addtocart operation, checkout and product page details pricing.
It is not good getting price in another system with integration online. ERP system used by few sales people but ecommerce site can be used by hundred customer in same time. ERP cannot be handle huge amount of connections. I prefer pushing price from ERP not pulling them from hybris side. On the other hand customer will be hate changing price while surfing between hybris pages. You need to plan correct time for updating price and re-calculating existing carts.
It is highly unlikely that you would need to override the above classes to get dynamic prices.
Hybris already provides OTB functionality to get prices for different-
User groups
Time range
If you are trying to get different prices based on above criterions then you can simply use the OTB price row model.Getting dynamic prices on different pages has many caveats-
The price on different pages i.e. Homepage, PDP, Cart, Checkout,
etc. might show different values confusing the customer.
It cannot
be indexed so the PLP page will almost always show a different price

Expresso Store - Exclude Product from Order Quantity

I'm using Expresso-Store to process product orders for a non-profit. In addition to selling a range of handmade products we are offering visitors an option to donate.
I have most of the donation stuff working just fine. I used Justin Long's advice posted here:
As suggested I have created a channel for all the products and then a separate channel which holds a single "Donation" product with a cost of $1.00. The visitor adjusts the quantity of this item which results in a donation amount of $1.00 * qty.
The specific problem I'm running into is displaying the total quantity of items in the cart when there's also a "Donation" product added. Since the donation amount is determined by quantity * $1.00 but in reality it represents a single donation, my {order_qty} is way off since it includes the many multiples of Donation products.
I have a small cart icon that is displaying a number above and next to it with the {order_qty} but I need to exclude the donation product from this calculation. How might I go about this?
This would be fairly difficult to do using the current version. The best I can suggest is not to display the {order_qty} on your checkout page (most sites only display the total anyway).
However, in saying that, the next version of Store has first-class donations support, so it will soon be possible.

250000 Grouped products in Magento

I've started working on a new Magento webshop which has roughly 250000 different products. Each product can have different conditions (new, used, damaged, etc., each with their own price.). Magento doesn't seem to have a method to implement this at the moment. Of those 250000 products, there are about 150000 different conditions in stock and another 150000 conditions which aren't in stock but do have a price (which can be put on the wishlist).
Some numbers: 1500 categories, drop down attributes (country) with > 300 options, integer attributes (year). Starting with two websites 6 languages each.
I've thought out two solutions to solve this problem:
Grouped / Simple product structure
We create a grouped product which is the container product, each condition will be a different simple product. We'll relate these products to the grouped product.
The nice thing about this solution is that is pretty easy to implement, we'll have to import the data in the correct way and all the information is exactly presented in the way we want.
New Product type
We create a new product type which can have multiple conditions, each with their own inventory. On checkout the inventory is substracted. The problem with this is that implementing the CatalogInventory model in this way probably is difficult and building a whole product type is time consuming and bugprone in general.
The advantage of this solution is this that there will be about 2-2.5x times less products in the system.
Are there any other options to solve this? Maybe there is a module that does all this?
In conclusion: Of course I prefer the first solution but can Magento handle that? Does anyone have experience with this much Grouped Products? The system will have about 550000 products (grouped + simple) products in the system, what will be the performance implications of this? What happens when the site grows and we'll have twice the amount of products?
Without knowing more details I'd lean towards using a new product type or just adding the feature independently of product types if you have a use for configurable products (I definitely wouldn't try to duplicate the configurable product type). I'd disable inventory management and use some additional tables which hold individual item inventory with the per-item conditions and maintain a separate inventory that way. Use events and overrides to control the CatalogInventory stock status as needed. Creating new products constantly which are largely duplicates seems like a hassle worth avoiding if this is a long-term endeavor that needs to scale.
However, the Grouped/Simple method might be a viable short-term solution and appropriate if the project is in it's early stages and can't afford a huge initial expenditure. If well-planned, a script should be able to convert all of the old grouped/simple products into your new product type when ready to launch.

Where is Magento order data stored?

I am running Magento 1.6.2 and have an intermittent error cropping up with some sales orders. The customer is being charged correctly, but the Magento admin page when viewing the sale reports incorrect values. I understand why it is doing it incorrectly - I have a 10% discount off a full section of products on my website, and it is because of this that something is going wrong.
Again, the customer is paying the correct (discounted) amount, but the data must be being stored incorrectly in the magento database because looking at it in the admin system doesn't total the values correctly. The Catalog Price Rule that applies the 10% discount is not accounted for in the displayed totals.
To add to my woes, we use Zynk to bring data in from Magento to our Sage 200 backoffice system, and the data getting imported into that system is also missing the 10% discount, making reconciliation of order payments and Sage invoices a complete pain.
The only thing I can think is that somewhere somehow the data is being stored in the magento database incorrectly (not having had the 10% discount applied to it) so when Zynk collects the data, it is incorrect.
Can anyone help me understand where I can find the order data in the Magento database so I can see what was stored for a specific Magento order number - I can at least begin to debug this then, maybe?
If someone has details of where to find the code used by Magento to perform the order database transactions, specifically where the discounts should be applied before storing the data, that would be a big help too.
Orders data are saved in database tables sales_flat_order and sales_flat_order_item
Discounts are applied in Mage_SalesRule_Model_Validator
You can find orders and order items data in your (tables prefix)_sales_flat_order and (tables prefix)_sales_flat_order_item respectively. but remember that when an order is placed Magento simply copies the data from its respective quote. so in my opinion you should be checking (table prefix)_sales_flat_quote and (table prefix)_sales_flat_quote_item first.

Magento customer group - price increase

This may sound bizarre - I need a customer group that when they login into magento they see a price increase.
The reason for it is the online price is going to be cheaper than the instore products. So I'm going to setup a user for the sales staff to login to so they can process the orders - but obviously we need to increase the prices.
Is there a way to do this, it basically just need to be something like 10% more.
Quickest solution might be an extension. Google search found this:
Just make the default price the higher price. Then setup tier pricing for the lower price. Associate all the groups except your sales reps to the tier price.
In the end we decided to create a new store that had the 'instore prices'
