I have a site that i need to test with JMeter that includes a multi-page submit process.
The first page contains name/address/etc.
The second page includes a file upload that is dependent on the previous page's submission.
Does anyone have any clue as to how to accomplish this with JMeter?
I actually didn't know about the HTTP Cookie Manager. This maintains the session across pages, which is what our app does. Once I did this, everything worked fine.
Thanks for the help.
Its seems pretty straight forward. Your test plan will look something like following.
Thread group
HTTP Sampler 1 (Reuest the page that contains names/address etc)
(one ore more) Regular Expression extractor post processor (Extract the needed field.
HTTP Sampler 2 (2nd request with file upload, use the variable from the previous sampler post processor)
Tree view listener (To see whats going on)
You may find following screencasts helpful.
I am using "Retrieve all Embedded resources" advanced option to retrieve all static content.
It work fine but does not retrieve below .js. Is there any Filter or option in JMeter to get below files ?
I don't see any "below .js", just in case be aware of the following limitation:
As per JMeter project main page:
JMeter is not a browser, it works at protocol level. As far as web-services and remote services are concerned, JMeter looks like a browser (or rather, multiple browsers); however JMeter does not perform all the actions supported by browsers. In particular, JMeter does not execute the Javascript found in HTML pages. Nor does it render the HTML pages as a browser does (it's possible to view the response as HTML etc., but the timings are not included in any samples, and only one sample in one thread is ever displayed at a time).
so if an "embedded resource" is being triggered by the client-side JavaScript - JMeter won't be able to process the JavaScript hence won't download the associated piece of content. If this is your case - you will need to download it using a separate HTTP Request sampler and put both "main" HTTP Request and the second one under the Transaction Controller to get the cumulative time. If there are multiple occurrences of such assets - put them under a Parallel Controller
How to get the page load time of an application which has n number of CSS, js, images, etc? How to do the configuration in JMeter?I have tried integrating selenium, but I can only find the scenario load time not the exact load time of a page.
There is a special setting responsible for parsing the DOM and retrieval of so called "embedded resources": images, CSS, JavaScript, sounds, fonts, etc.
It lives under "Advanced" tab of the HTTP Request sampler
If you have more than one HTTP Request sampler - consider adding HTTP Request Defaults configuration element, if you define the setting there - it will be applied to all HTTP Request samplers in the HTTP Request Defaults scope.
You can use Dmitri T's solution, but I think that solution is to simulate new users every time. You need to treat Jmeter as a protocol tool rather than a smart fully featured browser. I suggest you do scripts recording and put parallel controller in place and put recorded scripts under the parallel controller.
You need to make sure you understand each time a page is loading, which ones are cache, which ones are not. Using recording scripts to add them under parallel controller, I think you can download the parallel controller in Jmeter plugin manager..
Can someone please give me an explanation of AJAX Defaults Config or what is the role of it in Jmeter?
I tried to search for an answer in Google but I can't find a definite definition of it.
As of JMeter 5.1.1 there is no such a thing as AJAX Defaults Config in JMeter Components so most probably you're using some form of JMeter Plugin which is not publicly available. If this is the case you should reach out to the plugin developers/maintainers for the clarification.
For the vanilla JMeter, as per JMeter project main page:
JMeter is not a browser, it works at protocol level. As far as web-services and remote services are concerned, JMeter looks like a browser (or rather, multiple browsers); however JMeter does not perform all the actions supported by browsers. In particular, JMeter does not execute the Javascript found in HTML pages. Nor does it render the HTML pages as a browser does (it's possible to view the response as HTML etc., but the timings are not included in any samples, and only one sample in one thread is ever displayed at a time).
Therefore JMeter is not capable of automatically execute AJAX requests because J letter stands for JavaScript
If you need to properly simulate AJAX requests you need to add a separate HTTP Request sampler per AJAX call and put them under Parallel Controller to ensure
I was using Jmeter HTTPS Test Script Recorder to record a login request.
Please see the snapshot, I already added the URL patters to exclude the .js files, but I still get the js requests.
Why it's failed?
You can check that if you look at the contents of the said requests. Most likely they are GET requests, and most likely they have one or more Parameters. Regex .*\.js looks specifically for .js at the end of the URL. But if GET request has parameters, on recording its URL would look like <...>.js?param=value, so the regex .*\.js will not match (although the name of the request will still be the same).
So you need to specify 2 regex exclusions: .*\.js and .*\.js?.*
I know that it doesn't answer your question, but actually excluding images and .js files is not something you should be normally doing. I would rather use that field to filter out the "external" URLs, which are not connected to your application like 3rd-party banners, widgets, images, etc. - anything which is not related to your application under test. Even if you see it in response, these entities are being loaded from external sources which you cannot control so they are not interesting and the picture of your load test might be impacted.
So I would suggest the following:
In "Grouping" drop-down choose Store 1st sampler of each trade group only
Make sure that Follow Redirects and Retrieve All Embedded Resources. are turned on in the recorded requests. If not - enabled them via HTTP Request Defaults. Also check Use concurrent pool box is ticked as real browsers download images, styles and scripts in multi-threaded manner.
When it comes to running your test add HTTP Cache Manager to your test plan as well-behaved browsers download images, scripts and styles only once, on subsequent requests they are being returned from browsers cache and this situation needs to be properly simulated
For anyone else arriving here from google looking for an answer to this question:
You may simply be looking at the wrong place.
If you're looking at the workbench results tree, you'll see all requests. They are not filtered here. I've thought this was a bug with JMeter more times than I care to admit.
Instead, look inside the Recording controller tree (which is collapsed by default), where the results are in fact being filtered:
JMeter User Manual says: JMeter is not a browser. JMeter does not execute the Javascript found in HTML pages.
I wanted to know exact meaning of this statement.
Most perhaps every webpage have javascripts included.
I am taking an example of testing single page (say home page), and as usual this page have number of js, css, images.
During recording, I recorded all embedded resources.
As far my knowledge, before running a test in jmeter, we have following three options
1. Take only top level request (homepage.html) without selecting embedded resources check-box
2. Take top level request (homepage.html) along with selecting embedded resources check-box
3. Keep top level request along with all other components recorded
Which among 3 is the best option to check page load time (I am assuming 1st option, as it tries to replicate close to browser)
and otherwise, if JMeter do not execute javascript, how am I getting response of js file?
JMeter won't execute JavaScript and won't render the page, but it will download the .js file and record and replay any AJAX call which is driven by JavaScript.
So I would suggest going for option 2, but:
tick "Use concurrent pool" and provide number of threads in interval of 3-8
filter "external" resources via "URLs must match" input
add HTTP Cache Manager to ensure that embedded resources are downloaded only once per thread (this is what well-behaved browsers do)
See How to make JMeter behave more like a real browser article for other tips on how to make your load test more realistic
you can get a response of js file with browser automation tools like selenium or testIT Webtester (a fork of selenium)