I'm trying to recreate a request that works in Postman using a Spring RestTemplate. I've tried to make the requests identical, down to the fake "User-Agent" header, but for whatever reason the one from Postman returns 200 OK and the one from RestTemplate returns 301 Moved.
What could I possibly be doing wrong?
Both requests are below, "anonymized" by removing the urls and session cookie, both of which are identical - confirmed by copying one and searching the other.
This is the working request from Postman.
Frame 1541: 638 bytes on wire (5104 bits), 638 bytes captured (5104 bits) on interface en0, id 0
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 51102, Dst Port: 80, Seq: 573, Ack: 840, Len: 572
Hypertext Transfer Protocol
POST <removed> HTTP/1.1\r\n
User-Agent: Java/17.0.2\r\n
Accept: text/plain, application/json, application/*+json, */*\r\n
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8\r\n
Cookie: JSESSIONID="<removed>"\r\n
Host: <removed>\r\n
Connection: keep-alive\r\n
Content-Length: 63\r\n
[Full request URI: <removed>
[HTTP request 2/2]
[Prev request in frame: 1373]
[Response in frame: 1596]
File Data: 63 bytes
HTML Form URL Encoded: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Form item: "<removed>" = "<removed>"
Key: <removed>
Value: <removed>
This is the failing request using RestTemplate.
Frame 3365: 129 bytes on wire (1032 bits), 129 bytes captured (1032 bits) on interface en0, id 0
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 51110, Dst Port: 80, Seq: 509, Ack: 1, Len: 63
[2 Reassembled TCP Segments (571 bytes): #3363(508), #3365(63)]
Hypertext Transfer Protocol
POST <removed> HTTP/1.1\r\n
User-Agent: Java/17.0.2\r\n
Accept: text/plain, application/json, application/*+json, */*\r\n
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8\r\n
Cookie: JSESSIONID="<removed>"\r\n
Host: <removed>\r\n
Connection: keep-alive\r\n
Content-Length: 63\r\n
[Full request URI: <removed>
[HTTP request 1/1]
[Response in frame: 3377]
File Data: 63 bytes
HTML Form URL Encoded: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Form item: "<removed>" = "<removed>"
Key: <removed>
Value: <removed>
In my website, only one request,(ie. the root request) is taking more time. Especially the "wait" time is high. The HTTP2.0 Header for the request that is taking more time is posted below. Do you see any issue that might cause this request to take more "wait" time?
I have just removed the domain name. Please post your thoughts. Your help would be greatly appreciated.
cache-control : max-age=0
cf-cache-status : DYNAMIC
cf-ray : 5a1adf4d010925-SEA
cf-request-id : c4e5021110925303a9200000001
content-encoding : br
content-type : text/html; charset=UTF-8
date : Thu, 11 Jun 2020 12:26:39 GMT
expect-ct : max-age=604800, report-uri="https://report-uri.cloudflare.com/cdn-cgi/beacon/expect-ct"
expires : Thu, 11 Jun 2020 12:26:37 GMT
host-header : b7440e60b07ee7b80454eff108fab2118
link : <https://www.<domainname>.com/wp-json/>; rel="https://api.w.org/", <https://www.<domainname>.com/>; rel=shortlink
server : cloudflare
set-cookie : __cfduid=d775816f66f9fe58d133f15c6546544654078397; expires=Sat, 11-Jul-20 12:26:37 GMT; path=/; domain=.<domainname>.com; HttpOnly; SameSite=Lax
status :200
vary : Accept-Encoding
x-cache-enabled : False
x-proxy-cache : MISS
When I use curl to post a SOAP message into message flow, it takes 9 seconds to respond. Debug won't stop at breakpoints and User Trace doesn't report anything. Meanwhile when I do the same request from Postman or SoapUI (the first message takes the same amount of time, later all messages take around 70 - 200ms) debugger and user trace work as intended. What is cause of this behavior?
IBM App Connect Enterprise
curl --trace-time output:
03:29:07.484000 * Trying <host>...
