ruby - IO.popen not working lame stdin and stdout encoding - ruby

I've been working with pipes and IO.popen specifically in Ruby and have come across a problem that I can't figure out. I am trying to write binary data from the flac process to the lame process into a file. The code structure I am using is below.
# file paths
file ='example.flac').realpath
dest ='example.mp3')
# execute the process and return the IO object
wav = IO.popen("flac --decode --stdout \"#{file}\"", 'rb')
lame = IO.popen("lame -V0 --vbr-new - -", 'r+b')
# write output from wav to the lame IO object
lame <<
# close pipe for writing (should indicate to the
# process that input for stdin is finished).
# open up destiniation file and write from lame stdout'wb'){|out|
out <<
# close all pipes
However, it doesn't work. After flac has run, the script hangs and lame remains idle (no processor usage at all). No errors or exceptions occur.
I am using cygwin on Windows 7, with the cygwin ruby package (1.9.3p429 (2013-05-15) [i386-cygwin]).
I must be doing something wrong, any help is much appreciated. Thanks!
I am wanting to pipe in and out the binary data from the lame process because I am trying to create a platform independent (ruby support limited of course) to transcode audio files, and the Windows binary of lame only supports Windows' path names, and not cygwin's.
I read in some places (I did not save the URLs, I'll try looking for them in my browser history) that IO.popen has known issues with blocking processes in Windows and that this could be the case.
I have played around with other libraries including Ruby's Open3.popen3 and Open4, however following a very similar code structure to the one above, the lame process still hangs and remains unresponsive.
I found this article which talked about the limitations of of Windows's cmd.exe and how it prevents the use of streamed data from files to stdin.
I refactored my code to look like shown below to test this out, and as it turns out, lame freezes on stdin write. If I removed (comment out) that line, the lame process executes (with an 'unsupported audio format' warning). Perhaps what the article said could explain my problem here.
# file paths
file ='example.flac').realpath
dest ='example.mp3')
# some local variables
read_wav = nil
read_lame = nil
# the flac process, which exits succesfully
IO.popen("flac --decode --stdout \"#{file}\"", 'rb'){|wav|
until wav.eof do
read_wav =
# the lame process, which fails
IO.popen("lame -V0 --vbr-new --verbose - -", 'r+b'){|lame|
lame << read_wav # if I comment out this, the process exits, instead of hanging
until lame.eof do
read_lame <<
I found this stackoverflow which (in the first answer) mentioned that cygwin pipe implementation is unreliable. This could perhaps not actually be related to Windows (at least not directly) but instead to cygwin and its emulation. I have instead opted to use the following code, based upon icy's answer, which works!
flac = "flac --decode --stdout \"#{file}\""
lame = "lame -V0 --vbr-new --verbose - \"#{dest}\""
system(flac + ' | ' + lame)

Did you try the pipe | character?
Tested this on windows with ruby installer
require 'open3'
command = 'dir /B | sort /R' # a windows example command
Open3.popen3(command) {|stdin, stdout, stderr, wait_thr|
pid =
puts #<a list of files in cwd in reverse order>
Other ways: Ruby pipes: How do I tie the output of two subprocesses together?
using IO::pipe
require 'open3'
command1 = 'dir /B'
command2 = 'sort /R'
reader,writer = IO.pipe
Open3.popen3(command1) {|stdin, stdout, stderr, wait_thr|
stdout, stderr, status = Open3.capture3(command2, :stdin_data =>
puts "status: #{status}" #pid and exit code
puts "stderr: #{stderr}" #use this to debug command2 errors
puts stdout
Embedding the two also appears to work, yet, as the blog you referred to said, one must wait for the first command to finish (not real-time -- test with a ping command)
stdout2 = ''
Open3.popen3(command1) {|stdin, stdout, stderr, wait_thr|
stdout2, stderr2, status2 = Open3.capture3(command2, :stdin_data =>
puts stdout2

Use pipeline from Open3:
require "open3"
wavCommand = "flac --decode --stdout \"#{file}\""
lameCommand = "lame -V0 --vbr-new - -"
Open3.pipeline(wavComamnd, lameCommand)
The last line spawns two processes and connects stdout of the first process to stdin of the second one. Alternatively you can have access to stdin of the first process using pipeline_w or you can obtain stdout of the last command using pipeline_r or you can have both, using pipline_rw.


