Spy, Stub or Mock? Or None of the Above? - mocha.js

I'm using Mocha to test a Node.js API. I need to test a route that checks whether an update is available. The route accepts a version number of what's currently installed and compares it with an available version retrieved via an HTTP request.
To get the latest version available, a model method is called. Client.availableVersion() makes the HTTP request, does some simple manipulation and passes the available version to a callback function. Fairly straightforward stuff, but now I want to test my update() route and I need to be able to control what is returned by Client.availableVersion().
Having read the Mocha docs and the Sinon docs I was referred to...I'm stuck. It sounds like Sinon will handle what I need, but the implementation has me a little confused.
Here's a snippet from my routes method:
update: function( req, res, next ) {
var installedVersion = req.params.version;
client.availableVersion( function( err, availableVersion ) {
if( !err ) {
if( parseInt( installedVersion, 10 ) < parseInt( availableVersion, 10 ) ) {
else {
res.send( 500, err );
Any nudge in the right direction would be appreciated.

I would definitely go with stubs. http://sinonjs.org/docs/#stubs
I would use the stub.yields(...)
var next = sinon.spy()
var err = ... //Whatever object you want to pass as error or undefined
var availbleVersion = ... // A fake of the response the method is supposed to give
client.availableVersion = sinon.stub().yields(err, availableVersion);
myRoute.update(fakeReq, fakeRes, next);
//All you expectations


How to route ASP.Net Core api return value to appropriate observable based on data type returned

I have created an ASP.NET Core Web Api backend with an Angular 7 frontend. One of the methods in the Api can return either an object or an array to an Angular service. How do I route to specific observable, based on the data type returned? I am a noob to Angular, so any kind assistance would be appreciated.
Angular service call to Api:
getLinksFromSitus(situs: any) {
this.http.post(this.baseUrl + 'getLinksFromSitus', situs).subscribe(data =>
Portion of Web Api that returns array if more than one APN present:
// if more than one item in list, get status information for each and return list to user to select appropriate apn
if (propApn.Count > 1)
return Ok(propApn);
Portion of same method to return object if only one value for APN:
var resultsModel = new Results
ArcGisLink = arcGisLink,
HistInfoLink = histInfoLink,
PropInfoLink = propInfoLink
return Ok(resultsModel);
You can't do this. Typescript can only type things based on static analysis at build time, what your describing would require Typescript to know the result of your API call at build time, which it doesn't do.
The best you can do is indicating that your API call can return both of your them:
public myApiFunc(req: MyRequestModel): Observable<any>
But that will still require you to figure out which type returned at runtime.
I was able to find a solution that worked...
getLinksFromSitus(situs: any) {
this.http.post(this.baseUrl + 'getLinksFromSitus', situs).subscribe(data => {
if (data.hasOwnProperty('arcGisLink')) {
} else {
let vals = [];
vals = this.apiPropApn.getValue();
const item = vals.concat(data);
So, after subscribing to the HttpResponse, I am able to check if the data in the response contains a known property. If it doesn't contain the known property, then it concatenates the data to a BehaviorSubject array. It works perfectly.

