Laravel 4 pagination - laravel

My pagination doesn't seem to work. Here's how I done it:
$players = Auth::user()->players->paginate(2);
And then done all the stuff that's needed in the view, but:
Call to undefined method Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection::paginate()
It shows the line, where that variable is.

Auth::user()->players returns a collection, the paginate function belongs to the Builder class of Eloquent.

Nevermind, solved it myself:


Scope left Join Sub doesn't work - Laravel

I'm new to Laravel I'm making a clone of Twitter. I'm making a scope to get all the likes from the DB, but I get an error from Tinker
I know some basic SQL Queries, but this one is quite complicated, so I've got no idea what to do now.
Tweet model
public function scopeWithLikes(Builder $query)
'select tweet_id, sum(liked) likes, sum(!liked) dislikes from likes group by tweet_id',
Tinker command
Tinker error
TypeError: Argument 1 passed to App/Tweet::scopeWithLikes() must be an
instance of Illuminate/Database/Query/Builder, instance of
Illuminate/Database/Eloquent/Builder given, called in
on line 1164
I hope I explained it well, but if you need more information please ask me.
Thanks for your answer!
i think that you are using the wrong class for your scope, scope use
as a parameter while you pass
in your Twit model file, on the top ...
use Illuminate/Database/Eloquent/Builder;
and paste:
use Illuminate/Database/Query/Builder;
Did this solve the problem? Because I run into exactly the same issue.
When I change Eloquent to Query, the error message is still the same.
Also the source that is given on Git uses use

How to use orderBy with Laravel 6 LazyCollection?

It's been a few days since the Laravel released its latest version 6. I am trying to implement Laravel LazyCollection instead of the normal Collection class.
Following line works-
And when I use
I get an error Method Illuminate\Support\LazyCollection::orderBy does not exist.
Can anyone help me how to use OrderBy with LazyCollection?
After getting the answer here is the correct syntax of above query
Offcourse, orderBy method is Query builder method. You can use sortBy as defined in the docs
I think you can do this.

Method paginate does not exist in laravel collection

hi I want to paginate rows by relation by writing some codes like this
I tried this code but I got this error
Method Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection::paginate does not
The last part should probably be ->jobs()->paginate(10);.
If you write relation without parentheses "()" it will return collection , while with "()" will return models that paginate methods available on it.
So your code should :
Try this:

Is there a way to tell if this object is an eloquent object or not?

I'm trying to generalize turning arrays into json and it's getting a little messed up when I added eloquent models into the mix.
Is there a way to tell if this object is an eloquent object or not?
Like an isEloquent() function or something.
or you can use this
$isEloquent = ($yourObject instanceof Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model);
You can use the PHP function is_subclass_of
$isEloquent = is_subclass_of($yourObject, 'Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model');

Joomla 2.5 Load custom field in components layout fatal error

Im trying to load custom field in my backend component default view (default.php):
JFormHelper::addFieldPath(JPATH_COMPONENT . '/models/fields');
$productType = JFormHelper::loadFieldType('ProductType',false);
$productTypeOptions = $productType->getOptions();
But I get a fatal error:
Fatal error: Call to a member function children() on a non-object in xxx\libraries\joomla\form\fields\list.php on line 89
When I load this custom field into the form, everything works perfectly.
Any ideas?
Make sure you are adding the correct path to the fields
In your $productType->getOptions() function,
Try removing:
$options = array_merge(parent::getOptions(), $options);
Well, I tried to expand my fellow above idea but it seemed an inappropiate edit, I put it here then:
This worked for me. In your getOptions, if you have something like the getOptions found here (, you´ll have this line:
$options = array_merge(parent::getOptions(), $options);
This is the one that makes the error. Why? Well, I´m not sure. If you see the related file, you´ll find this:
foreach ($this->element->children() as $option)
So the problem is that you are calling children() on the model parent that it seems is not initialized. Why the array_merge is needed? Is discussed here (
My explanation is more like a dirty blind patch, but hope it helps to move forward.
