I am trying to build this (https://github.com/dch/rebar/) rebar.
Recompile: src/rebar_core
==> rebar (compile)
Uncaught error in rebar_core: {'EXIT',
I have not the same version of erlang as you (line 154 of re.erl is not the split function) so I cannot finish the analysis. But you can try to understand from where come these weird characters [1055,1050] at the end of the answer from windows to the function os:getenv(). It seems it crash the re:split.
I'm currently trying to set up an environment for Yocto project for my personal study.
I was clueless about where to start Yocto so I bought the book Embedded Linux Projects Using Yocto Project Cookbook but it keeps failing to build the environment.
I've run only simple commands. I ran source oe-init-build-env <dir name> to make a directory and ran bitbake core-image-minimal.
But bitbake command keeps giving me errors like this. This is the log.
WARNING: Host distribution "Ubuntu-18.04" has not been validated with this version of the build system; you may possibly experience unexpected failures. It is recommended that you use a tested distribution.
Parsing recipes: 100%
|#################################################################################| Time: 00:00:25Parsing of 891 .bb files complete (0 cached, 891 parsed). 1287 targets, 61 skipped, 0 masked, 0 errors.
NOTE: Resolving any missing task queue dependencies
Build Configuration:
BB_VERSION = "1.24.0"
BUILD_SYS = "x86_64-linux"
NATIVELSBSTRING = "Ubuntu-18.04"
TARGET_SYS = "arm-poky-linux-gnueabi"
MACHINE = "qemuarm"
DISTRO = "poky"
TUNE_FEATURES = "arm armv5 thumb dsp"
TARGET_FPU = "soft"
meta-yocto-bsp = "dizzy:58863ad092c9a279e305c841dbb4353de2ecfae8"
NOTE: Preparing runqueue
NOTE: Executing SetScene Tasks
NOTE: Executing RunQueue Tasks
WARNING: Failed to fetch URL http://www.zlib.net/zlib-1.2.8.tar.xz, attempting MIRRORS if available
WARNING: Failed to fetch URL http://www.multiprecision.org/mpc/download/mpc-1.0.2.tar.gz, attempting MIRRORS if available
WARNING: Failed to fetch URL ftp://ftp.gmplib.org/pub/gmp-6.0.0/gmp-6.0.0a.tar.bz2, attempting MIRRORS if available
WARNING: Failed to fetch URL http://ymorin.is-a-geek.org/download/kconfig-frontends/kconfig-frontends-, attempting MIRRORS if available
WARNING: Failed to fetch URL http://download.gna.org/cryptodev-linux/cryptodev-linux-1.6.tar.gz, attempting MIRRORS if available
WARNING: Checksum failure encountered with download of http://www.bzip.org/1.0.6/bzip2-1.0.6.tar.gz - will attempt other sources if available
WARNING: Renaming /opt/yocto/poky/qemuarm/downloads/bzip2-1.0.6.tar.gz to /opt/yocto/poky/qemuarm/downloads/bzip2-1.0.6.tar.gz_bad-checksum_2ae3e6c958d83d2855a37f13fe29fd95
WARNING: Failed to fetch URL http://gnome-build-stage-1.googlecode.com/files/uuid-1.6.2.tar.gz, attempting MIRRORS if available
WARNING: Checksum failure encountered with download of http://rpm5.org/files/popt/popt-1.16.tar.gz - will attempt other sources if available
WARNING: Renaming /opt/yocto/poky/qemuarm/downloads/popt-1.16.tar.gz to /opt/yocto/poky/qemuarm/downloads/popt-1.16.tar.gz_bad-checksum_9e09d0bf772649c5ba385c48ba2d3547
WARNING: Failed to fetch URL http://zlib.net/pigz/pigz-2.3.1.tar.gz, attempting MIRRORS if available
WARNING: Checksum failure encountered with download of http://www.rpm5.org/files/rpm/rpm-5.4/rpm-5.4.14-0.20131024.src.rpm;extract=rpm-5.4.14.tar.gz - will attempt other sources if available
WARNING: Renaming /opt/yocto/poky/qemuarm/downloads/rpm-5.4.14-0.20131024.src.rpm to /opt/yocto/poky/qemuarm/downloads/rpm-5.4.14-0.20131024.src.rpm_bad-checksum_6a8d9bc6a7e0162d7ff72fefc9e841e5
WARNING: Failed to fetch URL http://downloads.sourceforge.net/expat/expat-2.1.0.tar.gz, attempting MIRRORS if available
WARNING: Failed to fetch URL ftp://invisible-island.net/byacc/byacc-20140422.tgz, attempting MIRRORS if available
WARNING: Failed to fetch URL http://pkg-shadow.alioth.debian.org/releases/shadow-4.2.1.tar.xz, attempting MIRRORS if available
I checked the URLs in the log and it turned out they are all 404 pages. And most importantly, it terminates by showing this message.
