Error building Erica on Windows - windows

I'm trying to play around with a CouchApp, for which erica is apparently the tool to use. Building things from source on Windows is always a nightmare, but I think I've almost got it. I installed the dependencies of Erlang and rebar, then ran erica\bootstrap.bat, but I get the following error:
==> mochiweb (get-deps)
==> oauth (get-deps)
==> ibrowse (get-deps)
==> couchbeam (get-deps)
==> erica (get-deps)
==> mochiweb (compile)
==> oauth (compile)
==> ibrowse (compile)
==> couchbeam (compile)
==> erica (compile)
c:/Programming/couchapp/erica/src/erica.erl:none: redefining macro 'WITH_MOCHIJSON'
ERROR: compile failed while processing C:/Programming/couchapp/erica: rebar_abort
There doesn't appear to be any logs, so does anyone know what might cause this?
I'm on a fresh install of Windows 8 x64.

It seems that bootstrap.bat just doesn't work. You need to run this three commands to simulate Makefile behavior: rebar get-deps
rebar compile
escript bootstrap
On my Windows 8 it works fine.


Metasploitable 3 Build on windows 11 - errors

Trying to build a Metasploitable 3 on virtual box on windows 11.
Running powershell command below:
PS C:\Users\Paul\Desktop\Metasploitable3> ./build.ps1 windows2008
Returned after sending command:
Compatible version of VirtualBox found.
Compatible version of Packer found.
Compatible version of Vagrant found.
Compatible version of vagrant-reload plugin found.
All requirements found. Proceeding...
Building metasploitable3-win2k8 Vagrant box...
virtualbox-iso output will be in this color.
==> virtualbox-iso: Downloading or copying Guest additions
virtualbox-iso: Downloading or copying: file:///C:/Program%20Files/Oracle/VirtualBox/VBoxGuestAdditions.iso
==> virtualbox-iso: Downloading or copying ISO
virtualbox-iso: Downloading or copying:
virtualbox-iso: Error downloading: checksums didn't match expected: 4263be2cf3c59177c45085c0a7bc6ca5
==> virtualbox-iso: ISO download failed.
Build 'virtualbox-iso' errored: ISO download failed.
==> Some builds didn't complete successfully and had errors:
--> virtualbox-iso: ISO download failed.
==> Builds finished but no artifacts were created.
Error building the Vagrant box using Packer. Please check the output above for any error messages.
At C:\Users\Paul\Desktop\Metasploitable3\build.ps1:157 char:10
+ throw "Error building the Vagrant box using Packer. Please c ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : OperationStopped: (Error building ...error messages.:String) [], RuntimeException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Error building the Vagrant box using Packer. Please check the output above for any error
I can see that the .iso you're trying to download gives a 404:
Try to change that link in your script, so it points to an existing .iso-file.
I too have been looking to build a fresh Metasploitable 3 VM recently. Unfortunately, the build process starts by first downloading an ISO of 7601.17514.101119-1850_x64fre_server_eval_en-us-GRMSXEVAL_EN_DVD.iso which is the Windows Server 2008 evaluation DVD image file, and Microsoft appears to have removed that from their downloadable files offerings. To proceed, you (and I) will have to find another source for this ISO, and so far I've had no luck with sourcing the file. Best of luck - hopefully things will go better for you than they have for me on seeking this file.

how to install from source code on mac terminal

I'm trying to install a software named "pigz" on mac . after downloading the source code, in terminal I go to the folder containing source code then I run make. when I try to install it with sudo make install I get this message
make: *** No rule to make target `install'. Stop.
or when I try to install it with brew
brew install pigz
I get this error
Updating Homebrew...
==> Downloading
Warning: Transient problem: timeout Will retry in 1 seconds. 3 retries left.
Warning: Transient problem: timeout Will retry in 2 seconds. 2 retries left.
Warning: Transient problem: timeout Will retry in 4 seconds. 1 retries left.
##O=# #
curl: (6) Could not resolve host:
Error: Failed to download resource "pigz"
Download failed:
Warning: Bottle installation failed: building from source.
==> Downloading
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> make CC=clang CFLAGS=
🍺 /usr/local/Cellar/pigz/2.4: 7 files, 154KB, built in 4 seconds
since I'm very new to command line I really don't know what this means and what I should do
I would appreciate your help
In the source code that you're looking at, there is a Makefile. When you run the command make, it executes the first default rule that it sees within that file.
When you run the command sudo make install, it looks inside of the Makefile and looks for the install rule. However, if you look at the Makefile of the software you're looking at, there is no install rule, hence the reason you get the error message:
make: *** No rule to make target `install'. Stop.
This is simply because there is no rule to install anything, so when you run that command, it simply will not do anything.
You can get a better understanding of this stuff by searching online about what Makefiles are, you'll find a bunch of resources. This can be a good starting point.