03:29:07.484000 * TCP_NODELAY set
03:29:07.531000 * Connected to <host_name> (<host>) port 7800 (#0)
03:29:07.531000 > POST /service HTTP/1.1
03:29:07.531000 > Host: <host_name>:7800
03:29:07.531000 > User-Agent: curl/7.55.1
03:29:07.531000 > Accept: */*
03:29:07.531000 > Content-Length: 508
03:29:07.531000 > Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
03:29:07.531000 >
03:29:07.546000 * upload completely sent off: 508 out of 508 bytes
03:29:16.671000 < HTTP/1.1 200 OK
03:29:16.671000 < Cache-Control: no-cache
03:29:16.671000 < Pragma: no-cache
03:29:16.687000 < Expires: -1
03:29:16.687000 < X-AspNet-Version: 4.0.30319
03:29:16.687000 < X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
03:29:16.687000 < Date: Fri, 22 May 2020 01:29:14 GMT
03:29:16.687000 < Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
03:29:16.703000 < Server: IBM App Connect Enterprise
03:29:16.703000 < Content-Length: 243
EDIT: I'm still trying to resolve the problem - this time with help of Wireshark and user trace:
02:56:37.781000 > POST /service HTTP/1.1
after few milliseconds Wireshark detects POST message from "curl machine" - that means there are no problems with the connection
after around 10s delay SoapInput receives data. Why it takes so long?
2020-05-23 02:56:37.257076 6220 UserTrace BIP11304I: The Parser of type 'MQROOT' has been deleted from address '0x131f1312190'. This thread now has '0' cached parsers.
2020-05-23 02:56:40.591580 3684 UserTrace BIP11303I: A Parser of type 'MQROOT' has been created at address '0x131f13144a0'. This thread now has '36' cached parsers.
2020-05-23 02:56:45.143380 3684 UserTrace BIP11501I: Received data from input node 'SOAP Input'.
The input node 'SOAP Input' has received data and has propagated it to the message flow 'link'.
2020-05-23 02:56:45.143880 3684 UserTrace BIP6060I: Node 'link.SOAP Input' used parser type 'Properties' to process a portion of the incoming message of length '0' bytes beginning at offset '0'.
Fixed by restarting the machine. Any clue what exactly caused this problem?
I am trying to dispatch a multipart/form-data POST request to a remote server using mechanize 2.7.3 to automate some interactions with a remote server. Unfortunally there is no usable <form>, so I have to issue the POST directly. Luckily, mechanize recognizes what I am up to anyway, but the server doesn't accept the response:
c:/RailsInstaller/Ruby1.9.3/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/mechanize-2.7.3/lib/mechanize/http/agent.rb:308: in `fetch': 400 => Net::HTTPBadRequest for http://REDACTED/api/resources -- unhandled response (Mechanize::ResponseCodeError)
from c:/RailsInstaller/Ruby1.9.3/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/mechanize-2.7.3/lib/mechanize.rb:1281:in `post_form'
from c:/RailsInstaller/Ruby1.9.3/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/mechanize-2.7.3/lib/mechanize.rb:502:in `post'
from thing.rb:38:in `upload'
Here's what mechanize logging output looks like during the request in question:
D, [2014-05-13T12:40:34.580906 #3456] DEBUG -- : query: "--cNPsKCeBSrPGUwxyjMze\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"force_create\"\r\n\r\ntrue\r\n--cNPsKCeBSrPGUwxyjMze\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"file\"; filename=\"test.wgt\"\r\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: binary\r\n\r\nREDACTED\r\n--cNPsKCeBSrPGUwxyjMze--\r\n"
I, [2014-05-13T12:40:34.581906 #3456] INFO -- : Net::HTTP::Post: /api/resources
D, [2014-05-13T12:40:34.581906 #3456] DEBUG -- : request-header: accept => */*
D, [2014-05-13T12:40:34.581906 #3456] DEBUG -- : request-header: user-agent => Mechanize/2.7.3 Ruby/1.9.3p392 (http://github.com/sparklemotion/mechanize/)
D, [2014-05-13T12:40:34.581906 #3456] DEBUG -- : request-header: accept-encoding => gzip,deflate,identity
D, [2014-05-13T12:40:34.581906 #3456] DEBUG -- : request-header: accept-charset => ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
