Where to find more free space so system disk on server 2003? [closed] - windows

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Closed 9 years ago.
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System disk is runnig out of disk space.
Should I delete all .tmp files from windows directory?
Should I delete all $NtUninstall$ directories?
What else can I delete from system folders?
Basic things like temprary internet files etc have deleted, basic log files are deleted. All unused application have been removed.

If you don't plan to ever back down from any of the hotfix / service pack then yes. Just don't delete the software distribution folder \WINDOWS\$hf_mig$
You could also burn them to CD just in case.


Backup an external drive to an external drive - windows 10 [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Is it possible?
I've tried adding the external drive (i.e., drive to be backed up) in Windows backup options, but I just get an error (0x80070032).
If it matters, I'm using an HDD for backup, and an SSD that needs to be backed up.
I came across "AOMEI Backupper". It does the job, and actually did save me from losing 6 months of work (from home). However, I ended up just buying a bigger SSD and backing up to an external SSD (so I have a portable copy if needed).
AOMEI works, but is a little "rough around the edges", if you know what I mean..

Delete files in Windows>Temp>tmp0000* repertories : Windows 8.1 [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I do not have enough space on my disk, I would like to know if I can delete the Temp files of the Windows directory>Temp>tmp0000*
Yes, anything in that temp directory is safe to delete.
All they are created for is to temporarily contain information and is not required to have on your hard-drive constantly.

How to find folders with large disk usage? (Win7) [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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My harddrive is approaching capacity and I'd like to find all the large folders on the drive to delete them manually. I searched for a way to do this and a lot of 3rd party utilities came up, but I was surprised I couldn't find a native win7 way of doing it. I don't have to do this often so I'd prefer not to install a tool specifically for this. I just need a listing of all folders that exceed a certain size.

Accessing mac partition from bootcamp Win7 [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I can access most of the folders on my mac partition but some I can't.. there is no pattern..
it says "xxxx is not accessible. Element not found."
Also I noticed that in some folders there is an old "snapshot".. the files have already moved but it is not reflected from the windows side... the strange thing is that I can still open some of the files that are actually no longer there (they moved to a subfolder for example).
What is going on? Can I make all my Mac files reliably accessible all the time?
thank you!
The solution: I installed MacDrive program in my Win7.. now the Mac partition is reliably readable and I can write to it also..

Where did these hex named folders come from? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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First off, I am using Windows XP. I have multiple hard drives and it looks like something decided to make some folders on the second one ( which is just a data drive, no os ). These folders all have names like "e69f29f1b1f166d3d30b8c9f7156ba" and "bd92c24cc278614082cd88e7a64b". They contain folders named update, whose "access is denied", so my best guess would be they are Windows updates. So I probably can't get rid of them but could someone at least explain what they are and why they are on the wrong drive?
Windows will always use the hard drive with the most space to download windows updates. This is what happened to you.