ERROR: Error executing a python function in /opt/yocto/poky/meta/recipes-devtools/gcc/gcc-source_4.9.bb:
The stack trace of python calls that resulted in this exception/failure was:
File: 'do_preconfigure', lineno: 12, function: <module>
0008: cmd = d.expand("sed -i 's/BUILD_INFO=info/BUILD_INFO=/' /opt/yocto/poky/qemuarm/tmp/work-shared/gcc-4.9.1-r0/gcc-4.9.1/gcc/configure")
0009: subprocess.check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True)
*** 0012:do_preconfigure(d)
File: 'do_preconfigure', lineno: 5, function: do_preconfigure
0002:def do_preconfigure(d):
0003: import subprocess
0004: cmd = d.expand('PATH=/opt/yocto/poky/scripts:/opt/yocto/poky/qemuarm/tmp/sysroots/x86_64-linux/usr/bin/arm-poky-linux-gnueabi:/opt/yocto/poky/qemuarm/tmp/sysroots/qemuarm/usr/bin/crossscripts:/opt/yocto/poky/qemuarm/tmp/sysroots/x86_64-linux/usr/sbin:/opt/yocto/poky/qemuarm/tmp/sysroots/x86_64-linux/usr/bin:/opt/yocto/poky/qemuarm/tmp/sysroots/x86_64-linux/sbin:/opt/yocto/poky/qemuarm/tmp/sysroots/x86_64-linux/bin:/opt/yocto/poky/scripts:/opt/yocto/poky/bitbake/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/mnt/c/Program Files/WindowsApps/CanonicalGroupLimited.Ubuntu18.04onWindows_1804.2020.824.0_x64__79rhkp1fndgsc:/mnt/c/WINDOWS/system32:/mnt/c/WINDOWS:/mnt/c/WINDOWS/System32/Wbem:/mnt/c/WINDOWS/System32/WindowsPowerShell/v1.0/:/mnt/c/WINDOWS/System32/OpenSSH/:/mnt/c/Users/kimth/AppData/Local/Microsoft/WindowsApps:/mnt/c/Users/kimth/AppData/Local/Programs/MiKTeX 2.9/miktex/bin/x64/:/mnt/c/Users/kimth/AppData/Roaming/TinyTeX/bin/win32:/snap/bin cd /opt/yocto/poky/qemuarm/tmp/work-shared/gcc-4.9.1-r0/gcc-4.9.1 && gnu-configize')
*** 0005: subprocess.check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True)
0006: # See 0044-gengtypes.patch, we need to regenerate this file
0007: bb.utils.remove(d.expand("/opt/yocto/poky/qemuarm/tmp/work-shared/gcc-4.9.1-r0/gcc-4.9.1/gcc/gengtype-lex.c"))
0008: cmd = d.expand("sed -i 's/BUILD_INFO=info/BUILD_INFO=/' /opt/yocto/poky/qemuarm/tmp/work-shared/gcc-4.9.1-r0/gcc-4.9.1/gcc/configure")
0009: subprocess.check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True)
File: '/usr/lib/python2.7/subprocess.py', lineno: 223, function: check_output
0219: if retcode:
0220: cmd = kwargs.get("args")
0221: if cmd is None:
0222: cmd = popenargs[0]
*** 0223: raise CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd, output=output)
0224: return output
0227:def list2cmdline(seq):
Exception: CalledProcessError: Command 'PATH=/opt/yocto/poky/scripts:/opt/yocto/poky/qemuarm/tmp/sysroots/x86_64-linux/usr/bin/arm-poky-linux-gnueabi:/opt/yocto/poky/qemuarm/tmp/sysroots/qemuarm/usr/bin/crossscripts:/opt/yocto/poky/qemuarm/tmp/sysroots/x86_64-linux/usr/sbin:/opt/yocto/poky/qemuarm/tmp/sysroots/x86_64-linux/usr/bin:/opt/yocto/poky/qemuarm/tmp/sysroots/x86_64-linux/sbin:/opt/yocto/poky/qemuarm/tmp/sysroots/x86_64-linux/bin:/opt/yocto/poky/scripts:/opt/yocto/poky/bitbake/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/mnt/c/Program Files/WindowsApps/CanonicalGroupLimited.Ubuntu18.04onWindows_1804.2020.824.0_x64__79rhkp1fndgsc:/mnt/c/WINDOWS/system32:/mnt/c/WINDOWS:/mnt/c/WINDOWS/System32/Wbem:/mnt/c/WINDOWS/System32/WindowsPowerShell/v1.0/:/mnt/c/WINDOWS/System32/OpenSSH/:/mnt/c/Users/kimth/AppData/Local/Microsoft/WindowsApps:/mnt/c/Users/kimth/AppData/Local/Programs/MiKTeX 2.9/miktex/bin/x64/:/mnt/c/Users/kimth/AppData/Roaming/TinyTeX/bin/win32:/snap/bin cd /opt/yocto/poky/qemuarm