D, [2014-05-13T12:40:34.582906 #3456] DEBUG -- : request-header: accept-language => en-us,en;q=0.5
D, [2014-05-13T12:40:34.582906 #3456] DEBUG -- : request-header: cookie => csrftoken=G4dZv6fxRMq0Y2h5yntDsJTFBeEKVFaU; sessionid=9oqufupdt6r620eyep4l4jcl6i2cxda5
D, [2014-05-13T12:40:34.582906 #3456] DEBUG -- : request-header: host => REDACTED
D, [2014-05-13T12:40:34.582906 #3456] DEBUG -- : request-header: referer => REDACTED/login
D, [2014-05-13T12:40:34.582906 #3456] DEBUG -- : request-header: content-type => multipart/form-data; boundary=cNPsKCeBSrPGUwxyjMze
D, [2014-05-13T12:40:34.582906 #3456] DEBUG -- : request-header: content-length => 409
I, [2014-05-13T12:40:34.613906 #3456] INFO -- : status: Net::HTTPBadRequest 1.1 400 BAD REQUEST
D, [2014-05-13T12:40:34.613906 #3456] DEBUG -- : response-header: date => Tue, 13 May 2014 10:33:44 GMT
D, [2014-05-13T12:40:34.613906 #3456] DEBUG -- : response-header: server => Apache/2.2.15 (CentOS)
D, [2014-05-13T12:40:34.613906 #3456] DEBUG -- : response-header: vary => Accept-Language,Cookie,Accept-Encoding
D, [2014-05-13T12:40:34.613906 #3456] DEBUG -- : response-header: content-language => en
D, [2014-05-13T12:40:34.613906 #3456] DEBUG -- : response-header: content-type => text/plain; charset=utf-8
D, [2014-05-13T12:40:34.613906 #3456] DEBUG -- : response-header: content-encoding => gzip
D, [2014-05-13T12:40:34.613906 #3456] DEBUG -- : response-header: content-length => 37
D, [2014-05-13T12:40:34.613906 #3456] DEBUG -- : response-header: connection => close
D, [2014-05-13T12:40:34.614906 #3456] DEBUG -- : Read 37 bytes (37 total)
D, [2014-05-13T12:40:34.614906 #3456] DEBUG -- : gzip response
This is how I do it in Ruby:
def upload(file)
agent.post(base_uri + RESOURCES_PATH, {
:force_create => true,
:file => File.new(file)
}) do … end
Every other interaction with the site works normally (mechanize actually even logs in first, thus the cookies). The upload also works fine in a real browser – the only discernable difference is the content transfer encoding (octet-stream instead of binary). Or maybe I am missing something here? Something vital?
Also, I can't say much about the remote server in question. I only know the site is running some sort of Python-based framework (Django, iirc).
Thanks in advance,
I have managed to identify the culprit here. As my development machine is Windows-based, this seems to have been an issue with mechanize (or one of its dependencies) and Windows. By specifying the b (binary) part in the second argument of File.new, the problem went away on its own. tl;dr: here's how the working code fragment now looks like:
agent.post(base_uri + RESOURCES_PATH, {
:force_create => true,
:file => File.new(file, 'rb') # <-- changed
whatever I try, it seems the webpi installer for Azure november 2011 release keeps failing. This it the log file I get from webpi:
DownloadManager Information: 0 : Loading product xml from: ttps://go.microsoft.com/?linkid=9767054
DownloadManager Information: 0 : ttps://go.microsoft.com/?linkid=9767054 responded with 302
DownloadManager Information: 0 : Response headers:
HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Cache-Control: private
Content-Length: 175
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Expires: Wed, 14 Dec 2011 13:36:49 GMT
Location: ttps://www.microsoft.com/web/webpi/3.0/webproductlist.xml
Server: Microsoft-IIS/7.5
X-AspNet-Version: 2.0.50727
X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
Date: Wed, 14 Dec 2011 13:37:48 GMT
DownloadManager Information: 0 : ttps://www.microsoft.com/web/webpi/3.0/webproductlist.xml responded with 304
DownloadManager Information: 0 : Response headers:
HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified
Cache-Control: max-age=900
Last-Modified: Wed, 07 Dec 2011 18:40:06 GMT
Accept-Ranges: bytes
ETag: "a08f4a4fb5cc1:0"
Server: Microsoft-IIS/7.5
VTag: 438735100400000000
X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
