Tuxedo Client or Tuxedo Server - tuxedo

Here is my question and i tried it hard to brainstormed with people in my team and with other resources which i have.
I have to go 100's Linux black-boxes to find if Tuxedo Client is running there or not . How can i tell if Tuxedo Client is on each box.
Maybe Tuxedo Server is running on that box may its just installed and not running .How can i different between Then Tuxedo Client and Server.
Is there any procedure or way or any command which i can used and which can tell me if Tuxedo client is there on box or not.

To check if a Tuxedo domain is running in a server, you could check if there is BBL process running.
# ps -ef | grep BBL
For clients, there are many ways that a Tuxedo client's may connect to servers:
Direct connection
Weblogic Tuxedo Connector (WTC)
Server calling another tuxedo servers (via tdomain)
To verify tuxedo clients conecting via WTC/JOLT there must be a Weblogic Server OR Java process calling tuxedo servers.
# ps -ef | grep java
To verify tuxedo clients that connects via /WS there must be a WSNADDRR defined in the enviroment of the process.
# ps auxeww |grep -i WSNADDR | grep -v grep


Modification to Websphere Application server Admin Console URL

One of our app team has completed WAS server base installation. After the installation is complete he requires two things.
WebSphere admins to be able to access the WebSphere admin console via a URL
Users to be able to access the WAS Portal
To connect to the URL’s, they first connect to VPN and use the browser from base machine directly.By default we are seeing these urls.
Admin URL: https://hostnane.ibm.com:9043/ibm/console/logon.jsp
User URL https://hostname.ibm.com ( this one is hypothetical for now)
Application team wants to convert ibm.com to mycompany.com.
Can someone advise how can we change ?
Please do the next step by step:
1. How to change hostname on WebSphere Application Server
If you are moving your IBM WebSphere Application Server configuration or migrating your environment, you might have to change host names or migrate profiles from one machine to another.
For example, the old hostname is example.com, we want to change to was-tpx04.hq.com
If the host name of a server or its ports is incorrect, then you might experience problems such as errors when you attempt to stop a server.
First, correct the host name for an application server using the wsadmin.sh scripting tool and command line tools.
was-tpx04:/u01/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin # ./wsadmin.sh -conntype NONE -lang jython
WASX7357I: By request, this scripting client is not connected to any server process. Certain configuration and application operations will be available in local mode.
WASX7031I: For help, enter: "print Help.help()"
wsadmin>AdminConfig.modify('(cells/exampleNode01Cell/nodes/exampleNode01|serverindex.xml#ServerIndex_1)', "[[hostName was-tpx04.hq.com]]")
wsadmin>AdminConfig.show('(cells/exampleNode01Cell/nodes/exampleNode01|serverindex.xml#ServerIndex_1)', 'hostName')
'[hostName was-tpx04.hq.com]'
was-tpx04:/u01/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin # ./stopServer.sh server1 -profileName AppSrv01
ADMU0116I: Tool information is being logged in file
ADMU0128I: Starting tool with the AppSrv01 profile
ADMU3100I: Reading configuration for server: server1
ADMU3201I: Server stop request issued. Waiting for stop status.
ADMU4000I: Server server1 stop completed.
was-tpx04:/u01/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin # ./startServer.sh server1 -profileName AppSrv01
ADMU0116I: Tool information is being logged in file
ADMU0128I: Starting tool with the AppSrv01 profile
ADMU3100I: Reading configuration for server: server1
ADMU3200I: Server launched. Waiting for initialization status.
ADMU3000I: Server server1 open for e-business; process id is 52604
was-tpx04:/u01/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin #
Now, the hostname looks as follows:
2. Second, you need to correct the host names for the ports that an
application server opens.
For the application server, select Servers > Application servers > application server > Ports.
Select a port whose host name needs changing.
Change the host name in the Host field; Click OK. Change the host name is was-tpx04.hq.com
Continue selecting ports and changing host names until you correct each of the host names for the server ports.
Save the changes to the master configuration.
Restart the server.

How to find out the port on which my PowerShell script is communicating to the other server?

I have a PowerShell script which copies certain files from a remote server and pastes in the local server. Now I need to use the file from another agent server which doesn't have connectivity to the remote server.
So I need to find out the port on which the communication will be established to the remote server from the agent server to copy the data.
I tried using netstat command but didn't find anything in that.
What are the steps to be followed to get the port information?

Why does send() in client application block when server is terminated?

I have a server application and a client application (localhost, loopback) which exchange data with each other via sockets.
When I shutdown the server (console) application (via <Ctrl C>) I expect the send() or recv() calls made in the client application to return with an error.
I observe exactly this behaviour on Linux, however after following the same steps on Windows the application hangs indefinitely at send().
What is the reason for this?
How do I ensure that the application is able to detect that the remote connection is closed, in a clean way?
More diagnostics information:
When both the server and client are running I execute netstat -a -o -n -b
and I am able to observe both the client and server socket in ESTABLISHED state.
However after terminating the server program when I run netstat -a -o -n -b
I am not able to see even the client program socket in the list of network connections.

Accessing Port while starting Websphere Server

i am facing the issue in webshpere ..the server is not staringReading configuration for server: server1
ADMU3028I: Conflict detected on port 8896. Likely causes: a) An instance of
the server server1 is already running b) some other process is
using port 8896
ADMU3027E: An instance of the server may already be running: server1
ADMU0111E: Program exiting with error:
com.ibm.websphere.management.exception.AdminException: ADMU3027E: An
instance of the server may already be running: server1
The error seems quite explicit: another program is using port 8896.
To verify this you can use these commands:
(Linux) sudo netstat -lptu|grep 8896
(Windows) netstat -a -b (or other tools)
You can decide to stop the process that create the conflict or change the ports used by WAS:
Updating ports in existing profile
This can be caused when the services don't shut down correctly and the java.exe processes hold a lock on the applications port. (8896).
To resolve this problem you can use one of the following options.
1) Open your taskmanager and end task the java.exe process for your JVM that is holding a lock on the servers port then restart the JVM from the WebSphere console
2) You can restart the physical server so the java.exe process shuts down and releases the port. Once the server starts back up you can start JVM and bring the application up.

How can I determine which port my GlassFish server is running on?

I have started a GlassFish server on my machine.
How can I determine which port the GlassFish server is running on?
I have tested both 8080 and 4848 ports.
You can try this, it may help
asadmin get server | grep listener
For windows this may help (from the comments of the link)
<GLASSFISH_PATH>\\bin>asadmin.bat --port 15050 get server.network-config.network-listeners.network-listener.\*
Or you can look at the ports from configuration files (in the file search for: ):