Install libSVM-3.17 on Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks

I'm trying to install libsvm-3.17 in my macOS10.9 machine.
I read this tutorial about the common problem:
/Applications/ line 305: llvm-gcc-4.2:
command not found
but it didn't solve the issue. I still got these errors:
/Applications/ line 305: llvm-gcc-4.2:
command not found
/Applications/ line 1326: llvm-gcc-4.2:
command not found
mex: compile of ' "libsvmread.c"' failed.
If make.m fails, please check README about detailed instructions.
Does anybody know if the problem is the fact that I'm using OSX10.9? In this case, any idea about the solution?
The easiest way to do this kind of thing is to use one of the popular package managers in OS X, for example I prefer homebrew:
$ brew install libsvm
==> Downloading
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> make CFLAGS=
==> make lib
🍺 /usr/local/Cellar/libsvm/3.17: 8 files, 240K, built in 9 seconds
I faced a similar problem. The article in the link fixed it for me.

Installing Haskell packages on Mac

I can't seem to get a few Haskell packages to install on my Mac (10.6.8). I first tried Happstack and it failed and then I tried Snap.
Sometimes when I run ghci I get a segmentation fault.
Other times it works and goes like this:
GHCi, version 7.4.2: :? for help
Loading package ghc-prim ... linking ... done.
Loading package integer-gmp ... linking ... done.
Loading package base ... linking ... done.
When trying to get Snap:
Loading package vector- ... linking ... done.
Loading package zlib- ... linking ... done.
Loading package zlib-bindings- ... linking ... done.
Loading package zlib-enum-0.2.3 ... linking ... done.
Loading package snap-core- ... linking ... done.
Loading package snap-server- ... linking ... done.
Loading package directory-tree-0.11.0 ... linking ... done.
cabal: Error: some packages failed to install:
snap-0.11.2 failed during the building phase. The exception was:
ExitFailure 11
I have seen this problem a few times but nothing really solved it for me. Any ideas?
Updated May 22, 2021
Have you tried using homebrew? It handles the dependencies for you.
Using homebrew, you can use the brew command to install ghc and cabal-install.
$ brew install ghc cabal-install
==> Downloading
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> Downloading
==> Downloading from
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> Pouring ghc--8.10.4.big_sur.bottle.tar.gz
==> /usr/local/Cellar/ghc/8.10.4/bin/ghc-pkg recache
🍺 /usr/local/Cellar/ghc/8.10.4: 6,907 files, 1.5GB
==> Downloading
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> Downloading
==> Downloading from
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> Pouring cabal-install--
🍺 /usr/local/Cellar/cabal-install/ 7 files, 39.6MB
Once installed, you should be able to run:
$ ghc
ghc: no input files
Usage: For basic information, try the `--help' option.
As well as the Haskell interpreter, ghci:
$ ghci
GHCi, version 8.10.4: :? for help
Hope this helps!
brew install haskell-platform is no longer supported. You may want to
Error: No available formula for haskell-platform
We no longer package haskell-platform. Consider installing ghc and cabal-install instead:
brew install ghc cabal-install
Since haskell-platform on homebrew for Mac is deprecated, you can use brew install ghc cabal-install instead. I did it on Yosemite and it took about one minute…
> $ brew install ghc cabal-install
==> Downloading
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> Pouring ghc-7.10.1_1.yosemite.bottle.tar.gz
🍺 /usr/local/Cellar/ghc/7.10.1_1: 5423 files, 821M
==> Downloading
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> Pouring cabal-install-
==> Caveats
Bash completion has been installed to:
==> Summary
🍺 /usr/local/Cellar/cabal-install/ 6 files, 19M
This is an old question but given it comes quiet high on Google search. This is how I got here.
$ brew update
$ brew install haskell-stack
$ stack --version
$ stack --help # "man stack" gives something completely different
$ stack setup # Install GHC
$ stack ghci
Why stack and not cabal?
I found annoying to have to write "stack ghci" each time I wanted to use "ghci". A solution to this was to simply add these lines to the ~/.bash_aliases file:
alias sghc='stack ghc'