Date: Wed, 14 Dec 2011 13:37:49 GMT
DownloadManager Information: 0 : Remote file has not changed, using local cached file: C:\Users\christoc\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Web Platform Installer\542864071.xml.temp
DownloadManager Information: 0 : Filtering by majorOS: 6, minorOS: 1, majorSP: 1, minorSP: 0, productType: 1, architecture: x86
DownloadManager Information: 0 : Loading product xml from: ttps://www.microsoft.com/web/webpi/3.0/webapplicationlist.xml
DownloadManager Information: 0 : ttps://www.microsoft.com/web/webpi/3.0/webapplicationlist.xml responded with 304
DownloadManager Information: 0 : Response headers:
HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified
Cache-Control: max-age=900
Last-Modified: Tue, 13 Dec 2011 22:58:12 GMT
Accept-Ranges: bytes
ETag: "d12faab0eab9cc1:0"
Server: Microsoft-IIS/7.5
VTag: 791472300300000000
X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
Date: Wed, 14 Dec 2011 13:37:50 GMT
DownloadManager Information: 0 : Remote file has not changed, using local cached file: C:\Users\christoc\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Web Platform Installer\-1338951197.xml.temp
DownloadManager Information: 0 : Filtering by majorOS: 6, minorOS: 1, majorSP: 1, minorSP: 0, productType: 1, architecture: x86
DownloadManager Information: 0 : Loading product xml from: ttps://www.microsoft.com/web/webpi/3.0/mediaproductlist.xml
DownloadManager Information: 0 : ttps://www.microsoft.com/web/webpi/3.0/mediaproductlist.xml responded with 304
DownloadManager Information: 0 : Response headers:
HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified
Cache-Control: max-age=900
Last-Modified: Wed, 09 Nov 2011 18:16:33 GMT
Accept-Ranges: bytes
ETag: "4bfbe4b5b9fcc1:0"
Server: Microsoft-IIS/7.5
VTag: 791472300300000000
X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
Date: Wed, 14 Dec 2011 13:37:51 GMT
DownloadManager Information: 0 : Remote file has not changed, using local cached file: C:\Users\christoc\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Web Platform Installer\664384761.xml.temp
DownloadManager Information: 0 : Filtering by majorOS: 6, minorOS: 1, majorSP: 1, minorSP: 0, productType: 1, architecture: x86
DownloadManager Information: 0 : Loading product xml from: ttps://www.microsoft.com/web/webpi/3.0/toolsproductlist.xml
DownloadManager Information: 0 : ttps://www.microsoft.com/web/webpi/3.0/toolsproductlist.xml responded with 304
DownloadManager Information: 0 : Response headers:
HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified
Cache-Control: max-age=900
Last-Modified: Sat, 10 Dec 2011 00:01:01 GMT
Accept-Ranges: bytes
ETag: "1d2b74cdceb6cc1:0"
Server: Microsoft-IIS/7.5
VTag: 438776600300000000
X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
Date: Wed, 14 Dec 2011 13:37:51 GMT
DownloadManager Information: 0 : Remote file has not changed, using local cached file: C:\Users\christoc\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Web Platform Installer\1956869252.xml.temp
DownloadManager Information: 0 : Filtering by majorOS: 6, minorOS: 1, majorSP: 1, minorSP: 0, productType: 1, architecture: x86
DownloadManager Information: 0 : Loading product xml from: ttps://www.microsoft.com/web/webpi/3.0/enterpriseproductlist.xml
DownloadManager Information: 0 : ttps://www.microsoft.com/web/webpi/3.0/enterpriseproductlist.xml responded with 304
DownloadManager Information: 0 : Response headers:
HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified
Cache-Control: max-age=900
Last-Modified: Tue, 11 Oct 2011 16:02:13 GMT
Accept-Ranges: bytes
ETag: "265bd232f88cc1:0"
Server: Microsoft-IIS/7.5
VTag: 438735100400000000
X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
Date: Wed, 14 Dec 2011 13:37:51 GMT
DownloadManager Information: 0 : Remote file has not changed, using local cached file: C:\Users\christoc\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Web Platform Installer\903079739.xml.temp
