Sequence File of Objects into Hive - hadoop

We started with a bunch of data stored in NetCDF files. From there, some Java code was written to create sequence files from the NetCDF files. We don't know much about the original intentions of the code, but we have been able to learn a little bit about the sequence files themselves. Ultimately, we are trying to create tables within Hive using these sequence files, but seem incapable of doing so at the moment.
We know that the keys and values within the sequence files are stored as objects that implements WritableComparable. We are also capable of creating Java code to iterate through all of the data in the sequence files.
So, what would be necessary to actually get Hive to read the data within the objects of these sequence files properly?
Thanks in advanced!
UPDATE: The reason it is so difficult to describe where I am having trouble exactly is because I am not necessarily getting any errors. Hive is simply just reading the sequence files incorrectly. When running the Hadoop -text command on my sequence file I get a list of objects as such:
NetCDFCompositeKey#263c7e3f , NetCDFRecordWritable#4d846db5
The data is within those objects themselves. So, currently from the help of #Tariq I believe what I have to do in order to actually read those objects is to create a custom InputFormat to read the keys and a custom SerDe to serialize and deserialize the objects?

I'm sorry, i'm not able to understand from your question where exactly you are facing the problem. If you wish to use SequenceFiles through Hive you just have to add STORED AS SEQUENCEFILE clause while issuing CREATE TABLE(most probably you already know this, nothing new). When you work on SequenceFiles Hive treats each key/value pair of the SequenceFiles similar to rows in normal files. Important thing here is that keys will be ignored. Apart from that nothing very special.
Having said that, if you wish to read both keys and values, you might have to write a custom InputFormat that can read both keys and values. See this project for example. It allows us to access data stored in a SequenceFile's key.
Also, if your keys and values are custom classes, you will require to write a SerDe as well to serialize and deserialize your data.
P.S. : I don't know if this is exactly what you were looking for. Do let me know if it is not and add some more detail to your question. I'll try addressing that.


Data storage format for unstructured data rows on HDFS

We are consuming very large data that needs to be written as fast as we receive and we are using HDFS, so we prefer using it. The data is almost unstructured, and we will be doing basic queries on them rarely. The data is flat with some fields, each row representing another data.
key1=str key2=30.3 key3=longtexthere
Another data row:
key1=3 key5=abc
SequenceFile seemed the most natural one but I could not find how to store multiple rows in a single SequenceFile.
Currently, in our temporary solution, we have multiple writers that writes to multiple text files. So when querying is needed, we read them in parallel. However, current text files contains 1000s of rows and I don't think creating a single SequenceFile for each row would be feasiable, it would incur much overhead for storing metadata and reading many too many files at once when querying.
I think the problem can be solved by using HBase or Cassandra, a columunar database but we are almost required to use HDFS. Am I missing something with SequenceFiles or we should really use a columunar database?
So sequence file format is like this:
<key, value>
<key, value>
<key, value>
where the key is a WritableComparable and the value is a Writable.
Now what a lot of people are doing - and you could do the same - is:
Only use the key OR the value 'column'
Implement a custom Writable which wraps a set of other Writables (call it record, row, ...)
That way you can model everything you want. That record writable could have a fixed schema, like it contains 'IntWritable, Text, IntWritable, IntWritable' (depending on you fields). Or in case you don't wanna support different types, you could use the existing ArrayWritable as your 'record'.
Knowing the schema of each file (e.g. put it into the metadata of the sequence file, will allow you to do reads on files with different/evolved schema's.
So its a lot of handcrafting, but build can very efficient and flexible structure. Never used it, but take a look at, think they already modeled suche a flexible record/tuple schema on top of sequence files.
Bottom line, i think you can achieve what you want with sequence files.
However i would recommend to also have a look at columnar file formats like Parquet or ORC files. Those come with their own tradeoffs, but you will have a higher compression rate and selective reads (column projection, filter pushdown). Also you don't have to invent the schema/tuple structure.

Parquet API doesn't have the concept of Keys?

Ok so after getting exceptions about not being able to write keys into a parquet file via spark I looked into the API and found only this.
public class ParquetOutputFormat<T> extends FileOutputFormat<Void, T> {....
(My assumption could be wrong =D, and there might be another API somewhere. )
Ok This makes some warped sense, after all you can project/restrict the data as it is materialising out of the container file. However, just to be on the safe side. A Parquet file does not have the notion of a sequence file's "key" value , right ?
I find this a bit odd, the Hadoop infrastructure builds around the fact that a sequence file may have a key. And I assume this key is used liberally to partition data into blocks for locality (not at the HDFS level ofc) ? Spark has a lot of API calls that work with the code to do reductions and join's etc. Now I have to do extra step to map the keys out from the body of the materialised object. Weird.
So any good reasons why a key is not a first class citizen in the parquet world ?
You are correct. Parquet file is not a key/value file format. It's a columnar format. Your "key" can be a specific column from your table. But it's not like HBase where you have a real key concept. Parquet is not a sequence file.