alias sghci='stack ghci'
alias srunhaskell='stack runhaskell'
Then source the file to apply:
$ source ~/.bash_aliases
Then I can run ghci and / or haskell running these commands, and it will use the stack version:
$ sghc [filename]
$ sghci
$ srunhaskell
Update: February 2016: Whilst other answers were helpful, I didn't find a complete, up-to-date answer.
The install is easy:
$ brew install ghc cabal-install
An extra step I needed to perform post-install was:
$ cabal update
followed by:
$ cabal install ghc-mod
See here for details.
Alternatively, instead of using homebrew for the install, visit Haskell Platform for the installer disk image - note that Haskell Platform is only compatible with OS X 10.6 and later.
Although, as a general rule I always use homebrew to manage my dependencies, when it comes to Haskell my recommendation (unless you really know what you are doing) is to just install this binary. This avoids any surprises further down the road. There is excellent documentation post install locally at: file:///Library/Haskell/doc/start.html
The popular answer to this question (using brew to install haskell-platform) is no longer supported.
Unfortunately, GHC 7.4 isn't supported on OS X 10.6; the download page only has an installer for 10.7, and as you can see, they mean it. I know your problem from bitter experience—I was in exactly your boat for a good long while, and I never found a solution other than upgrading Mac OS X (or, presumably, downgrading GHC, but I didn't really want to do that). A colleague of mine did manage to get 7.4.1 running on OS X 10.5, but it took nontrivial effort on her part (she had to use a different version of GMP, namely 5.0.5, and edit GHC's configure script), and I never tried to replicate it myself.
In the end, you have four options, in roughly decreasing order of simplicity:
Use an older Haskell Platform. This means downgrading to GHC 7.0.x (not GHC 7.2.x—that was never in the Platform); there's not a good record of which GHC versions were in which package versions, though. Wikipedia implies that 2011.2 was the first version with GHC 7.0.x and that 2012.2 was the first version with GHC 7.4.x, so I'd try 2011.4.0.0 first.
Install GHC 7.2 (which is supported on OS X) on its own, and forgo the Haskell Platform. This can cause headaches, but is possible. Don't forget to install Cabal, cabal-install, all the packages that come with the platform, etc.
Upgrade to OS X 10.7 or 10.8, if you feel like a more global (and pricier) change.
Try to replicate what my colleague did. (Best of luck, but it's definitely possible.)
Late 2017 answer. I'm running macOS Sierra -- 10.12.6 (16G29). This worked successfully with an install time on my MacBook Air of under five minutes:
brew cask install haskell-platform
Then ghc --version reported:
The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System, version 8.2.1

Erlang gproc compilation failed

I seems to have some issues in order to compile gproc from uwiger.
I have fetched the ZIP here
after unzipping, I have done
$./rebar get-deps
==> gproc (get-deps)
Pulling edown from {git,"git://","HEAD"}
Cloning into 'edown'...
Pulling gen_leader from {git,"git://",
Cloning into 'gen_leader'...
==> edown (get-deps)
==> gen_leader (get-ups)
rebar compile
==> edown (compile)
Compiled src/edown_make.erl
Compiled src/edown_xmerl.erl
Compiled src/edown_lib.erl
Compiled src/edown_doclet.erl
Compiled src/edown_layout.erl
==> gen_leader (compile)
Compiled src/gen_leader.erl
==> gproc (compile)
ERROR: git describe --always --tags `git log -n 1 --pretty=format:%h .` failed with error: 128 and output:
fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
make: *** [compile] Error 1
I cannot seems to shake out this error, it won't compile correctly I have no in the ebin directory.
I am using Mac OS X Lion.
Any suggestions ?
I have used the same OS (mac os lion) as you and test the gproc in these days.
The author hasn't changed the source code until may 2, 2012. When did you got the source code?
But I got the sourcode from the git using "sourcetree" and fetch all patches, not got files from zip.
It compiles ok, although having little problem.
In addition, The "gproc_dist_tests.erl"'s eunit test has problem in mac os, you will find it later.