DownloadManager Information: 0 : Filtering by majorOS: 6, minorOS: 1, majorSP: 1, minorSP: 0, productType: 1, architecture: x86
DownloadManager Information: 0 : Loading product xml from: ttp://www.orchardproject.net/privatedrops/orchardfeed.xml
DownloadManager Information: 0 : ttp://www.orchardproject.net/privatedrops/orchardfeed.xml responded with 404
DownloadManager Information: 0 : Response headers:
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive
Connection: Keep-Alive
Content-Length: 1245
Via: 1.1 EUR-PRXY-10
Date: Wed, 14 Dec 2011 13:37:52 GMT
Content-Type: text/html
Server: Microsoft-IIS/7.0
Cache-Control: private
X-AspNetMvc-Version: 3.0
X-AspNet-Version: 4.0.30319
X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
DownloadManager Error: 0 : Error loading downloaded product file: 'System.InvalidOperationException: XML file contained no products
at Microsoft.Web.PlatformInstaller.ProductManager.LoadProducts(XmlElement rootElement, XmlNamespaceManager nsm)
at Microsoft.Web.PlatformInstaller.ProductManager.LoadFromXmlInternal(LineInfoDocument xmlDoc, Boolean loadEnclosures)
at Microsoft.Web.PlatformInstaller.ProductManager.LoadFromXml(TextReader xmlTextReader, Boolean loadEnclosures)
at Microsoft.Web.PlatformInstaller.ProductManager.LoadFromXml(String xmlFile, Boolean loadEnclosures)
at Microsoft.Web.PlatformInstaller.ProductManager.Load(Uri productFileUrl, Boolean filterByArchitectureAndOS, Boolean loadEnclosures, Boolean useCachedVersion, String cacheDirectory, Architecture architecture, Int32 majorOS, Int32 minorOS, Int32 majorSP, Int32 minorSP, Int32 osType)'
DownloadManager Information: 0 : Filtering by majorOS: 6, minorOS: 1, majorSP: 1, minorSP: 0, productType: 1, architecture: x86
DownloadManager Information: 0 : Getting ratings file from ttp://go.microsoft.com/?linkid=9752395
DownloadManager Information: 0 : ttp://go.microsoft.com/?linkid=9752395 responded with 302
DownloadManager Information: 0 : Response headers:
HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive
Connection: Keep-Alive
Content-Length: 203
Via: 1.1 EUR-PRXY-11
Expires: Wed, 14 Dec 2011 13:36:52 GMT
Date: Wed, 14 Dec 2011 13:37:51 GMT
Location: ttp://www.microsoft.com/web/handlers/WebPI.ashx?command=getatomfeedwithavgratingquery
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Server: Microsoft-IIS/7.5
Cache-Control: private
X-AspNet-Version: 2.0.50727
X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
DownloadManager Information: 0 : Contextual entry products: WindowsAzureToolsVS2010
DownloadManager Information: 0 : Adding product Windows Azure SDK for .NET - November 2011 (WindowsAzureToolsVS2010) to cart
DownloadManager Information: 0 : Contextual navigation to product 'WindowsAzureToolsVS2010'
DownloadManager Information: 0 : Ratings file loaded successfully
DownloadManager Information: 0 : Adding product 'WindowsAzureToolsVS2010'
DownloadManager Information: 0 : Product 'WindowsAzureSDK' is installed. Not adding
DownloadManager Information: 0 : Product 'WindowsAzureSDKOnly' is installed. Not adding
DownloadManager Information: 0 : Product 'NETFramework35' is installed. Not adding
DownloadManager Information: 0 : Product 'WindowsAzureEmulator' is installed. Not adding
DownloadManager Information: 0 : Product 'ASPNET' is installed. Not adding
DownloadManager Information: 0 : Product 'StaticContent' is installed. Not adding
DownloadManager Information: 0 : Product 'WASProcessModel' is installed. Not adding
DownloadManager Information: 0 : Product 'NETExtensibility' is installed. Not adding
DownloadManager Information: 0 : Product 'RequestFiltering' is installed. Not adding
DownloadManager Information: 0 : Product 'WASNetFxEnvironment' is installed. Not adding
DownloadManager Information: 0 : Product 'ISAPIExtensions' is installed. Not adding
DownloadManager Information: 0 : Product 'ISAPIFilters' is installed. Not adding
DownloadManager Information: 0 : Product 'DefaultDocument' is installed. Not adding