I feel like I need to modify conf files to fetch available URLs but I'm new to Yocto and Bitbake so I'm very lost now. I would appreciate if anyone could tell me where to find solutions. Thank you and stay safe everyone.
You seem to use quite an old yocto version 1.7.3 while there is already 3.3 released. This means also you try to build recipes for some packages that are also old and hence some URLs might be unavailable. Might it be an option for you to use a newer version?
If this is no option for you, one thing to try would be setting MIRROR (see [1]) to a mirror [2] where those packages are still available. But this approach I would not prefer.
[1] https://www.yoctoproject.org/docs/1.7/bitbake-user-manual/bitbake-user-manual.html#var-MIRRORS
[2] could be: http://downloads.yoctoproject.org/mirror/sources/
1.7.3 is a very old release of the project, originally released in 2015 with a last point release in 2016. The fetcher warnings you see aren't the problem, they're warnings but it will fall back to the project mirrors. If it hadn't fallen back correctly, it would have shown errors as well as the warnings. The bigger problem is in fact this:
WARNING: Host distribution "Ubuntu-18.04" has not been validated with this version of the build system; you may possibly experience unexpected failures. It is recommended that you use a tested distribution.
Since Ubuntu 18.04 is three years newer than the project release you're using, there is no way it would be compatible with that release. You need to use a host OS from the era of the release, so Ubuntu 16.04 may work better. This is because the host OS provides gcc used to build the cross tools and the newer gcc versions don't tend to work with 100% of old code without tweaks.
So in short, use an older distro if you want to try and get that to build.
I am trying to install ghc-mod so that I can use ide-haskell in Atom.
The instructions say to use stack build ghc-mod. It seems that GHC 8.2+ is not supported by ghc-mod, so I set my resolver to lts-9.21.
When running stack build ghc-mod, I keep getting this error (emphasis mine; not using code formatting because line wrap helps readability):
aeson > : can't load .so/.DLL for: /Users/timoffex/.stack/snapshots/x86_64-osx/db354248ca37308313a93487c93190e1d5b819629b60b38b68871c9a691e52b9/8.0.2/lib/x86_64-osx-ghc-8.0.2/libHStime-locale-compat- (dlopen(/Users/timoffex/.stack/snapshots/x86_64-osx/db354248ca37308313a93487c93190e1d5b819629b60b38b68871c9a691e52b9/8.0.2/lib/x86_64-osx-ghc-8.0.2/libHStime-locale-compat-, 5): REBASE_OPCODE_SET_SEGMENT_AND_OFFSET_ULEB has segment 2 which is not a writable segment (__LINKEDIT) in /Users/timoffex/.stack/snapshots/x86_64-osx/db354248ca37308313a93487c93190e1d5b819629b60b38b68871c9a691e52b9/8.0.2/lib/x86_64-osx-ghc-8.0.2/libHStime-locale-compat-
... (later)
-- While building package aeson- using:
/Users/timoffex/.stack/setup-exe-cache/x86_64-osx/Cabal-simple_mPHDZzAJ_1.24.2.0_ghc-8.0.2 --builddir=.stack-work/dist/x86_64-osx/Cabal- build --ghc-options ""
Process exited with code: ExitFailure 1
Progress 1/4
Here's a snippet from the above that looks weird to me:
REBASE_OPCODE_SET_SEGMENT_AND_OFFSET_ULEB has segment 2 which is not a writable segment
I am running macOS Catalina 10.15.3.
