Json.Net for serializing an object graph - asp.net-mvc-3

I was using the .Net built in JavaScriptSerializer() to Serialize a JSON string coming from a webpage.
I heard that Newtonsoft.Json.Net have a better serializer, so I thought I would give it a try.
I load my json string, here is a sample.
jsonString = "{\"jName\":\"MB-CEF3-4\",\"StartDate\":\"08/20/2013 00:00\",\"EndDate\":\"08/29/2013 00:00\",\"JType\":\"General\",\"SetupParams\":[
{\"Name\":\"PTitle\",\"Title\":\"01. Period Title\",\"Type\":\"text\",\"Value\":\"TestName\"},
{\"Name\":\"PStart\",\"Title\":\"02. Period Start\",\"Type\":\"datetime\",\"Value\":\"08/20/2013\"},
{\"Name\":\"Target\",\"Title\":\"03. Target\",\"Type\":\"int\",\"Value\":\"1\"},
{\"Name\":\"URL\",\"Title\":\"04. Completion Report URL\",\"Type\":\"url\",\"Value\":\"http://www.example.com\"},
{\"Name\":\"FormTitle\",\"Title\":\"05. Form Title\",\"Type\":\"text\",\"Value\":\"ct\"},
{\"Name\":\"nvTypes\",\"Title\":\"{B6E71787-EB51-45CF-B408-552F79AF2E7B}\",\"Type\":\"nvc\",\"Value\":\"Use of nv tools\"}, {\"Name\":\"NVCoachingTypes\",\"Title\":\"\",\"Type\":\"nvc\",\"Value\":\"\"}]}";
JavaScriptSerializer scs = new JavaScriptSerializer();
Dictionary<String, Object> aps = (Dictionary<String, Object>)scs.DeserializeObject(ActSetupConfigs);
I then would pass this Dictionary into another worker class, where it is deserialized..
I was using: var parameters = ((object[])Parameters["SetupParams"]);
and it would load the an array of objects.
I tried to do the same with Json.Net
Dictionary<String, Object> aps = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Dictionary<String, Object>>(ActSetupConfigs);
but when I try to deserialize it I don't get an array of objects, instead the sub collection of the array is just a string....so it throws an exception. How can I use Json.net to serialize all the sub-collections?

The sub-collection of the SetupParams array is not a string, it is a JToken, which is a generic container object that JSON.Net uses to hold a JSON structure. Fortunately, it is easy to extract values from a JToken. Try using this code instead.
JToken aps = JToken.Parse(jsonString);
foreach (JToken param in aps["SetupParams"])
Console.WriteLine("Name: " + param["Name"].Value<string>());
Console.WriteLine("Title: " + param["Title"].Value<string>());
Console.WriteLine("Type: " + param["Type"].Value<string>());
Console.WriteLine("Value: " + param["Value"].Value<string>());

You can parse the above json response using json.net like,
dynamic initialresp=JValue.Parse(jsonString);
string jname=Convert.ToString(initialresp.jname);
dynamic setupparams=JArray.Parse(Convert.ToString(initialresp.SetupParams));
foreach(var item in setupparams)
string name=Convert.Tostring(item.Name);
string title=Convert.Tostring(item.Title);
Hope this helps.


How to convert from Java to Xamarin C#

Can someone help me convert the following from Java to C# (Xamarin)?
I tried a couple of different ways, but I cannot get it to work.
The code is:
HttpPost post = new HttpPost(url);
// Break out all extra HTTP header lines and add it to the HttpPost object
for (String line : contentType.replace("\r", "\n").split("\n")) {
if (line.length() > 0 && line.contains(":")) {
String[] parts = line.split(":", 2);
if (parts.length == 2) {
post.addHeader(parts[0].trim(), parts[1].trim());
// Create a byte array entity for the POST data, the content
// type here is only used for the postEntity object
ByteArrayEntity postEntity = new ByteArrayEntity(challenge);
// Create a HttpClient and execute the HttpPost filled out above
HttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient();
HttpResponse httpResponse = client.execute(post);
// Get the response entity out of the response
HttpEntity entity = httpResponse.getEntity();
If you are stuck with
then it converts to:
ByteArrayEntity postEntity = new ByteArrayEntity(challenge);
post.Entity = postEntity;
When converting to Java from C# you mostly have to change the property names to start with upperCase and then if you get stuck on certain objects I would look check out the Xamarin API Docs, HttpPost class linked here.

saving & updating full json document with Spring data MongoTemplate

I'm using Spring data MongoTemplate to manage mongo operations. I'm trying to save & update json full documents (using String.class in java).
String content = "{MyId": "1","code":"UG","variables":[1,2,3,4,5]}";
String updatedContent = "{MyId": "1","code":"XX","variables":[6,7,8,9,10]}";
I know that I can update code & variables independently using:
Query query = new Query(where("MyId").is("1"));
Update update1 = new Update().set("code", "XX");
getMongoTemplate().upsert(query, update1, collectionId);
Update update2 = new Update().set("variables", "[6,7,8,9,10]");
getMongoTemplate().upsert(query, update2, collectionId);
But due to our application architecture, it could be more useful for us to directly replace the full object. As I know:
implements saveOrUpdate functionality, but this creates two objects, do not update anything.
I'm missing something? Any approach? Thanks
You can use Following Code :
Query query = new Query();
Update update = new Update();
Iterator<String> iterator = json.keys();
while(iterator.hasNext()) {
String key = iterator.next();
if(!key.equals("MyId")) {
Object value = json.get(key);
update.set(key, value);
mongoTemplate.updateFirst(query, update, entityClass);
There may be some other way to get keyset from json, you can use according to your convenience.
You can use BasicDbObject to get keyset.
you can get BasicDbObject using mongoTemplate.getConverter().

