Is there a way to add labels to the state maps? For example, to have the percentages directly on the individual states instead of only being able to see them via the tool tip?
I'm not sure if Altair has this option or if I will need to look into other packages (plotly, folium etc.) and do some layering to get those results.
import altair as alt
from vega_datasets import data
states = alt.topo_feature(data.us_10m.url, 'states')
variable_list = ['Percentage', 'State Name', 'state_id']
alt.Chart(states).mark_geoshape(stroke='white', width=0.01).encode(
color=alt.Color('Percentage:Q', title='Positive NFB', legend=alt.Legend(format=".0%"), scale=alt.Scale(scheme='yellowgreenblue', domain=[0, 1])),
tooltip=['State Name:N', alt.Tooltip('Percentage:Q', format='.0%')]).properties(title="Percentage of People in Households with Positive NFB"
from_=alt.LookupData(states_positive_NFB, 'state_id', variable_list)
Altair has no built-in features for displaying labels on geographic regions. That said, if you have a dataframe with columns containing latitudes, longitudes, and text that you would like to display, you can do so with a mark_text() and latitude/longitude encodings; you can find an example of this in Altair's documentation:
If what you want is a visualization tool that has built-in functionality for computing centroids of geographic regions and drawing labels at those points, Altair is probably not what you're looking for.
The rows of schedule board are white by default. I would like to apply colors alternation to them to make them look like these Excel rows on the picture. How could I do it?
How to add color change on hover? It works out of the box for cells of resources and the work order rows (see the picture), but not for the whole rows on the calendar area.
Last time when I checked with MS PG team on this topic - they expressed that it is aligned with Design principles of UCI. So no alternate row colors available in grid or calendar.
You can create an idea and based on community votes, MS may give that option in future. For now instead of manipulating DOM/CSS in any unsupported way, stay away from it. :)
I have a use case where I pull and plot Forex data in the form of ask and bid on the graph and this is based on minute, hour or day candlesticks and I am only plotting the closing value for bid and ask as a spline.
The endpoints that I am using their Forex data feed is not available from Friday 8pm to Sunday 9pm. Let's say I have the following use case
Plot a 200 data points (i.e. hourly candle) on the graph at a time, on new candle phase out the oldest and plot the newest
The X-Axis is the data point's datetime in UTC ISO Format
The Y-Axis is the value of ask and bid
At a time the graph shows 4.1 days worth of hourly candle
The graph is pretty and smooth when the datetime on x-axis do not have any gaps. The candle timestamps are returned in the following form
2018-06-29T20:00:00.000000000Z (Friday last candle 8pm)
2018-07-01T21:00:00.000000000Z (Sunday first candle 9pm)
As soon as there is a gap (around 47-49 hours) everything gets compressed to accommodate for the stretched part of the graph as shown below (Using plotly.js)
Mostly, financial graphs do not show the gap. For example, looking at the TradingView interactive chart you will see the following for weekend
If you know how to tackle this issue with open source charting libraries (excluding TradingView) then please share your solution.
Based on my findings, you can exclude the gaps using HighStock of Highcharts library. Highcharts is open source and only free to use for Non-commercial use, for more details see highcharts licensing
I initially started off with plotly.js because it really is a very good charting library to be honest. After I came across the datetime gap issue (see screenshot in question) on x-axis I researched for solution and came across the following issues (forum) (locked github thread)
As per the Github issue link above, this is not achievable at the moment for how the datetime is handled on x-axis. There are workaround (like 3rd link above) but, I tried some and it either didn't work or I lost some piece of information.
I came to the conclusion that even though plotly is a great library, it simply cannot help me in this case. If you think it does, please share your solution :)
After some more research of charting libraries, I give C3.js a try and after editing their live demo example with datetime for x-axis I observed the same weekend gap issue (see below)
I did not bother researching why and that's probably because of being based on D3.js just like plotly.js. If you think the datetime gap can be handled with C3.js then please feel free to share your solution.
I finally came across the family of Highxxxxx charting library and at first look it looked so pretty and offered all the functionalities that I wanted. I tried Highchart and I got the same weekend gap issue
Well, I started to think that the only solution is to NOT TO PLOT the datetime in x-axis at all and somehow show the datetime in tooltip and that seem to do the job as shown below
But, being too stubborn to give up I continued my research. I really wanted to get the charting done like TradingView and other stock visualization.
I decided to do some more research and little did I knew that I was so so close to a solution by the very same charting library Highcharts and it is called HighStock
Highstock of Highcharts
HighStock by default takes care of the gaps as shown below
I used the following piece of Javascript
global: {
useUTC: false
Highcharts.StockChart('chart', {
chart: {
type: 'spline',
events: {
load: function () {
console.log('Highcharts is Loaded! Creating a reference to Chart dom.')
