web config errorMode - asp.net-mvc-3

Hey guys I am kind of new to all of this so this might be a simple question but I want some clarification on this topic. I have a website and when an Http error occurs I send people to a customized page this works perfectly. The only issue is that it is also sending me to that customized page. I would like it so that I can see detailed errors on the production server (reason is that sometimes error pop up in production server and not in the development server) and send everyone else to the customized page this last part is done the first part I am having trouble with this is what I have in my web.config
<customErrors mode="RemoteOnly" />
<compilation debug="false" targetFramework="4.0" />
<httpErrors errorMode="DetailedLocalOnly">
<remove statusCode="500" subStatusCode="-1" />
//this is working
<error statusCode="500" subStatusCode="-1" prefixLanguageFilePath="" path="~/myerrors" responseMode="file" />
and my last question is how would the production server know that your LocalHost?

I suspect that you're confusing terminology here, so I'll try and clarify.
A connection from "localhost", in this context, means that you are connecting to the website from the same computer that the site is running on. This can happen if you're developing it on your local machine, or if you've used remote desktop to connect directly to the server and are browsing the site from that session.
If you are on your own machine connecting to your production server, you are no longer "localhost" - you are Joe Bloggs out on the Internet, the same as every other user, and you will get the same error page.
I would suggest adding additional functionality to the customised error page to pick up who is accessing it (if you are authenticating users), or using an external component such as ELMAH to help you with your error logging.


enabling caching of js/css files with nodejs/iis7 reverse proxy

I have a nodejs backend, site served through iis7 via reverse proxy as per this website: https://alex.domenici.net/archive/deploying-a-node-js-application-on-windows-iis-using-a-reverse-proxy. In the node app i have a middleware layer to all get requests to cache content, like so
res.set('Cache-control', public, max-age=${period})
When running on my local machine i'm checking the headers via google developer tools and it does look like caching is working properly. When I move it to production, i can't seem get it to work. On IIS i've configured the HTTP Response Headers to expire after 10 days. My web.config looks like so (again per the link above)
<add name="Access-Control-Allow-Origin" value="*" />
<clientCache cacheControlMode="UseMaxAge" cacheControlMaxAge="10.00:00:00"/>
</system.webServer> </configuration>
Tried various things without success. The only possible lead i have at this point is from this thread
but i have no idea how to make the suggested change in the web.config file. A couple of notes, im currently just running my node app in the command prompt like so: node app.js, not as node bin/www as suggested in the link (having some odd issues). Also, the site is still very much in development so on ssl. Read that chrome might have some issues with it, but the problem is present in all browser tested (chrome, firefox, etc...)

Redirect Rule For IIS Sharepoint Site

We have our Sharepoint 2019 site set up, and everything is running fine. However, when a user clicks the Brand Bar "Sharepoint" in the top left header, it brings them to a broken page. Researched this, and it seems like this link cannot be changed in 2019, as others are having this issue.
What we wanted to do is a redirect, so whenever they went to the broken link, it would just direct them to the real homepage for our sharepoint.
Example -
Broken link is http://servername/my/_layouts/15/sharepoint.aspx
Correct link is https://sharepoint.companyname.com/SitePages/Home.aspx
Here is what I came up with to add to the web.config file, but doesnt seem to be working.
<httpRedirect enabled="true" exactDestination="true" httpResponseStatus="Found">
<add wildcard="*_layouts/15/sharepoint.aspx" destination="https://sharepoint.companyname.com/SitePages/Home.aspx" />
Any idea on what needs to be done here? Is this even possible? I didn't set up the sharepoint site here so I'm not sure how http://servername/my/_layouts/15/sharepoint.aspx even became the brand bar link.
Thank you!
If you want to redirect from servername/my/_layouts/15/sharepoint.aspx to sharepoint.companyname.com/SitePages/Home.aspx by iis url rewrite, you can try this rule.
<rule name="test6" stopProcessing="true">
<match url="^my/_layouts/15/sharepoint$" />
<action type="Redirect" url="http://sharepoint.companyname.com/SitePages/Home.aspx" />
This has been resolved.
Not sure what happened, only thing I did was place the rule on the top most part of the tree in IIS where the server name is. Before I was putting the rule on the actual site in the drop down. I guess this makes sense since the URL I wanted to redirect had the server name in it.