Setting input for system() calls in ruby

I'm trying to download a file using net/sftp and pass its contents as the stdin for a command-line app. I can do it by first writing the file to disk but I'd rather avoid that step.
Is there any way to control the input to a program invoked with system() in ruby?
Don't use system at all for this sort of thing, system is best for running an external command that you don't need to talk to.
Use Open3.open3 or Open3.open2 to open up some pipes to your external process then write to the stdin pipe just like writing to any other IO channel; if there is any output to deal with, then you can read it straight from the stdout pipe just like reading from any other input IO channel.
Something like this perhaps (using open as mu suggested)?
contents = "Hello, World!"
open('|echo', 'w') { puts contents }
This can also be accomplished with IO.expect
require 'pty'
require 'expect'
PTY.spawn("irb") do |reader, writer|
reader.expect(/0> /)
reader.expect(/=> /)
answer = reader.gets
puts "Ruby version from irb: #{answer}"
This waits for the spawned process to display "0> " (the end of an irb prompt) and when it sees that prints a defined string. It then looks for the irb to return by waiting for it to display "=> " and grabs the data returned.

Can I get continuous output from system calls in Ruby?

When you use a system call in a Ruby script, you can get the output of that command like this:
output = `ls`
puts output
That's what this question was about.
But is there a way to show the continuous output of a system call? For example, if you run this secure copy command, to get a file from a server over SSH:
scp user#someserver:remoteFile /some/local/folder/
... it shows continuous output with the progress of the download. But this:
output = `scp user#someserver:remoteFile /some/local/folder/`
puts output
... doesn't capture that output.
How can I show the ongoing progress of the download from inside my Ruby script?
IO.popen("scp -v user#server:remoteFile /local/folder/").each do |fd|
I think you would have better luck using the ruby standard library to handle SCP (as opposed to forking a shell process). The Net::SCP library (as well as the entire Net::* libraries) are full featured and used with Capistrano to handle remote commands.
Checkout for a rundown of what is available.
Tokland answered the question as I asked it, but Adam's approach was what I ended up using. Here was my completed script, which does show a running count of bytes downloaded, and also a percentage complete.
require 'rubygems'
require 'net/scp'
puts "Fetching file"
# Establish the SSH session
ssh = Net::SSH.start("IP Address", "username on server", :password => "user's password on server", :port => 12345)
# Use that session to generate an SCP object
scp = ssh.scp
# Download the file and run the code block each time a new chuck of data is received!("path/to/file/on/server/fileName", "/Users/me/Desktop/") do |ch, name, received, total|
# Calculate percentage complete and format as a two-digit percentage
percentage = format('%.2f', received.to_f / total.to_f * 100) + '%'
# Print on top of (replace) the same line in the terminal
# - Pad with spaces to make sure nothing remains from the previous output
# - Add a carriage return without a line feed so the line doesn't move down
print "Saving to #{name}: Received #{received} of #{total} bytes" + " (#{percentage}) \r"
# Print the output immediately - don't wait until the buffer fills up
puts "Fetch complete!"
have you tried with IO.popen ?
you should be able to read the output while the process is still running and parse it accordingly.
Redirecting stderr to stdout may work for you:
output = `scp user#someserver:remoteFile /some/local/folder/ 2>&1`
puts output
That should capture both stderr and stdout. You can capture stderr only by throwing away stdout:
output = `scp user#someserver:remoteFile /some/local/folder/ 2>&1 >/dev/null`
puts output
You can then use IO.popen.