//store a reference to the chart to update the data series
var index=$("#chart").data('highchartsChart');
highchartRef = Highcharts.charts[index]; //global var
//Initiating the data pull here
title: {
text: 'Chart title'
series: [
name: 'Ask',
data: [],
tooltip: {
valueDecimals: 7
marker: {
enabled: true
name: 'Bid',
data: [],
tooltip: {
valueDecimals: 7
marker: {
enabled: true
There you have it, a gapless (not sure if it is a real word) financial chart with datetime x-axis for financial data.
Libraries I did not try
I have researched but, did not try the following charting libraries
Google charts (didn't feel right for unknown reasons)
Chartist (didn't see much of interactivity and financial related chart types and examples
Chartjs (same as Chartist)
TradingView (I give up after reading their terms of use - weird clause, my point of view)
A majority of others that lacked the level of documentation, interactivity, finance-related charts like Plotly and Highcharts.
Final thought
I found Highcharts to be
Well documented
A ton of jsfiddles examples around
Lots of useful SO answers
Pretty and very functional
Many options
Easy to use
Similar SO questions relating to gaps
How can I hide data gaps in plotly?
HighCharts datetime xAxis without missing values (weekends) (Highcharts)
Remove weekend gaps in gnuplot for candlestick chart (candlestick-chart, gunplot)
How to remove gaps in C3 timeseries chart? (c3/d3 - fiddles are not working so its hard to see the solution)
How to remove weekends dates from x axis in dc js chart (c3.js - the gap is some gap)
Plotly is now supporting to hide weekend and holidays in chart with help of rangebreaks. check this link: go to the section:"Hiding Weekends and Holidays"
Below is section copied from this link, example is for but it also works for plotly.graph_objects
Hiding Weekends and Holidays
The rangebreaks attribute available on x- and y-axes of type date can be used to hide certain time-periods. In the example below, we show two plots: one in default mode to show gaps in the data, and one where we hide weekends and holidays to show an uninterrupted trading history. Note the smaller gaps between the grid lines for December 21 and January 4, where holidays were removed. Check out the reference for more options:
import as px
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('')
fig = px.scatter(df, x='Date', y='AAPL.High', range_x=['2015-12-01', '2016-01-15'],
title="Default Display with Gaps")
Display without Gaps
import as px
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('')
fig = px.scatter(df, x='Date', y='AAPL.High', range_x=['2015-12-01', '2016-01-15'],
title="Hide Gaps with rangebreaks")
dict(bounds=["sat", "mon"]), #hide weekends
dict(values=["2015-12-25", "2016-01-01"]) # hide Christmas and New Year's
According to documentation
try to add this before
dict(bounds=["sat", "sun"]), #hide weekends
fig.layout.xaxis.type = 'category'
Using category as the xaxis type worked for me quite nicely (notice the go.Layout object):
import plotly.graph_objects as go
layout = go.Layout(
fig = go.Figure(data=[go.Candlestick(x=self.price_df.index.to_series(),
First of all, no need to quit on Plotly. The use of rangebreaks is indeed the tool to use, but that’s one side of it. I say this because for stock data bounds aren't practical compared to values, but you would be specifying dates for many holidays per year, and most of them change from one year to the other. So use values for rangebreaks and feed it with a list of every date that you don’t have in the CSV file you are loading. In case you need a bigger push to solve this, what I mean is taking the ‘date’ column aside, looping through it, and appending dates that are not there in another list. Then you can go fig.update_xaxes(rangebreaks=[dict(values=mylistofdates)])
Hope this brings you back to Plotly!
To remove empty columns such as Weekends from Financial Data using plotly ,Use below code.
import as px
#Daily Percentage change in Nifty 50 Index
daily_returns = np.log(1+df_close.pct_change())*100
fig =,y = "Close", orientation='v')
fig.update_xaxes( rangeslider_visible=True, rangebreaks=[
dict(bounds=["sat", "mon"]), #hide weekends
title='Nifty 50 Daily Returns in %',
yaxis_title='Daily % Change')
fig.update_layout( xaxis_tickformat = ' %d %B (%a)<br> %Y')
I really like the "Months > days (horizontally)" graph on this page:
I'm totally new to D3JS though and I'm wondering if its possible to label the day of the month (ie. 1,2,3...,31) directly on the calendar's HTML (not via tooltip). I basically just want to create a calendar (with labeled days) using D3JS.
How would I go about doing that? Thanks!
I would like to use the built in Codeigniter calendar library to create a calendar with the 40 next days. I would like each month to be displayed as a normal calendar placed horizontally by each other. In other words, there should be 2-3 calendars horizontally aligned.
Any good tip where I should start?
create your own user control. using calender control
hope this will give you a clue to proceed