ASP.NET MVC - Can't log into the system using IE after publishing to server

I have a project created in ASP.NET, MVC 3, C#. It works in every browser when testing it on my dev machine, once published it works fine in chrome and every other browser apart from IE.
The problem - I am trying to login to my site but the web site just refreshes with the return url included in the url.
I have tried the following:
Removed helpers
Removed webMatrix
Added the following to the web.config:
<add key="enableSimpleMembership" value="false" />
<add key="autoFormsAuthentication" value="false" />
Checked my internet options settings, they are currently set to medium-low and Enable Protected mode, I have also turned this off and had no joy.
I have another web site that has been deployed to the same internal server and works fine
in IE.
Does anyone have any idea what would be causing this problem?
Here is my Web.config:
I am using IE9

server error:405 - HTTP verb used to access this page is not allowed

I have a php Facebook application which I have uploaded in a Microsoft server. When I run the application i get this error. Does anybody know the cause of this ?
405 - HTTP verb used to access this page is not allowed. The page you
are looking for cannot be displayed because an invalid method (HTTP
verb) was used to attempt access.
Even if you are using IIS or apache, in my guess you are using static html page as a landing page, and by default the web server doesn't allow POST or GET verb on .html page, facebook calls your page via POST/GET verb
the solution would be to rename the page into .php or .aspx
and you should be good to go :)
In the Facebook app control panel make sure you have a forward slash on the end of any specified URL if you are only specifying a folder name
Page Tab URL: http://mypagetabserver.com/custom_tab/
you can add these lines to the web.config:
<remove name="WebDAVModule" />
<remove name="WebDAV" />
It means litraly that, your trying to use the wrong http verb when accessing some http content. A lot of content on webservices you need to use a POST to consume. I suspect your trying to access the facebook API using the wrong http verb.
I fixed mine by adding these lines on my IIS webconfig.
<remove statusCode="405" subStatusCode="-1" />
<error statusCode="405" prefixLanguageFilePath="" path="/my-page.htm" responseMode="ExecuteURL" />
I've been pulling my hair out over this one for a couple of hours also. fakeartist appears correct though - I changed the file extension from .htm to .php and I can now see my page in Facebook! It also works if you change the extension to .aspx - perhaps it just needs to be a server side extension (I've not tried with .jsp).
Try renaming the default file. In my case, a recent move to IIS7.5 gave the 405 error. I changed index.aspx to default.aspx and it worked immediately for me.
In my case, IIS was fine but.. uh.. all the files in the folder except web.config had been deleted (a manual deployment half-done on a test site).
I got this error when I was using jquery and lib was not present in the given path, once jquery lib is added back error was gone.
[File name - calculate.html]
I had this err on the host too (my project was .net core2.1 webapi )
please add this code in web config in host :
<remove name="WebDAVModule" />

How do you properly install an ASP.NET MVC app as a child of another MVC app?

I have a main website app written in ASP.NET's MVC 3. Now, what I would like to do on occasion, is add a subdirectory, mark it as an application and run a whole different MVC 3 app from that directory. For instance, my site is at http://sol3.net. I am working on a small MVC app for a client and I'd like to publish it on my site so he can take a look at the progress, offer feedback, etc. So, their site would be at http://sol3.net/projectA. Having done this with a test app all I am getting is a 500 error.
Are there any best practices on how to set this up?
And yes, I already know about web.config inheritance problems. Fortunately my web.configs are not too large and I think I have most everything handled there.
NOTE: What I am trying to do is temporarily run a MVC app (App B) from within an app folder on an already active site (App A). App A and App B do not share anything in common and App B will eventually be moved to its own hosting site.
NOTE #2: The Answer...
I believe it is IIS7 and higher that allows you to add a redirection in your root web.config. Here is what I ended up doing instead of doing it via IIS Manager:
<validation validateIntegratedModeConfiguration="false" />
<modules runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="true" />
<rule name="APP 1 - Sub domain to sub folder" enabled="true">
<match url="(.*)" ignoreCase="true" />
<conditions logicalGrouping="MatchAll">
<add input="{HTTP_HOST}" pattern="^(www\.)?app1\.sol3\.net$" ignoreCase="true" />
<action type="Rewrite" url="app1/{R:1}" />
You would add a subdomain via an alias in your DNS records. Some registrars will let you do this yourself, but some sell this as a feature. A whois on your domain says it's registered with GoDaddy. Check this out. http://help.godaddy.com/article/4652#addsubdomain1
Edit - OrcsWeb allows for remote management of your web site via IIS 7 Manager. This should allow you to edit the host header. http://www.orcsweb.com/blog/brad/iis-7-manager-for-remote-administration-installing-and-connecting-to-a-site/