Forming sanitary shell commands or system calls in Ruby

I'm building a daemon that will help me manage my server(s). Webmin works fine, as does just opening a shell to the server, but I'd prefer to be able to control server operations from a UI I design, and also expose some functionality to end users.
The daemon will pick up actions from a queue and execute them. However, since I'll be accepting input from users, I want to make sure they're not permitted to inject something dangerous into a privileged shell command.
Here's a fragment that exemplifies my problem:
def perform
system "usermod -p #{#options['shadow']} #{#options['username']}"
A gist that explains more:
I'm not positive if typical escaping and sanitizing of inputs is enough for this case, and being a designer, I don't have a ton of security-related experience. I know that this is something that should probably be obvious to me, but its not!
How can I ensure that the web application that will create and serialize the actions can't pass dangerous text into the privileged process that receives the actions?
Thanks for the help
It doesn't look like you need a shell for what you're doing. See the documentation for system here:
You should use the second form of system. Your example above would become:
system 'usermod', '-p', #options['shadow'], #options['username']
A nicer (IMO) way to write this is:
system *%W(usermod -p #{#options['shadow']} #{#options['username']})
The arguments this way are passed directly into the execve call, so you don't have to worry about sneaky shell tricks.
If you need not just the exit status but also the result you probably want to use Open3.popen3:
require 'open3'
stdin, stdout, stderr = Open3.popen3('usermod', '-p', #options['shadow'], #options['username'])
More information here: Getting output of system() calls in Ruby
I'd suggest looking into the 'shellwords' module. This script:
require 'shellwords'
parts = ['echo', "'hello world'; !%& some stuff", 'and another argument']
command = Shellwords.shelljoin( parts )
puts command
output = `#{ command }`
puts output
outputs the escaped text and the expected output:
echo \'hello\ world\'\;\ \!\%\&\ some\ stuff and\ another\ argument
'hello world'; !%& some stuff and another argument
This is an old question, but since it's pretty much the only real answer you'll find when googling I thought I'd add a caveat. The multi argument version of system seems reasonably safe on Linux, but it is NOT on Windows.
Try system "dir", "&", "echo", "hi!"
on a Windows system. Both dir and echo will be run. Echo could of course just as well be something far less innocuous.
I know this is an old thread, but there is another option that was lightly touched on by Simon Hürlimann.
There is not a lot of information about this topic and I think this might help others in need.
For this example we'll use Open3 which gives you the ability to run commands synchronously or asynchronously, and provides stdout, stderr, exit codes, and PID.
Open3 grants you access to stdout, stderr, exit codes and a thread to wait for the child process when running another program. You can specify various attributes, redirections, current directory, etc., of the program in the same way as for Process.spawn. (Source: Open3 Docs)
I chose to format the output as a CommandStatus object. This contains our stdout, stderr, pid (Of the worker thread) and exitstatus.
class Command
require 'open3'
class CommandStatus
#stdout = nil
#stderr = nil
#pid = nil
#exitstatus = nil
def initialize(stdout, stderr, process)
#stdout = stdout
#stderr = stderr
#pid =
#exitstatus = process.exitstatus
def stdout
def stderr
def exit_status
def pid
def self.execute(command)
command_stdout = nil
command_stderr = nil
process = Open3.popen3(ENV, command + ';') do |stdin, stdout, stderr, thread|
stdout_buffer =
stderr_buffer =
command_stdout = stdout_buffer if stdout_buffer.length > 0
command_stderr = stderr_buffer if stderr_buffer.length > 0
thread.value # Wait for Process::Status object to be returned
return, command_stderr, process)
cmd = Command::execute("echo {1..10}")
puts "STDOUT: #{cmd.stdout}"
puts "STDERR: #{cmd.stderr}"
puts "EXIT: #{cmd.exit_status}"
While reading the STDOUT/ERR buffers, I use command_stdout = stdout_buffer if stdout_buffer.length > 0 to control whether the command_stdout variable is assigned or not. You should pass nil instead of "" when no data is present. It's more clear when handing data later on.
You probably noticed me using command + ';'. The reason for this is based on the documentation from Kernel.exec (Which is what popen3 uses):
If the string from the first form (exec("command")) follows these
simple rules:
no meta characters
no shell reserved word and no special built-in
Ruby invokes the command directly without shell
You can force shell invocation by adding ";" to the string (because
";" is a meta character)
This simply prevents a Ruby from throwing a 'spawn': No such file or directory error if you pass a malformed command. Instead it will pass it straight to the kernel where the error will be resolved gracefully and appear as STDERR instead of an uncaught exception.
Modern, secure and simple solution (popen will escape arguments for you):
IO.popen(['usermod', '-p', #options['shadow'], #options['username']]).read
(#read will close the IO before returning)

Return output from "system" command in Ruby?