DownloadManager Information: 0 : Product 'CGI' is installed. Not adding
DownloadManager Information: 0 : Product 'UrlRewrite2' is installed. Not adding
DownloadManager Information: 0 : Product 'FastCGIUpdate' is installed. Not adding
DownloadManager Information: 0 : Product 'PowerShell' is installed. Not adding
DownloadManager Information: 0 : Dependent product PowerShellMsu does not apply for current OS / configuration. Not adding
DownloadManager Information: 0 : Product 'IISManagementConsole' is installed. Not adding
DownloadManager Information: 0 : Product 'WASConfigurationAPI' is installed. Not adding
DownloadManager Information: 0 : Product 'DirectoryBrowse' is installed. Not adding
DownloadManager Information: 0 : Product 'HTTPErrors' is installed. Not adding
DownloadManager Information: 0 : Product 'HTTPRedirection' is installed. Not adding
DownloadManager Information: 0 : Product 'HTTPLogging' is installed. Not adding
DownloadManager Information: 0 : Product 'LoggingTools' is installed. Not adding
DownloadManager Information: 0 : Product 'Tracing' is installed. Not adding
DownloadManager Information: 0 : Product 'RequestMonitor' is installed. Not adding
DownloadManager Information: 0 : Product 'MVC3' is installed. Not adding
DownloadManager Information: 0 : Product 'NETFramework4' is installed. Not adding
DownloadManager Information: 0 : Product 'WindowsImagingComponent' is installed. Not adding
DownloadManager Information: 0 : Adding dependency product 'MVC3Installer' for product 'MVC3'
DownloadManager Information: 0 : Adding dependency product 'WindowsAzureToolsOnlyVS2010' for product 'WindowsAzureToolsVS2010'
DownloadManager Information: 0 : Product 'VSVWD2010Feature' is installed. Not adding
DownloadManager Information: 0 : No SQL to configure
DownloadManager Information: 0 : No MySQL to configure
DownloadManager Information: 0 : Setting current install to 1
DownloadManager Information: 0 : Starting install sequence
DownloadManager Information: 0 : Downloading file 'ttp://download.microsoft.com/download/D/F/4/DF442AB0-FAAE-44FF-A04E-F41E72FE6B6F/WindowsAzureTools.VS100.exe' to: C:\Users\christoc\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp49.tmp
DownloadManager Information: 0 : Content-disposition header: attachment
DownloadManager Information: 0 : Moving downloaded file 'C:\Users\christoc\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp49.tmp' to: C:\Users\christoc\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Web Platform Installer\installers\WindowsAzureToolsOnlyVS2010\580DFFB79499C7427AD38C84E632FFFF39C3FBCC\WindowsAzureTools.VS1007.exe
DownloadManager Information: 0 : Using cached file at C:\Users\christoc\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Web Platform Installer\installers\MVC3Installer\7a15ca7a49ac8a9edfe71ac0873a8aa38338c029\AspNetMVC3ToolsUpdateSetup.exe instead of downloading from http://download.microsoft.com/download/F/3/1/F31EF055-3C46-4E35-AB7B-3261A303A3B6/AspNetMVC3ToolsUpdateSetup.exe
DownloadManager Information: 0 : Starting EXE command for product 'Windows Azure Tools for Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 - November 2011'. Commandline is: 'C:\Users\christoc\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Web Platform Installer\installers\WindowsAzureToolsOnlyVS2010\580DFFB79499C7427AD38C84E632FFFF39C3FBCC\WindowsAzureTools.VS1007.exe /quiet /norestart /log C:\Users\christoc\AppData\Local\Temp\WindowsAzureToolsInstall.txt'. Process Id: 8972
DownloadManager Information: 0 : Install exit code for product 'Windows Azure Tools for Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 - November 2011' is -2147023293
DownloadManager Error: 0 : Install return code for product 'Windows Azure Tools for Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 - November 2011' is Failure
DownloadManager Information: 0 : Product Windows Azure Tools for Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 - November 2011 done install completed