Writing to multiple HCatalog schemas in single reducer?

I have a set of Hadoop flows that were written before we started using Hive. When we added Hive, we configured the data files as external tables. Now we're thinking about rewriting the flows to output their results using HCatalog. Our main motivation to make the change is to take advantage of the dynamic partitioning.
One of the hurdles I'm running into is that some of our reducers generate multiple data sets. Today this is done with side-effect files, so we write out each record type to its own file in a single reduce step, and I'm wondering what my options are to do this with HCatalog.
One option obviously is to have each job generate just a single record type, reprocessing the data once for each type. I'd like to avoid this.
Another option for some jobs is to change our schema so that all records are stored in a single schema. Obviously this option works well if the data was just broken apart for poor-man's partitioning, since HCatalog will take care of partitioning the data based on the fields. For other jobs, however, the types of records are not consistent.
It seems that I might be able to use the Reader/Writer interfaces to pass a set of writer contexts around, one per schema, but I haven't really thought it through (and I've only been looking at HCatalog for a day, so I may be misunderstanding the Reader/Writer interface).
Does anybody have any experience writing to multiple schemas in a single reduce step? Any pointers would be much appreciated.
As best I can tell, the proper way to do this is to use the MultiOutputFormat class. The biggest help for me was the TestHCatMultiOutputFormat test in Hive.

Modeling Data in Hadoop

Currently I am bringing into Hadoop around 10 tables from an EDW (Enterprise Data Warehouse), these tables are closely related to a Star Schema model. I'm usig Sqoop to bring all these tables across, resulting in 10 directories containing csv files.
I'm looking at what are some better ways to store these files before striking off MR jobs. Should I follow some kind of model or build an aggregate before working on MR jobs? I'm basically looking at how might be some ways of storing related data together.
Most things I have found by searching are storing trivial csv files and reading them with opencsv. I'm looking for something a bit more involved and not just for csv files. If moving towards another format works better than csv, then that is no problem.
Boils down to: How best to store a bunch of related data in HDFS to have a good experience with MR.
I suggest spending some time with Apache Avro.
With Sqoop v1.3 and beyond you can import data from your relational data sources as Avro files using a schema of your own design. What's nice about Avro is that it provides a lot of features in addition to being a serialization format...
It gives you data+schema in the same file but is compact and efficient for fast serialization. It gives you versioning facilities which are useful when bringing in updated data with a different schema. Hive supports it in both reading and writing and Map Reduce can use it seamlessly.
It can be used as a generic interchange format between applications (not just for Hadoop) making it an interesting option for a standard, cross-platform format for data exchange in your broader architecture.
Storing these files in csv is fine. Since you will be able to process these files using text output format and could also read it through hive using specific delimiter. You could change the delimiter if you do not like comma to pipe("|") that's what I do most of the time. Also you generally need to have large files in hadoop but if its large enough that you can partition these files and each file partition is in the size of few 100 gigs then it would be a good to partition these files into separate directory based on your partition column.
Also it would be better idea to have most of the columns in single table than having many normalized small tables. But that varies depending on your data size. Also make sure whenever you copy , move or create data you do all the constraint check on your applications as it will be difficult to make small changes in the table later on, you will need to modify the complete file for even small change.
Hive Partitioning and Bucketing concepts can be used to effectively used to put similar data together (not in nodes, but in files and folders) based on a particular column. Here are some nice tutorials for Partitioning and Bucketing.

Using Apache Hive as a MapReduce Input Format and/or Scraping Hive Metadata

Our environment is heavy into storing data in hive. I find myself currently working on something that it outside the scope though. I have a mapreduce written, but it requires a lot of direct user inputs for information that could easily be scraped from Hive. That said, when I query hive for extended table data, all of the extended information is thrown out in 1 or 2 columns as a giant blob of almost-JSON. Is there either a convenient way to parse this information, or better yet, get it directly in a more direct manor?
Alternatively, if I could get pointed to documentation on manually using the CombinedHiveInputFormat, that would simplify my code a lot more. But it seems like that InputFormat is solely used inside of Hive, using it's custom structs.
Ultimately, what I want is to know table names, columns (not including partitions), and partition locations for the split a mapper is working on. If there is yet another way to accomplish this, I am eager to know.