I have to execute a shell command from Ruby script but I have to retrieve the output so that I can use it in the script later on.
Here is my code:
output = system "heroku create" # => true
But the system command returns a boolean and not the output.
Simply said, system "heroku create" has to output to my screen (which it does) but also return the output so I can process it.
You could use
output = `heroku create`
The Open3 library gives you full access to the standard IO streams (STDIN, STDOUT and STDERR).
It's part of Ruby, so there's no need to install a gem:
require 'open3'
stdin, stdout, stderr = Open3.popen3("heroku create")
stdin.close; stdout.close; stderr.close
or you can use the block form which closes the streams implicitely:
require 'open3'
Open3.popen3("heroku create") do |stdin, stdout, stderr|
See the Open3 documentation for the full details.
Edit: Added extra stream closing details. Thanks Christopher and Gregory.
You can use the following:
output = capture(:stdout) do
system("pwd") # your system command goes here
puts output
shortened version:
output = capture(:stdout) { system("pwd") }
Similarly we can also capture standard errors too with :stderr
capture method is provided by active_support/core_ext/kernel/reporting.rb
Looking at that library's code comments, capture is going to be deprecated, so not sure what is the current supported method name is.

Exposing console apps to the web with Ruby

I'm looking to expose an interactive command line program via JSON or another RPC style service using Ruby. I've found a couple tricks to do this, but im missing something when redirecting the output and input.
One method at least on linux is to redirect the stdin and stdout to a file then read and write to that file asynchronously with file reads and writes. Another method ive been trying after googling around was to use open4. Here is the code I wrote so far, but its getting stuck after reading a few lines from standard output.
require "open4"
include Open4
status = popen4("./srcds_run -console -game tf +map ctf_2fort -maxplayers 6") do |pid, stdin, stdout, stderr|
puts "PID #{pid}"
while (line=stdout.gets)
puts line
while (line=stderr.gets)
puts line
Any help on this or some insight would be appreciated!
What I would recommend is using Xinetd (or similar) to run the command on some socket and then using the ruby network code. One of the problems you've already run into in your code here is that your two while loops are sequential, which can cause problems.
Another trick you might try is to re-direct stderr to stdout in your command, so that your program only has to read the stdout. Something like this:
popen4("./srcds_run -console -game tf +map ctf_2fort -maxplayers 6 2>&1")
The other benefit of this is that you get all the messages/errors in the order they happen during the program run.
Your should consider integrating with AnyTerm. You can then either expose AnyTerm directly e.g. via Apache mod_proxy, or have your Rails controller act as the reverse proxy (handling authentication/session validation, then playing back controller.request minus any cookies to localhost:<AnyTerm-daemon-port>, and sending back as a response whatever AnyTerm replies with.)
class ConsoleController < ApplicationController
# AnyTerm speaks via HTTP POST only
def update
# validate session
# forward request to AnyTerm
response = Net::HTTP.post_form(URI.parse('http://localhost:#{AnyTermPort}/', request.params))
headers['Content-Type'] = response['Content-Type']
render_text response.body, response.status
Otherwise, you'd need to use IO::Select or IO::read_noblock to know when data is available to be read (from either network or subprocess) so you don't deadlock. See this too. Also check that either your Rails is used in a multi-threaded environment or that your Ruby version is not affected by this IO::Select bug.
You can start with something along these lines:
status = POpen4::popen4("ping localhost") do |stdout, stderr, stdin, pid|
puts "PID #{pid}"
# our buffers
loop do
# check whether stdout, stderr or both are
# ready to be read from without blocking[stdout,stderr]).flatten.compact.each { |io|
# stdout, if ready, goes to stdout_lines
stdout_lines += io.readpartial(1024) if io.fileno == stdout.fileno
# stderr, if ready, goes to stdout_lines
stderr_lines += io.readpartial(1024) if io.fileno == stderr.fileno
break if stdout.closed? && stderr.closed?
# if we acumulated any complete lines (\n-terminated)
# in either stdout/err_lines, output them now
stdout_lines.sub!(/.*\n/m) { puts $& ; '' }
stderr_lines.sub!(/.*\n/m) { puts $& ; '' }
rescue EOFError
puts "Done"
To also handle stdin, change to:[stdout,stderr],[stdin]).flatten.compact.each { |io|
# program ready to get stdin? do we have anything for it?
if io.fileno == stdin.fileno && <got data from client?>
<write a small chunk from client to stdin>
# stdout, if ready, goes to stdout_lines