Angular2: Example with multiple http calls (typeahead) with observables

So I am working on couple of cases in my app where I need the following to happen
When event triggered, do the following
List item
check if the data with that context is already cached, serve cached
if no cache, debounce 500ms
check if other http calls are running (for the same context) and kill them
make http call
On success cache and update/replace model data
Pretty much standard when it comes to typeahead functionality
I would like to use observables with this... in the way, I can cancel them if previous calls are running
any good tutorials on that? I was looking around, couldn't find anything remotely up to date
OK, to give you some clue what I did now:
onChartSelection(chart: any){
let date1:any, date2:any;
date1 = Math.round(chart.xAxis[0].min);
date2 = Math.round(chart.xAxis[0].max);
let data = this.tableService.getCachedChartData(this.currentTable, date1, date2);
this.table.data = data;
this.chartTableRes = this.tableService.getChartTable(this.currentTable, date1, date2)
data => {
this.table.data = data;
this.chartTableRes = null;
error => {
throw e;
Missing debounce here
-- I ended up implementing lodash's debounce
import {debounce} from 'lodash';
onChartSelectionDebaunced: Function;
this.onChartSelectionDebaunced = debounce(this.onChartSelection, 200);
For debaunce you can use Underscore.js. The function will look this way:
onChartSelection: Function = _.debounce((chart: any) => {
Regarding the cancelation of Observable, it is better to use Observable method share. In your case you should change the method getChartTable in your tableService by adding .share() to your Observable that you return.
This way there will be only one call done to the server even if you subscribe to it multiple times (without this every new subscription will invoke new call).
Take a look at: What is the correct way to share the result of an Angular 2 Http network call in RxJs 5?

GoogleUser.getAuthResponse() doesn't contain access_token

UPDATE2: I revisited this issue and have solved the problem by carefully following the doco linked below. But first, for those who are struggling with this, you are in good company. There are so many versions of the doco from Google it is confusing! Do you include platform.js or client.js in your html? Do you load gapi.auth or gapi.auth2? Do you use gapi.auth2.render or gapi.auth.authorize, or gapi.auth2.init, and so on.
The way that returns an access_token (as of this article date) is linked below. I managed to get this working by carefully following the guide and reference using platform.js. Other libraries are then dynamically loaded such as client.js using gapi.load('drive', callback).
I've updated the code sample to do a recursive search of the googleUser object. At least this shouldn't break in a subsequent library.
Below is a code snippet to handle an issue where the access_token in the Google gapi.auth2.AuthResponse object is not at the top level... it is hidden :( in the depths of the object!
So it is retrievable, but not at the top level!!?? I've noticed it seems to be a timing issue... once the application is running for a while on subsequent checks, it does contain the access token at the top level!!
var authResponse = _.googleUser.getAuthResponse();
_.id_token = authResponse.id_token; // Always exists
// access_token should also be a param of authResponse
if (authResponse.access_token) {
debug("Worked this time?");
_.access_token = authResponse.access_token;
} else {
// !!! Internal object access !!!
debug("Attempt to get access token from base object.");
_.access_token = _.objRecursiveSearch("access_token", _.googleUser);
if (_.access_token) {
debug("Access token wasn't on authResponse but was on the base object, WTF?");
} else {
debug("Unable to retrieve access token.");
return false;
_.objRecursiveSearch = function(_for, _in) {
var r;
for (var p in _in) {
if (p === _for) {
return _in[p];
if (typeof _in[p] === 'object') {
if ((r = _.objRecursiveSearch(_for, _in[p])) !== null) {
return r;
return null;
I'm guessing getAuthResponse somehow provides a callback once it is ready, but I can't see where in the API.
I know this question is fairly old, but it appears first when googling for ".getAuthResponse() doesn't have access_token," which is how I got here.
So for those of you in 2016 (and maybe later) here's what I have found out
There's a secret argument on .getAuthResponse, not documented anywhere I have found. If you would run the following in your app
You would see that you get the following (copy/pasted from my console)
function (a){if(a)return this.hg;a=.HE;var c=.rf(this.hg);!a.Ph||a.dL||a.Lg||(delete c.access_token,delete c.scope);return c}
This shows that the .getAuthResponse() function looks for an argument, and as far as I can tell doesn't even check its value -- it simply checks if it is there and then returns the whole object. Without that function, the rest of the code runs and we can see very clearly it is deleting two keys: access_token and scope.
Now, if we call this function with and without the argument, we can check the difference in the output. (note: I used JSON.stringify because trying to copy/paste the object from my browser console was causing me some issues).
getAuthResponse() object
"login_hint":"<Huge mess of letters>",
"id_token":"<insert your ridiculously long string here>",...}
getAuthResponse(true) object
"access_token":"<an actual access token goes here>",
"scope":"<whatever scopes you have authorized>",
"login_hint":"<another mess of letters>",
"id_token":"<Insert your ridiculously long string here>",
Figured out the fix for this. Turns out that if we don't provide the login scope config in gapi.auth2.init it doesn't return access_token in getAuthResponse. Please call gapi.auth2.init as given below and access_token will be present.
client_id: <googleClientID>,
'scope': 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/plus.login'

