Migrating large user to its own index in ElasticSearch - elasticsearch

In Shay's Berlin Buzzwords talk, in the "user data flow" portion, he talked about "very large users can be migrated to their own respective indices". Is this said migration a out-of-the-box supported operation with no user-visible disruption, or is it a custom migration that we'll have to implement ourselves?

As Mike W said, we need more information to give you a better answer.
But I think you are trying to migrate that specific user to his own index. If so, we should be using the alias feature elaticsearch gives you out-of-the-box. You can read more of it at this link
I believe you need a mapping to support your idea. Mapping each user to the corresponding index, so very large users will go to their own index and others not so large can share the same index.


Best way to set up ElasticSearch for searching in each customer's data only

We have a SAAS product where companies create accounts and populate their own private data. We are thinking about using ElasticSearch to allow the customer to search all their own data in our system.
As an example we would have a free text search where the user can type anything and the API would return multiple different types of objects. E.g. they type John and the API returns the user object for users matching a first name containing John, or an email containing John. Or it might also return a team object where the team name matches John (e.g. John's Team) etc.
So my questions are:
Is ElasticSearch a sensible choice for what we want to do from a
concept perspective?
If we did use ElasticSearch what would be the
best way to index the data so we can search all data for a
particular customer? Does each customer have its own index?
Are there any hints on how we keep ElasticSearch in sync with the data in the database (DynamoDB)? If we index the data for a customer and then update the data as it changes is it sensible to then also reindex the data on a scheduled basis too?
I will try to provide general answers from my own experience with splitted customer data with elastic search:
If you want to search through a lot of data really fast, ES is always a really good solution for this - it comes with the cost of an secondary data storage that you will have to keep in sync with your database.
You cant have diffrent data types in one index, so the case would be either to create one index per data type and customer (carefull, indices come with an overhead - avoid creating too much with little data in it) - or you create one index per data type and add a property to your data where you then can filter it with e.g. a customer number.
You will have to denormalize your data as much as possible to benefit from elastic search.
As mentioned in 1 you will need to keep both in sync - there are plenty ways too do that. As an example we use a an event driven approach to push critical updates into elasticsearch as soon as possible (carefull: its not SQL - so you will always have some concurrency issues when u need read and write safety). For data that is not highly critical we use jobs that update them regulary. When you index a document with the same id it will get completely updated.
Hope this helps, feel free to asy questions.

ElasticSearch vs Relational Database

I'm creating a microservice to handle the contacts that are created in the software. I'll need to create contacts and also search if a contact exists based on some information (name, last name, email, phone number). The idea is the following:
A customer calls, if it doesn't exist we create the contact asking all his personal information. The second time he calls, we will search coincidences by name, last name, email, to detect that the contact already exists in our DB.
What I thought is to use a MongoDB as primary storage and use ElasticSearch to perform the query, but I don't know if there is really a big difference between this and querying in a common relational database.
EDIT: Imagine a call center that is getting calls all the time from mostly different people, and we want to search fast (by name, email, last name) if that person it's in our DB, wouldn't ElasticSearch be good for this?
A relational database can store data and also index it.
A search engine can index data but also store it.
Relational databases are better in read-what-was-just-written performance. Search engines are better at really quick search with additional tricks like all kinds of normalization: lowercase, รค->a or ae, prefix matches, ngram matches (if indexed respectively). Whether its 1 million or 10 million entries in the store is not the big deal nowadays, but what is your query load? Well, there are only this many service center workers, so your query load is likely far less than 1qps. No problem for a relational DB at all. The search engine would start to make sense if you want some normalization, as described above, or you start indexing free text comments, descriptions of customers.
If you don't have a problem with performance, then keep it simple and use 1 single datastore (maybe with some caching in your application).
Elasticsearch is not meant to be a primary datastore so my advice is to use a simple relational database like Postgres and use simple SQL queries / a ORM mapper. If the dataset is not really large it should be fast enough.
When you have performance issues on searches you can use a combination of relation db and Elasticsearch. You can use Elasticsearch feeders to update ES with your data in you relational db.
Indexed RDBMS works well for search
If your data is structured i.e. columns are clearly defined, searching 1 million records will also not be a problem in RDBMS.
When to use Elastic
Text Search: Searching words across multiple properties (e.g. description, name etc.)
JSON Store and search: If data being stored is in json format and later needs to be searched
Auto Suggestions: Elastic is better at providing autocomplete suggestions
Elastic as an application data provider
Elastic should not be seen as data store, even if you storing data in it. It is about how you perceive elastic. Elastic should be used to store and setup data for the application. It is the application which decides how and when to use elastic (search and suggestions). Elastic is not a nosql storage alternative if compared to RDBMS, you should use a nosql database instead.
This perception puts elastic in line with redis and kafka. These tools are key components of an application design and they are used to serve as events stores, search engines and cache etc. to the applications.
Database with Elastic
Your design should use both. For storing the contacts use the database, index the contacts for querying. Also make the data available in elastic for searching, autocomplete and related matches.
As always, it depends on your specific use case. You briefly described it, but how are you acually going to use the data?
If it's just something simple like checking if a customer exists and then creating a new customer, then use the RDMS option. Moreover, if you don't expect a large dataset, so that scaling isn't an issue (hence the designation that Elasticsearch is for BigData), but you have transactions and data integrity is important, then a RDMS will be the right fit. Some examples could be for tax, leasing, or financial reporting systems.
However, if you have a large dataset, you need a wide range of query capabilities, such as a fuzzy search or searches where the user
can select multiple filters on the data or you want to do some predictive analysis on the data, then Elasticsearch is the clear choice.
For example, I worked on an web based app with a large customer base: 11 million, with 200+ hits per second at peak time for a find a doctor application. The customer could check some checkboxes to determine, specialty, spoken languages, ratings, hospitals, etc. all sorted by the distance from the users location with a 2 second or less response time. It would be very difficult for a RDMS to match that.