Unable to deserialize ArrayOfString back to List<string> in C#

I have seen this question asked, but have not found answers that work so I am asking it again.
I have a restful web service with a POST method that returns a serialized List.
<ArrayOfstring xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/10/Serialization/Arrays">
The code performing the call is as follows below.
XDocument xDocResponse = RestPOSTToXDocument(szBaseUri, szInput);
string szNamespace = xDocResponse.Root.Name.Namespace.ToString();
IXmlUtils utility = new XmlUtils();
List<string> lst = utility.DeserializeList<string>(xDocResponse, szNamespace);
I have also attempted a different version of the call as shown below.
List<List<string>> lst = utility.DeserializeList<List<string>>(xDocResponse, szNamespace);
Both versions of the calls generate the error provided below.
An exception of type 'System.InvalidOperationException' occurred in System.Xml.dll but was not handled in user code
Additional information: There is an error in XML document (0, 0).
My Deserialize method is provided below.
public List<T> DeserializeList<T>(XDocument doc, string szNamespace)
List<T> result = null;
XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(List<T>), szNamespace);
using (System.Xml.XmlReader reader = doc.CreateReader())
result = (List<T>)serializer.Deserialize(reader);
return result;
The XML within the XDocument is valid, so I do not understand why this error is being generated. Also, even if I attempt to get the elements via navigation in the XDocument, it does not work. If I look at the doc.Root.value, it appears that all of the strings are concatenated together into a single string.
Does anyone have any information on how I may deserialize this XDocument into a List?
Thanks to the assistance of mellamokb, I found the problem. When my List is serialized, it is serialized into an ArrayOfstring. If I take the XML and replace ArrayOfstring with ArrayOfString, the deserialization works.
This does not make much sense. I would welcome an explanation of why this is necessary though it may have something to do with String vs string.
Essentially, I had to do the following:
string szXml = xDocResponse.ToString();
int nEndRoot = szXml.IndexOf(">");
szXml = szXml.Replace("ArrayOfstring", "ArrayOfString");
xDocResponse = utility.LoadXDocument(szXml);
string szNamespace = xDocResponse.Root.Name.Namespace.ToString();
List<string> lst = utility.DeserializeList<string>(xDocResponse, szNamespace);
Simply get the response stream and deserealize into string array and store it to List
Code Snippet:
List<string> listNew=new List<string>();
using (Stream answer = webResponse.GetResponseStream())
DataContractSerializer xmlSer = new DataContractSerializer(typeof(string[]));
var stringArr= (string[])xmlSer.ReadObject(answer);
foreach (string item in GenreList)

How to parse a simple array with Gson that contains mixed types?

How to parse a simple array with Gson that contains mixed types?
The easiest way is to parse into a JsonElement:
JsonElement parsed = new JsonParser().parse(json);
You can use JsonElement's APIs to interrogate the parsed object as necessary.
Gson gson = new Gson();
JsonElement element = gson.fromJson(jsonInputStr, JsonElement.class);
JsonArray array = element.getAsJsonArray();

GSON - Deserialize java generics collection

I am trying to deserialize an arraylist from the DB withiout a success.
this is the way I put my objects:
for (int i = 0; i < dealsList.size(); i++) {
public static <T> String toWrap(T t) {
JsonWrapperWithType wrapper =
new JsonWrapperWithType(t.getClass(),gson.toJson(t));
return to(wrapper);
this is the way I select
return (List<DealBean>)session.createCriteria(DealBean.class).add(Restrictions.eq("portfolio", portfolio)).list();
and then I Gson it to a string using
JsonWrapperWithType wrapper =
new JsonWrapperWithType(t.getClass(), gson.toJson(t));
return gson.toJson(wrapper );
and this is the way I de-gson the object
And now - the exception
Type listType = new TypeToken<List<DealBean>>(){}.getType();
List<DealBean> dealsForPortfolio =
com.google.gson.JsonParseException: The JsonDeserializer
com.google.gson.DefaultTypeAdapters$CollectionTypeAdapter#1f899e9 failed to deserialized
json object {"type":"java.util.ArrayList","content":"[{\"ID\":5,\"tradable\":
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: This is not a JSON Array.
Gson expects a list of Json objects like: [{obj1}, {obj2}, ... , {objN}]
I'm not sure from code you posted here what your intentions were but it seems to me like you are wrapping a list with parent object.
In the case you want it like that, you need to make your own deserializer.