DownloadManager Information: 0 : Increasing current install to 2
DownloadManager Warning: 0 : Dependency failed for product 'Windows Azure SDK for .NET - November 2011'. Skipping install
DownloadManager Information: 0 : Product Windows Azure SDK for .NET - November 2011 had a dependency fail. Increasing install product to 3
DownloadManager Information: 0 : Starting EXE command for product 'ASP.NET MVC 3 Tools Update Installer'. Commandline is: 'C:\Users\christoc\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Web Platform Installer\installers\MVC3Installer\7a15ca7a49ac8a9edfe71ac0873a8aa38338c029\AspNetMVC3ToolsUpdateSetup.exe /q /log C:\Users\christoc\AppData\Local\Temp\mvc3_install.htm'. Process Id: 9192
DownloadManager Information: 0 : Install exit code for product 'ASP.NET MVC 3 Tools Update Installer' is 0
DownloadManager Information: 0 : Install return code for product 'ASP.NET MVC 3 Tools Update Installer' is Success
DownloadManager Information: 0 : Product ASP.NET MVC 3 Tools Update Installer done install completed
DownloadManager Information: 0 : Increasing current install to 4
Trying to install the Azure Tools manually as suggested below, fails and returns the following log file:
[1718:2A34][2011-12-15T21:48:55]: Burn v3.6.2228.0, path: C:\Users\christoc\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Web Platform Installer\installers\WindowsAzureToolsOnlyVS2010\580DFFB79499C7427AD38C84E632FFFF39C3FBCC\WindowsAzureTools.VS1007.exe, cmdline: ''
[1718:2A34][2011-12-15T21:48:56]: Initializing string variable 'ProductShortName' to value 'Windows Azure Tools - November 2011'
[1718:2A34][2011-12-15T21:48:56]: Setting string variable 'WixBundleName' to value 'Windows Azure Tools for Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 - November 2011'
[1718:2A34][2011-12-15T21:48:56]: Setting string variable 'WixBundleLog' to value 'C:\Users\christoc\AppData\Local\Temp\Windows Azure Tools for Microsoft Visual Studio 2010_-_November 2011_20111215214856.log'
[1718:2A34][2011-12-15T21:48:56]: Setting string variable 'WixBundleOriginalSource' to value 'C:\Users\christoc\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Web Platform Installer\installers\WindowsAzureToolsOnlyVS2010\580DFFB79499C7427AD38C84E632FFFF39C3FBCC\WindowsAzureTools.VS1007.exe'
[1718:2A34][2011-12-15T21:48:56]: Detect 2 packages
[1718:2A34][2011-12-15T21:48:56]: Registry key not found. Key = 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DevDiv\VS\Servicing\10.0\procore'
[1718:2A34][2011-12-15T21:48:56]: Setting numeric variable 'DEVENV_PROPLUS' to value 0
[1718:2A34][2011-12-15T21:48:56]: Condition 'NOT DEVENV_PROPLUS' evaluates to true.
[1718:2A34][2011-12-15T21:48:56]: Registry key not found. Key = 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DevDiv\VS\Servicing\10.0\vstdcore'
[1718:2A34][2011-12-15T21:48:56]: Setting numeric variable 'DEVENV_PROPLUS' to value 0
[1718:2A34][2011-12-15T21:48:56]: Condition 'NOT DEVENV_PROPLUS' evaluates to true.
[1718:2A34][2011-12-15T21:48:56]: Setting numeric variable 'DEVENV_PROPLUS' to value 1
[1718:2A34][2011-12-15T21:48:56]: Registry value not found. Key = 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VWDExpress\10.0', Value = 'InstallDir'
[1718:2A34][2011-12-15T21:48:56]: File not found. Path = '\VWDExpress.exe'
[1718:2A34][2011-12-15T21:48:56]: Setting numeric variable 'VWDEXPRESS_IDE_FILE' to value 0
[1718:2A34][2011-12-15T21:48:56]: Setting numeric variable 'VSDEVENV' to value 1
[1718:2A34][2011-12-15T21:48:57]: Detected package: CctSetup.Shared, state: Absent, cached: No
[1718:2A34][2011-12-15T21:48:57]: Detected package: CctSetup, state: Absent, cached: Yes
[1718:2A34][2011-12-15T21:48:57]: Detect complete, result: 0x0
[1718:2A34][2011-12-15T21:49:25]: Plan 2 packages, action: Install
[1718:2A34][2011-12-15T21:49:25]: Condition '(VSDEVENV AND DEVENV_PROPLUS) OR VWDEXPRESS_IDE_FILE' evaluates to true.