Both ElasticSearch and Redis, overkill usecase?

I'm currently designing the architecture of my project or atleast try to figure it out what will be useful in my case.
** Simple use case
I will have several thousands of profiles in a backend and I to need implement a fast search engine. So elasticsearch look perfect in that case. Everytime a profile is updated, the index will be updated by an asynchronous task.
My question now is : If I want to implement a cache system for the detail of a profile. Should I stick with elasticsearch and put these data in my index ? Or use Redis and do something like profil_id => data ?
I think both sounds good the problem is whenever a profile is updated, I will have to flush it after the reindexing in elasticsearch. If I want to see the change in my backend.
So what can I do ? Thank you so much !
You should consider using RediSearch. Using RediSearch can provide you a solution for your needs, getting both Redis performance and a full-text support.
Elasticsearch and redis are basically meant to solve two different problems, As one does indexing while other does caching.
Redis is meant to return already requested data as fast as possible whereas as
Elasticsearch is a search and analytics engine, it would perfectly fit a use-case where you have to implement a fast search engine and it will be more performant than any in-memory data structure store or cache such as redis(Assuming your searches will be complex, will involve some aggregation/filters).
The problem comes profile updates Since your profile updates are not that frequent you could actually do partial updates to the ES index rather doing reindex.So whenever a person updates its profile get the changeling set(changed data) and do a partial update to the particular document in ES Index. You can see how its done here partial update.
This one particular stackoverflow answer will help you cache vs indexing

separating data access with elasticsearch

I'm just getting to know elasticsearch and I'm wondering if it suits my case at all:
Considering a system where companies (with multiple employees) can register and administer their clients, and send documents to their clients.
Now, I want to enable companies to search their documents - but ONLY theirs, not the documents of other companies. In other words: how to separate the data of those companies for searches? How can this be implemented with elasticsearch?
Is this separation to be handled by elasticsearch itself? I.e. there is some mapping between the companies in my system and a related user for elasticsearch.
Or is this to be handled by the backend of my system? I.e. the backend somehow decides (how?) to show only search results for that particular company. So there would be just one user, namely the backend of my system, that accesses and filters the results of elasticsearch. But is this sensible?
I'm sure there is a wealth of information about this out there. Please just give me a hint, because I don't know what to search for. Searches for elasticsearch authentication/authorization, for example, only yield results about who gains access to the search system in general - not about a pattern to solve this separation.
Thanks in advance!
Elasticsearch on its own does not support Authorization and Authentication, you need to add this via plugins, of which there are two that I know of. Shield is the official solution, which is part of the X-Pack and you need to pay Elastic if you want to use it. SearchGuard is an open source alternative with enterprise upgrades that you can buy.
Both of these enable you to define fine grained access rights for different users. What you'd probably want to do is give every company an index of their own for their documents and then restrict their user to only be able to read/write that index. Or if you absolutely want all documents in one index, you can add document level restrictions as well, so that everybody queries the same index but only gets results returned for their company. Depending on how many companies you expect to service this might make more sense in order to not have too many indices and shards, but I'd suspect that an index per company would be the best way to go.
Without these plugins you would need to resort to something on the http-layer, for example an nginx reverse proxy that filters requests based on the index names contained in the urls or something, but I'd severely advise against this, lots of pain lies that way!

Internal data storage mechanism of elasticsearch

I have been working with elasticsearch for the past 2 months. I have used both REST approach and API support in different languages to index, get and search data. I also read a lot about elasticsearch and found out it is not a good option to use it as a data store. Why is this? And I'm also curious about how elasticsearch internally stores the indexed data. Any good link or explanation??
Elastic Search is built on top of Apache Lucene - here's a reference doc on the Lucene index file structure:
Regarding whether or not it's a good option as a data store I think that's more individual opinion and specific use cases than a fact that can be proved. It does not have the transaction support that something like MySQL does if that's what you are looking for. In that case it's somewhat on a par with other NoSQL solutions. This is a pretty decent writeup on the trade-offs and issues: https://www.found.no/foundation/elasticsearch-as-nosql/
In the end it depends on what you are doing with your data and what level of robustness you require.