I can't find any mention of this online except for this open GitHub issue: https://github.com/facebook/duckling/issues/446
I also tried lts-7.24. I get the exact same error, except it happens while building profunctors.
What could be the problem? Where can I file a bug?
I had the same error in a project using resolver: lts-9.17.
What fixed it for me is to update stack.yaml and use this line:
resolver: lts-10.9
I installed MPI on macOS Mojave following this tutorial on Stack Overflow. I installed openmpi-2.0.4.tar.gz.
But when I tried to run that hello world program I get error:
[My-MacBook-Pro.local:40731] [[30181,0],0] ORTE_ERROR_LOG: Bad parameter in file orted/pmix/pmix_server.c at line 262
[My-MacBook-Pro.local:40731] [[30181,0],0] ORTE_ERROR_LOG: Bad parameter in file ess_hnp_module.c at line 667
It looks like orte_init failed for some reason; your parallel process is
likely to abort. There are many reasons that a parallel process can
fail during orte_init; some of which are due to configuration or
environment problems. This failure appears to be an internal failure;
here's some additional information (which may only be relevant to an
Open MPI developer):
pmix server init failed
--> Returned value Bad parameter (-5) instead of ORTE_SUCCESS
Does anyone know how to fix this?
export TMPDIR=/tmp
(or some other temp directory, where the directory name is not too long)
I recently went Win7->Win10 on my work PC and org-agenda is now kicking an error.
GNU Emacs 26.1 (build 1, x86_64-w64-mingw32) of 2018-05-30
org 9.2.1
I've reduced my org-mode related .emacs down to the following and the issue is persisting.
'(org-agenda-files (quote ("~/org/inWork.org")))
When I run org-agenda 'a', I get an empty agenda, dates only, nothing is captured from inWork.org. The minibuffer displays Wrong number of arguments: (0 . 0), 2
Running the same in debug mode gives a backtrace of
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-number-of-arguments (0 . 0) 2)
org-get-tags(nil nil)
org-agenda-get-day-entries("~/org/inWork.org" (2 7 2019) :deadline :scheduled :timestamp :sexp)
apply(org-agenda-get-day-entries "~/org/inWork.org" (2 7 2019) (:deadline :scheduled :timestamp :sexp))
funcall-interactively(org-agenda-list nil)
funcall-interactively(org-agenda nil)
call-interactively(org-agenda nil nil)
org-agenda 't' fails similarly. I tried stripping down the org files and .emacs as much as possible, but I haven't been able to isolate the issue.
Any help appreciated.
I got the same error when I upgraded org. When I downgraded I could start the agenda again.
Difference between versions (Non-working/working):
Org mode version 9.2.1 (9.2.1-33-g029cf6-elpa # /home/sdaa/.emacs.d/elpa/org-20190225/)
Org mode version 9.2.1 (9.2.1-23-g126a37-elpa # /home/sdaa/.emacs.d/elpa/org-9.2.2/)
The error-message with 9.2.1-33 is this:
org-agenda-get-restriction-and-command: Wrong number of arguments
The emacs-config is the same between org-mode-versions.
Well, just uninstalled org 9.2.1, falling back to org 9.1.9 (built-in), and that fixed it. Agenda scrapes the files, no errors.
Not sure what the problem with 9.2.1. is.
I had this problem on a new install of spacemacs in mac osx. Recompiling elpa fixed it:
M-: (byte-recompile-directory package-user-dir nil 'force)
I am trying to make leiningen work. I am using Windows 7. When I run in the command window
C:\lein new app my-app
I get the following error. Does anyone know what this means and where the error is occuring?