How to dispose nested Rx web request calls in Windows Phone 7

In my application i am using chain of of web request call for fetching data from the net. Ie from the result of one request i will send other request and so on. But when i am disposing the web request, only the parent request is disposing. The two other request are still running. How i can cancel all these request in Rx
For your subscription to terminate everything, you either cannot break the monad or you need to make sure that you work into the IDisposable model.
To keep the monad (ie. stick with IObservables):
var subscription = initialRequest.GetObservableResponse()
.SelectMany(initialResponse =>
// Feel free to use ForkJoin or Zip (intead of Merge) to
// end up with a single value
return secondRequest.GetObservableResponse()
.Subscribe(subsequentResponses => { });
To make use of the IDisposable model:
var subscription = initialRequest.GetObservableResponse()
.SelectMany(initialResponse =>
return Observable.CreateWithDisposable(observer =>
var secondSubscription = new SerialDisposable();
var thirdSubscription = new SerialDisposable();
secondSubscription.Disposable = secondRequest.GetObservableResponse()
.Subscribe(secondResponse =>
// Be careful of race conditions here!
thirdSubscription.Disposable = thirdRequest.GetObservableResponse()
.Subscribe(thirdResponse =>
// Be careful of race conditions here!
return new CompositeDisposable(secondSubscription, thirdSubscription);
.Subscribe(subsequentResponses => { });
One approah is by using TakeUntil extnsion method as described here. In your case, the event that takes this method as parameter could be some event thrown by the parent request.
If you could show us some code we can face the problem more specifically.