[1718:2A34][2011-12-15T21:49:25]: Setting string variable 'WixBundleLog_CctSetup.Shared' to value 'C:\Users\christoc\AppData\Local\Temp\Windows Azure Tools for Microsoft Visual Studio 2010_-_November 2011_20111215214856_0_CctSetup.Shared.log'
[1718:2A34][2011-12-15T21:49:25]: Setting string variable 'WixBundleRollbackLog_CctSetup.Shared' to value 'C:\Users\christoc\AppData\Local\Temp\Windows Azure Tools for Microsoft Visual Studio 2010_-_November 2011_20111215214856_0_CctSetup.Shared_rollback.log'
[1718:2A34][2011-12-15T21:49:25]: Planned package: CctSetup.Shared, state: Absent, default requested: Present, ux requested: Present, execute: Install, rollback: Uninstall, cache: Yes, uncache: No, dependency: Register
[1718:2A34][2011-12-15T21:49:25]: Setting string variable 'WixBundleLog_CctSetup' to value 'C:\Users\christoc\AppData\Local\Temp\Windows Azure Tools for Microsoft Visual Studio 2010_-_November 2011_20111215214856_1_CctSetup.log'
[1718:2A34][2011-12-15T21:49:25]: Setting string variable 'WixBundleRollbackLog_CctSetup' to value 'C:\Users\christoc\AppData\Local\Temp\Windows Azure Tools for Microsoft Visual Studio 2010_-_November 2011_20111215214856_1_CctSetup_rollback.log'
[1718:2A34][2011-12-15T21:49:25]: Planned package: CctSetup, state: Absent, default requested: Present, ux requested: Present, execute: Install, rollback: Uninstall, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: Register
[1718:2A34][2011-12-15T21:49:25]: Plan complete, result: 0x0
[1718:2A34][2011-12-15T21:49:25]: Apply begin
[1B48:2E24][2011-12-15T21:49:28]: Caching bundle from: 'C:\Users\christoc\AppData\Local\Temp\{3975541a-8609-49c4-94d7-10af6af23833}\.be\WindowsAzureTools.VS100.exe' to: 'C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{3975541a-8609-49c4-94d7-10af6af23833}\WindowsAzureTools.VS100.exe'
[1B48:2E24][2011-12-15T21:49:28]: Registering bundle dependency key: {3975541a-8609-49c4-94d7-10af6af23833}, version 1.6.41103.1601
[1B48:2A0C][2011-12-15T21:49:28]: Moving payload from working path 'C:\Users\christoc\AppData\Local\Temp\{3975541a-8609-49c4-94d7-10af6af23833}\CctSetup.Shared' to path 'C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{10EC9A93-A581-4063-A051-0F66D47EBC92}v1.6.41103.1601\WindowsAzureTools.VSCore.VS100.en-us.msi'
[1B48:2E24][2011-12-15T21:49:28]: Applying package: CctSetup.Shared, action: Install, path: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{10EC9A93-A581-4063-A051-0F66D47EBC92}v1.6.41103.1601\WindowsAzureTools.VSCore.VS100.en-us.msi, arguments: ' IGNOREDEPENDENCIES="{3975541a-8609-49c4-94d7-10af6af23833}"'
[1B48:2E24][2011-12-15T21:49:32]: Error 0x80070643: Failed to install MSI package.
[1B48:2E24][2011-12-15T21:49:32]: Error 0x80070643: Failed to execute MSI package.
[1718:2A34][2011-12-15T21:49:32]: Error 0x80070643: Failed to configure per-machine MSI package.
[1718:2A34][2011-12-15T21:49:32]: Error 0x80070643: Failed to execute MSI package.
[1B48:2E24][2011-12-15T21:49:32]: Removing cached package: {10EC9A93-A581-4063-A051-0F66D47EBC92}v1.6.41103.1601, from path: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{10EC9A93-A581-4063-A051-0F66D47EBC92}v1.6.41103.1601\
[1718:2A34][2011-12-15T21:49:32]: Error 0x80070643: Failed to execute apply.
[1B48:2E24][2011-12-15T21:49:32]: Removing bundle dependency key: {3975541a-8609-49c4-94d7-10af6af23833}
[1B48:2E24][2011-12-15T21:49:32]: Removing cached bundle: {3975541a-8609-49c4-94d7-10af6af23833}, from path: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{3975541a-8609-49c4-94d7-10af6af23833}\
[1718:2A34][2011-12-15T21:49:32]: Apply complete, result: 0x80070643 restart: No
Take a look at the log file to find a more specific error: C:\Users\christoc\AppData\Local\Temp\WindowsAzureToolsInstall.txt. Error code -2147023293, which means a fatal installer error, is too generic.
Also, you can try invoking the cached installer manually:
C:\Users\christoc\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Web Platform Installer\installers\WindowsAzureToolsOnlyVS2010\580DFFB79499C7427AD38C84E632FFFF39C3FBCC\WindowsAzureTools.VS1007.exe. This would actually launch the installer with the UI, so it can give you more hints on the failure.