There is an explanation of the error message here but I did not understand if there is a fix or what causes the error.
C:\Users\a\work>lein new app my-app
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: nth not supported on this type: Symbol
at clojure.lang.RT.nthFrom(RT.java:857)
at clojure.lang.RT.nth(RT.java:807)
at leiningen.core.project$dep_key.invoke(project.clj:175)
at leiningen.core.project$reduce_dep_step.invoke(project.clj:183)
at clojure.lang.ArrayChunk.reduce(ArrayChunk.java:58)
at clojure.core.protocols$fn__6041.invoke(protocols.clj:98)
at clojure.core.protocols$fn__6005$G__6000__6014.invoke(protocols.clj:19
at clojure.core.protocols$seq_reduce.invoke(protocols.clj:31)
at clojure.core.protocols$fn__6024.invoke(protocols.clj:60)
at clojure.core.protocols$fn__5979$G__5974__5992.invoke(protocols.clj:13
at clojure.core$reduce.invoke(core.clj:6177)
at leiningen.core.project$meta_merge.invoke(project.clj:391)
at clojure.core$merge_with$merge_entry__4279.invoke(core.clj:2698)
at clojure.core$reduce1.invoke(core.clj:896)
at clojure.core$merge_with$merge2__4281.invoke(core.clj:2701)
at clojure.core$reduce1.invoke(core.clj:896)
at clojure.core$reduce1.invoke(core.clj:887)
at clojure.core$merge_with.doInvoke(core.clj:2702)
at clojure.lang.RestFn.invoke(RestFn.java:439)
at leiningen.core.project$meta_merge.invoke(project.clj:395)
at leiningen.core.project$apply_profiles$fn__1009.invoke(project.clj:417
at clojure.lang.ArrayChunk.reduce(ArrayChunk.java:58)
at clojure.core.protocols$fn__6041.invoke(protocols.clj:98)
at clojure.core.protocols$fn__6005$G__6000__6014.invoke(protocols.clj:19
at clojure.core.protocols$seq_reduce.invoke(protocols.clj:31)
at clojure.core.protocols$fn__6026.invoke(protocols.clj:54)
at clojure.core.protocols$fn__5979$G__5974__5992.invoke(protocols.clj:13
at clojure.core$reduce.invoke(core.clj:6177)
at leiningen.core.project$apply_profiles.invoke(project.clj:415)
at leiningen.core.project$init_profiles.doInvoke(project.clj:603)
at clojure.lang.RestFn.invoke(RestFn.java:425)
at leiningen.core.main$_main$fn__1332.invoke(main.clj:257)
at leiningen.core.main$_main.doInvoke(main.clj:252)
at clojure.lang.RestFn.invoke(RestFn.java:436)
at clojure.lang.Var.invoke(Var.java:423)
at clojure.lang.AFn.applyToHelper(AFn.java:167)
at clojure.lang.Var.applyTo(Var.java:532)
at clojure.core$apply.invoke(core.clj:617)
at clojure.main$main_opt.invoke(main.clj:335)
at clojure.main$main.doInvoke(main.clj:440)
at clojure.lang.RestFn.invoke(RestFn.java:482)
at clojure.lang.Var.invoke(Var.java:431)
at clojure.lang.AFn.applyToHelper(AFn.java:178)
at clojure.lang.Var.applyTo(Var.java:532)
at clojure.main.main(main.java:37)
As requested, here's my comment transferred into an answer. I suggested reinstalling Leiningen because apparently a broken Leiningen installation was the source of the problem.
As a little background explanation, I'm using Leiningen on both Linux and Windows, and I've made the experience myself that the primary method for installing Leiningen recommended on its homepage, the lein resp. lein.bat script, just works, whereas the alternative
installation methods (Linux package managers, Windows installer) often produce broken installations.
I think it's highly unlikely that this is essentially a leiningen error, since I can reproduce it without leiningen being involved in any way:
user=> (let [[foo bar] :froboz] (list foo bar))
UnsupportedOperationException nth not supported on this type: Keyword clojure.lang.RT.nthFrom (RT.java:857)