Significance of Reflection in AJAX-Based Applications

Ajax and Reflection
I am developing an ajax-based application and wondering, what role reflection plays or might play here?
Probably most importantly I am asking myself, if it would be a good approach to
handle all ajax responses through a single handler,
reflect or interpret the data or error
delegate further processing (e.g. where to inject the html) based upon the analysis.
Is this a budding procedure? What pros and cons come to mind?
Additional clearification
My current implementation, which I am not happy with, looks like this.
Register eventhandlers for user action, which lead to ajax requests.
For each request:
Determine which container is the target for the new content
Validate the ajax response
Pass the result to the appropiate rendering function if everything is as expected
Here is an example
function setGamedayScoringChangeHandlers() {
$("#community").delegate("div.community div.nav", "click", function() {
var orderId = $(this).html();
var communityId = $(this).closest('.communityView ').dashId();
requestGamedayScoringByOrderId(communityId, orderId);
function requestGamedayScoringByOrderId(communityId, orderId) {
var $targetContainer = $('#community-' + communityId + '-gameday');
url: '?api=league&func=getGamedayScoringByCommunityIdAndOrderId',
data: {
communityId : communityId,
orderId : orderId
success: function(result) {
// custom indicator, that sth. didn't work as supposed
if (result.success === false) {
// a php error couldn't be handled as expected
if (result.error === 'phpRuntimeError') {
// ..
// ..
else {
renderGamedayScoring(result, $targetContainer);
How can this and especially the redundant error checking be simplified? Could Reflection, in a sense of: "Is the response valid? And what does the error message say or data look like?" be a reasonable structure do deal with this? Additionally: Is the "coupling" of the actual ajax request and determing the $targetContainer a "normal" procedure?
Many thanks,
Yes I think register ajax handler trought one pipe is a good way, because it is more easy to control, you will have less redundant code and less boarding effects. If I look at your code comments it seems the response is not as you expect. I use to do like this for controling a group of ajax request talking with server script. I build one request object like :
// myscript.js
var rqPHP = {
url:'php/dispatcher.php', type:'POST', dataType:'json',
success:function(json, status, jXHR){
//console.log('rqPHP.succes : ', json);
if(!json) return console.warn('[rqPHP.success] json is null');
if(!json.cmd) return console.warn('[rqPHP.success] json.cmd is null');
if(!json.res) return console.warn('[rqPHP.success] json.res is null');
if(json.err && json.err.length){ console.warn('[rqPHP.success errors cmd:'+json.cmd+'] '+json.err);}
// so if no errors, dispatch actions based on original command asked
case 'loadfile' :
// do whatever with response
case 'savefile' :
// do whatever with response
error:function(jXHR, status, err){
console.warn('[rqPHP.error] ', status,',',err,',',jXHR.responseText);
then when use this object trought all my group of different actions and I precise wich action and arguments I pass. I use to ask for a json data so I am able to receive an easy parsing response, so I am able to return the original command asked, and some details on errors that may occured for example, and when I need to fire the request :
// myscript.js
rqPHP.data = {'cmd':'loadfile', 'filename':'file.dat', 'arg2':'other argument'};
Then an example of one server script that will respond :
// dispatcher.php
$pv = $_POST;
$res = '';
$err = array();
// you check the command asked for :
case 'savefile' :
// do whatever
case 'loadfile' :
// do whatever
if(any error){
$err[] = $loadError;// push error with whatever details you'll retrieve in javascript
$res = ',"res":"'.$dataLoaded.'"';// format json response so you'll check the var exist
$jsonRes = '{"cmd":"'.$pv['cmd'].'"'.$res.',"err":"'.implode('|', $err).'"}';// json result
print $jsonRes;
They may be some errors, it is just for the principe, I hope that will help, just some last advices :
you should better use the requestObject.data to pass any arguments instead of setting the url like you did, this is much more easy because jQuery does the properly encoding work
you may use POST so the url stay clean, post vars are 'hidden'
in your case, because you may want to centralize server actions with ONE server script, you should use 'json' as dataType because it is much easier to retrieve details from the response, such errors. You have to distinct the ajax error that is trigger when the url doesn't exist, or access denied, well when the server replies it just can't respond to this request, and distinct the properly response of your server script, I mean the script responds well but it may occur an command error, for example for a 'loadfile' command, the argument fileUrl may be wrong or unreadable, so the action is done but the response will be not valid for you...
If you plan to fire many loads for differents parts (I mean you may don't wait response for an ajax before loading a new one), it should be better to set main success and errors functions for keeping centralization and then build one new request object each time you make a load
function rqSuccess(json, status, jXHR){
// put same checking code as before, then you can also retrieve some particular variables
// here, 'this' should correspond to the request object used for the $.ajax so :
console.log('myTarget is : ', this.myTarget, ' , myVariable is : ', this.myVariable);
function rqError(jXHR, status, err){
// put same checking code
// then each time you want make one or many independant calls, build a new request object
var myRq = {url:'dispatcher.php',type:'POST',dataType:'json',
myTarget:$('#myblock'),// any variable you want to retrieve in response functions
myVariable:'Hello !',// after all it is an object, you can store anything you may need, just be carefull of reserved variables of the ajax object (see jQuery $.ajax doc)
// the data object is sanitized and sended to your server script, so put only variables it will need
data : {'cmd':'loadfile',...}
// you may load an other independant one without waiting for the response of the first
var myRq2 = {...myTarget:$('#anotherblock'), data:{'cmd':'anotheraction'}...}
As a first step, you should change the error handling on the serverside to produce a non-OK/200 response for error cases, e.g. throw a 500. Then have that handled as an actual error on the clientside, along with other errors, instead of putting it through the success-callback.
That way you can use jQuery's abstractions for global error handling: http://api.jquery.com/ajaxError
